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单词 On the verge of
1. The breed was on the verge of extinction.
2. I was on the verge of accepting.
3. She was on the verge of nervous collapse.
4. Jess seemed on the verge of tears .
5. He gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of leaving.
6. These events left her on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.
7. Her parents are rumoured to be on the verge of splitting up.
8. They set up camp on the verge of the desert.
9. The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
10. They are on the verge of signing a new contract for a further two years' work.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.
12. The country's economy is on the verge of collapse.
13. He was on the verge of tears.
14. Carole was on the verge of tears.
15. These animals are now on the verge of extinction.
16. Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.
17. She was on the verge of bursting into tears.
18. The tycoon is on the verge of bankruptcy.
19. The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.
20. She was babbling, on the verge of hysteria.
21. His voice trembled, on the verge of tears.
22. He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement.
23. The country was on the verge of collapse because of the intensification of violent rebel attacks.
24. The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.
25. Most of the audience was on the verge of tears.
26. I'm sad that Julie'smarriage is on the verge of splitting up.
27. Her eyelids drooped as if she were on the verge of sleep.
28. The story is seen through the eyes of a boy on the verge of manhood.
29. on / to the verge of sth / of doing sth very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens: He was on the verge of tears.
30. He told us point - blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
1. The breed was on the verge of extinction.
2. She was on the verge of nervous collapse.
3. Jess seemed on the verge of tears .
4. He gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of leaving.
5. These events left her on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.
6. The story is seen through the eyes of a boy on the verge of manhood.
7. Her parents are rumoured to be on the verge of splitting up.
8. on / to the verge of sth / of doing sth very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens: He was on the verge of tears.
9. They set up camp on the verge of the desert.
10. The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. They are on the verge of signing a new contract for a further two years' work.
12. The country's economy is on the verge of collapse.
13. She was on the verge of bursting into tears.
14. The tycoon is on the verge of bankruptcy.
15. Her eyelids drooped as if she were on the verge of sleep.
16. He told us point - blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
31. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when she finally sought help.
32. The crowd looked on the verge of stampeding.
33. Apple seems poised on the verge of something.
34. She clenched her fists, on the verge of tears.
35. For weeks she hovered on the verge of death.
36. They were then on the verge of independence.
37. Their debts were on the verge of managing them.
38. Sandie is on the verge of tears.
39. President Clinton is on the verge of deciding how best to pursue an international ban on land mines.
40. And in the 1960s, the breed was on the verge of extinction.
40. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
41. Once again the tenuous thought that she'd previously failed to grasp hovered like a wraith on the verge of her consciousness.
42. Yet now, after 15 years of political agony over the budget, we stand on the verge of success.
43. She was on the verge of tears, relieved yet unbelievably desolate.
44. Many people believe that there are schoolrooms and football grounds where civilized order is for ever on the verge of breaking down.
45. The first week of class, I felt on the verge of tears.
46. The Raiders and the Warriors are on the verge of pricing themselves into invisibility.
47. Often the leftovers were all mixed up together, but it was none the less nourishment for those on the verge of starvation.
48. He was on the verge of tears and did not wish to appear unmanly.
49. Binyomin and Tsila had not only kissed but were on the verge of becoming man and wife in earnest.
50. I was on the verge of making one last plea when I was propelled backward through the open door.
51. They both sat breathing through their noses, on the verge of anger.
52. Beauty on the verge of surrender, and thus all the more beautiful.
53. Exhausted by infighting, humiliated by his foes, he seemed on the verge of losing his struggle with parliament.
54. Rhee was on the verge of losing control of his government.
55. It can get really frantic when your sprogs are on the verge of starvation.
56. After about 20 minutes of arguing, both of them seemed on the verge of outright hysteria.
57. That summer Lewis thought perhaps he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
58. Not long ago, the orchestra was the pride of the city. Now it is on the verge of closing down.
59. She choked on the words, seeming on the verge of tears.
60. To an outsider, our raft would have appeared already to be on the verge of extinction.
61. But this collaboration of culture and nature also meant that females were on the verge of disappearing altogether.
62. I was on the verge of getting what I wanted, a college existence away from home.
63. Now Carter is on the verge of burning brighter than the Olympic flame.
64. They maintain they were so psychologically disturbed by the abuse that they feared their parents were on the verge of shooting them.
