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单词 Grossly
1. He had grossly misused his power.
2. The city is grossly undercharging companies to use the land.
3. Medical records were found to be grossly inadequate.
4. At present many schools' sports grounds are grossly underused.
5. The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.
6. He presents the theory in a grossly simplified form.
7. Much of the money was grossly misspent.
8. The punishment was grossly disproportionate to the crime.
9. I thought the decision was grossly unfair.
10. The maintenance staff are grossly underpaid.
11. The animals had been grossly ill-treated.
12. Press reports have been grossly exaggerated.
13. The staff are grossly overworked.
14. He was accused of grossly distorting the facts.
15. The TV documentary grossly oversimplified the problem.
16. Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.
17. The airport is currently grossly underused.
18. I think he's grossly overpaid for what he does.
19. These statistics grossly misrepresent the reality.
20. Lambert was grossly overweight .
21. The numbers of people involved have been grossly inflated by the media.
22. The media have grossly inflated the significance of this meeting.
23. The story was grossly exaggerated by certain sections of the press.
24. In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.
25. She is grossly obese.
26. It is grossly unfair to impute blame to the United Nations.
27. We live in a desperately and grossly unfair world.
28. These incidents were grossly distorted by police witnesses.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.
30. He is too proud to admit that he had been grossly in error.
1. He had grossly misused his power.
2. The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.
3. The city is grossly undercharging companies to use the land.
4. He presents the theory in a grossly simplified form.
5. The punishment was grossly disproportionate to the crime.
6. I thought the decision was grossly unfair.
7. He is too proud to admit that he had been grossly in error.
31. The police are poorly trained and grossly underpaid.
32. It grossly exaggerates the amount of subjective culpability.
33. Analysts grossly overvalued the company's inventories.
34. For the interactionists this was grossly inadequate.
35. It was grossly uncool doing up.
36. He accepted he'd been grossly stupid and foolhardy.
37. The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims.
38. Often these acts of kindness came from the same men who had grossly failed to exercise judgment on previous occasions.
39. Put in this way, management of the economy seems to have been grossly at fault.
40. But the more all of us looked at it, we have found it grossly inadequate.
41. The lanced foot has a grossly exaggerated flexion reflex for days.
42. And second, the theory grossly underestimates the severity of some forms of spectator violence.
43. I suggest that the mirror has severe distortions, and perhaps Harley is seeing things grossly out of proportion.
44. That the Hammers should have been penalised for it, however, seems grossly unfair.
45. But the story has been twisted and the characters grossly miscast.
46. Critics claimed that economic success had done little to alleviate fundamental problems of poverty and the grossly unequal distribution of income.
47. In the inevitable lecture series that followed, few would be intrigued by a grossly overweight, fortyish prude.
48. In particular, the role of language in the equation has been grossly underestimated.
49. Viceversa, the proportion of the professional group living in grossly under-occupied housing is twice as great.
50. Grossly normal appearing gastric biopsy specimens were taken from healthy volunteers.
51. Salina arrived at the clinic with a grossly swollen foot which had to be lanced on the spot.
52. In addition medical examinations and records are often grossly inadequate.
53. They reported that, while our professional conduct department represented good value for money, it was grossly overloaded.
54. The organization said that the composition of the court grossly violated the constitutional rights of the suspects.
55. Difficulties arise in patients who are grossly obese and in those who have undergone extensive surgery in the upper abdomen.
56. The Boston tea-party was a famous turning point in history and grossly misinterpreted by Westminster.
57. It is still appallingly ill thought out and it will be grossly unfair.
58. They tended to exaggerate grossly the role which the intelligentsia could play regardless of socio-economic developments.
58. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
59. In February 1977 Serfaty was finally put on trial in Kenitra, which Amnesty considered grossly unfair.
60. If the recording process lacks substance, is grossly time-consuming, or meaningless, then there must be major modifications.
61. The blond young man from the back door stepped into the living room; his nose was running grossly and copiously.
62. Of course, this was grossly disproportionate to their strength in terms of votes.
63. Even when secret services are grossly incompetent they get away with it.
64. She was grossly overweight.
65. That he went grossly wrong in applying the standard does not mean that the standard as such was inapplicable.
66. Their work is not accounted for, and so their further development potential is grossly neglected.
67. The impossibility of shaking them in cross-examination would make such a reform grossly unfair to the media.
68. People who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.
69. To say however that this route supplies the only reliable way to knowledge is grossly to overstep its boundaries.
70. Transnational oil and mining companies pollute rivers and finance grossly disruptive mines.
71. Some people are better than others in the use of words, but for some feelings, words always seem grossly inadequate.
72. He was kept busy writing lectures for he found the faculty grossly understaffed.
73. He described the article as grossly defamatory ... and said the case contained the essentials of a malicious falsehood action.
