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单词 Stock exchange
1 They bought some shares on the London stock exchange.
2 Wall Street made Friday's running on the international stock exchange.
3 The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies.
4 Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.
5 Bahrain's stock exchange closed up 10.09 points today at 2160.09.
6 Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today.
7 He lost his fortune gambling on the stock exchange.
8 Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today.
9 They sell shares in companies at the stock exchange.
10 Their action was in breach of Stock Exchange rules.
11 The New York Stock Exchange crashed in 1929.
12 The company is seeking a stock exchange listing .
13 Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points.
14 The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.
15 The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week.
16 The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change.
17 The news sent the Stock Exchange into a panic.
18 Investing on the Stock Exchange is a chancy business.
19 Trading on the stock exchange was light today.
20 Heavy gains were recorded on the Stock Exchange today.
21 The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today.
22 Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended.
23 Tom scored again in the stock exchange.
24 The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes.
25 He made a killing on the stock exchange.
26 There was frenetic trading on the Stock Exchange yesterday.
27 The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.
28 He spends his time wheeling and dealing on the stock exchange.
29 It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.
30 The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.
1 They bought some shares on the London stock exchange.
2 The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.
3 The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies.
4 Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.
5 Bahrain's stock exchange closed up 10.09 points today at 2160.09.
6 He spends his time wheeling and dealing on the stock exchange.
7 It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.
8 The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.
9 Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today.
31 News of the disaster hit the Stock Exchange around noon.
32 The stock exchange rallied in response to the announcement of massive American investment.
33 Several football clubs are now quoted on the Stock Exchange.
34 The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop.
35 The company is now quoted on the stock exchange .
36 The strength of the dollar is causing considerable disquiet on the Stock Exchange.
37 Share prices on the London Stock Exchange took a beating last week.
38 The London Stock Exchange was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century.
39 On London's Stock Exchange, 18.5 million shares were traded yesterday.
40 He is a well-known trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
41 It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds.
42 This triggered the recent dramatic falls on the Tokyo stock exchange.
43 The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
44 The police are going to clamp down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.
45 On the Stock Exchange, aggressive buying propped the market up.
46 She made a mint on the stock exchange last year.
47 It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange.
48 The workings of the Stock Exchange are beyond most people's ken.
49 The Stock Exchange is investigating both cases.
50 They are companies quoted on the stock exchange.
51 Here's Mike Bryer, reporting on the day's stock exchange.
52 Stock Exchange rallies strongly in response to open border.
53 Trading on the stock exchange was moderate Friday.
54 In the interim, the Stock Exchange implemented piecemeal reform.
55 She made a fortune on the stock exchange.
56 There was a late rally on the stock exchange.
57 The Stock Exchange is an information centre.
58 With agencies quoted on the Stock Exchange with turnover into the hundreds of millions, advertising is big business.
59 The charge on loans to brokers on stock exchange collateral.
60 Her father made his money speculating on the New York Stock Exchange.
61 First, we are principally concerned with insider dealing on impersonal stock exchange markets and not with face-to-face transactions.
62 Under the old Stock Exchange system, membership was through personal partnerships, generally with low capitalisation.
63 The London Stock Exchange has since introduced new rules which require an appropriate disclosure to be publically made.
63 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
64 The stock is the second-biggest decliner today, in percentage terms on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
65 The Stock Exchange thus reduces the cost of capital to companies.
66 Listing particulars A company which is seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange is obliged to prepare and publish listing particulars.
67 The finance minister said now was the time for winning over greater interest in the stock exchange.
68 The Stock Exchange disseminates information, and reflects it in the share price.
69 Shares in Popular led gainers midway through trading on the Madrid Stock Exchange.
70 The earnings announcement came before the opening of trading on the Madrid Stock Exchange.
71 Public companies, for example, may seek permission to have their shares quoted on the Stock Exchange.
72 This study examines these contrasts in detail, at a period when the Stock Exchange in London is introducing great reforms.
73 Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange often fluctuate wildly.
