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单词 Parliamentary
1. Prospective parliamentary candidates met party leaders last week.
2. Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.
3. They will bring in a parliamentary bill.
4. She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.
5. Every party is united on the need for parliamentary democracy.
6. The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.
7. Following the coup,[http://] parliamentary leaders were put under house arrest.
8. The Opposition has long argued for changes in parliamentary rules.
9. She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green.
10. 133 of the parliamentary deputies voted against the treaty.
11. Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures.
12. The parliamentary session ends on October 4th.
13. There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism.
14. Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy.
15. Her parliamentary career has occupied all of her time.
16. Her parliamentary career has been meteoric.
17. He was allowed to retain his parliamentary seat.
18. The government lost a parliamentary confidence vote.
19. Several ministers were stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges.
20. Research groups prepare the draft bills tabled by parliamentary representatives.
21. It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.
22. The British parliamentary system is founded on debate and opposition.
23. He was obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate.
24. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.
25. Parliamentary leaders agreed to take all such decisions by a show of hands.
26. He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.
27. Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
28. Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence.
29. He has remained largely aloof from the hurly - burly of parliamentary politics.
30. The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.
1. Prospective parliamentary candidates met party leaders last week.
2. Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.
3. They will bring in a parliamentary bill.
4. She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.
5. Every party is united on the need for parliamentary democracy.
6. The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.
7. He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.
8. Following the coup, parliamentary leaders were put under house arrest.
9. The Opposition has long argued for changes in parliamentary rules.
10. Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
11. He has remained largely aloof from the hurly - burly of parliamentary politics.
12. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.
31. He used his influence to make sure she was not selected as a parliamentary candidate.
32. They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.
33. They competed for power through a combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods.
34. The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides.
35. A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.
36. His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.
37. He is standing for Oxford East in the parliamentary election.
38. The opposition has demanded a re-run of parliamentary elections held yesterday.
39. They accused the government of riding roughshod over parliamentary procedure.
40. A parliamentary commission is re-evaluating Tangentopoli.
41. This has led to parliamentary deadlock.
42. The parliamentary debate has been deferred.
43. It failed to win government and parliamentary approval.
44. Especially to eager young parliamentary candidates and local trouble-makers.
45. The landscape of parliamentary enclosure in Wensleydale,[http:///parliamentary.html] North Yorkshire.
46. The last parliamentary elections were in 1968.
47. The plan was to avoid annual parliamentary wrangles.
48. Privatization has stalled since the parliamentary election last December.
49. The landscape of parliamentary enclosure at Brauston(), Leicestershire.
50. The fragility of the parliamentary system was already apparent.
51. The 1993 parliamentary elections resulted in a conservative landslide.
52. A parliamentary election dominated by his Communist opponents.
53. Established elements of parliamentary democracy in Britain are challenged.
54. Mr Major insisted that the Government would abide by normal parliamentary procedures.
55. It called for the formation of a joint parliamentary commission in April, when the two-plus-four talks would also begin.
56. There should be a provision for annual leadership elections in the Parliamentary Party.
57. For the whole sample, the comparison reveals that presidential democracies are more likely to break down than parliamentary democracies.
58. There had been dissent over the issue of whether to contest the forthcoming parliamentary elections on separate party lists.
59. John Taylor became one of the best known prospective parliamentary candidates when some local tories objected to his selection.
60. The fourth element of the constitution is one that I have described as a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy.
61. But the Party continues to flout its own rules and the basic principles of parliamentary democracy.
62. A democratic, parliamentary system of government has been set up with free elections at least once every five years.
63. This obvious feature of the parliamentary arithmetic is ignored by many writers on the 1931 crisis.
64. The result of the parliamentary election of 1970 was, therefore,[/parliamentary.html] crucial to the final outcome.
65. It was impossible to treat all parliamentary candidates alike without being either wholly uninformative or inordinately lengthy.
66. The pressure for cash was also viewed as a response to Labour's slump in a parliamentary by-election in Ceredigion last week.
67. He had only a tiny parliamentary majority, and Britain was in the grip of another economic crisis.
68. The landscape of parliamentary enclosure at Oare on Exmoor Somerset.
69. But there may be parliamentary unrest, as other parties try to attract new members.
70. It will bring forward legislation in the coming parliamentary session to introduce student loans, partially replacing grants, from autumn 1990.
