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单词 The many
1. The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
2. He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
3. The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.
4. Resources must be redirected into the many under-funded areas of education.
5. They joined the many other Armenians living in exile.
6. The many sorrows turned her hair white.
7. She felt encouraged by the many letters of support.
8. We should like to thank the many people who have written to us offering their support.
9. The many crashes on the icy roads told their own tale.
10. It will give great pleasure to the many thousands of children who visit the hospital each year.
11. The many different habitats support a wide variety of birds.
12. He had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code.
13. This is only one of the many strains of the disease.
14. One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.
15. Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
16. One of the many sadnesses in his life was that he never had children.
17. The needs of the many have been ignored -- instead, the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few.
18. One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.
19. He chose a shirt from the many in his wardrobe.
20. This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.
21. The reports are testimony to the many hours of research completed by this committee.
22. Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.
23. The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.
24. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
25. Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns!
26. The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.
27. This war is another example of the few sacrificing their lives for the many.
28. The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many.
29. The cancellation of the tour was a great disappointment for the many fans of the band.
30. She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given.
1. The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
2. Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.
3. The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.
4. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
5. He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
6. The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.
7. Resources must be redirected into the many under-funded areas of education.
8. He had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code.
31. The many policy changes have created growing distrust among employees.
32. He ignores come-ons from the many women who seem to find him attractive.
33. The many letters of support added weight to the campaign.
34. The biography is woven from the many accounts which exist of things she did.
35. The audience whooped and cheered the many, generous selections.
36. Which of the many recent changes played the major part in the university disturbances of the early 1860s is unclear.
37. Maternal diet is only one of the many factors that can lead to fetal growth retardation.
38. The first few of the many bridges which make up the Gravelly Hill Interchange complex through which the canal passes.
38. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
39. The many enchanting designs from that period are almost wholly devoted to external appearance, to cottages as features in the landscape.
40. The mild climate and the many different habitats support a wide variety of birds and flowers, butterflies and moths.
41. Purcell, Haydn and Schubert were among the many who derived most of their basic musical training from being apprenticed as choristers.
42. Hayworth is one of the many first-term Republican foot soldiers who proudly fall into lockstep behind Rep.
43. They heard Vice-Chancellor Colin Campbell thank the many graduates who have already contributed to the cost of the new Centre.
44. The group also listed some of the many sites that shifted their backgrounds to black as part of the protest.
45. At the same time, great advances have been made in finding out how best to use the many drugs now available.
46. These are examples of the many questions about politics that require explanation, not mere descriptive facts.
47. Table 5-1 describes briefly one of the many different ways each style might be perceived as effective or ineffective by others.
48. Member States refused to meet the claims of the many and various creditors, third parties to the International Tin Agreement.
49. Members played a large part in their local communities working with the many charitable organisations.
50. Looking up to the blue sky, she watched the many birds flying overhead, chattering and screaming as they passed out of sight.
51. Termite damage is one of the many bugaboos of owning a house.
52. Walking: The tourist office provides maps to show the many marked walks which include lakeside paths in both directions from Bellagio.
53. Right: stalagmites are one of the many treats in store for the downwardly mobile.
54. Leeds were given the fish by a benefactor, their task was to remove the many small roach and skimmer bream.
55. No doubt you are among the many who have tried every diet around only to find that they just didn't work.
56. The furniture was white and chrome, and even the many vases of spring flowers were white.
57. The questions which are tackled at Advanced level reflect the many aspects and problems of History as a subject.
58. The many dioramas have steps in front of them for the convenience of youngsters.
59. Morrissey was simply experimenting with the many facets of media attention.
60. The many small creatures of the oriental forests support a population of small predators.
61. There was strong opposition in Washington to the many generous provisions of the bill.
62. We were entertained most generously both in people's homes and in some of the many splendid restaurants.
63. Peter the Great was among the many celebrities who flocked to Delft to see the little animalcules for themselves.
64. Grappling with the many varied problems of the nineteenth century, it tackled innumerable tasks and faced innumerable obstacles.
65. The shape and size of creatures is determined by the many fundamental forces of Nature.
66. He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use.
67. Please help little Jenny At last there's hope for the many hundreds of children whose lives are made a misery by birthmarks.
68. That book and the many others that followed became the basis for endless discussions between the two women.
69. Spend the afternoon exploring the many shops and galleries,[http:///the many.html] or take a leisurely boat cruise.
70. They are among the many victims of a series of large earthquakes that began slamming the Assisi-Foligno area on Sept. 26.
71. The many drafts of the report on Birmingham local education authority showed inconsistencies.
72. Ford was brutally candid about the many shortcomings on the team.
73. The product is among the many foods and cosmetics aimed at baby boomers hoping to preserve their youthful energy and looks.
74. I could write at greater length about the many qualities which set it way above the average.
75. Sportsmen, journalists, newspaper photographers and local political figures were among the many walking in the cortege.
