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单词 Fuel assembly
1 The rest of the fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor.
2 An underwater video shows the fuel assembly inching up, then swinging free.
3 That schedule still could be met if the fuel assembly can be removed today, Stewart said.
4 The fuel assembly test rig should inspect the items mentioned above, show the values of the items and judge the inspecting results automatically.
5 There exists probability of fuel assembly damage in PWR during refueling period.
6 The flux distribution of two dimensional hexagonal geometry fuel assembly for LWR is studied, using the transmission probability method.
7 Fuel assembly grids of pressurized water reactor strengthen the coolant mixing around rod through mixing structure.
8 TPFAP is a transmisssion probabilily fuel assembly code package for burnup calculations on BWR and PWR.
9 When a fuel assembly comes out, highly radioactive fission products such as strontium 90 and cesium 137 are generating tens of kilowatts of heat.
10 The civilian stuff starts out a fuel assembly a bundle of thin - wa ofof pencil erasers.
11 The failed fuel assembly identification system is an important safety system which ensures safe operations of reactor and immediate treatment of failed fuel rod cladding.
12 Investigation showed: the fuel assembly of electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is firm enough to suffer from the impulsive load, so it suits using in the reactor.
13 Earlier Wednesday, technicians placed two additional metal straps around the fuel assembly to give it greater support.
14 The principles, methods and equipments of burn-up measurement for power reactor spent fuel assembly using passive and active techniques are described.
15 The transmission probability method is developed for solving neutron flux distribution in two-dimensional light water fuel assembly.
16 Numerical simulation of steady-state flow field and thermal field of HFETR multi-tubular fuel assembly has been conducted, and CASH.
17 Numerous results indicate that DRAGON - MC code can be applied to ship nuclear reactor fuel assembly calculation.
18 In this paper, the methods of calculating neutron flux distribution in two- dimensional light water fuel assembly are discussed.
19 Continuing, and you have all kinds of releases from subsystems or components typically in the radwaste area where you might be able to drop a fuel assembly so all this has to be analysed.
20 Some other shape fuel assemblies were also discussed simply. Calculation results show that the DRAGON code can be used to calculate variform fuel assembly and the precision is high.




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