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单词 Privileged
1. Discussions between a lawyer and client are privileged communications.
2. I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.
3. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.
4. Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.
5. They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.
6. As an ambassador, she enjoys a very privileged status.
7. I was privileged to lead the team.
8. She came from a financially privileged background.
9. Those in authority were in a privileged position.
10. They come from a privileged/wealthy background.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. Only the privileged few can afford private education.
12. She comes from a privileged background.
13. He came from a very privileged background.
14. She came from a privileged background.
15. We are very privileged to have Senator Dobbs with us this evening.
16. How can anyone so privileged have any understanding of the common man?
17. We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, resonant with past conflicts.
18. We are privileged tonight to have as our distinguished guest Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs.
19. Kylie feels fortunate to be in such a privileged position because of her successful TV career.
20. Only the privileged few could afford to send their children to private schools.
21. He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment.
22. This information is privileged.
23. He pursued his own interests, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee.
24. In those days, only a privileged few had the vote.
25. The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.
26. Things no longer being for the privileged few?
27. Taylor enjoyed privileged access to the presidential files.
28. For official artists it meant living a privileged life.
29. They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged.
30. Brought up in what he describes as 'a middle class ghetto', he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was.
1. Discussions between a lawyer and client are privileged communications.
2. I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.
3. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.
4. Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.
5. They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.
6. Only the privileged few could afford to send their children to private schools.
31. Most trainees enjoy privileged access to top executives.
32. Phemonoe was privileged to entertain mortal lovers at will.
33. The world is privileged to have you in it.
34. Their old privileged status is gone.
35. Men are in a very privileged position.
36. Hence their privileged presence in his penthouse flat.
37. They had no specially privileged status.
38. A few came from relatively privileged backgrounds.
39. The settlers were determined to retain their privileged status.
40. But the proportion was still impressive, and it assured the political and social preponderance of the privileged classes.
40. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
41. This is a besieged, privileged and panicked minority at prayer.
42. As for the army, it is a proud and privileged, secretive and insulated institution.
43. You are privileged to be able to witness our ritual.
44. The privileged position of the nobility seemed threatened, too, by the growing professionalization of the bureaucracy and the army.
45. Women not in immediate physical danger were considered privileged enough and therefore not entitled to aspire to or expect equality.
46. Suddenly, Dawson caught a whiff of a life he would never lead:complex, relaxed, privileged.
47. He was readily obeyed, even when he outraged the sensibilities of the privileged and rode roughshod over their traditional rights.
48. A cycling population would be fitter, healthier and more egalitarian than one reliant on privileged personal access to a car.
49. I really enjoyed our conversations and feel privileged to have shared their very personal experiences.
50. Three privileged siblings who discover they all have different fathers - and none is the man their mother is married to.
51. I felt very privileged to have stumbled upon such a rare sight.
52. It brings home major national and world events that formerly were available on a first-hand basis only to the privileged few.
53. If the report is directed to less privileged and well-informed mortals, either avoid it or explain it.
54. Secondary education was available for the more fortunate and higher education was reserved for the privileged few.
55. Karen was not an average City College student, but nobody would have thought to call her privileged.
56. Even so-called tax havens may fail to live up to their privileged reputation.
57. Those who are privileged achieve the competence with which to shape the future.
58. Ministers were as anxious as their predecessors to preserve Britain's privileged position in the Western alliance.
59. Artisans and traders living on this privileged land escaped the tax and other service duties of townsmen.
60. But in the matter of the relations between a general oral and a privileged literate culture, the shift is crucial.
61. We are privileged to be part of one of the largest worldwide banking groups.
62. Control of kinship linkages lies at the heart of privileged class reproduction.
63. For most students education in the universities and professional and technical colleges promised access to a relatively privileged position in society.
64. Her privileged upbringing had not equipped her for hard work in the fields.
65. You don't need to have a rich or privileged background to make a difference in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
66. It was an ancient, historic weapon that d'Arquebus had been privileged to handle.
67. Such groups are constructed as the bearers of privileged knowledge or agency, by virtue of their social location.
68. The tensions of wartime could easily turn anger against refugees who were thought to be getting privileged treatment.
69. Licences for fire-arms were issued under careful control and the hunting confined to a privileged few.
70. Delco, Hydra-matic[ ], and other such component divisions continued to serve as the privileged in-house vendors.
71. McCarthy was a lucky child, privileged and loved by beautiful parents.
72. I feel privileged to see behind the scenes, if only a little.
73. Labov's work to redeem, as it were, underprivileged speech also entailed a revealing critique of more privileged forms.
74. Alice gratefully laughed with her, feeling privileged and special in this intimacy with Pat that admitted her into important conspiracy.
