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单词 Proxy
(1) You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.
(2) We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting.
(3) My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.
(4) You can vote either in person or by proxy .
(5) He made his wife his proxy.
(6) Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.
(7) They were like proxy parents to me.
(8) You can vote by proxy.
(9) She is acting as proxy for her husband.
(10) Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.
(11) Can I nominate someone as a proxy to sign for me?
(12) Your proxy may attend the meeting if you are unable to attend.
(13) Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.
(14) But it was a summit by proxy.
(15) She had sent Rose as her proxy.
(16) Men keep an eye on their wives by proxy.
(17) A proxy is some one who votes at the polling station for you.
(18) Proxy consent, decision making on another's behalf, is well known to the law.
(19) The proxy might be efficient when the market portfolio is inefficient. 2.
(20) Investors buy and sell Telebras stock as a proxy for the 52 shares that make up the Bovespa index.
(21) Proxy settings Most Access Providers have a server that caches copies of popular Web sites.
(22) This makes it possible for the proxy to execute efficient caching of documents that are requested by a number of clients.
(23) If you specify this machine's address as your proxy server, it should make browsing faster.
(24) On 10 April the marriage was solemnized by proxy at Paris, and soon afterwards his bride set out to meet him.
(25) The number of patients on a doctor's list was seen as a good proxy for assessing how hard they work.
(26) If you will not be able to vote on polling day, you may vote by proxy.
(27) The guidelines say electronic tagging should only be used with the consent of residents or a proxy.
(28) Mr Ball expressed concern about likely members and honorary members, with many proxy votes.
(29) Sharpe calculated a benchmark ratio using the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the market portfolio.
(30) Second, mortality rates have sometimes been used as a proxy for morbidity rates.
(1) You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.
(2) We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting.
(3) My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.
(4) You can vote either in person or by proxy .
(5) Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.
(31) Proxy Application Gateways A proxy application gateway is a special server that typically runs on a firewall machine.
(32) The proxy might be inefficient when the market portfolio is efficient.
(33) They have to be defended by proxy, and they are both in the same boat.
(34) First, the Keynesian function includes current national income, whereas Friedman is using permanent income as a proxy for total wealth.
(35) In the usual case, all clients within a given subnet use the same proxy.
(36) Those proxy votes must be used in support of incumbent management unless the shareholder specifically instructs the bank otherwise.
(37) There are few data available which explicitly measure demand and all forecasts have used the number of entrants as a proxy.
(38) The 90 day treasury bill rate was used as a proxy for the risk-free rate of interest.
(39) Milosevic dispatched his troops to fight those wars, then to advise proxy armies.
(40) My stepmother was an agent of emotional estrangement, of war by proxy, combat by youth, and chronic discipline.
(41) Parents are now full shareholders, no longer limited to voting by proxy through giving their children advice about subject choice.
(42) When audits have gone beyond counting activity alone they have focused mainly on blood glucose concentration as a proxy measure of outcome.
(43) The inmate simply fills out a proxy form and mails it to the county clerk.
(44) The proxy must be in a position to filter dangerous URLs and malformed commands.
(45) A creditor may appoint the official receiver to be his general or special proxy.
(46) However, when spot volatility was used as the proxy, there was some evidence of a maturity effect.
(47) They see the United States as fighting a proxy counterinsurgency war disguised as a crusade against drugs.
(48) A proxy need not be a member of the Company.
(49) A proxy vote on the two offers is expected in February at the earliest.
(50) Proxy War is good when it works.
(51) URN's not internally supported,[http:///proxy.html] use an HTTP proxy server.
(52) The patent agent logs into the proxy.
(53) Does the proxy service allow connections from this network?
(54) A proxy vote; proxy troops for a world power.
(55) Info: Proxy Voyager - Keep anonymity the Web.
(56) Third, compare and research the foreign proxy voting right.
(57) Can proxy exports the United States, Australia, 2 countries customs, and shipping business!
(58) Last time China and the US had fought a proxy war in Korea, the allies have lost 1,207,010 men, 480,000 of them Americans.
(59) Name, domicile of origin , address , residence and occupation of the proxy making the application any.
(60) At startup, the on demand configuration code inside the secure proxy reads the static route file and builds the in-memory routing data.
(61) Price differences are used as a proxy for differences in quality.
(62) No proxy automatic configuration file was received. No proxies will be used.
(63) The arrangement must be approved by Xantrex's shareholders by the affirmative vote of at least 66.7% of the votes cast, in person or by proxy, at a shareholders meeting.
