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单词 fondly
释义  fond·ly /ˈfɒndli $ ˈfɑːndli/ adverb  1  fondly imagine/believe/hope etc HOPEto believe something that is untrue, hope for something that will probably not happen etc 天真地以为/盲目地相信/痴心地希望等 Some people still fondly believe that modern science can solve all the world’s problems. 有些人仍然天真地相信现代科学能解决世界上所有的问题。2  LOVEin a way that shows you like someone very much 深情地,柔情地 SYN lovingly He turned to see her smiling fondly at him. 他转过身,看见她正朝他温柔浅笑。Examples from the Corpusfondly• But not all money managers will look back on 1995 fondly.• Later in the book, she writes fondly about experience with her first aircraft, a Beech Musketeer.• Greta smiled fondly at him from across the room.• Some Tories fondly imagine that privatisation will eliminate the need to subsidise the railways.• Both sisters spoke fondly of their daredevil brother.fond·ly adverbChineseSyllable  that hope to for will that is something Corpus believe something untrue,




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