65. Its empire had collapsed, its protective ring of island bastions smashed, its people on the verge of starvation.
66. From the way her mouth twitched, it was plain she was on the verge of breaking down.
67. Looking over the wreck of herself, she seems on the verge of tears again.
68. The results of our accountant's calculations show that we are on the verge of bankruptcy.
69. On the verge of bankruptcy in December 1974, Leyland approached the recently elected Labour government for assistance.
70. Times were not good,[http:///on the verge of.html] we had basically clung to outdated ideas and we were on the verge of closing.
71. And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved.
72. He felt wet grass under his cuffed hands, knew he was on the verge of a road somewhere.
73. Another plant which made military uniforms was on the verge of closure for lack of orders from Moscow.
74. In those years, I believed I was on the verge of a major discovery.
75. Trade in the grey whale has been outlawed since 1949 because uncontrolled whaling had put it on the verge of extinction.
76. Instead a blunder in the opening left him a pawn down, on the verge of defeat.
77. Just that panicky fear, always on the verge of turning into hatred until we shamefacedly choke it back?
78. Born in 1930, so she must be on the verge of retirement now.
79. She knew he was on the verge of losing his job.
80. She stumbled away, broken and on the verge of despair.
81. He was on the verge of going to bed when he heard footsteps in the hall.
82. On the verge of Connemara, we passed through a steep valley of rocks poised as if to roll down upon us.
83. As it happens, the rotifer scandal may be on the verge of a solution.
84. There was evidence that passers-by were annoyed, and were on the verge of resorting to violence when the police intervened.
85. He was on the verge of saying something or leaning over to touch.
86. Her voice had a lilt to it as if she were on the verge of laughter.
87. Regrettably two of those who don't get it are on the verge of joining the Bush administration.
88. But even on the verge of realizing her dream, Gupta is having second thoughts.
89. Besides, maybe Jansher was growing tired and sensed that I was on the verge of launching a dramatic and telling comeback.
90. I would hear him repeating to himself that silliness, always on the verge of laughter, until he disappeared.
91. Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty.
92. Often she was on the verge of tears for no reason, like a baby.
93. We were on the verge of an affair, but the moment he met you everything came to a dead stop.
94. About how the band were on the verge of splitting up.
95. He and his wife Brooke Hayward were on the verge of divorce - they finally split up in 1969.
96. Economists say the ecosystem is basically healthy; ecologists worry it may, be on the verge of being irreparably damaged.
97. Everything from commerce to entertainment to government is on the verge of enormous change, he adds.
98. He had not been on the verge of spilling the beans - people just die, that's all.
99. Alabama's Jefferson County is on the verge of bankruptcy.
100. He was on the verge of betraying his secret.
100. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
101. The company is on the verge of insolvency.
102. Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly.
103. Chelsea defender Slobodan Rajkovic is on the verge of signing with PSV Eindhoven.
104. "We're on the verge of a new route to the bomb, " said Frank N. von Hippel, a nuclear physicist who advised President Bill Clinton and now teaches at Princeton.
105. Our Lakota language is an Endangered Language, on the verge of extinction.
106. The murmur trembled on the verge of coherence, sank down, mounted excitedly, and then ceased altogether.
107. There are no insights that reflect someone on the verge of adulthood.
108. There's no one she can talk to, and she's on the verge of collapse.
109. With the Anglican Communion on the verge of schism, can Rowan Williams learn anything from John Major?
110. On the verge of starvation, they ended up devouring their owner's flesh.
111. Though his ball club is on the verge of regaining their once West Coast dominance, the playmaker can't see the dim light raying on him any different.
112. Reliance Communications, among India’s leading telecom firms controlled by billionaire Anil Ambani, is on the verge of sealing a deal to sell a 26% equity stake.
113. By Cook's own account, they took to each other instantly, and Cook made his fateful decision. He was told he would be a fool to leave Compaq for an also-ran on the verge of bankruptcy.
114. He was, in fact, on the verge of war with the pope, the casus belli being the revolt of Paul II 's grandsons against the new pope.
115. Zhanggutai lies on the verge of south east of keerqing sand, is subarid area , and is the earthest introduction area of pinus sylvestris var. mongolica.
