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单词 Recollection
1. I have no recollection of meeting her before.
2. I have some / no recollection of that day.
3. My recollection of events differs from his.
4. I have a dim recollection of it.
5. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.
6. Recollection picture is piecing together,[/recollection.html] reminds my you to recede.
7. To the best of my recollection I was not present at that meeting.
8. I have only a vague recollection of sunshine and sand.
9. The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain.
10. The recollection adverse current becomes the river, submerged your me.
11. He had no recollection of the crash.
12. I have a vivid recollection of that old house.
13. She stared at him in sudden recollection.
14. My recollection of events differs from hers.
15. Such a problem has never arisen within my recollection.
16. His powers of recollection are extraordinary.
17. I have absolutely no recollection of the incident.
18. To the best of my recollection I have never seen her before.
19. Noone, to my recollection,() gave a second thought to the risks involved.
20. To the best of my recollection, she drives a Mercedes.
21. She had a dim recollection of a visit to a big house.
22. Laura had a dim recollection of someone telling her this before.
23. I had a dim recollection of having met her before.
24. The pilot had no recollection of the events leading up to the crash.
25. I have no recollection of how I found my way there in the dark.
26. To the best of my recollection , he was not there that day.
27. I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.
28. Pearce laughs heartily at the recollection.
29. Your recollection of what she said seems remarkably inaccurate.
30. I have no recollection of saying that.
1. I have no recollection of meeting her before.
2. My recollection of events differs from his.
3. I have a dim recollection of it.
4. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.
5. To the best of my recollection I was not present at that meeting.
6. I have only a vague recollection of sunshine and sand.
7. I have a vivid recollection of that old house.
8. I have absolutely no recollection of the incident.
9. I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.
31. What words they were, though, I have no recollection.
32. One personal recollection confirms this point aptly.
33. He paused for a moment in silent recollection.
34. Justin said, grimacing at the recollection.
35. Then he stiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection, gave a small yelp of terror and dashed into the gloom.
36. Even now the recollection seized him in the abdomen[Sentencedict], and a kind of sick longing made him tremble.
37. For instance, he may have no recollection of some member of his family.
38. No, he had no recollection of looking at the sweatpants the state put into evidence.
39. Of 112 outfits, I had only the haziest recollection of red, pink and leopard-print.
40. I have no recollection of this night-trip to the loo.
41. We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. George Bernard Shaw 
42. As Eadmer reported, there was nothing more precious to the older monks than the recollection of the saints and their miracles.
43. The recollection induced in Converse a sense of utter despair which he found soothing.
44. William Fannon, the author of this recollection, and Charles Shartle were well versed in shop ways.
45. What is the last recollection before losing consciousness and the first thing recalled after regaining awareness?
46. Pray for a girl, was all he said, to my recollection.
47. Not one of them, to my recollection, gave a second thought to the risks involved.
48. I have only a fragmentary recollection of the house where I grew up.
49. On the contrary, their recollection is embittered by the cruelty,[] exploitation and official oppression which they recall.
50. The recollection of the summer evening sunlight coming through the large window behind the preacher's head evokes many nostalgic memories.
51. That must have been the case, although I have no clear recollection.
52. The recollection of those whispered words came rushing back to haunt her.
53. He told the jury he had no recollection of the crash.
54. When Bud fires up the cast-iron Providence wood stove, a faint recollection of chickens emanates from the floor.
55. My dim recollection was that there was discussion of such questions in Mary Shelley's novel.
56. To be honest, my only recollection is of the surroundings.
57. Does their exceptional mental state determine both the quality of their performance and the vividness of their recollection of it?
58. But recollection also offers lessons that may guide future military decisions.
59. She had a hazy recollection of being carried out of the room.
60. To the best of my recollection I mentioned their existence as soon as you had expressed dissatisfaction with Northumberland Avenue.