76. This would not imply that all of the many thousands of formulaic expressions would be expressly taught.
77. This is one of the many New York culinary delights that appear only in ersatz forms outside the city.
78. Later, at his trial, when the many chippings were exhibited, John's fate was sealed.
79. It was interesting to see the many impromptu sketches made insitu, often as skilled as the finished work.
80. Chapter 4 assessed the many comparisons of the relationship between economic development and democracy.
81. Water Supply - and the many varied uses A guaranteed supply of water is vital for the canal system.
82. An overall winner and a runner-up were chosen from the many entries and their reviews were featured in TeleClub a few weeks ago.
83. Out of the many thousands of respondents to our questionnaire, under a fifth were full-time housewives.
84. It would hearten the many feminists who crowded the church that night without contradicting the teachings of the magisterium.
85. Even then, you might still finish each day feeling guilty about the many chores which inevitably remain undone.
86. It is a pristine waterway and kept that way by the many thoughtful campers that use the faculties along the way.
87. Picton-Howell's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended.
88. I forgave him for the many occasions on which he had unthinkingly made me feel mentally subnormal.
89. In this volume Storni skilfully explored the many possibilities of recreating meaning in rhythm by means of freer versification.
90. A great deal of traffic was involved in moving ammunition and bombs for the many airfields in the vicinity.
91. Q: Of the many things there are to make fun of in Martha, what struck you as the most absurd?
92. And what would become of the two remaining women cadets, and the many more who hoped to follow in their footsteps?
93. Think of the many hours when the two of them are closeted in the den.
94. use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few. Adolf Hitler 
95. The resolution of the many conflicts between farmers and environmentalists remains a hit-and-miss affair.
96. This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched.
97. This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age.
98. One of the many important churches which are often so crucial in forming the townscape we see about us?
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
99. The roles continue to change among the many characters who take part in a wedding ceremony.
100. She is one of the many faces of poverty; she is one of the many faces of the welfare system.
101. In my opinion, this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution.
102. The many gods do not share equal amounts of power.
103. There might also be mistaken matches with the many duplicated regions of the human genome.
104. Then she saw him, hanging on to one of the many bracing beams that ran horizontally across the Lock gates.
105. Enthusiasts become so excited by the many varied potentials of the media, they try to use them all.
106. Initially they served the many gasworks but as generating stations were built they served them too.
107. Grandfather had been rich enough to buy the many diamonds it took to make it up.
108. Among the many other things she deserved, Cynthia Coppersmith deserved a medal.
109. Female speaker Carers are often confused because they don't know which of the many agencies to go to.
110. Anti-abortion groups have seized upon the few that have shown an adverse effect, not the many that have not.
111. The local transmissions of the External Service were for the many expatriates working in the country who understood little or no Swahili.
112. Among the many fictions maintained in ffeatherstonehaugh's was that committee members were busy men.
113. Some of the many measures dealt with are outlined below.
114. In resolving the many dilemmas of structure, solutions may only be temporary.
115. The many tracks through the woods make it easy to get lost - but that's never bothered me.
116. Botanists praise the many qualities of the hellebore, but relatively few gardeners cultivate the plant.
117. But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.
118. The reader is referred for further guidance to the many manuals now available that deal with conservation problems confronting archaeologists.
119. Because the area is now supposed to be designated, farmers have been ineligible for grants from the many government conservation schemes.
120. Perhaps you could acquire a taste for decaffeinated coffee or one of the many herb or fruit teas.
121. He stresses that formal planning can only be one of the many building blocks which determine corporate strategy.
122. She knew perfectly well from the many Press photos of him that he preferred casual wear.
123. The many empty seats in the chamber attested to the opposition the proposals will receive as they are debated in coming weeks.
124. This was just one of the many problems in getting ashore.
125. Is globalisation for the few or for the many, Prime Minister?
126. You can use the many different shapes and designs shown in this book for miniature work, as well as larger pictures.
127. Just remember that as the State withers away, so will the many evils which accompany the capitalist state.
128. Also to be considered are the many strange accounts of werewolves, vampires, apart from ghosts and ghouls.
128. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129. Sadly, even their combined efforts can not hope to compensate for the many jobs lost.
130. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. John F. Kennedy 
131. That it was once much greater is attested by the many traces of former lazy-beds to be seen on the grazing land.
132. Banks are busily designing privately placed securities that exploit the many available tax loopholes.
133. Opposite the Cathay, one of the many new fashion emporiums is crammed with shoppers browsing the designer labels.
134. Also, the Delaney clause forbids any consideration of the many benefits of man-made pesticides and food additives.
135. Much fund-raising today is in violation of one or more of the many campaign finance laws enacted by Congress since 1883.
136. Remember, the review of literature section allows plenty of space for discussing the many facets of the problem and related research.
