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单词 Borges
1 By the 1980s Borge had got his second wind and looked like going on for ever as an international touring artist.
2 Mister Borges has also taken his camera to Afghanistan.
3 Jorge Luis Borges, "The Library of Babel"
4 LM: Right, Jorge Luis Borges is also often mentioned as your other key inspiration.
5 Although Borges's name was mentioned in speculations about Nobel Prize, Borges never became a Nobel Laureate.
6 In 1946 Borges took over the editorship of Los Annales de Buenos Aires, an academic magazine.
7 Jorge Lues Borges was a world famous Argentine writer. He was a poem, prose and short stories writer, and also a well known translator and philosopher.
8 Jorge Luis Borges, the originator of the post-modernism, whose works broke the traditional novel style, created a new style of literature creation in the literary history.
9 LM: Right, Jorge Luis Borges is also often mentioned as your other key inspiration. What other works have affected your writing?
10 Jorge Luis Borges observed that in Huckleberry Finn "for the first time an American writer used the language of America without affectation."
11 Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine poet and writer, used to be the director of the National Library of Argentina.
12 The great Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges demonstrated the impact of such infinite combinations of letters on human life and thought in his 1941 short story "The Library of Babel."
13 Jorge Luis Borges, the most famous of the country's writers, once famously pronounced that "our entire country is imported; everyone here is really from somewhere else".
14 From the perspective of ideologically marginal Argentine, Borges creatively develops his deconstructionist translation theory which is against tradition, authority and cultural imperialism.
15 I found it in the Library of Borges by evolving it at my desk.
16 From 1937 Borges worked as a cataloguer at the Miguel Cane branch of the Buenos Aires Municipal Library.
17 It was an anthology of interviews Borges did in his eighties.
18 The short stories of Jorge Luis Borges have changed people's fixed comprehension about novel from both content and form with the unique "Borges style".
19 Borges dreams of libraries and Nabokov texts and commentaries, but Calvino pictures acres of vulnerable print, gathered into volumes but constantly menaced with dispersion or vertiginous error.''
20 Dr Cohen - Miller also noted that Borges was exaggerated sensitive, had guilt feeling and fear of sex.
21 As the most modernist Chinese writer, Can Xue understands the works of Franz Kafka and Jorge Luis Borges in her own way.
22 Historic figures from Bolivar to Jose Marti and from Neruda to Borges have all demonstrated the admirable pioneering spirit of the Latin American people.
23 Alejo Carpentier, the most important writer in the 20th century of Cuba, was a key figure of the modern Latin American Literature along with Jorge Luis Borges,[] Garcia Marquez and Vargas Llosa.
24 Word by word, I traveled through the Library of Jorge Luis Borges.




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