(64) A controlled company relying on this exemption must disclose in its annual meeting proxy that it is a controlled company and the basis for that determination.
(65) A new designated verifier proxy signature scheme with message recovery was proposed.
(66) In fact, Windsor just aggregates the MicroKernel and provides external configuration and proxy support.
(67) Community Edition does not require this additional code generation step because it uses dynamic proxy generation.
(68) The BIG-IP LTM proxy server handled the caching, GZIP compression, and SSL encryption during these tests.
(69) This integration performs the resource metering locally within the compute appliance unlike other profiling solutions that require a network roundtrip back to the Azul client/proxy JVM.
(70) In eastern Congo the vacuum created by Mobutu's exit led to fierce competition among proxy armies and various militias for its gold, charcoal, tin, and coltan.
(71) Such a move would satisfy activist investor Carl Icahn, who this year ran an unsuccessful proxy fight to gain a board seat.
(72) When configured in high security mode, the secure proxy server will route application requests based on static route data.
(73) Because microflows perform better than long-running processes, use a microflow for your proxy process implementation if possible.
(74) A normal proxy can tunnel encrypted data, but it cannot cache it.
(75) It implements Internet service for AOS , the multi - tie proxy isused to provide the service.
(76) The proxy server transport plug-in relies on a proxy server service on the original domain.
(77) Using traditional proxy properties does not limit your ability to obfuscate the Model because the properties are referenced directly and would be obfuscated with the rest of the application.
(78) SOCKS Protocol is a kind of proxy protocol. It is on the session layer - the 5th layer of OSI model,[] which can carry through the fine-grained access control to the transmitted data.
(79) Since the static files are typically stored outside the portal system on HTTP servers or proxy caches, we will concentrate here on the "real" HTML markup size.
(80) The blindness is an important property of a proxy blind signature scheme.
(81) A similar approach has been taken by project Guacamole which is also an HTML5 VNC viewer, which makes use of a server-side proxy written in Java.
(82) The dynamic proxy property approach does reduce or eliminate the ability to obfuscate the Model layer because the properties on the Model are now referenced by name in the XAML.
(83) For all purposes, the quorum for all general meetings shall be two members personally present and holding either in his own right or by proxy at least one-tenth of the paid-up capital of the Company.
(84) The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
(85) About its engagement in that decade-long proxy war with the United States, resulting in the loss of countless lives and the destruction of that "small country's" infrastructure?
(86) All shareholders are to be present in person or by proxy.
(87) Stable isotopic composition of fossil ostracode is used as an ideal proxy for paleo- lake sedimentary environments.
(88) There is little question that Pakistan wishes to maintain the capability for proxy warfare, and Lashkar remains a lynchpin of this strategy.
(89) Yang's while waging a proxy fight he dropped in exchange for a seat on the Yahoo board, is not on the board search committee, according people familiar with the matter.
(90) Instead the monitoring user, will need to connect to a port that is the same number as the pid of this instance of
(91) You are online ( proxy: none ). Click the icon to go offline.
(92) Flows into the Korean won, Thai baht and Singapore dollar became a proxy for China.
(93) Because living creatures metabolize only certain types of carbon, the sediment record becomes a proxy for large-scale patterns in the carbon cycle.
(94) If the request is cacheable, the XML proxy will perform a standard side cache operation.
(95) Media Proxy 、 STUN 、 Middlebox and so on are the current solutions.
(96) Asymmetric multiprocess event driven (AMPED) model was used to improve the ability for Web proxy server to deal with hundreds of requests, and extend the proxy service functionality of AMPED.
(97) To set up proxy server and DHCP are twosolutions for the lack of IP addresses.
(98) When I launched the proxy fight at Blockbuster, the feeling that he'd botched the Hollywood Video deal was wide spread.
(99) Russia's proxy war with Europe using the middle ease WILL fail.
(100) Should a proxy attend the creditors' meeting on behalf of the creditor, a letter of attorney from the creditor shall be submitted to the People's Court or Chairman of the creditors' meeting.
(101) In the second test, we ran the 4000 NotesBench DWA85 simulated users, going through the BIG-IP LTM proxy, and accessed their mail servers.
(102) Section IV is about the proxy solicitation system and corporate governance.
(103) Proxy system is a result of highly developed commodity economy.
(104) The Screen proxy persists, as do all windows it controls, but the connection to Screen is temporarily severed, returning you to the prompt of your remote login shell.
