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单词 Jaws
1) The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
2) The crocodile's jaws snapped shut.
3) The fish has strong jaws and sharp interlocking teeth.
4) The alligator's jaws snapped shut.
5) He yawned his jaws out of joint.
6) A spider sank its jaws into my ankle.
7) He clamped his jaws in anger.
8) She had saved him from the jaws of death.
9) He was saved from the jaws of death.
10) The shark snapped its jaws shut.
11) They narrowly escaped from the jaws of death.
12) The team snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
13) The lion opened its jaws and roared.
14) The guide slowly led through the pass's jaws.
15) The dog's jaws were clamped to his leg.
16) The dog had his arm clamped between its jaws.
17) The rescuers snatched the children from the jaws of death.
18) Fire fighters used the Jaws of Life to free the trapped victims.
19) She was plucked from the jaws of death by Tarzan.
20) She had her jaws wired together so that she wouldn't be able to eat.
21) The slavering jaws of the guard dog stopped anyone going near.
22) The dog locked its jaws on her leg and wouldn't let go.
23) His foot was caught in the jaws of the trap.
24) People's jaws drop when Tom tells them what he does for a living.
25) Her jaws tightly locked.
26) The jaws and oral area are covered by skin.
27) Like the jaws of a bear trap.
28) A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.
29) A shark can crush a boat with its massive jaws.
30) Different species differed in number and size of teeth and proportions of the jaws.
1) The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
2) He was saved from the jaws of death.
3) The guide slowly led through the pass's jaws.
4) People's jaws drop when Tom tells them what he does for a living.
31) Some dancers were sucking lollipops to counteract the clenching of the jaws caused by amphetamines.
32) One has elongated jaws for picking between the coral stems, another may specialise in cropping a particular kind of small crustacean.
33) In its great jaws were dozens of sharp and curving teeth.
34) Vices with pipe jaws are less likely to distort copper pipe: a pipe vice can usually be hired.
35) The jaws were unrecognizable by this stage, and all the teeth were exposed as isolated teeth.
36) He would run around like a broken top with his jaws open, all the kids screaming as they scattered.
37) She fed the little slips of cardboard one by one into its grinding jaws.
38) It was pointed downwards, the jaws grinning, the muzzle close to the ground./jaws.html
39) He lost an eye at the Battle of the Jaws, and wears an iron patch to cover the wound.
40) The venom glands are modified salivary glands located in the lower jaws.
41) The better choice here is a crescent-pattern spanner which has angled jaws so that it can be reversed in tight corners.
42) The latest design has slightly curved jaws, so can be used more effectively on pipes.
43) He says they're trade secrets and Jaws is just a trout compared to a Zander.
44) The t-shirt is white with a horrible looking plastic alien coming out of it, jaws open, blood everywhere.
45) This enabled her to calculate the force that its jaws would need to break the skull of a living animal.
46) Try smearing the spanner jaws with light oil, then dipping them in fine sand.
47) Once separated from the jaws they appear equally likely to be digested, so that there is approximate equivalence between the samples.
48) The High Elves were caught in the jaws of a trap, fighting a war on two fronts against two powerful foes.
49) Dull frontal headache, occipital headache; pain in the jaws go to the head.
50) The huge jaws are fifteen feet long and spike-like teeth line the jaws, upper and lower.
51) As for the upper jaws, percentage incisor loss appears to be a more sensitive indicator of breakage than molar loss.
52) Orcs have large heads with huge jaws but tiny foreheads behind which lurk a thick skull and not very much brain.
53) Even the Amazon's taxed and patrolled To set laws by the few jaws - Piranha and jaguar.
54) His mouth was like that of a camel, with a big opening and wide jaws.
55) The shocked priority of examining herself after escaping, literally, from the jaws of death, wore off.
56) Their true jaws are of obvious advantage for grasping prey.
57) Mr Linley stuck out a microphone as long as his arm, right up to those ragged jaws.
58) There the whales deliberately tilt the floes so that seals slide off into the water and into the jaws of their attackers.
59) The whirring of our locust jaws is what keeps you awake.
60) We learn to relax the muscles in our throat, jaws, even in our shoulders and back.
61) They have bodies divided into segments, and their legs and jaws are arranged in pairs.
62) Jezrael clenched her teeth so hard against the torment that her jaws shuddered, but she didn't cry out.
63) And like the film Jaws, true or false, this is a story that will run and run.
64) Miller was trying to help his career and, to coin a phrase, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
65) The jaws opened wider and they could see the teeth, glimmering white as the stripes along the head.
