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单词 Echoing
(1) 'You bet,' she said, echoing his words.
(2) He could hear eerie noises echoing through the corridors.
(3) I heard echoing footfalls in the corridor.
(4) His echoing cry woke the mountain valley.
(5) The cave was echoing with shouts.
(6) The bang came suddenly, echoing across the buildings, shattering glass.
(7) 'More police, that's what we need,' he said, echoing his father's views on the subject.
(8) Rain falls through the shell of the echoing house.
(9) Like thunderclaps, echoing over and over.
(10) I heard footsteps echoing down the corridor.
(11) Below, something exploded with an echoing crash.
(12) Crashing and echoing, the filing cabinet toppled end-over-end down the stairs as the thing heaved itself through the door aperture.
(13) It was quiet, too, every sound echoing around the cavernous dome.
(14) Men would be crazy about her at first, echoing her belief in the romantic ideal.
(15) Water fell somewhere, echoing, and the swimming light rippled, reflecting it.
(16) Suddenly, Stairway to Paradise is echoing through the theatre and I am stepping into the spotlight sliding faster and faster.
(17) His shouts would fill the whole valley, echoing from the dark green hills of bush.
(18) He was echoing the sentiments of almost every one of his coworkers.
(19) Fry, perhaps consciously, was echoing the views of the foremost artistic panjandrum of a previous age.
(20) The gunshots were no longer dull thuds echoing off the hill but reports, punctuated by the snapping of triggers.
(21) Vauxhall, George Smith: an ornamental design echoing the wrought-iron work of the once famous Vauxhall Gardens.
(22) The kitchen was a great echoing place, with high beamed ceilings and quarry stone floor.
(23) The good doctor threw back his head and laughed merrily, the sound echoing strangely in that dark, forbidding hall.
(24) The smell of chlorine engulfed her and some one suddenly blew a whistle, the sound echoing in the large enclosed area.
(25) It was about this time that Endill began hearing footsteps echoing around the corridors of Nightside.
(26) Suddenly there was a strange whooping cry above us, echoing through the forest.
(27) The preference was for something resembling either a low-pitched voice or the sound of a voice echoing inside a cavern.
(28) There were objects in glass cases, lengthy labels in tiny print, subdued lighting and great echoing halls.
(29) A politicisation of the thinking classes has taken place in the Thatcher years, echoing the revolt of intelligence in the 1930s.
(30) A glass tide tinkled on the hull of the receiver, its echoing obsidian.
(1) The cave was echoing with shouts.
(31) He ran through the ferry-house, his steps echoing through the emptiness of the cavernous interior.
(32) In the echoing stillness of the hall at Colcutt Manor it sounded like the four-minute warning.
(33) There was muzak echoing from cheap speakers, generated from a cassette somewhere that couldn't keep speed.
(34) Respondent, echoing the courts below, labels it a racial quota.
(35) As they hurried down dusty, echoing staircases, Mungo began to wonder whether he would have enough money.
(36) Palaces and rich houses all over town are echoing emptily now.
(37) He begins to hear his own voice, echoing the speaker and causing shadowing aloud effects.
(38) The truck climbed steeply, the sound of its engine echoing back from thick forest.
(39) The camera watches, looking in and looking out. Rain falls through the shell of the echoing house.
(40) Sitting there he would often hear strange sounds echoing around him; the shifting of books or the faint creaking of shelves.
(41) More primary-care physicians are the remedy, said Mrs Clinton, echoing a popular theme in health-care deliberations.
(42) Carrefour started, looking round from the door, the sound echoing in his mind.
(43) The parents are the problem, some members said, echoing the education reform movement of the moment in this country.
(44) Climb the hill and enter the echoing fifteenth-century Gothic church to peer through glass panels at the medieval foundations.
(45) Holmes brushed aside an offer to wait, and we descended a set of echoing stone stairs.
(46) With ear-shattering shrieks echoing around the square,[] I decided it would be wise to wonder elsewhere.
(47) In some places the reddish undercoat of the frame shows through the gold moulding, echoing the reds in the picture.
(48) But the cracked panes reveal a dark Interior echoing with the cries of children.