74 Such confidence was buttressed by other deals in late 1995 and the reopening of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
75 In addition, the Stock Exchange imposes conditions on companies wanting a listing.
76 It covers trading in all listed and unlisted securities, gilts, and other fixed interest securities on the London Stock Exchange.
77 Rogue troops are even suspected of participating in the car bombing at the Jakarta stock exchange in September that killed 15 people.
78 Some short-term interest rates rose by more than 1,000 %, and there were heavy losses on the Istanbul stock exchange.
79 Suddenly, an hour after the opening bell, the computers at the New York Stock Exchange flicker off.
80 A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment, which should occur within 10 days.
81 In the broader market, declining issues led advances 15-13 on volume of 675 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
82 PepsiCo was the most actively traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange.
83 It would be far easier to do a pull-together about a Stock Exchange crash or Bosnia.
84 Afterwards, the government was finally moved to insist that the stock exchange appoint a competent new management.
85 Quoted companies are subject to outside monitoring and scrutiny by the London Stock Exchange and the market.
86 He said yesterday that he was approached by headhunters for the £150,000 a year stock exchange job in August.
87 The repurchases will continue to be made on the New York Stock Exchange or in privately negotiated transactions, it said.
88 There is bad blood between the options market's leading dealing firms and the stock exchange.
89 The number of declining stocks outpaced the number of advancing issues on the New York Stock Exchange by about 12 to 11.
90 Clients of New York Stock Exchange members must put up at least $ 2, 000 in cash or securities to start.
91 The focus of investor attention was on the New York Stock Exchange, he said.
92 Membership of a public company is unlimited and shares, which are quoted on the Stock Exchange, are freely transferable.
93 The security must be listed on the Stock Exchange. 2.
93 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
94 The sharp decline was blamed on fears over the falling yen and over-valued stock prices on the Tokyo stock exchange.
95 Restrictive rules maintained the separation of these functions and limited Stock Exchange membership and the inflow of capital into existing firms.
96 Dundas Hamilton, former deputy chairman of the Stock Exchange, was once in the Brownies.
97 On top of the announcement, Tadpole is also filing for a full listing on the London Stock Exchange today.
98 This means that short selling shares for any period within a stock exchange account does not require stock borrowing.
99 The Royal Institution also perceives another difficulty with becoming a public company and obtaining a Stock Exchange quotation.
100 Mr Driscoll hopes to float the company on the Stock Exchange in December.
101 Her banker father had lost his fortune in the 1930 stock exchange crash.
102 On Jan. 24, 1990, a man carrying a bomb died while attempting to blow up the Istanbul stock exchange.
103 The pressure to deregulate came therefore not only from outside but from inside the Stock Exchange.
104 The day-to-day administration is the task of the secretariat of the stock exchange.
105 Small companies strike it rich by going public on the stock exchange.
106 If the stock exchange climbs 10 percent, for example, this particular stock will climb 10 percent as well.
107 An increasing amount of share trading, particularly in international shares, was bypassing the floor of the Stock Exchange.
108 As they became established, shares in many of them became quoted on the Stock Exchange.
109 Dealing in traded options is by open outcry on the once busy floor of the Stock Exchange.
110 Invariably, this also coincides with the end of the Stock Exchange settlement period.
111 In 1986 we became a full member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
112 However, not all public companies are quoted on the Stock Exchange.
113 The matter was not quickly resolved. In the interim, the Stock Exchange implemented piecemeal reform.
114 Almost six stocks gained in price for every five that fell on the New York Stock Exchange.
115 He had made a killing on the stock exchange that morning.
116 On the London Stock Exchange yesterday, Forte shares rose seven pence, to close at 351 pence.
117 County's share of New York Stock Exchange trading has grown sixfold, to 1.6%.
118 On the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, Philips shares fell 1. 1 guilders to 62. 4 guilders.
119 The Amsterdam Stock Exchange threatened to scratch its listing after the company reported its shareholder equity had turned negative.