137. Both Acts were to give uniform treatment to the many different forms of credit arrangement.
138. Occasionally Cooley exhibits a multi-dimensional scheme that promises to liberate the imagination for the many sides of collective life.
139. The aim of the competition is to encourage artists to explore the many creative opportunities offered by the new Tinted Bockingford range.
140. Most people lose the only thing they possess-life-while acquiring the many things that will finally never be theirs. RVM 
141. But he soon forgot his discomfort when he examined the many interesting rocks.
142. The many hours on the road give cyclists the opportunity to employ tactics varying from the subtle to the murderous.
143. One day we may meet that villain, or the many like him, and have to fight for our very lives.
144. First Campaigns Among the many achievements of Charles, the most obvious is the extent of his military conquests.
145. These techniques now provide the analyst with a formidable armoury with which to attack the many scientific problems associated with art research.
146. Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
147. Purchasers include the many thousands of people who bought new computers at Christmas that came pre-loaded with it.
148. The organisation as a whole became sensitised to the many debates which faced women artists who were physically challenged.
149. Above: A Lunula Butterfly is just one of the many inhabitants in Paul's 250 gallon tank.
150. The many forms of atheism can usefully be divided into two categories.
151. Bewildering and distressing is a fitting description of the many symptoms which can accompany the menopause.
152. This is just one example of the many that could be quoted to emphasize the importance of shape in biological systems.
153. Collectors, bibliophiles and browsers will find a warm welcome from the many dealers when the fair opens at 10.00 am precisely.
154. Two of the many ways that cities organized themselves were to establish ruling councils and to issue coins.
155. It is impossible to determine exact numbers and these estimates do not allow for the many hangers-on.
156. The many loose ends and unanswered questions continue to prolong their suffering.
157. the many isotopes of carbon.
158. Scope is among the many problems concerning negation.
158. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
159. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by nature.
160. Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery , are among the many crimes laid to their charge.
161. Among the many discoveries of Capt. James Cook was a linguistic one , the term taboo.
162. Commercial Bribery of the emergence and development of the many causes.
163. My primary frustration with this book is the many typographical errors.
164. His faction survived and even thrived amid the many vicissitudes of his career.
165. I'm just having an iced coffee from one of the many vending machines in Tokyo.
166. There are hundreds of temples dedicated to the many gods of Hinduism.
167. This is merely one of the many instances of metaphysical theories seemingly conformed by facts.
168. Wavell responded gallantly to the many cumulative calls made upon him.
169. Nor did the many scientists at the United Nations'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC.
170. He was humbled to the dust by the many ill things he had done.
171. Let us remember the many undernourished people, young and old[], scattered throughout the world.
172. Asarum clinical widely applies to the many kinds of diseases treatment, also curative effect affirmation.
173. Among the many good news around , investors did not overreact this weekauction of ultra - short - term U.
174. Such a gross classification certainly does not account the many smaller ribosome size differences reported.
175. Bunsen burner hissed softly on one of the many long, black , polished stone - like counters.
176. I eat lots of oranges in virtue of the many vitamins therein.
177. Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many - coloured Sicilian table.
178. It was one of the many fads that sweep through mathematics regularly.
179. The many viable components of the business could be expected to operate more effectively.
180. Among the many mammalian hormones are ACTH, sex hormones, thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine.
181. Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.
182. Of the many case histories recounted, that of Richard Sorge enlightened and affected Levchenko the most.
183. A test case is specified by a combination of the values of the many parameters.
184. Among the many scientists, I like to remember John von Neumann ( 1903—1957 ).
185. Among the many regulatory substances in use we have controllable and selective herbicides.
186. For and small children, the many experiences of pleasure and wellbeing are still rather diffuse.
187. And take the initiative to fund the gainer for the many high positions of fund shares.
188. I won't go into the many variations, but declarer can always prevail in the ending.
189. The appearance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a benediction.
190. Two of the many aspects of this problem increasingly fascinate and provoke the writer.
191. Among the many years of operation, energy saving equipment failure rate is low(), stable good.
192. Pest control, we are learning, is just one of the many ways spiders can help us.
193. The many tiers of her dress are embellished bow in the back.
194. Among the many passengers on this boat, both male and female, was a spruce young dandy.
195. The wheels, spoiler and motor tuning guarantee even more driving pleasure with the many - sided car.
196. The many caffeinated natural plants are are: Coffee, Tea, Kola, Cocoa, and Guarana.
197. They eliminated the many crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary.
198. Unlike the many other Kumaris in Nepal, the Kathmandu goddess makes only rare public appearances.
199. The many sets of operations that can be represented in a particular operation code.
200. The many internal degrees of freedom make the snake robots extremely flexible and maneuverable.
201. Note the many small smudgy blue platelets between the RBC's.
202. I hesitate to record the many other instances of his sagacity.
203. Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.




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