66) Also, anything on the Jaws films, especially merchandise, toys, etc.
67) Amphibians, like birds and most mammals, have soft bodies that are easily squeezed in predatory jaws.
68) The boy in front of her is chewing gum; his jaws rotate with the same motion as hers: to and fro, to and fro.
69) Her father jumped on the croc and wrestled her out of its jaws.
70) The bear roared at him with fury, its black muzzle and huge jaws covered in a thick white froth.
71) It has relatively large eyes and a small mouth, with small sharp teeth on both upper and lower jaws.
72) The snapping jaws missed, but he felt its far as it swung around and scampered away.
73) Because of its reduced jaws, its teeth often fail to meet properly when the mouth is closed.
74) Ilene Karp Boy: Did you hear about the new chocolate bar called Jaws?
75) That heroine of Assassins had distended her jaws and throat and belly by means of Polymorphine, like a python.
76) He argued that criminals were physically distinguishable by, for example, large jaws, high cheek bones, extra toes and so on.
77) He swallowed the bile and clenched his jaws until he thought his teeth would crack.
78) In this instance, the jaws should be held together with the nose pointing upwards.
79) For this species also, therefore, preferential destruction of upper and lower jaws is indicated.
80) He seemed about to hurl the weapon between her open jaws.
81) Clench the jaws, as if chewing hard, while pushing your tongue hard against the roof of your mouth.
82) Both have small, numerous teeth in their upper and lower jaws.
83) I hummed, and my father glared at me over jaws like heaving wrestlers.
84) Nutty got a glimpse of Gloria and Seb, jaws dropping, as everyone started to jeer and clap.
85) Without jaws, the proto-fish could not prey upon shelled molluscs.
86) A pounce, the cheetah's jaws fasten on the gazelle's throat, and it is quickly throttled to death.
87) Nothing alive in the world closes with such finality as the jaws of a conger eel.
88) With a twitch of its jaws it had ripped into his hide leggings.
89) Their upper jaws become hooked and their teeth grow into long fangs.
90) The jaws are armed with spine-like mouth papillae, otherwise covered by thick skin which obscures the associated plates.
91) The fish-heads floated at the top, their scaly jaws agog, eve-sockets empty.
92) Where the column crosses an exposed area its flanks are guarded by soldiers, armed with huge jaws and totally blind.
93) Giving services for oral sex massages the jaws.
94) He closed his jaws on the bones and crunched.
95) Bigger's teeth clamped so tight that his jaws ached.
96) The universal chuck has only three jaws.
97) The panther held a snake in its jaws.
98) The jaws snap shut to take a sample.
98) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
99) His jaws were tightly locked.
100) I felt my jaws clench and teeth grind together.
101) Roth grounded his jaws together.
102) He jaws with no letup.
103) Result:120 of 123 cases were the primary repair of defect after excision of tumor, and 3 cases defects were caused by radionecrosis of the jaws.
104) With brushes and awls we teased away the rock encasing its fossilized jaws.
105) However, some owners have reported that caimans get along well with turtles, as long as the turtle is too big to fit inside the caiman's jaws.
106) The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth-hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic.
107) Conclusion Radionecrosis of jaws can be cured by extensive resection of sequestrum, immediate vascularized tissue grafts can b...
108) Reassuringly, my dog appears to share my veridical view of reality: she chases the ball and triumphantly catches it between her jaws.
109) Just heart in although gravamen exactly don't challenge to speak ashore the jaws.
110) Primitive ray-finned freshwater fishes of North and Central America and Cuba. Characterized by elongated jaws and heavy ganoid scales.
111) He can, to see the last of a friend, venture into the very jaws of the marriage ceremony itself.
112) The jaws of leaf-cutter ants and locusts, for example, both contain high levels of zinc, making them particularly stiff and hard.
113) Objective To find a new method which can repair incomplete cleft palate of infants in earlier stage, and recover the palatopharyngeal function without affecting the development of jaws.
114) When encountered in the jaws, the lesions exhibit clinical and radiographic features suggestive of several odontogenic and non-odontogenic neoplasms .
115) According to the X-ray features of the dentigerous cysts in jaws, four radiologic types of these cysts were presented.
116) Frank Mundus was convinced he was Captain Quint, the fisher of monster sharks from Peter Benchley's "Jaws".
117) November 1944: Two Coast Guard-manned landing ships open their jaws as US soldiers line up to build sandbag piers out to the ramps, on Leyte island, Philippines.
118) It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.
