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单词 Mars
1. Marriage makes or mars a man. 
2. Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.
3. Mars was the Roman god of war.
4. As of now we don't know much about Mars.
5. Man has yet to conquer the Mars.
6. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
7. He contended that there must be life on Mars.
8. As yet( ), no man has set foot on Mars.
9. Mars has two small moons.
10. The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.
11. Is there life on Mars?
12. The scar mars his face.
13. So is there life on Mars?
14. The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside.
15. Mars and Venus will be in exact conjunction on the first of September.
16. Mars, Venus and the other planets move in eccentric orbits.
17. Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.
18. Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life.
19. Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope.
20. Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable.
21. Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.
22. Today Mars is a dry, cold, windy desert.
23. The color of Mars. 2.
24. Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.
25. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
26. The Russians plan to put a satellite into orbit round Mars.
27. The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
28. Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.
29. In thirty years from now the United States should have a manned spacecraft on Mars.
30. It may be safely assumed that there is no animal life on Mars.
1. Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.
2. As of now we don't know much about Mars.
3. Man has yet to conquer the Mars.
4. Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.
5. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
6. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
7. He contended that there must be life on Mars.
8. Mars has two small moons.
9. Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.
10. It may be safely assumed that there is no animal life on Mars.
31. Both satellites pursue nearly circular, equatorial orbits about Mars.
32. I would like to see us fly to Mars.
33. Men are from Mars and women from Venus.
34. A recent favorite was when we ski on Mars.
35. P,() targets that once seemed as distant as Mars.
36. Does life exist on Mars?
37. After all, they are from Mars.
38. But what of the great dust storms on Mars?
39. I shall adopt the same approach for Mars.
40. Incredibly, this meteorite seems to have originated on Mars.
41. The second engine burn occurs upon arrival in the vicinity of Mars.
42. Yes, well,() I suppose they also told you that intelligent life has been found on Mars?
43. The Mars project has been faulted by some scientists who say it has little research value.
44. Spacecraft and rocket upper stages for unmanned missions to the Moon, Mars, and Venus were all initiated.
45. Then the penalty paid in orbit matching with Mars and Phobos would be much smaller.
46. Socrates and Plato get mentioned, as do Mars and Apollo.
47. For Deimos, in its higher orbit, only 560 meters per second suffices to escape from the Mars system.
48. A hundred years ago it was widely believed that there was life on Mars.
49. Jezrael wondered how much worse it would have been if Mars were at aphelion.
50. The first astronomer to study the surface of Mars was Galileo Galilei, who noted the phases of the planet in 1610.
51. Hesperus is a lighthouse, Mars An air-force base; molecular cars Arrowing the turnpikes become Lost meteorites in search of home.
52. Generations of observers slowly improved their sketch maps of Mars.
53. Much water has been lost for ever from Mars, blasted into space by comet and asteroid impacts.
54. She is so ignorant of life, she might be a visitor from Mars.
55. Thus launch windows to Mars differ widely in their attractiveness.
56. Mariner 4 shocked the world with its images of Mars.
57. Work, rest and steal SWEET-TOOTHED thieves made off with 230,000 Mars Bars in a cheeky raid on the world-famous chocolate factory.
58. In 1873, however, one was found on a trajectory that brought it in to cross the orbit of Mars.
59. Most argued that the canals were optical illusions, and that Mars was a cold, waterless, radiation-baked world.
60. Once we have landed on Mars we will be able to beam it to the galaxy, he said.
61. Another discovery from the early space age was the mechanism responsible for raising intense planet-wide dust storms on Mars.
62. Wave of hope Mars probe may have found fossil seas Scientists hope that they may yet discover life on Mars.
63. The answer is simple: it taps the rotational energy of Mars.
64. Goldin made his startling announcement during a press conference that was otherwise devoted to the Mars Pathfinder probe.
