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单词 Exceptionally
1 She's an exceptionally good cook.
2 We had an exceptionally mild winter last year.
3 The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.
4 An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
5 It remained an exceptionally rare book until it was reprinted in 1918.
6 I thought Bill played exceptionally well.
7 This year was exceptionally difficult on the high street.
8 The weather, even for January, was exceptionally cold.
9 They've had an exceptionally tough life.
10 This type of tree can be exceptionally long-lived.
11 He was an exceptionally bright child.
12 Phil Martin is an exceptionally busy man.
13 Exceptionally, students may be accepted without formal qualifications.
14 She sings in an exceptionally pure soprano.
15 She looked exceptionally well, glowing with health .
16 She defended her position exceptionally well.
17 Exceptionally, in times of emergency, we may send a team of experts.
18 You have to do things exceptionally well to stand out from the crowd .
19 Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.
20 The last set of trade figures showed exceptionally strong export growth.
21 The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings.
22 The arena is in an exceptionally fine state of preservation .
23 He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.
24 The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.
25 Her fingers appear to be exceptionally long.
26 The sander was exceptionally quiet to use.
27 Some of these are in exceptionally good condition.
28 It looks ridiculous but is exceptionally effective!
29 The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented.
30 As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.
1 She's an exceptionally good cook.
2 We had an exceptionally mild winter last year.
3 The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.
4 An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
5 It remained an exceptionally rare book until it was reprinted in 1918.
31 Theo saw an exceptionally tall figure.
32 The context produces some exceptionally fine solo playing.
33 Gloria is an exceptionally gifted singer.
34 It features good food at exceptionally low prices.
35 It was exceptionally cold with a heavy frost.
36 She is exceptionally good company when she is happy.
37 Relations with the younger force were always exceptionally good.
38 Some fossils are exceptionally well preserved.
39 Miller is exceptionally good in this daring film.
40 Very exceptionally the Bank may alter the above arrangements.
41 He's an exceptionally talented dancer.
42 It's a lovely setting( ), and exceptionally convenient.
43 There is one exceptionally fine scagliola globe.
44 The relatively static lattice in a diamond ensures that the scattering is at a minimum and the thermal conductivity is exceptionally good.
45 Despite all the precautions taken by owners and crews, some vessels operating in or to the Gulf had exceptionally bad luck.
46 The 1975 definition was an exceptionally pure version that had not been current previously and only lasted a year or two.
47 Although the status of pearls among other precious substances varied in different parts of the world, their appeal was exceptionally widespread.
48 Bloomsury House is a special school for girls and boys who are exceptionally gifted.
49 It has an exceptionally lofty nave arcade whose pointed arches reach almost into the vault.
50 There are fine stone steps; the wood room is exceptionally large behind the gallery.
51 We had their offense and defense figured out exceptionally well.
52 I want to remain exceptionally thin, because then I am never likely to get fat.
53 Unlike the United States secretary of state, Colin Powell, last month, the president was given an exceptionally easy ride.
54 We thought this was an exceptionally high sentence and both of them appealed.
55 Maybe you can remind him what an exceptionally good job you did on a project.
56 There were exceptionally few meetings cancelled and Scudamore stayed remarkably free of injury.
57 Winter was exceptionally hard: icy cold and damp, all life arrested.
58 But Karnaugh was exceptionally motivated, despite having what should be an exceptionally full life.
59 A laser is an exceptionally bright source of light so the light can travel much further between successive repeaters.
60 The sheer efficiency of the drivers, especially at high volumes, can be disconcerting, and the sound is exceptionally bright.
61 These were among our most enthusiastic and responsive students, and a minority of them proved exceptionally capable.
62 The winter just ending had been exceptionally severe, causing great hardship to the poorer people.
63 Tempted by the exceptionally strong prices for durum, Arizona farmers planted the largest durum crop since the 1970s.
64 That means meeting the needs of the exceptionally gifted as well as those of the physically handicapped and socially deprived.
65 Using exceptionally sharp teeth, the hippos can crunch up both dugout canoes and their occupants.
66 On exceptionally fine days I used to prefer Oxford's other river.
67 Both girls were exceptionally good at school and fond of study.
68 He writes exceptionally well about the technical side of filmmaking, something few journalists really understand.
69 The third was a downhill par-four of 286 yards on which par was an exceptionally pleasing score.
70 Exceptionally resilient(), Lillie embarked on a new career - as an actress.
71 Exceptionally, candidates with other qualifications will be considered for admission to the course.
72 Rotosound have been experimenting with a new type of nickel plating which gives an exceptionally bright sound thanks to increased magnetic response.