(49) Adam didn't move until he was sure he could no longer hear her penetrating voice echoing on the staircase.
(50) But of course, I told myself as I walked along an echoing corridor, it never did hurt nowadays.
(51) Zena pulled on another stocking and heard his footsteps echoing away up the corridor.
(52) But McCurry also said the bill is unnecessary, echoing the views of many House Democrats.
(53) She walked through the large hall, her footsteps echoing off the stone-flagged floor, but then she suddenly stopped.
(54) The ancients shared in nature by echoing the violence of a windstorm or thunder squall.
(55) They hurt, the sound of the blows echoing off my body.
(56) In the echoing corridors the booming of the heavy sea formed a constant background.
(57) He pressed hard and hot against her, his lips echoing the hunger she could sense in his body.
(58) The wall can optimally absorb the echoing sound.
(59) The roar from Delhi is echoing across Asia.
(60) Language is learned by echoing the words of others.
(61) Gerald stood transfixed, his soul echoing in horror.
(62) He is always echoing what his boss says.
(63) Wang said echoing the view of many Chinese economists.
(64) Echoing what has become a common refrain in paleoanthropology , the Dmanisi discoveries in some ways raise more questions than they answer.
(65) His voice came echoing in the hall and would wake the dead.
(66) In computer graphics, a technique of echoing a locator, using a cursor.
(67) It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality.
(68) In the solemn echoing drive she let four taxicabs drive away.
(69) Mr Geremek responded , echoing Dreyfus, " Je refuse "
(70) He pauses , listening . FOOTSTEPS approach below, unhurried, echoing hollowly on stone.
(71) And Lydia, as if drugged, followed him like a shadow , serving , echoing.
(72) Mr Lucas and his disciples, echoing Margaret Thatcher, believe there is no such thing as society.
(73) Echoing increasing criticism from U.S. and other foreign businesses in China, the USTR raised alarm about government procurement policy.
(74) Firm, focused and full of brilliantly articulated red currant, raspberry and vanilla aromas and flavors that extend into a very long finish, echoing fruit and cedar.
(75) Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.
(76) Her ears were echoing back the explosive sounds in decibels of pain.
(77) We then loop,[] rescanning the SCSI bus (by echoing a command to a special file in the /proc pseudo-filesystem and calling devfsd) until the root device (/dev/sda1 in my case) is present.
(78) Weil's political philosophy is a response to the modern situation , echoing the eternal philosophical themes. "
(79) ECHO Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.
(80) With his Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Prabowo took a nationalist stance, obviously trying to appeal to the grass roots in a manner echoing former President Sukarno.
(81) Echoing ancient thinkers such as Democritus and Lucretius, they held ideas that were to prove too revolutionary even for a revolutionary age.
(82) Tlot - tlot, in the frosty silence! Tlot - tlot, in the echoing night!
(83) We should be original instead of echoing the views of others.
(84) Echoing the debates now common in western societies, many in China are beginning to bristle at the intrusiveness of nosy employers, data-mining marketers and ubiquitous security cameras.
(85) Had we checked the return value after echoing the context into /proc/self/attr/exec, we would have found that it had failed.
(86) Arthur Miller, echoing the poet Archibald MacLeish, liked to say that the essence of America was its promises.
(87) Simon hated the sound of his own crying, the hacking, sniveling sound echoing on and on.
(88) As Kratos enters the courtyard and makes his way through the Hall of Atropos , he continuously hears a voice echoing down from the upper regions of the courtyard, seemingly calling for help.
(89) The lights bump off in sequence. The guard exits, footsteps echoing away. Darkness now.
(90) In doing so he was echoing the time-honored fear about the fragility of republics.
(91) The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.
(92) Then he heard a piercing scream echoing down the deep well, ending in a dull, dead thud.
(93) Echoing a context into the /proc/pid/attr/exec file causes SELinux to try transitioning to that context on the next exec.
(94) He paced about the room, his heels echoing on the marble.
(95) A long peal of thunder came echoing across the sky.
(96) Red lies on his bunk below us, tossing his baseball toward the ceiling and catching it again. He pauses, listening. FOOTSTEPS approach below, unhurried , echoing hollowly on stone.




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