120 Members of the arbitration court organized for the stock exchange are appointed by the general meeting for a fixed term.
121 An investigation by the Stock Exchange found that no malpractice occurred, however.
122 Trading started briskly on the New York Stock Exchange this morning.
123 A bout of selling on the stock exchange, perhaps,(Sentencedict) or a cold snap that reopens the fuel price issue.
124 The London Stock Exchange will not normally grant a temporary suspension for more than 48 hours.
125 On the New York Stock Exchange, 60 % of the listed stocks were rails.
126 On March 3 the rupee depreciated by 9.4 percent, although share prices rose sharply on the Bombay Stock Exchange.
127 The group announced tentative plans to obtain a Stock Exchange listing and float some of its shares.
128 A more serious consideration to my mind is the continued quotation of Ingard shares on the Stock Exchange.
129 More than 7 stocks fell for every 4 that rose on the New York Stock Exchange.
130 Bankinter shares dropped 50 pesetas to 12, 460 on the Madrid Stock Exchange.
131 The fictitious company even got quoted on the Stock Exchange.
132 The stock exchange was quickly evacuated after receiving a bomb threat.
133 The stock exchange functions also as a clearing house in respect of the dealings between the members.
134 Corporations qualify for access to this market if they have a stock exchange listing and net assets exceeding 50 million.
135 Telecom and smelting shares pulled down the broader Topix index of all shares on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
136 The insider must deal in securities on a recognized stock exchange,() which includes dealing in securities through an investment exchange.
137 Nonplused by the appearance of a woman, stock exchange officials told Paribas to choose a uniform for Sakuma.
138 Nynex CableComms' share price fell as much as 0. 5 pence to 97p on the London Stock Exchange.
139 The Toronto Stock Exchange 300 composite index rose 62.14 points, or 0.7 %, to 8778.54.
140 The number of declining stocks on the New York Stock Exchange outpaced advancing issues by 1, 160 to 1, 145.
141 As yet there is no formal stock exchange, although a handful of securities are traded on the over-the-counter market.
142 The Toronto Stock Exchange index of 300 major issues ended the year at 4713, up 12 %.
143 They can be sold quickly on the Stock Exchange if banks are short of cash.
144 Insider trading may also lead to a significant loss of confidence in the Stock Exchange, particularly amongst small investors.
145 Companies already listed on the Stock Exchange have two basic methods of raising additional equity capital: 1.
146 They are quoted on the Stock Exchange and underwritten by similar institutions to those which underwrite share issues.
147 Market purchases Purchases by the offeror or its concert parties of the target's shares on the London Stock Exchange.
148 It marked the beginning of the London Stock Exchange and an international trading boom for Britain.
149 My friends works at the New York Stock Exchange.
150 She lose all her money in stock exchange speculation.
151 The London Stock Exchange lists 522 foreign companies.
152 Leading share rises on the stock exchange.
153 The London Stock Exchange has already approved the merger.
153 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
154 Nasdaq buys 15 % stake in London Stock Exchange.
155 Mr Stanton wrote several books on stock exchange and must have made a bomb.
156 The Fund is closed-end, has a 10 year life and is listed on the London Stock Exchange.
157 A company type stock exchange shall file with the Commission the monthly accounting report of the previous month before the tenth day of each month.
158 About 7.04 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq, below the year-to-date average of 8.69 billion.
159 The stock exchange could use MQ LLM for its automatic trading and would want to add the event pattern capabilities of Business Events to identify in real-time any speculative and illegal behavior.
160 Finally, combined with the practice and deficiencies of Chinas Stock Exchange and Securities Industry Associations.
161 In the U.K. capital, police barred protesters from entering Paternoster Square, home to the London Stock Exchange.
162 The research reveals the fact that there do exist price determination between share A and B at Shanghai stock exchange.
163 Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brokers are tails up.
164 The New York Stock Exchange was a nonprofit organization that was largely self - supervising.
165 Bremen Stock Exchange ( 300 years ) and the Mercantile Exchange in Germany bear the entire north - west trade.
166 The role of the Market Maker on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is to augment liquidity, while maintaining the primacy of an order-driven continuous auction market based on price-time priority.