74. It's grossly unfair for television to single out one player from one game and conduct a kangaroo court there and then.
75. It is possible to distinguish, albeit rather grossly, between two contrasting philosophical positions regarding the relationship between theory and data.
76. This is not only grossly unfair, it is an impediment to good lending.
77. Gorgeous lavender-blue orchid-like blooms in short spikes above curious glossy foliage with grossly inflated leaf bases.
78. Grossly disproportionate amounts of money per pupil for each system reinforced these differences.
79. Whilst some now characterise the relationship as grossly unfavourable, others draw the line at calling it less favourable.
80. A labouring person who aspires to a better and more rewarding life is judged to be grossly deceived.
81. Grossly unfair treatment could affect your physical and mental well-being, as well as that of members of your close family.
82. A very high proportion of prisoners come from a background of grossly limited educational and economic opportunity.
83. Nevertheless, to conceive of parents as utterly static in the child's psychological life is likely to distort the picture grossly.
84. This was, of course, dismissed by supporters of devolution as a grossly unfair caricature.
85. The Mercator projection gives a popular, rectilinear picture of the Earth's surface but grossly exaggerates dimensions near the poles.
86. Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient.
87. Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion.
88. Her smiles were grossly alluring.
89. These concerns are grossly overblown.
90. John said it was grossly exaggerated.
91. Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.
92. Grossly, areas of caseation appear cheese-like.
93. But many economists reckon that is grossly overstated.
94. Alien 2 : The human animals, grossly undersized.
95. "This revised standard for lead in consumer paint is grossly overdue, " adds Clark.
96. He has a bleeding de-gloving scalp laceration, multiple facial lacerations, a grossly distended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern.
97. Usually, the initial symptoms are puffiness of the face or grossly urine or headache and vomiting.
98. The hemosiderin from the hemorrhage produces the grossly brown color.
99. Yet there is need for some tort reform because there is too much litigation, compensatory damages are often too low, and punitive damages have sometimes been grossly excessive.
100. The tumor is bright yellow and grossly resembles zona fasciculata seen in the specimen.
101. High frequency instabilities result in grossly increased convective heat transfer coefficients in the chamber walls.
102. But Buffett usually plays the odds masterfully and now says risk is grossly overpriced.
103. He thus addressed him:"Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me."
104. He thus addressed him, "Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me indeed, " bleated the lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not born then.
105. In others, the IT department is not fully funded or is not serious about quality, either of which can lead to a testing department that is grossly overworked.
106. He added that the Republicans had been "grossly outspent" by groups affiliated with the Democratic Party.
107. Grossly, the tumors are poorly circumscribed, gray-white, and may have flecks of calcification.
108. We shall take a grossly simplified view for present purposes.
109. We're all suffering merely to serve their selfish ends, which is grossly unfair!
110. Regardless of cause, the glaucomatous eye is grossly abnormal in the later stages.
111. Grossly, the cerebral infarction at the upper left here demonstrates liquefactive necrosis.
112. It is grossly unfair that some families'lives are dominated by the horrors of genetic disease.
113. Krueger said in an interview in his office, where stacks of economic data sit on bookshelves and tables. "We grossly underspend on statistics."
114. The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.
115. The value of his work as a masterpiece of logic has been very grossly exaggerated.
116. Necrosis of liver parenchyma was observed both grossly and histologically.
117. After 2 weeks, X-CT showed that the administered liver lobe observed liquified necrosis and liver atrophy grossly, also liver cell die away extensive1y in pathological sections.
118. The traditional explanation of the Trinity is grossly inadequate and borders on tritheism.
119. He said that in Egypt, Coptic Christians[/grossly.html], women and young people have been grossly underrepresented in government.
120. The Heritage Foundation, for one, responded to Budget Office estimates on Waxman-Markey with a broadside titled, "C.B.O. Grossly Underestimates Costs of Cap and Trade."
121. Orcus appears as a grossly fat demon some 15 feet tall.
122. Grossly (gastroscopy): lesions were multifocal or diffuse, hyperemia , edema on mucosa appearing darkly red . Petechial hemorrhage or erosion were seen , occasionally yellow-white mucous exudate.
123. Since 1992 more and more research has shown that the USDA pyramid is grossly flawed.
124. A pursuer might in petitory action conclude for...a grossly extravagant sum.
125. Still have netizen analysis: The person with normal any, the video with unapt so grossly unjust transmission, the behind the curtain directs certain somebody.
126. Trichoepithelioma is an uncommon benign tumor. It appears grossly as pink to flesh-colored and differentiates toward hair structure.




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