75. Bearded, he dresses with a casual elegance that reflects a privileged upbringing.
76. This respected man of medicine lived a privileged life as the personal physician to Emperor Galerius.
77. The investigation into his former tactician, Gary Jobson, was begun because Koch believed Jobson was publishing privileged information.
78. Thus even for the privileged few the length of time during which they can enjoy their peak earnings is being restricted.
79. The conservative opposition was composed of the privileged orders and institutions whose position had been challenged by liberal legislation.
80. I was privileged to use the leadership principles Chuck Yeager describes in leading radical transformations in four major Air Force organizations.
81. Nevertheless, that I may be privileged to tread upon flagstones that worshippers have trod for centuries is a joy.
82. Yet the defining characteristic of all patronal social relations is the privileged situation of the patron.
83. Will we as lawyers use our privileged positions to extend our influence, or resist the urge to make ourselves indispensable?
84. A further example is the critique by Baudrillard of utility as privileged signified, which was noted in chapter 3.
85. How dare I even think of writing about my own minor inconveniences, my privileged experience?
86. This helps explain why pentecostalism is attracting most of its membership among the impoverished majority rather than among the privileged few.
87. We were privileged to have been invited ... one doesn't make difficulties ....
88. On what basis could counsel claim such a data file was irrelevant or privileged?
89. Introduction 1.1 Attention to the privileged role of information specialists in organizational and stratification research is not new.
90. When such interest groups can help the government implement policy, they enjoy a privileged position.
91. Should counselors violate privileged communication by reporting suspected cases of abuse or neglect?
92. And I felt privileged to be a member of his inner circle.
93. The family remained ostensibly a privileged domain, even while it was being legally and ideologically constructed and unified.
94. The appearance of privileged communities was not quite as haphazard as it may seem.
95. N., the national agencies held veto power, giving them a privileged status befitting their clout and status.
96. Humans could no longer be allowed any such privileged, mystical feature as free will to distinguish them.
97. Power and reward are distributed unequally in most societies, and so the privileged will be much freer.
98. The privileged sign in at a large book attached by a thin chain to a sort of lectern.
99. As all but a few privileged children have an income below the tax threshold, this interest will be tax-free.
100. Indeed,[http:///privileged.html] because they were exclusively peasant institutions they actually widened the gap between peasants and privileged.
101. The user group with an inherently greater potential for implementation is the more privileged section of the society.
102. The double standard that divided the privileged and the poor, men and women, educated and uneducated was pervasive.
103. The idea of the state revolves around notions of its privileged position of power and rule.
104. The parliamentary party was thus a relatively young group of men, with the most privileged also the youngest.
105. The hedonist has a privileged place in ethics; his is the case which stands if every other falls.
106. The wonders of Ease Gill are available only to a privileged few intrepid explorers.
107. He was sentenced to between five and 15 years after a trial which exposed the privileged lifestyle of rich New York youngsters.
108. The Royals seem to use the royal yacht purely for privileged leisure cruising - at our vast expense.
109. However unfounded the allegations made on a protected occasion may subsequently prove, they are privileged unless made with malice.
110. Nizan occupied a privileged position in Sartre's life both intellectually and emotionally.
111. The search for certainty of this sort requires that one side of a dichotomy be privileged while its other is denigrated.
112. They belonged to that earnest minority among the privileged, devoted to plain-living and high-thinking.
113. He suggests that in all cases contradictory discourses are neutralised by the dominant, privileged discourse.
114. We feel privileged to have had the chance to be part of such a valuable learning experience.
115. In many countries today only a privileged minority get the chance of going to university.
116. This privileged position of an individual's wishes over the wishes of others also finds its expression in the concept of segat.
117. That is, everything must feed into a privileged representation in order for the brain to be conscious.
118. I consider myself highly privileged to have been the first Minister for consumer protection in a completely independent consumer protection Department.
119. This approach by no means necessarily reflects lack of sympathy for the lot of the least privileged in society.
120. The employee's affidavit was already in existence and the copy when first received by the defendants was not privileged.
121. It does not guarantee you some privileged place on earth.
122. What most of us fear is the righteous anger of the under privileged.
123. It was a hangout of the privileged classes, smug, snobbish, and perfectly content to remain small.
124. For the moment, she forms part of a privileged minority who have a home in the real Prado.
125. Impeccably decked out in designer threads and carrying microscopic mobile phones, they had a fresh-faced, privileged look.