167 First, the fault-free term structure of interest rates (TSIR) is induced by the spline function model for the samples of treasury bonds from Shanghai Stock Exchange(SSE), and its validity is verified.
168 The merger of New York Stock Exchange and Euronext creates the first trans-Atlantic linkup of stock and derivatives markets, which is a typical representative in the exchange merging wave.
169 About 9.70 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq -- just above last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.
170 A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk?bearing fund it has collected, and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed.
171 About 6.71 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, well below last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.
172 In China, GEM should take the mode of securities exchanges which is independent of the main board stock exchange, and the mode of joint-stock company will be even proper.
173 Celanese Corp is publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange.
174 Specialists must meet strict minimum capital requirements before receiving approval by the New York Stock Exchange.
175 We also find that the term structure of interest rate in bond market in Shanghai Stock Exchange is more effective than in the inter-bank market.
176 Alpine shares listed on Second Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
177 There were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the Stock Exchange.
178 A group of investment banks led by Morgan Stanley managed China's Longyuan Power Group Corporation Ltd.'s $2.6 billion listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange in December.
179 On the steps of the Paris Stock Exchange the gold-skinned men quoting prices on their gemmed fingers.
180 The state - controlled oil giant listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange in 2000.
181 The bonds will be mandatorily exchangeable into common stock of one of its subsidiaries pending its successful initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
182 The American Depositary Shares of Phoenix New Media Ltd rose to $14.75, or 34.09% above their $11 IPO price on Thursday, their first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Reuters reported.
183 Class A shares of Berkshire rose 8% on the news Monday on the New York Stock Exchange, hitting $108, 449( ), but still are down 10% year-to-date.
184 A security that is not listed or traded on a stock exchange.
185 It was the 7 th consecutive consecutive daily loss on the New York Stock Exchange.
186 The company was not financially strong enough to be floated on the Stock Exchange.
187 Meanwhile we must normalize the market outside stock exchange and transaction outside market, second-board market, first-board market work together to support the sound development of venture capital.
188 The Shanghai Stock Exchange government bond index ended flat at 120.71.
189 Mr. Wells made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.
190 This Stock Exchange is the nerve centre, of all business activity and financial investments and stocks.
191 In morning trading, CIT shares fell 44 cents, or 61 percent, to 28 cents. The New York Stock Exchange said it would suspend trading in CIT prior to Tuesday's market open.
192 Beyond Asian borders, SGX could explore a tieup with the London Stock Exchange or team up with a weakened Deutsche Boerse if it misses out on NYSE Euronext.
193 It had 22 percent return on equity, the highest among banks listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange at the time, and 2.0 percent return on assets, with its 25 percent loan growth.
194 Stock exchange is the need for building Socialism Market Economy and it's an important mean to promote economic system reform, to perfect market system, to purify modern company system.
195 Chelsea is one of the most financially transparent clubs in Europe, publishing accounts and presenting them in a similar way to a publicly quoted company on the Stock Exchange.
196 Seventy-nine years ago this week, the New York Stock Exchange experienced the worst financial panic the country had ever seen.
197 January 21, SSE and the HKEx signed a "work more closely with Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchange Agreement" to further strengthen mutual cooperation.
198 Volume was light, with about 7.21 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below the daily average of 8.06 billion.
199 After the comments, the forint slid, the yield on 10-year Hungarian government bonds surged and shares on the Budapest Stock Exchange tumbled.
200 The Maputo stock exchange in Mozambique was set up in 1998 with the help of the Lisbon stock exchange.
201 Public securities issues not traded on any domestic stock exchange are traded in the OTC market.
202 The South African group could then retain its listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
203 Today, Frances Denney's parent company is publicly held and is listed on the American Stock Exchange.
204 GSL is to merge with Marathon Acquisition Corp, a shell company that listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006 after raising $309m from investors.