65. A primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars billions of years ago.
66. A similar story was told by missions sent to study Mars.
67. Mars Inc. had a wrapper problem it wanted to keep under wraps.
68. The answer is that the greenhouse effect is very weak on Mars.
69. This month's opposition from Mars to Uranus will cause you to rethink many ideas and beliefs.
70. After that, hardly any scientists said life, even microbes,() existed on Mars.
71. Mars has a very tenuous atmosphere that is so transparent that the surface cools off dramatically at night.
72. In addition, new data strengthen the idea that a group of nine unusual stony meteorites may have come from Mars.
73. Most of Mars seems to be covered with a layer of permafrost, kilometers deep in places.
74. The day-night temperature swings, usually very wide on Mars, become much more moderate.
75. They can be useful for tours of asteroids, bringing samples back from Mars, going to Pluto quickly and to Mercury.
76. However, the mass of equipment required on Mars to extract and process water may be greatly increased.
77. The inner edge of the belt, the part closest to Mars and the other terrestrial planets, is compositionally complex.
78. A sealed package had arrived from Mars: a copy of the files Karr had taken from Berdichev's private secretary.
79. Great mountains are no longer being built on the surface of Mars.
80. They were dead serious about going to Mars and began working out the details.
81. The amount of metal needed is ten times what we used on Mars.
82. This will involve a stay on Mars of between 300 and 500 days.
83. For weeks now the planet Mars has been seen, a hand's breadth above the low horizon.
84. Almost all of the moving objects seen are slow-moving belt asteroids, out between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
85. I have no doubt that someday what is learned here will land on Mars or the Moon.
86. Mars and Venus this weekend means your love life will start to sparkle.
87. The Mars bar will melt into a gooey mess ... which tastes absolutely delicious.
88. Every schoolboy knows what the surface of Mars looks like and now he must see Uranus.
89. A Mars launch window opened in November of 1992, but with an unfavorable Mars arrival close to its aphelion distance.
90. A construction worker in the year 2084 is haunted by recurring dreams of a previous existence on Mars.
91. Because the Mars return mission is so demanding, the benefit conferred by using Mars-derived propellants is great.
92. Given the strength of his latest release, Blue Sky On Mars, that could be changing.
93. Compare Boston Chicken to Mars,(http:///mars.html) maker of the candy bars.
94. The place smells like something died in there, but not something from Earth, something dead from Mars.
95. It is 25 years since a spaceship landed on Mars.
96. This time, when the Sun and Mars are opposite each other in the sky, is called opposition by astronomers.
97. Mars and Saturn could now be gazed upon in any nineteenth-century drawing-room.
98. The occupation at Nanterre which gave birth to the 22 Mars movement was to protest against this proposal.
99. And they'd find the guilty party: a giveaway print of designer lipstick mars the rim.
100. Even modest-sized impactors can blast atmospheric gases off of Mars at speeds above escape velocity.
101. Why does Mars have ancient floods, but no water on the surface today?
102. There is no liquid water on the surface of Mars today because the pressure of the atmosphere is very low.
103. This show examines evidence both pro and con, and glimpses the future of Mars research.
104. Both Phobos and Deimos always keep the same side toward Mars.
105. The key to manufacture of storable fuels on Mars lies in the use of water-bearing surface materials, not atmospheric water vapor.