119) Any of numerous active, brightly colored, predatory beetles of the family Cicindelidae, chiefly of warm, sandy regions, having large jaws and sluggish larvae that live in vertical burrows.
120) Bogy, brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked 20 jaws.
121) Back on dry land he wrestles with the 60-stone (800lb) beast in her enclosure and bravely lets Agee clamp her huge jaws around his head.
122) Pincer Slipping System: Allow upper to slip between jaws ; save upper material.
123) Maybe carmakers should start making the tools necessary to break their cars open in an accident. The Jaguar Jaws of Life, anyone?
124) To explore imaging characteristics and the value of CT and MRI in diagnosis of jaws osteomyelitis.
125) The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws, enabling it to crack large bones.
126) The full-fed lioness did not care to give chase, but it mangled and smeared the veil with its jaws and claws.
127) Scissor bite. jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
128) Chen Yueh - ngo and Chang Ahhsin walked along together ,[http:///jaws.html] their jaws set firm.
129) As in perforator finger refers to perforator punch; as in carrier bar, refers to the jaws that pick up, carry, and release cages in next operation.
130) Pustulant tumors that become infested with maggots deform their faces, forcing teeth from their jaws. The devils eventually starve, but not before passing on the virulent cancer.
131) Misalignment of teeth between the upper and lower jaws can grind down the teeth and cause problems in chewing. Elsewhere, it is a cosmetic problem.
132) But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho, North by Northwest, The French Connection, Rosemary's Baby, and Jaws.
133) The white-hot trail of Jaws, I was over in Kentucky.
134) And lett his be enough to know concerning the first valley and the souls locked in its jaws.
135) Objective : To investigate the veracity of Gothic arch transferring centric relation position of edentulous jaws.
136) The devils, known for powerful jaws, fierce screeches and voracious consumption of prey, are the world's largest marsupial carnivores.
137) Disenfranchised and driven from their former homes, the Paladins still work selflessly to protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil.
138) On the basis of experiments, the design of the jaws is carried out and by means of the three-dimensional analysis, the rationality of the design is proved.
139) Her foot touches the plate and sets off the trap, but so swift and lissome is she that her ankles evade the clash of the serrated iron jaws as they spring together.
140) Can the and bloody victim love the blood - splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb?
141) Erectus discoveries, a couple of massive jaws seemed similar to those of South African australopiths — they were coined ' Meganthropus '.
142) The complication : nose conglutination 12 cases, antrum jaws atresia 3 cases, post operation hemorrhage 2 cases.
143) An onyx-winged cormorant arced downward, diving below the inky water while a hippo yawned its tusky jaws.
144) BOOM!! Josh whips around to see the head of a hideous armored fish, its huge jaws snapping shut, clacking razor-sharp teeth against the glass.
145) Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags.
146) Jaws must be undershot . The incisors of the jaw should protrude over the upper incisors.
147) Another, near the center of the jumble, was hung with a waist-length beadwork necklace, eye sockets staring back at me, jaws stretched past the breaking point.
148) This larger head with powerful jaws is a feature of all species prior to Homo sapiens sapiens .
149) The independent chuck has four jaws, while the universal chuck has only three.
150) Manipulator with jaws tooling and manual rotation of particular pallets.
151) The oval equine faces. Temple , Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell . lantern jaws.
152) They have strong jaws with razor-sharp teeth and sharp tails, which make up half their body length and can be used as whips to drive off predators.
153) Their jaws and face form a sharp-toothed Beak, and their Body is encased in an armour of diamond-shaped , thick scales.
154) He has found inspiration in the jaws of angler fish, the limbs of green tree frogs, and the inflating wattles of male frigate birds.
155) My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
156) A spoof of jaws begins as his stomach becomes a sea of acid dotted with boats.
157) Paul Millsap: If he can touch a loose ball, not even the Jaws of Life can pry it away.
158) How to make the sound: make the schwa with your jaws slightly open, your lips relaxed,[ ] and your tongue in the same position as when you wake up (everyone uses the schwa upon wakening!).
159) Jaws and teeth strong with regular scissors bite, set square to the jaw.
160) The length of the face determined by the distance of separation of jaws. The reference mark are nasospinale and chin point . The distance of these two marks is VD .
161) The researchers determined ammonites possessed jaws and a radula, which is like a tongue covered with teeth.
162) As they dive toward him, we see the distensible jaws unfold, revealing glassy dagger-like teeth several inches long.
163) The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.
164) There was a gray stubble of beard stippled over Primitivo's jaws, his lip and his neck.