205 He belches And suck my thumping good Stock Exchange cigar while I read the Licensed Victualler's Gazette .
206 This paper also has some shortages, such as not considering the interaction effect between multiple factors and only analyzing the stock data of Shanghai Stock Exchange.
207 Note to Section II: Please state whether on the Exchange, on another stock exchange (stating the name of the exchange), by private arrangement or by general offer.
208 Any other document as prescribed by the listing rules of the stock exchange.
209 Another initiative was the listing of Exchange Fund Notes on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
210 The templates and preparation rules for annual reports, half-yearly reports and quarterly reports shall comply with relevant rules formulated by CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
211 In Sydney, some A$750 million of property assets are currently up for grabs, including the Australian Stock Exchange building in the central business district.
212 A large American Stock Exchange has been profitable through the sale of stock trading information.
213 There is the biggest American Stock Exchange in the Wall Street.
214 A trader a lull in business at the Karachi stock exchange in Pakistan.
215 Article 11 A company type stock exchange shall be a company limited by shares incorporated via promotion.
216 At the beginning of 1993, Shanghai Stock Exchange began the futures business of Treasure Bonds.
217 The Stock Exchange is the front - line regulator for the GEM stocks.
218 Price of share B predetermined price of share A, while there is no price predetermination at Shenzhen stock exchange.
219 In China the stock exchange is now in general a non-profit-making valid thing with membership system.
220 Largely because of the legal grey zone in which they thrive, pachinko parlour operators are not listed on the stock exchange. The producers of the machines, however, are tipped to perform strongly.
221 Members of the Stock Exchange only deal in listed securities.
222 In the nineteen-twenties, fewer than a third of the firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange even bothered to publish quarterly reports.
223 He made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.
224 About 7.66 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.
225 Many countries all around the world establish and reform their stock exchange turnover tax, and make a lot of research and practice about it.
226 India has a reasonably sound banking system and a long - established stock exchange.
227 Along with selling its cash engine, Nortel also announced it would seek to sell its remaining assets and delist its shares from the Toronto Stock Exchange.
228 There is a fictional stock exchange and a stock broker with multiple stock traders who each make a number of trades.
229 Risk Premium of the Term Structure of Repo Rates in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
230 The stock market, the New York Stock Exchange, had become a national pastime.
231 Volume was strong with about 13.06 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, well above last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.
232 Volume was light, with about 7.3 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, well below last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.
233 Volume was low, with about 7.83 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below last year's daily average of 8.47 billion.
234 No part of our share or loan capital is listed on or dealt in on any other stock exchange and no such listing or permission to deal is being or proposed to be sought in the near future.
235 It was the 7th consecutive daily loss on the New York Stock Exchange.
236 The banks investments are nearly all in securities issued or guaranteed by the British Government and quoted on the Stock Exchange.
237 I wouldn't start a company in the UK and list on the London Stock Exchange.
238 Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation system. It is the largest computerized stock exchange in the.
239 About 6.1 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below the year-to-date average of 8.67 billion.
240 Its component stocks are equal to 80% of the total market value of all stocks traded in New York Stock Exchange.
241 Before 2003, no Chinese pharmaceutical company had floated on US stock exchange.
242 Kraft shares fell to $26.70 in after-hours trading, down from the New York Stock Exchange close of $27.54.
243 Yes, but what happens to company,(/stock exchange.html) in particular a public company on the stock exchange?
244 London Stock Exchange mergers with Borsa Italiana , creating Europe's leading equity platform.
245 Only registered stock exchange associated persons may engage in the business as referred to in Article 3.
246 American Stock Exchange building is really a massive building in New York.
247 Article 112. A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk?bearing fund it has collected, and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed.
248 London Stock Exchange today, rising stocks and declining stocks was about 2 to 1.
249 Hughes began his association with network marketing after a successful career as Vice President and Financial Management Advisor with a member firm of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
250 I am China dragon stock exchange open an account partner.
251 fund, which will be managed by the stock exchange administrative board.




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