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单词 masseur
释义  Related topics: Occupationsmas·seur /mæˈsɜː $ -ˈsɜːr/ noun [countable]  BOsomeone who gives massages 按摩师Examples from the Corpusmasseur• Now if I put in five hours, I have to go to a masseur.• Each team has managers, mechanics and masseurs.• Any experienced masseur can tell how often, as they release muscle tension, tears are shed.• There were no engineers or sponsors or press officers or masseurs.• The crash which left Konstantinov and team masseur Sergei Mnatsakanov in comas for several weeks.• No, but what about that wild masseur in the Doritos commercial?Origin masseur (1800-1900) French masser; → MASSAGE1mas·seur nounChineseSyllable   Corpus who someone gives massages




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