165) Needlefish are characterized with their rigid, elongated jaws. They are frequently attracted by light at night and may inflict a wound by plunging their sharp beaks into anyone in their path.
166) I took the gun, lifted it to my shoulder and sighted down the black barrel. Bogy , brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked jaws.
167) Vibration receptors in jaws let alligator detect tiny movements in water.
168) Under the guidance of the template in edentulate area of pig jaws, amounting to prepare planting 8 holes.
169) CONCLUSION: It is valuable to study the clinicopathologic characteristics of osteoblastoma in the jaws for better diagnosis and treatment.
170) When the unsuspecting animal is within striking distance, the anglerfish is down with a lightening-fast snap of its powerful jaws.
171) Either of two large reptiles, Alligator mississipiensis of the southeast United States or A. sinensis of China, having sharp teeth and powerful jaws .
172) The tiger's heavy jaws are filled with serrated teeth that can easily cut through turtle shell as the sharks thrash their bodies from side to side.
173) It can repair cleft palate in earlier stage, recover the palatopharyngeal function without affecting the development of jaws, and it can be done and carried out easily.
174) The bread, bad enough in the morning, was now positively uneatable; it was so hard that even the strongest jaws could make little impression on it.
175) Objective:To investigate effective methods for preventing treatment Osteoradionecrosis of jaws.
176) Jaws are aluminum bronze alloy and T-Slot style to prevent jaw breakage.
177) I talked till my jaws ached, trying to bring him around.
178) It took the rescue crew over half an hour to extract me from the wreckage using the "jaws of life."
179) The utility model relates socket wrench with multiple wrench jaws, which is used for fastening pieces.
180) Conclusion Expectant treatment is an efficient therapeutic tool for radionecrosis of jaws.
181) Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
182) The basking shark and whale shark are killed mainly for their fins and meat, and the great white shark for its jaws and teeth, he said.
183) The head particularly, which, in the Scottish pony, is often lumpish and heavy, was small and well placed in the neck of this animal, with thin jaws, full sparkling eyes, and expanded nostrils.
184) Teeth of good size. Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
185) A woman's cowardice can be so absolute as cast her into the jaws of her aversion.
186) He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws.
187) Jaws long and strong, capable a hare or a pheasant.
188) Butterfly fish's mouth specially small, two jaws teeth are slender, incisive, leans the line basic integrity.
189) They had short necks and huge, crocodile-like heads that contained immensely powerful jaws and a set of huge, razor-sharp teeth.
190) Results show that there are attrition rate differences between groups in upper and lower jaws but no difference between male and female.
191) in the waters of the prehistoric Tethys ocean, a sinuous, 50-foot-long beast with gaping jaws and jagged teeth died and sank to the seafloor.
192) Four hole on the jaws with center spindle adjusting, long stroke.
193) Mis alignment of teeth Between the upper and lower jaws c an grind down the teeth and cause problems in chewing. Elsewhere, it is a cosmetic problem.
194) Jaws: Aluminum bronze alloy and T-Slot style to prevent jaw breakage and offers superior load bearing capabilities.
195) The long - eared animals are often gray with white noses, jaws and undersides.
196) Any of numerous chiefly tropical, often brightly colored marine fishes of the family Labridae, having spiny fins, thick lips, and powerful jaws, and often valued for food.
197) Objective To find a new method which can repair incomplete cleft palate of infants in earlier stage, recover the palatopharyngeal function without affecting the development of jaws.
198) Human jaws are called edentulous jaws when all teeth and to replaced by full dentures.
199) This enabled snakes to widen their jaws and expand the capacity of their mouths.
200) In the photo above, showing the marauder ant in Malaysia, several of the weak ants are being sliced in half by a larger enemy termite with black, scissor-like jaws.
201) A motorman tried to pry Rex's jaws open with a switch rod.
202) But as more fossils were discovered at Sangiran, it became clear that the Meganthropus jaws were merely a local variant of H. erectus.
203) Operator: Sir, I need you to stay on the line. I'm sending an ambulance right now and they'll have the Jaws of Life and other equipment to do the job.
204) It was a large black beetle with formidable jaws -- a " pinchbug, " he called it.
205) Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws scrape off incipient algae and plants.
206) The teeth of these fleet-footed predators are too small to use as daggers for large kill, but the cats have strong jaws that lock around the throat of prey until the victim stops breathing.
207) Results: The deviation and stress distribution of the edentulous jaws and the base plates were obtained.
208) We must eat our fruit from the wily serpent's jaws.




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