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单词 pithy
释义  pith·y /ˈpɪθi/ adjective  INTELLIGENTif something that is said or written is pithy, it is intelligent and strongly stated, without wasting any words 简练的 OPP long-winded Press releases must be short and pithy. 新闻稿务必言简意赅。 a series of pithy quotations 一系列精练引述 —pithily adverbExamples from the Corpuspithy• Press releases must be pithy, and full of substance and strong, clear comment.• It was brief, pithy and, like everything Lewis wrote in prose, hugely readable.• They may make use of the brevity of Latin tags, just as pithy as any adman's lingo.• Zehme wrote the pithy comments that accompany each picture.• No plodding academic tome, this Virginia Woolf is, like its subject, smart, pithy, engaging.• Though not a natural speaker his pithy style, backed by his fame and renunciation, strengthened the Student Volunteer Missionary movement.pith·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  if something is is is pithy, Corpus said it or written that




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