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单词 Trade-off
1 There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.
2 There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects.
3 She said that she'd had to make a trade-off between her job and her family.
4 There has to be a trade-off between quality and quantity if we want to keep prices low.
5 Inflation is often a trade-off for healthy economic growth.
6 There is a trade-off between cost and perfection.
7 This trade-off underscores a serious tension between open architecture and investment incentive during the initial deployment and development of the I-way.
8 The trade-off was the socializing and support received from the other patients and families.
9 It isn't obvious what the optimum trade-off is between, say, milk production and running speed.
10 These rates are clearly a trade-off between economic logic and political expediency.
11 There may be a trade-off between price maximisation and restricting the circulation of the information memorandum.
12 Tory politicians are also liable to misread the trade-off in voters' minds between taxation and spending.
13 This trade-off may be acceptable in the military and aerospace fields, but not in the commercial field.
14 There is no capacity to discuss a trade-off of 1,000 million between tax relief on pensions and higher cash old age pensions.
15 Voters' trade-off between taxes and services has changed since 1979 - and anyway the folk wisdom was always misleading.
16 Happily, though, most investments offer a trade-off between risk and return.
17 In unitary states, governments must evaluate the trade-off between higher taxes and higher welfare benefits.
18 The payment of dividends therefore represents a trade-off between agency costs and flotation costs.
19 The old trade-off between ease of use and security must therefore be addressed.
20 They are part of the trade-off that the new owners make when they decide to move from the old homestead.
21 This is the trade-off necessary to get permission to scrape off the barnacles.
22 The trade-off, as Fraser remarks,[] is between freedom and coherence.
23 What is the trade-off in terms of cost and time between an exact solution and an approximate one?
24 In all these there is, generally speaking, a trade-off between the speed of analysis and the amount of information recovered.
25 This implies that a trade-off between unemployment and inflation may exist only in the very short term.
26 For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.
27 The response of most governments has been to manipulate the economy in order to secure some trade-off between the conflicting economic objectives.
28 Schor's evidence is in direct contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above.
29 Longer grams have greater storage requirements too, so there is a trade-off between performance and storage.
30 Second, they demonstrate how different presidential systems produce a trade-off between the principles of democratic efficiency and democratic representation.
1 There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.
31 Such evidence casts doubt on the validity of the income / leisure trade-off model.
32 These two costs exist trade-off relation each other.
33 Security is always a trade-off between functionality and risk.
34 Risk management and trade-off analysis.
35 Aggressive virtual machine consolidation requires a performance trade-off.
36 In order to achieve the harmonious unification of two indicators, we must choose a good algorithm to get the trade-off of the rendering speed and visual fidelity.
37 Short-term financing objectives include minimize expected cost, trade-off expected cost and systematic risk, and so on.
38 The choice of window width is a trade-off between too noisy and too smoothed data for small and large window widths, respectively.
39 Things we used to say were verboten are now considered an acceptable risk-return trade-off as liquidity and hedging markets have developed.
40 A method is proposed to solve time-cost trade-off model for activity networks by using the minimum cost flow principle.
41 As with so many things in I/T, there is a trade-off to consider.
42 As always there is a trade-off, an interface gives you freedom with regard to the base class, an abstract class gives you the freedom to add new methods later.
43 We give a number of suggested design principles, but each represents an engineering trade-off.
44 Typically, each maximization has a trade-off with at least one of the other areas.
45 One is a reasonable response to a challenging market. The other is a self-defeating trade-off.
46 Seasonaland Saturday effects are significant in the mean equation, whereas there isa trade-off between Monday effect and volume effect, as well as asymmetry, in the variance equation.
47 The newspaper's headline indicates that there was a trade-off at the summit.
48 The trade-off relation between logistics cost and logistics service has been systemically researched.
49 By Standard International Trade Classification the seventh kind of product " Machinery and transport equipment"(shortened form "SITC7") have been the most active products in course of trade-off.
50 The turns of the transformer additional winding should be determined from the trade-off between lower voltage across the energy-storage capacitor and lower total harmonic distortion of input current.
51 The results show that the IEC-GTO can obtain a better trade-off relation between on-state and turn-off characteristics.
52 In general,[] there is a trade-off between these compressors in terms of two main metrics: compression ratio and the compression/decompression time.
53 The fundamental nature of coding is that our task, as programmers, is to recognize that every decision we make is a trade-off.
54 There are three trillion reasons to think that the trade-off is worth it.
55 Proper key renewal period might control the trade-off between security and renewal cost in key management, and thus key exposure was first studied to estimate key life.
56 The trade-off here is that as you reduce the number of shared resources, the complexity, license cost, and administrative overhead can increase.
57 There is always a trade-off between ease of use and security.
58 There is a trade-off between showing a useful information summary and overloading the user with detail.
59 Called suboptimization, this is a trade-off that increases the advantages to one unit or function but decreases the advantages to another unit or function.
60 We also describe early on the financial environment, financial forecasting, the fundamental trade-off between risk and return, and the time value of money.
61 Based on Critical Path Method (CPM), the trade-off among time, cost and quality of a process was achieved by appropriate distribution of resources among the activities of the process.
62 However, the highest transfer efficiency and largest acoustic power cannot be obtained simultaneously, therefore a trade-off condition must be adopted.
63 As for the choice of the microwave irradiation frequency, the trade-off must be made in order to insure the penetration depth of the microwave signal, imaging contrast and signal-to-noise ratio.
64 There's a trade-off factor in place here: either have more threads per core for concurrent processing or fewer threads, which will ultimately boost single-stream performance.
65 Paul Simon expressed the trade-off more directly in his early song "I Am a Rock": "If I never loved I never would have cried."
66 Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate to reproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health,[Sentence dictionary] robust women can afford more of both than frail ones.
67 But as a trade-off, it also requires more developer effort to manage and scale the applications.
68 So both computational complexity and coding efficiency should be thought and made to the optimal trade-off in the implementation of actual coding system.
69 Choosing an interval is largely a trade-off between presenting too much information with a high number of intervals, or showing too little change between the intervals when a low number is selected.
70 Using reflection like this represents a trade-off: complexity versus conciseness.
71 They must add a new set of trade-off analysis at the architectural level of the design process that examines the use of alternative energy and end-of-live disposal costs in the design.
72 But he cannot wish away the trade-off between liberal values and street credibility.
73 Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number were evaluated in annual herb, Polygonum hydropiper(Polygonaceae).
74 The result of this trade-off, then, is greater perceived performance, even if the total load time is slightly longer.
75 But there's a trade-off: Plastic is less transmissive than glass, so the screen may not be as bright.
76 This is itself a minor trade-off: The fields are not ever used while chunks are active so need not be present.
77 Before you go down that path, consider the trade-off: short-term revenue versus long-term trust .
78 Many observers regarded Wen's remarks as a coded message that there could be a trade-off between China offering help and the EU granting MES.




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