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单词 terrified
释义  ter·ri·fied /ˈterɪfaɪd/ ●●○ adjective  FRIGHTENEDvery frightened 非常害怕的,极度惊恐的 a terrified little girl 一个惊恐万分的小女孩terrified of Sid is terrified of heights. 锡德有恐高症。 She was terrified of being caught. 她很怕被抓住。terrified (that) We were terrified that the bridge would collapse. 我们很害怕桥会倒塌。terrified at He was terrified at the thought of being stranded in the woods. 想到自己被困在树林里,他感到非常恐惧。terrified to do something He was terrified to stay home alone. 他很害怕独自一人待在家里。► see thesaurus at frightenedExamples from the Corpusterrified• I couldn't move - I was absolutely terrified.• She screamed, half terrified, half ecstatic, feeling like a mote of dust tossed on an endless ocean.• He returned to Cornbury a broken and terrified man.• Because of her marriage and her religion, she's terrified of a scandal.• Everyone was terrified of him on account of his frightful temper.• He's absolutely terrified of snakes.• She wanted to know, and yet was terrified of what he might tell her.• a terrified old woman• The faces of the four terrified teenagers looked up at us.• I was terrified that my father would find out I had lied to him.• The little boy cowered behind the tree, terrified to make a sound.• If he was terrified, why did he not run for safety, as any sensible rabbit would?• Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office, where terrified workers doused the flames and administered first aid.terrified to do something• I am terrified to look at them because I know I will collapse into helpless laughter.• The funny thing is that you feel terrified to stay and I feel terrified to go.ter·ri·fied adjectiveChineseSyllable  very frightened Corpus




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