71. There may be cases where there is parliamentary disquiet over a ministerial proposal and then the minister has a change of mind.
72. If the Government approves the company's bid, an application will be made in 1991 for a parliamentary bill.
73. Yet mass media coverage of general elections and parliamentary politics is highly personalized and concentrates on the party leaders.
74. Television also received a disproportionate amount of public attention in the press and parliamentary debate.
75. In 1999, only 28 competed in parliamentary elections, down from 43 four years earlier.
76. Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
77. He continued to serve on increasing numbers of parliamentary committees until his death 26 March 1652.
78. Defeat in the general election of 1865 ended his parliamentary career.
79. One of the parliamentary commissioners who escorted the king to Holdenby, he was regarded as an enemy by the army council.
80. They were subject to exhaustive parliamentary debate and, on occasion, referendum.
81. In the early 1820s the comparative material gathered from the United States by Liverpool abolitionists was used for parliamentary purposes.
82. Civil servants give evidence to parliamentary committees and other official inquiries.
83. Again, is parliamentary material admissible in support of an argument for an alternative construction?
84. The vote came after majority Nationalist Party officials said today the party would use parliamentary procedures to block implementation of the bills.
85. Coincident with the changing Parliamentary climate was a more positive attitude towards abolition on the part of the Labour Government.
86. On Jan. 28 at a parliamentary press briefing Viljoen expanded on the government's proposals, giving details of a five-step plan.
87. There became room for younger, different, mainly nonconformist leaders to assert themselves, not necessarily by parliamentary means.
88. Development plans by government agencies which were opposed by the Park would require parliamentary approval.
89. I see no purpose in a further referendum on that matter - we are a parliamentary democracy.
90. The draft orders are again the subject of consultation, following which parliamentary approval turns them into legal binding requirements.
91. The Parliamentary Party was not in fact electing a prime minister; it was electing a new party leader.
92. His top priority is survival, not the mandate for sweeping change his followers won in recent parliamentary elections.
93. It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
94. And the Committee has kept a close watch on the uses made by the broadcasters of parliamentary material in their programmes.
95. Croydon is indeed a borough fortunate in its parliamentary representation.
96. The landscape of parliamentary enclosure on King s Sedgemoor Somerset Levels.
97. Uttlesford District Council is being visited on Friday by 38 parliamentary delegates from throughout the commonwealth.
98. Six parliamentary deputies faced criminal prosecution once their parliamentary immunity had been removed.
99. The New Minister of finance, Sigbjoern Johnsen,[http:///parliamentary.html] had been deputy leader of the parliamentary finance committee since 1986.
100. Rightwinger John Redwood has been put in charge of the Conservative party's parliamentary campaigns unit.
101. The immediate trigger for the protest is a parliamentary bill designed to crack down on illegal immigration.
102. One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber.
103. Also Brent East has the highest concentration of immigrants of any parliamentary constituency in the country.
104. The Communist decision to withdraw its candidates in all but two Parliamentary constituencies aggravated the situation still further.
105. The function of the parliamentary state secretaries has not yet been clearly established.
106. When the party is in opposition it also elects the Parliamentary Committee or Shadow Cabinet.
107. Under the new Constitution, the President would appoint a government on the basis of the results of the parliamentary elections.
108. In the spring of 1962, with the national emergency now over, the parliamentary opposition came back to life.
109. It constituted an even clearer expression of provincial mobilisation and disregard for parliamentary initiative and manoeuvre than 1833.
110. Thus, during these years, the overriding concern of the government in office was parliamentary survival and electoral prospects.
111. Within our system of parliamentary democracy, only inter-party competition was seen as crucial and desirable.
112. He had married Judith Hall, a parliamentary research assistant, five years earlier.
113. He resigned this post in 1845 as a result of a parliamentary enquiry into alleged improper acquisition of railway shares.
114. In October 1989 the opposition unsuccessfully attempted to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the affair.
115. Each of the prospective parliamentary candidates for Orkney and Shetland added their voices to the growing storm of unrest.