106. The space agency plans to launch robotic missions to Mars every two years.
107. A rocket race to Mars Try this game from Chatterbox 2 with your class.
108. The thin carbon dioxide atmosphere on Mars admits sunlight to the surface with very little attenuation.
109. He is navigating a transport ship coming in to land on Mars.
110. In order to journey to Mars or beyond, you needed a crew.
111. Q: If there was life on Mars, did they eat french fries?
112. Mars and Mercury were hidden in the sun's glare and Pluto was too small and distant to appear.
113. M., on July 5, 1947? How long has life existed on Mars?
114. The last time he had come to greet some one from Mars it had been DeVore.
115. At this level of detail, the atmosphere of Mars is quite similar to that of Venus.
116. This impact, or a later one, blasted the rock off the surface of Mars and sent it flying towards Earth.
117. Thus Earth progresses quite a bit more rapidly around the Sun than Mars does.
118. Fixing Mars would not consume enough resources to interfere with any of our really ambitious plans.
119. Likewise, on Mars carbon monoxide is easy to make but is not necessarily the optimum fuel.
120. Thus, the lower atmosphere and surface of Venus are far hotter than comparable regions of the Earth and Mars.
121. Their delusions are indeed more bizarre, such as thoughts being broadcast into their heads or being controlled by men from Mars.
122. But Mars say it's unfair that Walls have banned other products from their freezers.
123. From Phobos, to escape from the Mars system altogether requires only 890 meters per second.
124. But in considering Mars as a possible source of meteorites we face, once again, the dynamic problems.
125. These telescopes revealed ice caps at both poles of Mars and documented seasonal changes in color and contrast.
126. It costs much more energy to reach Mars when it is farthest from the Sun.
127. Hartmann, for example, writes classic science fiction and non-fiction about Mars.
128. For generations, scientists and science-fiction writers talked about the similarity of Mars to Earth.
129. Both the water and the heat from such active areas would be of great value to a Mars expedition.
130. Phil Revell boards a virtual mission to Mars for a preview flight.
131. The size distribution of craters on Venus is very different from anything seen on the Moon, Mars, or Earth.
132. They can therefore be perturbed by gravitational interactions with Mars into orbits that directly threaten Earth.
133. Mariner 9, with its vastly superior vantage point in orbit around Mars, saw it all.
134. You have to know about stuff like this or your program is going to claim it's found intelligent life on Mars.
135. Just as he discovered it was yet another Mars Bar wrapper, he slipped and pitched forward.
136. Most meteorites are thought to come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
137. Current data suggests that there could be life on Mars.
138. All but one of these orbit in the asteroid belt, safely beyond the orbit of Mars.
139. Mars expect their customers to chomp their way through more than a billion bars this year, worth about £90m.
140. For our purposes, we shall assume the first of these options, aerobraking to landing upon arrival at Mars.
141. As part of the bicentennial festivities of the United States, two Viking spacecraft were landed on Mars in 1976.
142. Impacts on Earth differ from those on Mars in that terrestrial impacts have a high likelihood of encountering an ocean.
143. One critic likened it to a titanic High Mass on Mars.
144. The net result is clear: the wire will be pulled toward Mars and will stay taut under this combination of forces.
145. On the one hand, some Mars probes have transmitted pictures of what appear to be dried Martian rivers and flood plains.
146. Scientists are beginning to argue that psychological fitness could be the biggest hurdle to a Mars mission.
147. Billions of asteroids orbit the sun in a belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
148. Modern studies of Mars confirm the seasonal variations of the surface brightness, but without biological intervention.
149. Therefore, Eros in its present orbit can cross the orbit of Mars and pass distressingly close to Earth.
150. Mars leather wax A wax treatment for waterproofing modern lightweight and waterproof leather walking boots.
151. Bridges is a scientist working on dirt samples brought back from a Mars expedition.
152. Saturn's opposition to Mars will bring a long-running saga of struggle to a head once more.
153. He's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars.
153. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
154. The chemistry of Mars and Venus was as balanced as the periodic table, and as dead.
155. Scientists foresee humans living on Mars within the next 200 years.
156. Planet Mars is most unhelpful this week, but do try to allow partners more freedom.
157. It is intended as a model for a possible future colony on Mars or the Moon.
158. Scientists hope the coming generation of Mars probes will detect former hot springs.
159. Even quite small bodies can penetrate the tenuous atmosphere of Mars and cause erosive explosions on its surface.
160. Michael and his Mars transport crewmates are in a room bristling with screens, workstations and equipment.
161. Earth has only 0. 3 millibars of carbon dioxide and Mars an average of about 6 millibars.
162. Mars was merely a sad story that somebody else had told her, but leaving the meanings was worse than unrequited love.