126. Can they reach point B, thereby preserving their privileged position as insiders?
127. She wrote like a privileged amateur, a rich person entertaining herself.
128. It gives those of a less privileged social background better opportunities for appointment and promotion.
129. He is a keen numismatist and this year we were privileged in that he himself prepared the coins for sale.
130. The A list is a privileged lot that is treated like royalty and given the utmost respect.
131. You have the privilege of having found a lovely woman, privileged and - you know this better than I do unique.
132. However, those privileged to make the journey to Cape Wrath can be sure of a memorable experience.
133. The Corinthians are not in the privileged position of judges between theological niceties.
134. In addition a doctor mentioned the advantage of his privileged background and several people indicated that they came from medical families.
135. This prediction, according to the same source, was based on her privileged knowledge.
136. So, speaking generally, statements made at meetings of local authorities are thus privileged.
137. Golf is not privileged and much as it likes to think of itself as such, Augusta is not a cathedral.
138. Standing against them, however, is a multibillion-dollar smuggling network that will not give up its privileged position without a fight.
139. There were a number of such privileged gatehouse stations to the aristocracy.
140. Academic, or theoretical(), discourse is not privileged but is instead a form of accounting which uses abstraction to illuminate.
141. The trouble is that only a few are privileged to see that side.
142. My privileged position allows me to indulge in self-pity and despair.
143. The room hummed with the soft tones of privileged conversations.
144. The view that this small and privileged class will retain its power and income is naive.
145. Of these five children two others also gave up their privileged positions in society to promote a new order.
146. And the prime actors-the privileged few-could get very upset by this.
147. Modern surveys have revealed the extent to which the public expects the Royal Family to earn its privileged position.
148. It was above all the smile of dramatic irony, of those who have privileged information.
149. Underneath the hard surface are really nice people. The trouble is that only a few are privileged to see that side.
150. Shelley hugged herself in the moonlight, and felt very privileged.
151. Her privileged position now proved her undoing.
152. His privileged bourgeois family insisted on a good education.
153. I am no longer privileged to tease you.
154. Employees are privileged to buy at a discount.
155. Gravity holds a privileged position.
156. Mr Nixon argued the tapes were privileged.
157. How is my data protected against privileged user abuse?
158. They have privileged access, " explained Snyder.
159. Meanwhile, the Chinese public is fascinated by Ms. Hung's personal brand, her family background, and her tongue-in-cheek commentary that offers a glimpse into the world of China's privileged class.
160. Family problems are found in every class, he said, but were more common among the less privileged.
160. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
161. I feel very privileged to be part of this spiritual work and look forward to many years of joyous anticipation of new messages from Ariana and the other members of Cloverleaf.
162. A hacker can become a highly privileged user with administrative controls and get out of a virtual machine and then execute malicious programs on the hypervisor.
163. Knoll said. " Most of them are privileged and think they want to try something new. "
164. They are reacting, the article argues, against what they perceive to be a shift toward a European social model in which they would lose their privileged position.
165. Hepatology Digest: The liver is known as an immunologically privileged organ in solid organ transplants.
166. For example, a hacker can enter in the guise of a privileged user with administrative access controls and perform malicious activities that a legitimate system administrator did not initially notice.
167. The Linux kernel is what's known as a monolithic kernel, which means that the majority of the operating system functionality is called the kernel and runs in a privileged mode.
168. His background, though it might misleadingly be called privileged, was mixed up.
169. The findings show a massive disparity in ministerial access for different types of groups – corporate interests clearly have privileged access.
170. Waist-hip ratio and cognitive ability: is gluteofemoral fat a privileged store of neurodevelopmental resources?
171. Inequalities could also create an economic elite that may derail reforms to protect its privileged position.
172. As America's best friend, with privileged access to intelligence, it feels compelled to take part in America's wars.
173. You can find other tools that help supplement sudo to provide more robust privileged user management.
174. After analyzes the characteristics of program behavior, we present the thoughts to monitor program behavior on the degree of privileged program.
175. The refined love in the cavalier literature indicates the immorality of the privileged stratum and demonstrates the bourgeois ideological sprout which embodies the progressive aspect of history.
176. Though histiny peephole gave him privileged access to a never-before-seen microscopicuniverse, he spent an enormous amount of time looking at spermatozoa, asthey're now called.
177. Reports that the prime minister, who eschews formal dress for fear of reviving his privileged Old Etonian image, would wear a plain suit provoked criticism from many quarters.
178. Every American soldier coming to Britain was almost certain to consider himself a privileged crusader.
179. I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.
180. JOHN EDWARDS has been saying since 2004 that there are two Americas—the America of the rich and privileged and the America of the poor and put-upon.
181. None of them should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other illegal trade practices.
182. His outspoken honesty continues to irk those in power or who are privileged, but endears him to ordinary people.
183. How many people today really imagine "art" as a privileged category, exempt from the machinations of the marketplace?