116. They were the first couple in parliamentary history to sit on a front bench together in either House.
117. There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session.
118. A crucial question now is how the mood of the Parliamentary Conservative party has moved since that date.
119. With the introduction of parliamentary government in 1918, a layer of elected politicians was superimposed on the existing administrative apparatus.
120. The administration lag should not be as long for monetary policy since formal Parliamentary approval is not required.
121. Of crucial importance, in the end, was the fact that all four areas were in Conservative-held parliamentary constituencies.
122. Parliamentary proceedings are written up and published in the daily Hansard.
123. The panel's report, which has been submitted to a parliamentary committee, set out two lines of argument.
124. Kent County Council; the district councils of; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies.
124. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125. Even so, he was defeated in the City parliamentary election of 1734 and failed to make the opposition slate in 1740-1.
126. The Government are committed to sustaining the momentum of parliamentary reform.
127. This tax is being imposed on our constituents without proper parliamentary consideration.
128. The hostile reception of Alford's views led him to reflect that he was being denied the parliamentary right of free speech.
129. He was also a meticulous parliamentary diarist, providing the fullest known account of debates in 1626, 1628, and 1629.
130. The parliamentary commission investigating Mr Kohl has said it will not use the files as evidence.
131. Under conditions of a clear parliamentary majority, the choice of when to hold an election lies with the Prime Minister.
132. At present there is a moratorium on the construction of nuclear plants, and the plans would need parliamentary approval.
133. On the far side of the meadows of the River Welland are the regular fields of parliamentary enclosure.
134. Farmsteads are still rare outside the villages: the few that exist were mostly built after the parliamentary enclosure of the parishes.
135. Parliamentary material is admissible where the legislation is ambiguous, uncertain or leads to an absurdity.
136. In 1967, a parliamentary commissioner was established to investigate complaints passed on by Members of Parliament about maladministration in government departments.
137. Wigg, in that conversation with me, was seeking my approval to continue his parliamentary quest for information.
138. Parliamentary question time is frequently noisy; the interchanges are more concerned to make debating points than to add to public enlightenment.
139. Alan Milburn, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington, claims the figures are only the tip of the iceberg.
140. In 1936 she was adopted as the prospective parliamentary candidate for the Exchange division of Liverpool.
141. If the parliamentary committee wishes to see Britain's racing transformed, it should forget about tampering with the levy rate.
142. The language of parliamentary debate in Britain has reflected this change.
143. High Court judges are the deputy chairmen of the Parliamentary Boundary Commissions.
144. A new role for the courts has to be fashioned out of our system of parliamentary democracy - Justinian.
145. Disappointment and frustration began to accumulate in criticism of Buxton as parliamentary leader of the cause.
146. Hoyte had twice extended the parliamentary session in 1991, ostensibly in order to allow new electoral rolls to be drawn up.
147. The Soviet Union could not be easily categorized as either presidential or parliamentary.
148. In 1832 the first parliamentary reform bill was passed and Dundee was one of the new constituencies created by the Act.
149. However, the Conservatives also predominated in both national news bulletins and in parliamentary review programmes, particularly the latter.
150. A proposal by the opposition Labour Party for a more extensive package failed to gain parliamentary approval.
151. Nevertheless, it is still open to question whether these arrangements are an adequate substitute for parliamentary scrutiny.
152. From convocation he obtained a biennial tenth conditional upon the clergy's exemption from any parliamentary tax.
153. Hadley is NatPower's new business development director but happens to share his name with the Responsible Independent parliamentary candidate for Wimbledon.
154. He did invite me to become a parliamentary Labour candidate in the 1945 election.
155. Of the 20 parliamentary members at the Liberal Democrat leader's disposal,[] all but one will now sit on the front bench.
156. Pawar called for an election of the parliamentary party leader by secret ballot.
157. The series of parliamentary debates and votes leading to the congress session revealed deep-seated divisions among the opposition.
158. On July 16 Bhutto announced her intention to abandon parliamentary politics and engage in street demonstrations to press for fresh elections.
159. It has already been considered by the relevant Parliamentary committees and this debate will complete its first reading.
