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单词 Worms
1. As worms are bred in a stagnant pool, so are evil thoughts in idleness. 
2. The kiwi eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.
3. Worms burrow down through the soil.
4. They were digging up worms to use for bait.
5. We used worms as bait.
6. The worms have a longevity of about two years.
7. Live worms are used as bait.
8. All the apples had worms in them.
9. I've got a phobia about/of worms.
10. The birds come searching for juicy worms and grubs.
11. There are a lot of worms in the soil.
12. They dug worms for bait.
13. The worms have already eaten off some pages of that old book.
14. Molluscs, insects and worms are all invertebrates.
15. Worms have a lifespan of a few months.
16. He always worms round the director.
17. This apple is full of worms.
18. These worms feed on plant debris.
19. The vet says our dog has worms.
20. The apples are full of worms.
21. That apple is crawling with worms.
22. I don't mind spiders but worms make my flesh crawl.
23. Worms and snakes crawl.
24. You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants.
25. Many birds eat worms.
26. My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business.
27. The dog has worms.
28. It may be childish but I have a horror of worms.
29. Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms.
30. I just don't know what to do - every solution I can think of would just open up a whole new can of worms .
1. The kiwi eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.
2. Worms burrow down through the soil.
3. They were digging up worms to use for bait.
4. We used worms as bait.
5. The worms have a longevity of about two years.
6. Live worms are used as bait.
7. All the apples had worms in them.
8. I've got a phobia about/of worms.
9. The birds come searching for juicy worms and grubs.
10. They dug worms for bait.
11. The worms have already eaten off some pages of that old book.
12. Many birds eat worms.
13. My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business.
31. Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.
32. Mixing his metaphors, he described the problem by saying "We've opened up a can of worms here, and now we have to get the genie back in the bottle".
33. Premature ejaculation is another can of worms entirely.
34. Although cans of worms keep arising.
35. Small white worms lived in it.
36. It eats berries, fruits worms and insects.
37. That means worms can spread much faster than viruses.
38. Other species eat worms or insect larvae.
39. Two nurserymen have begun farming Tiger Worms.
40. Worms are attracted to a healthy outdoor pile.
41. The adult worms are easily removed by anthelmintic treatment.
42. Worms make excellent fish bait.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43. Fluttering over the coral heads, hiding in the crevices or clinging to the underside of rocks, are flat leaf-shaped worms.
44. There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms.
45. Then you remove the top layer, which will contain all the worms.
46. Banque Worms, a wholly owned unit of Union des Assurances de Paris, will increase to 5 percent from 2 percent.
47. Many forms of worms are collected with characteristics ranging from beauty to just plain wormy.
48. Sparks and minor eruptions scurried through like small red worms.
49. The larvae of red worms crawl up the blades of grass and are eaten by horses.
50. Microscopic: The worms have large shallow buccal capsules which have up to 10 teeth at their base.
51. You may be lucky enough to find two of the worms mating.
52. They could catch and eat more of their staple diet - worms and insects - surviving in accordance with the laws of natural selection.
53. Green and red wiggling worms danced in his sight like fireworks.
54. She feels as insignificant as the worms that burrow beneath the sand and as vulnerable.
55. From Port Eynon the limestone cliffs extend for five or six miles to Worms Head.
56. Or let the worms crawl on dry newspaper and listen to them carefully.
57. Then they will suddenly swoop down to catch mammals or sometimes insects or worms.
58. These worms grow to an average length of about 1 metre and a diameter of 2 centimetres.
59. The nodules in which the worms live first appear at about two months from infection.
60. Nodules containing single worms are almost imperceptible, and the visible ones enclose several of the tiny worms as well as eggs and larvae.
61. Sailed through college, picked up academic jargon like a duckling gobbles worms.
62. However, when necessary, treatment with any of the benzimidazoles, levamisole or ivermectin will remove adult worms and developing stages.
63. Willie watched him in horror as he picked up the wriggling worms and put them inside the tin.
64. The thing is supposed to be a defense against Trojan horses, worms, viruses and weak passwords.
65. But you can bring worms into your house, too, and make your kitchen scraps disappear.
66. If insects, worms and snails could scream, would you still light that bonfire?
67. But you can't have missed this can of worms, even from a foot deep of sand.
68. These giant worms live in clay soils close to watercourses in the Bass River valley, southeast of Melbourne.
69. Worms are a staple diet and these have been in short supply due to the summer drought.
70. Then microorganisms and worms go to work eating the mixture and encouraging the decomposition that turns spoils into soil.
71. Feed a diet of insects, worms, plant matter, flake food and freeze dried food.
72. I could feel those nerves wriggling now like a hive of worms; they were flinching as the wind rode by.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
73. Flocks of large black-and-white birds shifted in unison across the middle of the roundabouts and along roadside verges, probing for worms.