73 Some women and children have become exceptionally withdrawn or almost catatonic.
74 Apart from some smallholdings and, quite exceptionally, middle-sized farms, no re-privatization is envisaged.
75 She had no academic qualifications of any kind, but most exceptionally the faculty had admitted her for doctoral study.
76 Noise levels are exceptionally low for engines that are, after all, fairly small for powering such cars.
77 Begin by setting exceptionally high standards in everything you do.
78 Not just that, but doing something at an exceptionally high level is something that I strived to do in life.
79 Starting dates, after two exceptionally early seasons, have returned to the more traditional early July point.
80 He really was a most exceptionally handsome man, but she knew from experience that it was all on the surface.
81 Many races have traditions of exceptionally long life amongst their early forbears.
82 Cast coated art paper with a exceptionally glossy coated finish usually on one side only.
83 Clearly, the research demands access to exceptionally good environmental data, usually in three dimensions.
84 Sometimes people have reason to undertake them, but only exceptionally does one do wrong in not undertaking them.
85 In some places on exceptionally clear days you can almost see from the south to the north coast.
86 The mouse is exceptionally good and paves the way for its use in future game titles.
87 As all hon. Members who have spoken have said, training is exceptionally important in the construction industry.
88 If you take away the image all that's left is a bunch of exceptionally pretty boys making some very ordinary music.
89 Female-headed families also have an exceptionally high poverty rate in New York.
90 Accompanying listening tapes provide models for exceptionally thorough work on pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
91 This oil- and chalk-free foundation, which has an exceptionally smooth and matte texture, also flatters suntanned skins.
92 You're feeling exceptionally lucky so this is the best of times to launch a few other thoughts.
93 Diamond forms a good window for infrared cells, because it is highly transparent, chemically non-reactive and exceptionally strong.
94 A medium-sized eagle exceptionally variable in colour from very dark brown, almost black, to pale brown, nearly white.
95 The exceptionally poor health of the Aboriginal community has elicited cross party support for action.
96 The fact is, Elizabeth Taylor is a plump woman who is exceptionally beautiful that way.
97 Second, the pressure exerted by the team-owners and the sporting authorities was exceptionally violent.
98 What would the position be if there was an exceptionally strong gale blowing at the time of the original road accident?
99 In Derbyshire in 1776 eight hours was usual,() save for exceptionally difficult ground when six were worked.
100 Exceptionally, however, a peerage could be conferred or devolve upon a daughter or other heir.
101 Only exceptionally cloudy, boggy areas might survive the intense heat radiation from the reentering debris.
102 Unravelling these consequences and deciding which merit assessment is an exceptionally delicate task.
103 The human eye is exceptionally good at recognising patterns such as circles.
104 Unfortunately, original Teardrops and Phantoms are exceptionally rare, but Vox Amplification have decided these guitars should make a comeback.
105 For the next year and a half, the attainment of the monetarist objectives proved exceptionally difficult.
106 His scientific discoveries and his fight for religious and political freedom, form equally important parts of an exceptionally industrious life.
107 Additionally the full range from Marvic Textiles is now available from Sloane Avenue providing an exceptionally comprehensive selection of furnishing fabric.
108 The weather is unpredictable and the mountains exceptionally high as they climb towards the Vaults.
109 The tympanum is exceptionally large and, with the lintel below, depicts the Last Judgement.
110 But it will be desperately close as two exceptionally committed sides bid to keep their championship season alive.
111 Not as bad as in some other regions with exceptionally large industrial areas, he replied.
112 Furthermore they are exceptionally ambitious in the language, skill and concepts they expect young children to acquire.
113 David, exceptionally bright and personable, was probably as well-read on the game as any player I have known.
114 Malt export sales for delivery over the next twelve months have gone exceptionally well.
115 All the grown-ups smiled in that boring way they have when little girls are being exceptionally sick-making.
116 Deneb is exceptionally luminous, and is the equal of at least 60000 Suns.
117 That makes this new release an exceptionally attractive one, and essential listening for this much-loved violinist's admirers.
118 Neither of these seats was to return a Labour candidate even under the exceptionally favourable circumstances of July 1945.
119 The nave and choir can have no triforium or clerestory so must be lit by exceptionally large aisle windows.
120 The latter proteins are also responsible for the exceptionally smooth consistency of all the Hydro-Protein cosmetic treatments in this extensive collection.