160. That they are an essential part of any system of parliamentary democracy will be of limited consolation to them.
161. At stake were 180 parliamentary and 455 state assembly seats.
162. Such parliamentary chaos is not a symptom of underlying social disorder.
163. Even in a traditionally Conservative parliamentary constituency, the youthful team could be crucially important.
164. In most parliamentary democracies voter turnout tends to be around half to three-quarters of the electorate.
165. Two weeks ago, I revisited Zagreb having previously led a parliamentary delegation there a year ago.
166. Despite this there have been various Parliamentary attempts to define the phrase.
167. My parliamentary colleague, the Member for Ludlow, Christopher Gill, has been leading the chase.
168. The head of state would have no powers to dissolve parliament or to appoint state officials without parliamentary approval.
169. The same argument applies with even greater force to the parliamentary candidates - Jones, Thorne, Davis and Gardner.
170. The political ambitions of the working class had normally been channelled through parliamentary and constitutional routeways.
171. An extraordinary parliamentary debate on July 22, however, endorsed the government's action.
172. Yet there was always an element of complacency about an administration which enjoyed a substantial parliamentary majority.
173. The Parliamentary Council feared a democratic state incapable of functioning as much as a dictatorship too capable of functioning.
174. But probably four out of five of these farmsteads in the fields are the consequence of parliamentary enclosure.
175. As a whole it reaffirmed liberal individualism, pluralism and parliamentary democracy.
176. Yet the new balance began to be questioned almost as soon as it was put in place, this time by Parliamentary committees.
177. A parliamentary commission is investigating whether Mr Kohl's governments swapped favours for party donations.
178. Separated for local government purposes, the Hartlepools were united as one parliamentary constituency in 1868.
179. Formally, it was parliamentary and the approval of the Supreme Soviet was needed for all significant laws and appointments.
180. They are also the continuing decline of parliamentary politics and political control increasingly orchestrated by a small clique within the Cabinet.
181. It is, of course, very easy to make fun of the parliamentary draftsmen.
182. Delegates also demanded the representation of democratic forces in a provisional People's Hural until the parliamentary elections.
183. In June, a Parliamentary committee assembled to respond to its challenge.
184. But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election.
185. Is majority rule under a system of parliamentary democracy a sufficient guarantee of legitimacy?
186. Unity and the Communists also agreed on who should preside over the parliamentary commissions.
187. However,[http:///parliamentary.html] we should interfere in local government with some trepidation because local democracy and local accountability underpin parliamentary democracy and accountability.
188. Together, the three formed a faction whose parliamentary members last October defied orders from their leadership and voted in favour of Maastricht.
189. A parliamentary debate on the issue might be the one thing to tear the coalition apart.
190. The first ordinations should take place in eighteen months subject to Parliamentary approval.
191. At £12 per table leader, parliamentary democracy is getting good value.
192. As Winston Churchill once said, parliamentary democracy is a very bad system - but no one has found a better one.
193. Shevardnadze was expected to set about forming a coalition among some of the 36 parties which had contested parliamentary seats.
194. Parliamentary influence over these appointments is minimal, the matter being almost entirely one of ministerial discretion.
195. The parliamentary debate on the Report showed the Home Secretary adopting a two-pronged strategy in his response.
196. Again this provides a strong contrast with the first Whigs, who had pressed for frequent Parliamentary elections.
197. The letters show Pelham to have been indefatigable and devoted to the parliamentary cause.
198. There was a noticeable discontent with parliamentary practices and institutions.
199. Following parliamentary ratification, Chissano promulgated on Oct. 14 legislation approving the actual peace treaty as well as a general political amnesty.
200. Thereafter he continued to be an influential committee-man until he returned to Ireland as a parliamentary commissioner in June 1649.
201. Parliamentary sovereignty had not been ceded to Brussels but merely delegated.
202. the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty.
203. The polls have closed in the Pakistan parliamentary elections.
204. He made the allegation under the protection of parliamentary privilege.
205. The the city of Oxford now matched the parliamentary borough.
206. For the rest Jagan spoke as a nationalist committed to parliamentary methods.
207. Similarly, also, in the electoral qualifications in modern parliamentary states.
208. The minister air-dashed to Delhi because of the parliamentary crisis.
209. We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy.
210. British Parliamentary procedure is perplexing at the best of times.




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