61. Or perhaps it was that recollection, however poignant, was better than emptiness.
62. Instead he was led astray by the recollection of past triumphs.
63. One recollection of Leonard's concerns his reciting a prayer at Synagogue, which he got wrong.
64. I recognize it as a sigh, but have no recollection of authorizing its publication.
65. Recollection of grandparents thus appears strongest between women: granddaughters remembering grandmothers.
66. Recollection of the day it visited Millbrook is especially spine-chilling.
66. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
67. His pristine shield with the glittering cross was scarred and broken by blows of which he had no recollection.
68. The secondary pleasures of the imagination derive from recollection of objects no longer actually present.
69. Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.
70. The Vietnam War is well within his recollection.
71. I haven't the dimmest recollection of it.
72. Numberless recent massacres were still vivid in their recollection.
73. Hope we of acquaintanceship can become the fine recollection!
74. The recollection loosened a throng of benumbed sensations.
75. I have forgot my indelibility recollection.
76. I have forgotten indelibility recollection.
77. The special songfest gives me the special recollection.
78. His recollection of the campaign is not too clear.
79. He has a talent for recollection and anecdote.
80. He can't situate his recollection in any place or at any time.
81. We become aware of these ideas through recollection or anamnesis.
82. The inner-focusing narration with the first person is the most prevalent writing mode in Lu xun's novels, also(), the recollection mode is.
83. She slowly comprehended what he said, and went through the process of recollection.
84. I still had a misty recollection of a phoenix tree which was swaying its silhouette on a moonlit night seeming to tell the hurry of time and its withered yellow leavers was falling one after another.
85. The your world has not been difficult , I was stranded in - situ, no matter what recollection agglutination.
86. You, once is my loved one, then in the future, you will be all my recollection in which the foretime is unable to forget.
87. Later, tests revealed that her long term memory was intact, but she had no recollection of the previous 18 months , which included Kim.
88. I have a recollection of large , unbending women with great noses and rapacious eyes.
89. And , in addition to this , everything forgotten or unperceived before presented itself now to his recollection.
90. This paper associates with the circular relation between part and whole, to discuss Plato's recollection theory of knowledge, and give a trial resolution to "Meno's paradox".
91. Recognition memory dual - processing models implicate distinct retrieval processes of familiarity and recollection.
92. In this respect, Woolf usually employs such techniques as internal analysis, internal monologue, recollection, free association, and symbolic marks.
93. The concordant function of recollection enables an individual to find harmony with the world.
94. In read in g the above sentence, a curious apothegm of an old weather-beaten Dutch navigator come full upon my recollection.
95. He had a clear recollection of having witnessed the event.
96. She had a sudden burst of recollection and had to share it with me.
97. His recollection of having a flag torn off his army uniform mixes sadness, outrage and poetry in a manner that is quintessentially Wilsonian.
98. SLG in this game, you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War: the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade.
99. In comparison of Norland, it was poor and small indeed!--but the tears which recollection called forth as they entered the house were soon dried away.
100. Explicit memory is a conscious recollection of either episodic or semantic memory.
101. Jiangdi Lilongwe Korea is undoubtedly the most box office appeal of the current directors, in the vast majority of the audience's recollection, the film is from the "Shengsidiebian" began.
102. Energy-saving technologies, such as frequency conversion, heat recollection and ice storage, are rarely applied and only a part of buildings conduct energy-saving operation.
103. Suddenly his mind filled with the recollection of a song she used to sing.
104. The recollection of your sister's destitute condition determined me on an effort to save my life.
105. Batarfi's recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden's who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
106. The good dream brings the recollection that you dulcify, does the so bad dream, evil-foreboding dream, strange dream bring you what?
107. The rest of the half - year is a jumble in my recollection.
108. At last(/recollection.html), a sudden recollection seemed to flash upon him.
109. In the lower world Ajax chose to be a lion, guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.
110. The record classics, detain the recollection, " Knight-errant swordsman World" plays the video recording function to bring the brand - new game to experience!
111. In the nighttime version, by contrast, violent white lines cross the image in all directions, obfuscating a washed-out bed of flowers reduced to a symbolic recollection of its previous likeness.




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