121 Most arc heavy and therefore only suitable for laying at ground-floor level or where floors are exceptionally strong.
122 They also gave out their own cigarettes and were exceptionally considerate.
123 And yet this is happening at a moment when the leaders in question stand exceptionally low in public esteem.
124 I have had about nine abortions, but that's exceptionally high.
125 There is here, somewhat exceptionally, a clear legal perception of the role of the underclass.
126 It's exceptionally comfortable and cosy inside but was the closest fitting bag on test.
127 What's more, for an executive car the cost of ownership is exceptionally low.
128 In the exceptionally heavy snowfalls of 1940 and 1981, several trams were stranded and the service suspended for several days.
129 Apart from the west end,(http:///exceptionally.html) Antwerp cathedral is exceptionally difficult to view.
130 Whiskey with strychnine was said to produce an exceptionally crazy drunk.
131 The problem is that the number could be exceptionally hard to interpret because of seasonal adjustment difficulties.
132 Its tough, flexible resin content also provides an exceptionally attractive finish.
133 Postgraduate students in the department have ready access to an exceptionally wide range of library, archive and other research resources.
134 Black and white tweeds with orange linings were exceptionally well done, but chevron-striped jerseys appeared chintzy.
135 This system enabled them to maintain an exceptionally dense population, on the best principles of fertility conservation.
136 He had just been, for a Victorian, exceptionally well loved.
137 These tiles are exceptionally strong and durable, and blend in well in most surroundings.
138 Both groups seem to have flourished in exceptionally warm, shallow seas in the tropics of the Tethyan region.
139 The best luck is what you make for yourself - being able to see what others do not see and do what other do not do, and you succeed brilliantly and exceptionally. Dr T.P.Chia 
140 Word-processors, because of their general similarity with the typewriter, are exceptionally easy to use - as a typewriter!
141 He was curious to investigate what would happen if he passed the Alphas through an exceptionally thin sheet of material.
142 The idiosyncrasies of the certificates make Cornish towns exceptionally difficult to characterise.
143 Second, de Gaulle proved exceptionally well-suited to this role of disembodied voice.
144 Tulip said it was faced with an exceptionally strong erosion of prices and margins in 1992, aggravated by currency movements.
145 Exceptionally, if a Bill is extremely controversial, the opposition may fight it tooth and nail even at this stage.
146 Then I think Darren will be an exceptionally good player.
147 It was an exceptionally fine voice, it seemed to her now, listening to Ellis's rather whining one.
148 Constructed to an exceptionally high specification and standard, they have associated mechanical and electrical engineering services.
149 During the coming weeks economic policy-makers may have to deal with an exceptionally difficult series of hazards.
150 It is a speech of effusive praise, which if it were true, would make her an exceptionally loving child.
151 What's more, with its automatic ignition system, the Discovery hotplate is exceptionally safe.
152 I, too, thought I was doing something unique and practising an art exceptionally well.
153 Sir Horatio Palavicino, an exceptionally wealthy man, complained when his income was assessed at £80.
154 Some of these works are small, some exceptionally large, sometimes employing thousands of people on one site.
155 Republicans also scored exceptionally well among people living in the urban social housing projects.
156 In traditional cultures both are at an exceptionally low level.
157 The roads are flooded after a period of exceptionally heavy rain.
158 Oak was occasionally used, but only for exceptionally important interments.
159 Claire Selman selects fashion for action Skiing poses exceptionally extreme demands on clothing.
159 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
160 Another concern was the exceptionally low turnout, estimated at only 21.09 percent over both rounds.
161 It was generally agreed that the churchyard of St Andrew's was an exceptionally pleasant place.
162 Your contribution could be exceptionally well timed.
163 Timothy is exceptionally leafy and productive.
164 The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn.
165 Though nearly 50, he is exceptionally vigorous in work.
166 The series non-clogging sewage pump, sewage capacity exceptionally strong.
167 Admission to schools of veterinary medicine is exceptionally competitive.
168 Silicones in general are exceptionally stable and inert.
169 As a surgeon,() Philip was exceptionally gifted.
170 Was he even spectacularly sick, exceptionally blind, extraordinarily degraded?
171 Combinatorial Theory is exceptionally useful in the real world.
172 The weather was exceptionally fine the night of fifteenth.
173 An exceptionally clear adhesive can be made from fish and was the first adhesive used for photographic emulsions for photo film and photo resist coatings for photoengraving processes.