163. It gives us the mini-mum performance we need to get off Mars but leaves much room for growth and improvement.
164. Two possible routes to Mars are illustrated in figure 4.18.
165. And in the rocks, somewhere on Mars, is probably written the history of the cold, freeze-dried planet.
166. The space agency would have preferred to talk instead about its plans to explore Mars.
167. The presence of Mars in Scorpio is as clear a signal as you could wish for.
168. The goal of landing people on Mars will not be an easy one to execute.
169. Step into a Dali painting or fly to Mars - the possibilities are endless.
170. This process of constructing habitable environments on Mars can be begun at once.
171. Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
172. On Mars, the colonists are repeating the errors of Earth.
173. Donnellan likes to say she matriculated at the University of Mars.
174. The little wanderer called Sojourner ran into a big Mars rock Thursday and ended up with one wheel high, scientists reported.
175. A better plan would be to launch from Earth on a trajectory optimized for transfer to Mars.
176. Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
177. Middle-sized Mars occupies the middle ground between Earth and Moon in almost every respect.
178. At these times, any given booster rocket can launch the heaviest possible payloads to Mars.
179. It is now far more acceptable to start talking about a manned mission to Mars.
180. Mars is very nearly twice the diameter of the Moon and half the diameter of Earth.
181. Manned visits to the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos often figure as parts of manned missions to the surface of Mars.
182. Mars is too far away from the Sun, and is too small.
183. All of the Amor asteroids cross the orbit of Mars and could collide with it.
183. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
184. In 1967, Lovelock wrote two papers predicting that Mars would be lifeless based on his interpretation of its atmosphere.
185. Observers interested in mapping the surface or analyzing the atmosphere of Mars obviously prefer to observe near the time of opposition.
186. NASA has announced plans for a new space mission to Mars.
187. We know that Mars underwent extensive internal melting early in its evolutionary history.
188. The Dome itself, designed by Ralph Tubbs, looked as if it had descended from Mars.
189. Mars! The final pimple in our solar system!
190. The two Viking spacecraft reached Mars successfully.
191. Go-getting Mars is moving into Gemini at the weekend.
192. The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.
193. Asteroid lies between Mars and Jupiter.
194. Brazenly gracious, Mars is open arms.
195. Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would? by voyagers.
196. Mars II - Paprika, cinnamon, thyme, chili powder, charcoal.
197. Mars and Venus are planets of the sun.
198. The body - guard hissed Mademoiselle Mars.
199. Captain Arsenius, off to Mars in his '57 Chevy.
200. Aphrodite soon left him for Ares ( Mars ), the handsome god of war.
201. Nasa will launch a test flight in 2014 of a new deep-space capsule designed to send astronauts to asteroids, the Moon, Mars.
202. You have nothing to fear, for Mars will act like a booster rocket to your career to lead you precisely where you want to go.
203. Although the Martian atmosphere is very rare, a parachute is an important decelerator in the entry, descent and landing system for Mars exploration mission.
204. Mars and the bright star Spica are also hanging low in the west with Venus and ...
205. She'd ask about space colonies on Mars, flying cars, superfast nuclear-powered airplanes, artificial organs.
206. When I wake, we appear to have passed through a space-time continuum and landed on Mars.
207. Relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.
208. But Mars is just a little nearby hunk of rock in our own solar system – while Aldebaran is a mighty star, located about 65-light years away.
209. Unbound to Earth, our species could imagine that an age of spacefaring was truly under way, the Moon and Mars within reach, maybe even an asteroid where the Little Prince awaited our visit.
210. This panoramic tableau from Burroughs’ Barsoom novel “Thuvia, Maid of Mars” epitomizes Frazetta’s singular style.
211. This image was generated the by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, an instrument that was aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
212. He grabbed a Mars Bar from a display cabinet on Reading station.
213. the 3rd question was "is there life on Mars ?" he said scientists are still researching".
213. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
214. ANASA image of depressions on Mars interpreted as ancient lake basins.
215. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.
216. The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth - like.
217. Our story begins on Mars, the red planet, where a socialist utopian technocracy has put an end to virtually all life's problems.
218. and the Mars Science Laboratory, a car-sized rover that will explore the red planet.
219. Map information: in this June 16, 2007 from the Mars probe "Opportunity" after the shooting and artificial coloring pictures of the surface of Mars is shown in the "Victoria" Hang Hau.
220. Mars - 500 is the 3 rd in a series of interplanetary interplanetary flight simulations, the.
221. an unmanned Mars mission.
222. A leading hypothesis is that Echus Chasma , at 100-kilometers long and 10-kilometers wide, was once one of the largest water sources on Mars.
223. The Mars Science Laboratory rover, scheduled to launch late this year, will not be able to help.
224. Mars will be sublimely compatible, so you should feel ready to meet others and rediscover your yen for a little adventure and change.
225. With a bunch of planets in Aquarius and Mars in the opposite sign of Leo, you'll want to go somewhere, to get out of the house.
226. For this reason, the most commonly discussed panspermia scenario involves the transport of microbes or their precursors from Mars to Earth.
227. Fortunately, with Venus in the same financial house, orbiting close to Mars, Venus will continue to work hard to help you find new sources of income.
228. With Mars accenting these until the end of May, you've plenty of time to consider your options, including those that could disrupt other areas of your life.
229. But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon.
230. Alternatively, you could visit the National Gallery to see Botticelli's magical Venus and Mars.
231. "Until we commit to going back to Mars, we're not going to have a nuclear rocket," McDaniel said.
232. If Benefic planets are in aspect to Mars in this location, considerable fame and income result from the occupations he has determined.
233. Experimental results show that the retrieval performance of the algorithm is better than that of MARS.
234. Her flight last summer was an assembly mission to help complete the space station, designed as a stepping-stone for returning to the Moon for extended exploration and, later, on to Mars.
235. The 'feed forward' there is quite important where you can simulate a Mars mission on Moon.
236. The gibbous moon and planet Mars can be seen in the eastern sky at nightfall tonight.
237. But the eldest son is not the mars the Godfather is, no disrespect intended.
238. ScienceDaily (July 18, 2011) —NASA's Dawn spacecraft on July 16, 2011 became the first probe ever to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
239. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres.
240. Mars - 500 is the 3 rd theories in a series of inter fly interplanetary flight simulations.
241. He says knowing the temperature of Mars from long ago provides valuable information.
242. The First Pentacle of Mars. – It is proper for invoking Spirits of the Nature of Mars, especially those which are written in the Pentacle.
243. Insecurity usually mars this relationship. This can be one extremely mawkish union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in impair and misgiving.
243. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
244. Astrologic wisdom says that any endeavor or relationship started when Mars is in one's own sign is likely to succeed.
245. In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion .
246. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn shows that you can use your energies constructively.
247. We on Earth have protection in the form of a magnetic shield. But that shield is dead on Mars, gone for billions of years.
248. Presumably if all life on Earth were extinguished, the Earth's atmosphere would fall back to a persistent equilibrium, and become as boringly predictable as Mars and Venus.
249. Right now, NASA's Phoenix Lander is using a scoop to dig on Mars.
250. Arriving in 2014, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) will see if the solar wind and radiation are behind the loss of the Martian atmosphere.
251. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (NYSE: WWY) announced today that its stockholders overwhelmingly approved the adoption of the merger agreement with Mars, Incorporated.
