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单词 Chiron
1 Chiron expects to complete the sale early next year.
2 Chiron was learned in the use of herbs and gentle incantations and cooling potions.
3 But Chiron did do this and Zeus seems to have accepted him as a substitute.
4 Chiron will have exclusive rights to develop and market any resulting compounds that can be used for human health.
5 Chiron Vision develops and manufactures products for treating progressive eye diseases and for improving cataract and refractive surgery.
6 Chiron has a number of new vaccine candidates in the works.
7 They had to escape to the home of Chiron.
8 Note in the chart that both Hammers involve Chiron.
9 Chiron provides an interactive development environment using the your local file system.
10 But when the archer Chiron tried to shoot Ganymede, Helen warded off the arrow with her body.
11 Chiron filed for several patents on the virus and its diagnosis.
12 The presence of Chiron signals the possibility of being shamed for your intensely passionate nature.
13 This month, Jupiter conjoins with Neptune and Chiron for a truly inflationary influence.
14 Venus is also trine Chiron in Aquarius, making it possible to see areas of vulnerability in others and stepping around them.
15 In 2004 Chiron held 100 patents in 20 countries related to hepatitis C and had successfully sued many companies for infringement.
16 I'm talking Jupiter conjunct Neptune conjunct Chiron all at once, especially toward the end the month.
17 Since 1997, an influenza vaccine (FLUAD, Chiron) which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose, has been approved in health agencies in several European countries.
18 Chiron Neptune Venus Mercury and sun all travel through this sign in February.
19 Chiron, Neptune, Venus, Mercury, and the sun all travel through this sign in February.
20 Not only will Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron be in good angle to your sun but Uranus will be squaring it.
21 With Neptune and Chiron spending their first full week aligned in your income sector, they'll provide the foundation or the backdrop to what is destined to be a very powerful professional week.
22 In 1994 Bradley sued Chiron, seeking to invalidate the patent, have himself included as a co-inventor, and receive damages and royalty income.
23 That research could dovetail with gene-therapy efforts under way at Chiron.
24 The company plans to develop the drug with Emeryville-based Chiron Corp.
25 An SDK component is also part of DSL with a piece of software that developers interact with is a local web server called Chiron.
26 And by the end of May it turns super-huge because Chiron,[] Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin in the 26 degrees Aquarius.
27 A peak, 1,601.9 m (5,252 ft) high, of northeast Greece in eastern Thessaly. According to Greek legend, it was the home of the centaurs, especially Chiron.
28 And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius.
29 For all Taureans, some of the energy is likely to feel great (the Jupiter part), some of it confusing (the Neptune part) and some of it enlightening (the Chiron part).




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