116. With multiple IPOs, a stronger Yuan, double-digit earnings growth and a GDP up 10.7% in 06, many say that Chinese market may be on the verge of a shakedown.
117. The Afghan middle-distance runner nonetheless trekked on and was on the verge of realizing her Olympic dream.
118. The Spanish were on the verge of defeat when the corpse of El Cid, mounted on his horse, appeared on the battlefield. Heartened, the Spanish troops rallied, and were victorious.
119. That is why I am fairly convinced that it is going to get much worse before it gets better because a lot of companies are tittering on the verge of collapse.
120. Trapped underwater, a female salt marsh-dwelling wolf spider (seen in an undated photo)--one of 120 in a recent experiment (full story)--is on the verge of drowning, and "resurrection."
121. We were stirring in our easy chair on the verge of leaving.
122. The terrorist sieges all round the industrial park, initiates a round firepower formidable fly upon, hits special police officers no place to hide to be on the verge of death.
123. Sweep the Red Sox in a day-night doubleheader today and the Bombers will be on the verge of a ninth straight AL East championship.
124. I was such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and was on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched.
125. BARACK OBAMA: "Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out-of-the-box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall."
126. America is on the verge of something historic and it almost seems anticlimactic.
127. "We are on the verge of a renaissance in our thinking about the poles of the Moon, including how water ice gets there, " Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator for LCROSS, said in Nature.
128. Paul Ehrlich's best-selling book "The Population Bomb" had warned that the world was on the verge of terrible famines and urged the United States to cut off food aid to areas beyond hope.
129. Large numbers of people had to struggle on the verge of starvation.
130. And this is how he came to be the sole keeper of The Pie Maker's secret: a private investigator[http:///on the verge of.html], Mr. Cod met The Pie Maker when his Pie Hole was on the verge of financial ruin.
131. Scientists also fear native species of crab could be overwhelmed like the red squirrel, on the verge of extinction after being pushed out by greys from the US.
132. We are on the verge of a major biodiversity crisis.
133. Moreover, the nation is on the verge of a baby boomlet, when the children of the original boomers have children of their own.
134. This is The Wind Among the Reeds, author William Butler Yeats, the year 1899, on the verge of the new century.
135. My theory is that the reason for the uptick in activity shown in the crop circle is that PX is on the verge of reaching the "golden triangle" distance.
136. A new report by the National Research Council warns that the problem of space junk in earth's orbit is on the verge of getting out of control.
137. And "Channel Firing," on the bottom of 51, is also set in the west of England, Hardy's home country, and is set right on the verge of the First World War.
138. Five decades later, Nian , 76, is on the verge of homelessness.
139. America is on the verge of a second green revolution.
140. However, a few years ago, the ship-breaking industry was on the verge of collapse with little activity, which made room for the smuggling of pipes from Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet states.
141. American national emblem the bald eagle on the verge of extinction and under on and on.
142. The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool.
143. Now, for whatever reason that cell's on the verge of going berserk.
144. We're hopefully on the verge of finding out the correlation between the brightness of some animals and the drabness of others, and hopefully sexism won't play a part.
145. DRDO scuttled a contract that was on the verge of being signed by India in 1997 for the import of a Weapon Locating Radar as the latter promised to produce it indigenously within two years.
146. On the edge : the Voyager spacecraft are on the verge of interstellar space.
147. Playing a prima ballerina on the verge of a breakdown, Natalie trades the modern elegance we're used to for stark white skin, vampy lipstick and amber eyes painted in a Jurassic Park-esque mask.
148. I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy.
149. On the verge of the hour the heads of a group of children, of ages ranging from six to fourteen, rose above the stubbly convexity of the hill.
150. Sporting goods company Puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992.
151. Roma are on the verge of landing Reggina wing - back Francesco Modesto.
152. Below: On the verge of rebirth: "2001: A Space Odyssey" (Stanley Kubrick, 1968).
153. Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out-of-the-box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall.
154. The domestic cat may thus be on the verge of an unprecedented and radical evolution into a multispecies composite whose future can only be imagined.
155. You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag.
156. E. g. Charlie was on the verge of freakout after heard his gf had an affair with another man.
157. Having been on the verge of levelling the match, Federer was now hanging on for dear life.
158. I was then such a smart-aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched.




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