184. Which command will you use at the user mode to enter the privileged mode?
185. A handful of Indians control 80% of stock-market capitalization, and big companies have privileged access to land and government contracts, according to a 2009 Asian Development Bank report.
186. They may need to write to a privileged location like a mail queue directory, or open a privileged network socket.
187. But some networks of loyalty had devastating effects, as when the privileged, brainy circle round Kennedy led America into Vietnam.
188. This privileged, one - child generation has high disposable income through work or inheriting all their parents'assets.
189. Venerable but not fusty, privileged but not showy, secure its sense of excellence, but not arrogant, Oxford is, in a word, civilized.
190. The basic account may be used for making orders or may be enhanced by an authorized user to allow more privileged access.
191. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe,[http:///privileged.html] are challenged by this point of pale light.
192. I am privileged to be here today as Hitachi Global Storage Technologies' first President of Greater China, representing our 24000 employees here in China and elsewhere around the world.
193. With less code in the hypervisor (pushing the device emulation into the less privileged user space), the less chance of leaking privileges to untrusted users.
194. I am still an onlooker and my position is privileged.
195. A mink coat is available only to the privileged few.
196. Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privileged human beings.
197. However, Call Me Dave (CMD) is seen by most people as a bit of a "toff" - a member of the privileged classes who is used to the finer things in life.
198. Random Password Manager controls privileged account access by updating, storing, and allowing audited recovery of every local account password in the multi-platform enterprise.
199. A participant or privileged participant shall encipher any payment instruction it makes, and a payment instruction shall have effect once it is given.
200. Increasingly, that grievance focuses on what Chinese mockingly call the "guan er dai" and "fu er dai" — the "second generation," children of privileged government officials and the super-rich.
201. In his appeals to the common man, his attacks on privileged wealth, and his help in building a new sort of mass political party, he advanced the causes of equal rights and majoritarian democracy.
202. Especially in Egypt, it was intended to legitimize the privileged status of the Hellene relative to the "native" Egyptian.
203. The commands in Listing 17 defines a privileged user who would be authorized to do administrative work for this AFS cell.
204. Many attacks succeed because an intruder was able to obtain or guess a password for a privileged user.
205. a privileged Wasp background.
206. People born or grown in underprivileged circumstances can be privileged in terms of other things.
207. Sacramental Marriage is a privileged participation in this new creation inaugurated with the proclamation of the Kingdom.
208. Examples are: attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow, underflow, and divide by zero.
209. "I am concerned that the distribution of the vaccine is resulting in favored treatment for the privileged," New Jersey Democratic Representative Frank Pallone said.
210. I cannot believe that a system is good, or even reasonable, which thrusts upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes of treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few.
211. Only a privileged few elephant seal bulls will become beach masters, controlling dozens of females and reproducing abundantly.
212. AIM: To investigate if the immunological tolerance induced by superantigen staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB) takes part in the reaction at the immune privileged site.
213. We compared the CPU utilization (both user and privileged mode utilization), average transactions per minute, and NotesBench response times.
214. The residents involved are by and large middle class and privileged — doctors, financiers, retired government bureaucrats — who thought they were immune to such capriciousness.
215. "You will find more of the overachiever culture in privileged areas because they're so driven toward getting into a prestigious school. " Says Robbins, "but it transcends class lines.
216. This channel for communication is both efficient and secure, permitting privileged and non-privileged applications to coexist.
217. Recall that kernel mode represents the privileged mode for code execution, while user mode represents the non-privileged mode (for programs running outside the kernel).
218. Judges were immune from taxation and confiscation of their property, making them a privileged elite.
219. This was just one of nearly 300 comets discovered by SOHO since 1996, thanks mainly to the privileged view of the sky around the Sun given by the visible-light coronagraph LASCO.
220. Always run under least - privileged user accounts and assign only needed permissions.
221. But at least part of the companies' successes depend on privileged access to capital and their close relationships with China's power structure.
222. It also permits arbitrary device emulation without having to burden the hypervisor (which operates in a privileged state) with this functionality.
223. Most felt their generation was more privileged and money - orientated than their predecessors.
224. But Kaashoek and Zeldovich have been working to minimize the number of operating-system subroutines that require that privileged access.
225. The divide between the exorbitantly privileged and the original sinners was especially deep after the East Asian crisis of 1997-98.
226. They rig the game in other ways, too[Sentence dictionary], enjoying privileged access to land and permits.
227. In the cities decent pensions are almost as rare, except among workers in the privileged state sector.
228. Running a session as a privileged user should be avoided for security reasons.




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