252. The Mars Observer is to be deployed from an America space shuttle.
253. Carl Sagan never had the chance to go to Mars. He died in December, nineteen ninety-six.
254. The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye all week.
255. There also she had an oracle, and, as Urania , was worshipped jointly with ares Mars.
256. The diameter of Mars is slightly over half that of the earth.
257. The Mars probe will be launched from a Russian launch vehicle.
258. Mars will move through your fourth house of home all month.
259. Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
260. Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
261. In 1997, the Pathfinder Mission used air bags to successfully land on Mars.
262. Odyssey does not carry instruments that can search for life on Mars.
263. It will have solar panels and a supplementary power source in the form of a plutonium-238 nuclear battery, the same type installed on the forthcoming Mars Science Laboratory rover.
264. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt.
265. The plot thickens delightfully because Mars will be spending several productive weeks, until November 11, in your third house, encouraging all kinds of writing and speaking assignments.
266. Chinese Mars explorer is planed to launch in 2009, for which the remote tracking network is ...
267. Vivaldi composed L'Unione della Pace, e di Marte, the Union of Peace with Mars, to mark the birth of King Louis XV's twin daughters in 1727.
268. A hypothetical inhabitant of the planet mars, especially as a stock fictional character.
269. Monuments of Mars by Hoagland gives evidence for intelligent life on Mars, from somewhere...
270. Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron deity Mars, the god of war.
271. If verified, this finding would be consistent with having methanogens living below the surface of Mars.
272. Over 3 billion years ago, when the climate on Mars was much wetter, a channel breached the crater's rim and carved deep gullies into its sides, leaving behind large fan-shaped alluvial deposits.
273. And this tendency to love wounded birds stems from natal Neptune - Mars square.
274. I prefer thr money going to thetelescope rather than Mars but, regardless...there is no more money.
275. NASA will continue to support the 11 planetary missionscurrently exploring our solar system, and will complete launch preparations forthe groundbreaking Mars Science Laboratory.
276. Space commentators muttered darkly about Mars being a cosmic equivalent of the Bermuda triangle.
277. Most of the time, the apparent motion of Mars in Earth's sky is in one direction, slow but steady in front of the far distant stars.
277. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
278. Surface details of Mars showing the planet's Swiss cheese - like circular depressions.
279. Mars is fairly off the map as a tourist destination.
280. He stole a Mars bar from the school tuck shop.
281. Earth has become uninhabitable and the surviving humans are fleeing to Mars.
282. When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa .
283. "Things looked so grim for exobiology on Mars, " said Christopher F.
284. German astronomer Johannes Kepler used these modern logarithms to calculate the orbit of Mars at the start of the 17th century.
285. Svenska : Stalin, Lenin och Kalinin vid det Sovjetunionens kommunistiska partis? ttonde kongress i mars 1919.
286. Leo's royal star Regulus and red planet Mars appear in a colorful pairing just above the horizon in this starry skyscape.
287. We are sure that earthlike people do not live on Mars.
288. The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties.
289. Two volunteers cut off from the rest world for eight months stepped out on a mock-up of Mars on Monday, reaching the dramatic half-way point of their experimental "voyage" to the Red Planet.
290. And there's an even more ambitious idea out there. Howard Shapiro, chief agronomist at Mars, hopes that chocolate could even bring back a little of the forest paradise that's been lost.
291. Many geological features like canyons, dried-up lakes and river channels point to the flow of liquid water in the distant past when Mars may have been warmer.
292. Can the Zeta's explain the hemisperical crustal dichotomy of the planet Mars?
293. Plans for eventual missions to an asteroid and to Mars could be decades away. But Daytona Beach, Florida resident Rob Hansen is more optimistic.
294. This god was a lot like the Roman god of war, Mars.
295. And how is it known that Mars had hafnium - 187 ?
296. Mars team leader Howard Yana Shapiro says it's a win-win both for the company and for cocoa farmers.
297. It'shows that the methane oxidation follows the redox or Mars and van Krevelen mechanism.
298. Martian Body Count" opened this week! It's the prequel to "Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars.
299. Explanation: The unusual stone mesas of the Cydonia region on Mars are quite striking in appearance.




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