174 Tony Blair is an exceptionally gifted politician, perhaps the most natural persuader to have occupied the country's highest office since universal suffrage was introduced in 1928.
175 The leakproof of our product, exceptionally good of its kind.
176 We may not be silver-tongued or exceptionally gifted, but we all have something to give—a skill or talent to share in Christ's name.
177 When occurs exceptionally, informs in the point source to have the unusual condition the indicating lamp.
178 Asiatic wild sheep with exceptionally large horns; sometimes considered a variety of the argali Ovis ammon.
179 Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare river, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept.
180 Even with its larger and more powerful engine it is still a very quiet motor scooter and emits exceptionally low levels of pollution.
181 Looks like regardless of being Looney or Neville another the masters is exceptionally goes all out.
182 THE wanton violence during Sierra Leone 's 11 - year civil war was exceptionally barbaric.
183 Dongjing market broke the limitation of space and time, formed special markets, cultural and recreational market and labor force market, so the commodity transaction was exceptionally prosperous.
184 A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang ("boxwood") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.
185 The first is coping with exceptionally rapid growth without blowing up.
186 I knew a lot of Americans who were proud of their Mexican heritage who still did their jobs exceptionally well in the USMC and were just as loyal to the U. S. as any Arkansas white boy.
187 These have a relatively high resistance to heat, and are exceptionally non-flammable.
188 The West Rose Window is 10 meters in diameter and exceptionally beautiful.
189 In this historical stage, salt owls' smuggler smuggling was exceptionally flourishing with the relation of official's "nonfeasance" and "disorder feasance".
190 Used to indicate that something is exceptionally solid, e . g . an anchor, a hold . See also bombproof.
191 A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number '0 and exceptionally intense gamma-ray activity, used in radiotherapy, metallurgy, and materials testing.
192 This exceptionally comfortable motorcycle helmet has a wraparound visor and shock-absorbent rubber padding.
193 Every has the cheerful urine sickness clues or traces to be possible seeking, like has the dermal sensation exceptionally, the function to drop, the vision not good, the polyuria, cataract and so on.
194 This job is one that brings an enormous amount of self-satisfaction and pride, and it is a career with an exceptionally bright future.
195 For friendship's sake, we may exceptionally consider give you some commission, but never to that extent.
196 The groundbreaking monocoque structure that results is exceptionally light, yet remarkably rigid.
197 Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services.
198 Making an exceptionally high profit is sometimes indiscreet and asking for trouble.
199 Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway service.
200 The Federal Open Market Committee today signaled plans to keep interest rates exceptionally low.
201 There are plenty of religious believers who pay exceptionally high "costs of entry"—Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mennonites—and they don't count terrorists among their number.
202 Oil company CNOOC has also bought an exceptionally large amount of mineral rights in the state in order to extract shale oil.
203 GCF is exceptionally flexible in its support for different connection protocols.
204 In particularly, they can be enhanced for finding investment opportunities with exceptionally high returns in financial forecasting.
205 Mount Emei is also notable for its exceptionally diverse vegetation, ranging from subtropical to subalpine pine forests.
206 Although the movie is about theday, it is exceptionally intriguing.
207 The precondition for rural insurance development is to enhance the insurance awareness of rural population, therefore publicity work for insurance is exceptionally important.
208 Three big conventions, the biochemistry complete set, the hemagglutination inspection has not seen obviously exceptionally.
209 All - Around Vision ( Ex ): Beholders are exceptionally alert and circumspect.
210 An exceptionally hot summer, following a winter drought, has made the resinous pine forests particularly flammable.
211 The elevator car was vacant but it went exceptionally slow.
212 If voting is exceptionally close, we occasionally award an honorable mention as well.
213 The Bangor scientists are intrigued to find out and believe that the clams may have evolved exceptionally effective defences which hold back the destructive ageing processes that normally occur.
214 It possesses incredible strength and elasticity, while its exceptionally high conductivity and use in flexible semiconductors could soup up computing.
215 You might wind up throwing out the first few minutes — or maybe even the first few hours for an exceptionally bad case of writer's block — but you'll eventually wind up with something you can use.
216 AD1896 (Analog Devices) - selected for its low spurious tones, low distortion, and exceptionally low PLL corner frequency.
217 I steadily walk forward, suddenly an exceptionally huge pressure has pressed, which seems to push us garrulously , and the periphery two soldiers have moved.