(105) India, and Parkistan, many would say fighting a proxy war in Afghnastan.
(106) Use alternate solutions like configuration proxy manager API exerciser or use the commands on the local machine.
(107) If you're behind a firewall / router that blocks the incoming POP port (955), you can install TOR and then use it as a SOCKS proxy in the Thunderbird settings.
(108) Research on Proxy Cache is quiet complicated because there are a lot of problems such as replacement strategy, cache consistency,[http:///proxy.html] cache sharing and performance analysis.
(109) S. puppet, and Russian diplomats stormed out of several Security Council meetings in protest. ) From Angola to Afghanistan, nearly every Cold War conflict was a proxy war.
(110) With the content caching feature turned on, the traffic manager now acts like a caching proxy.
(111) Given the principal concern is serialization, it's better to nominate a flyweight or proxy to go into the stream instead.
(112) It's an attractive nuisance, and one of the reasons for a proxy server.
(113) The Google accord may make Yang more vulnerable in a proxy fight against billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who says Yang botched the Microsoft negotiations.
(114) We have established PROXY server also , connected with JH 163 phone line and accomplished connecting with Internet.
(115) Returns the type of the proxy class associated with the specified universal resource locator ( URL ).
(116) To access FTP sites through a CERN - compliant proxy server.
(117) The proxy server IP address and port which the server is using can be placed in the comment field of the data sent to the master server.
(118) The user number to be serviced in the unit time by the unit storage of the proxy video server was considered in the efficiency model.
(119) Proxy Scanner Server allows to export found proxies to text file.
(120) A proxy is a copy of the interface that you get via marshaling/unmarshaling.
(121) If it's greyed out with something already in there when you tried to change it to, that means you're going through a proxy server.
(122) We proposed signature , proxy signcryption signature scheme etc. from bilinear pairings.
(123) If you are using a firewall between the reverse proxy server and the content HTTP server, you can configure the firewall to allow only HTTP requests from the reverse proxy server.
(124) Using a proxy server with a super cluster topology is convenient because there is no need to manually edit and administer a static route configuration file.
(125) Simply set up a proxy server of your own that performs some monitoring action while forwarding traffic to and from each remote service end-point.
(126) Mr. Icahn is mounting a proxy fight against Yahoo's board, one built on the gamble that he can bring Microsoft back to the negotiating table.
(127) It can be divided into three layers by its working layer: application layer proxy, transform layer proxy and SOCKS proxy.
(128) In Class View, examine the proxy classes created for each connection point.
(129) Try to establish a series of complete operational method(), and use it to convert the proxy data into cultured area in order to increase the credibility of land datum in history period.
(130) Based on forward-security and the difficulty of solving discrete logarithm problems on the finite multiplicative group over the finite fields, a new proxy signature scheme is proposed.
(131) Well, there's the S-1 prospectus followed by the Def-14a proxy statements, 10-Q quarterly reports, 10-K annual reports, 8-Ks, 4s, 3s, it's a nightmare for everyone ... except the lawyers.
(132) In the political sphere, the husband is the representative of the interests of the family, his wife the right to exercise the proxy by her husband.
(133) And proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services recently recommended that News Corp shareholders not reelect several board members, including chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, and his sons.
(134) Our stock was depressed by the $400 million planned investment—and that set the stage for the proxy fight.
(135) The reverse proxy server takes all requests, and sends the requests to the content HTTP server.
(136) PowerNetConfig in Win 2000 system changes hostname, IP, Gateway, Subnet Mask and Proxy Server 2.
(137) Using this spending data as a baseline for wealth, the results show that the proxy means test is the best method for estimating wealth — but only by a slim margin.
(138) Its size makes EA a reasonable proxy for the industry as whole.
(139) Vader allowed him no friends or companions,[/proxy.html] save a holo- droid named PROXY.
(140) The proxy server is an open gateway between your web destination and you.
(141) They may also vote in person or by proxy on a variety of corporate matters, including the most important matter of who should run the corporation.
(142) According to the function needs of user management system of CMAG portal, firstly, we studied the security demand of grid environment, GSI security statics and security proxy technology.
(143) All requests for the content HTTP server go through the reverse proxy server.
(144) Freezing enemy maneuver gave the proxy ground troops the ability to mass.
(145) Prof Kramer named Condoleezza Rice as George W. Bush's proxy bully.
(146) In his letter, Ballmer said a proxy fight would likely lead to Microsoft lowering its offer price.