218 This makes it an exceptionally potent tool in the hands of a "jack-of-all-trades" developer.
219 Thus the alpha particle is an exceptionally stable nuclear structure.
220 Being exceptionally bright does not necessarily mean being successful: For instance, most members of the Mensa society for people with high IQs remain unexceptional.
221 Exceptionally high temperatures, up to 1050 ℃ can be measured with gallium thermometers.
222 Is nerve-racking panic-stricken the heart main startled, but hides the god young child spiritedly timid, wisdom not sufficient, if sees the thing exceptionally, or hears the special sound.
223 They have no time to spare. They must reproduce, which is why from the age of two onward they make big, flashy flowers and infuse them with exceptionally generous portions of nectar.
224 This medicine is exceptionally effective for regulating menstruation and arresting leukorrhea of women.
225 As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to accept the offer without delay.
226 A blend of Cabernet and Merlot, medium - bodied , elegant, and exceptionally pure . Great wine!
227 The origin of mammals is exceptionally well understood, and there is a whole series of fossils forming a nice transformation series that shows how mammals evolved a bit at a time.
228 Therefore, in garden plant conservation management, the control of plant insect pests in the exceptionally important.
229 So concubinage has been an institution for thousands of years and the Chinese have always had an exceptionally pragmatic attitude toward sex.
230 As a result the quality of this software varies tremendously: The GCMs tend to be exceptionally well engineered, while some data processing tools are barely even tested.
231 British conman who claims to have taken in nearly $3.1 million and slept with 2,500 women says he feels "exceptionally ashamed for the hurt I have caused."
232 Thetravelling schedule arranges, exceptionally to be very much completelylaborious and to bustle about.
233 Unscramble Alibaba the high level changes blood greatly: Is Ma Yun enrolled exceptionally again?
234 As an exceptionally intelligent girl, loving literature, she found her society intolerably narrow.
235 Exceptionally, when damage is either caused by the claimant or by an inherent vice of the goods, the latter will be required to prove the carrier's fault.
236 Prices straight from the producer have already reached 1,000 euros ($1,282) per bottle for exceptionally fine wines, according to the Bordeaux Wine and Spirit Brokers Association.
237 But I do think to some extent multitasking is a way of fooling ourselves that we're being exceptionally efficient.
238 The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.
239 It is the names that make this volume harrowing, singularly distressing, exceptionally depressing.
240 The atmosphere , though sizzling as per every World Cup year , was exceptionally charged this World Cup.
241 Long period of financial straitness exerts great spiritual pressure and psychological obstacle on the exceptionally poor college students, which was unfavourable to their growing up healthy and sound.
242 Coup de Grace: Coup de grace weapons are exceptionally dangerous.
243 And last Monday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and New York Fed President William Dudley said economic conditions still warrant exceptionally low interest rates for an extended period.
244 As the same time, ICL7650 is selected to amplify the slender signal as it offers exceptionally low input offset voltage and is extremely stable with respect to time and temperature.
245 Why is pubic hair not very hot those who coil exceptionally?
246 The monocoque frame is made of hardwood and is exceptionally light weight.
247 Because each kind of sliced meat uses fresh Tang Tangshou, incites exceptionally tastily tenderly delicious, the whole family north and south are all suitable.
248 It is the names that make this volume uniquely harrowing, singularly distressing, exceptionally depressing.
249 In Pakistan, a hunger strike was broken when the government produced an exceptionally fine veal cordon bleu which the masses found was too appealing to turn down(Sentencedict), but such gourmet dishes are rare.
250 When fixing agent and toner between adsorbability at exceptionally low toner fixing strength.
251 Original two person of strength existence certain disparity, but exhorted that actually hits facing Li Xiaoxia exceptionally supernaturally brave.
252 The person concerned indicated that this summary soccer association exceptionally takes seriously, to think the summing-up meeting will provide for the present profits from the function valuably .
253 It was an eventful year. Even the weather was exceptionally bad.
254 Morgan Stanley has raised its forecast to a 50 per cent rise in iron ore prices for 2008 "to reflect an exceptionally tight market".
255 The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre.
256 On clinical exceptionally changes (albuminuria, hematuria and cylindruria) take the urine and dropsy, hypertension, the kidney function harm and so on as its characteristic.
257 Auto scaling is an exceptionally powerful aspect of Beanstalk, putting application scalability directly into your hands.
258 The harmonic oscillator is an exceptionally important example of periodic motion.
259 These are 3 exceptionally well-run companies that David and his team of cutting-edge equity analysts have identified as both top dogs and first movers in their respective industries.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 2:42:28