(147) The weakness of packet filtering and proxy technology in firewall are analyzed, The security problems of HTTP pro-tocol's valid usr-identity are pointed.
(148) Proxy requires you to specify fully qualified URL, starting from protocol, host name, etc.
(149) Certainly the more shares he has, the easier it will be for him in a proxy fight.
(150) There was a problem receiving your proxy auto config information.
(151) The 18 firms were chosen because they have already disclosed their executive pay through proxy statements and are major players in providing securities and investment services.
(152) When configured in medium security mode, the dynamic routing information is obtained and used by the secure proxy server.
(153) The corporate governance is a science concerning proxy problem under modern enterprise system, which is caused by the separation of ownership and operation, as well as the information dissymmetry.
(154) XPathHandler acts as a proxy to translate SAX events (start element, end element, and the like) in calls to the application handler.
(155) Later, to add insult to injury, an expert in Munchausen by proxy decided, simply by watching a television programme, that it was actually Sally Clark's husband who did it.
(156) Proxy Scanner Server allows to check proxies for conn email.
(157) The common representation and focused proxy of the voting shareholders in the cumulative voting is a kind of comparatively typical collective agencys forms.
(158) Microsoft still prefers a negotiated deal to a proxy fight.
(159) So Can you explain that, India and Parkistan fighting a proxy war in Afghnastan?
(160) This proxy service doesn't offer IP addresses directly but does allow DHCP operation.
(161) Though Mr Mahato denies it, the PCAPA seems little more than a Maoist proxy.
(162) When you call a method on one of Pixie's proxy objects, it magically connects to the pixie datastore and fetches the real object for you.
(163) Similar proposals in last year's proxy statements for the same companies got 43% support.
(164) I am calling to report that all users I support lost Internet access right after the proxy server reconfiguration.
(165) But analysts said that for Microsoft, which this year had considered waging a proxy fight for control of Yahoo, backing Mr. Icahn also represents a shrewd strategy with little downside risk.
(166) The problem scenario described earlier involves message routing; therefore, a proxy mode deployment is required.
(167) An active prefetching mechanism was developed to prevent the potential problem of proxy jitter.
(168) Proxy server is unavailable. Try connecting to proxy XX again?
(169) Once Orcus breaches holy ground,[sentencedict .com] the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM's discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion.
(170) Type the port number used by the proxy host for proxy requests.
(171) The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight, low-cost solution for sandbox, test, or proof-of-concept situations.
(172) The forms of "sale by proxy" and "exclusive sale" shall be adopted for the underwriting operation of securities.
(173) Despite what many analysts call a proxy war with Iran, the effect on the oil supply seems limited.
(174) Two persons entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a member or a proxy for a member or a duly authorized representative of a corporation, shall be a quorum.
(175) However, to assume full connectivity among all proxy nodes makes routing information distribution non - scalable.
(176) Article 24 Commission for Sports Contests The sponsor may conduct sports contests either in person or by proxy through a duly qualified physical cultural institution.
(177) There are also no mechanisms in REST/HTTP for message routing outside the basic HTTP proxy mechanisms.
(178) ALG 、 Media Proxy 、 STUN 、 Middlebox and so on are the current solutions.
(179) The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to stockholders as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed transaction.
(180) You are online ( proxy: manual ). Click the icon to go offline.
(181) Proxy Authentication Required You must authenticate with a proxy server before this request can be served.
(182) Failure to complete the box will entitle your proxy his votes at his discretion.
(183) From a JAX-RPC Service, you can use a proxy to invoke the web service's operations.
(184) We should continue to reform and improve the foreign trade management system by sticking to the unified policy, fair competition, integration of industry with trade and promotion of the proxy system.
(185) Thirdly, according to the function requirement of the system, it designs a logic model which includes forensic proxy module, forensic control module and evidence fixing module.
(186) Proxy servers may allow this and handle it gracefully, but they can also throw a monkey wrench in the works.
(187) Like a synchronous service proxy, the pair of message queues acts as a single address the consumer uses to invoke the service, regardless of how many providers may be listening, as shown in Figure 5.
(187) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(188) Whether to accept insurance documents signed by broker or proxy.
(189) C9.05 Voting by proxy or by absentee ballot shall not be permitted.
(190) Lincoln got his step - brother, John Johnston, as his proxy.
(191) In recent years, schemes of one-time proxy signature and threshold one-time signature are proposed.
(192) Proxy Scanner Server allows to import proxies from text file.
(193) The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy refused a connection.




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