74. Always replace the cover when you are not actually looking at the worms.
75. In small numbers the worms will probably cause no harm to your fish.
76. White worm I keep marines and breed white worms which I feed to my fish about twice a week.
77. Every early bird is after them, and a mole can eat twice its weight in worms every day.
78. Entire worms are sometimes vomited or passed in the faeces.
79. The main effect of the adult worms is to cause production loss in terms of diminished weight gain.
80. But area fishermen have tried everything to hook it: worms, corn, artificial lures.
81. She says that the badgers eat worms, slugs, and peanut butter sandwiches.
82. Moreover, the live food that all fish are particularly fond of is worms.
83. Children pick up the eggs from contaminated food or pets, and the worms hatch out at night.
84. Growth is rapid, on a diet of tiny larvae, worms and relatives.
85. The intertwining of the thin, twisted worms produces an appearance similar to that of cotton wool.
86. Even the worms on the pavement, flooded out of their homes in the municipal flowerbeds, exude a slithery gentility.
87. Kids warmed up to worms, connected with electricity and watched calcite crystals bubble in a cupful of vinegar.
88. Finally there are the benthic foragers which comb the sea bed for small worms, crustaceans and other invertebrates.
89. The worms can be graded according to size, simply by shaking the harvested worms in some water in a small bottle.
90. Fish do not find worms that look like that and hooks lose so much of their penetrating power.
91. Our naive arrangements, it seemed, had opened a social can of worms.
92. It is transmitted by a blackfly which breeds in rivers and passes on minute parasitic worms from other infected humans.
93. Census questions about race are a pretty big can of worms.
94. The Government can expect sustained flak on the wider constitutional issue now that this can of worms has been opened up.
95. The root gives off a chemical which incites the worms to hatch and crawl into it.
96. The apple, once likely to keep the doctor away, now invites the surgeons because of pesticides or worms.
97. Well, there is the theory of spontaneous generation - like worms in Lucretius.
98. These included worms, bread, cheese and meat baits, of which sausage meat and luncheon meat were the most popular.
99. This is one of the best times for catching worms.
100. The worms crawl on to the sticks, which can then be picked up and dipped directly into the fry tank.
101. Worms commonly utilize network services to propagate to other host systems.
102. It is a voracious blood-sucker and even 100-200 worms are sufficient to produce death in sheep within a few weeks of infection.
103. The worms live under a layer of mucus in the stomach wall.
104. They are pinkish grey,[http:///Worms.html] and the small worms may be seen partly protruding from their surfaces.
105. It is not just a can of worms that the professor has been a digging.
106. The underside was brown. Small white worms lived in it.
107. Both fish prefer live foods, such as worms, insect larvae and small fish.
108. The prosecution could open a can of worms, since Mr Shalabai who has denied any wrongdoing had connections at every level.
109. Worms and fruit flies, too, have had all their units read off.
110. I now use a small plastic bucket to keep the worms and feed them on bread and milk.
111. Modern examples of those classes include starfish, spiders, worms, snails and eels.
112. In contrast, the tubes of a tubeworm are fixed and the worms never abandon their tubes.
113. Ten to 12 days after inoculation, the worms are expelled from the small intestine and the inflammatory response fades away.
114. My youngest daughter is four and I've been told she's got worms.
115. You either hear this truth or you crawl along the ground looking for worms.
116. Flanked by the great guitars of the ears, his hair lay thin over the orange-peel scalp, in white worms.
117. Workers feed them daily a mix of flakes, worms, grasshoppers and freeze-dried shrimp.
118. The cut, and the white seeds oozing out, resembled the mouth of a corpse, filled with worms.
119. This term is a can of worms: whole books have been written about what rationality is.
120. Animal droppings, rotting cabbage or steak and chips, it's all okay for the Diet of worms.
121. A redshank swept its bill through soft patches of wet mud and breakfasted on tiny insects, shrimps and wriggling worms.
122. The government opened up a can of worms when it decided to reorganize the education system.
123. The bird uses its long curved bill to dig out worms and small insects.
124. The worms have perforated the mucosa to suck blood.
125. Insects and worms are all invertebrates.
126. Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.
127. The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye.
128. We observe patients with follicle worms.
129. This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.
130. Most worms cocoon in winter.
131. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
132. All species of worms in a habitat are considered.
133. Come, come, you froward and unable worms!
134. Christmas tree worms on brain coral.
135. Content Abstract: Logan loves to share. She brings her classmates bright leaves, wiggly worms, and ladybugs .
136. The proliferation behavior for worms is formalized by determined finite automata theory and the general process of the proliferation is abstracted.
137. What force would be powerful or daring enough to assail the stronghold of these ancient worms?
138. The GFP signals were mainly enriched in the embryo of immature eggs, ovaries, vitellarium and the lining membrane tissue of the gut lumen of the female worms.
139. When the fledglings hatch, Pipit teaches them the same survival skills. She feeds them beetles , worms and caterpillars and teaches them how to fly and sing.
140. Its stomach contents mainly consist of hydrophyte, miscellaneous fishes, shrimps, mollusc, aquatic insects and worms.
141. Schistosomiasis is a chronic, parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematode worms) of the genus Schistosoma.
142. In America, book-learned persons generally earn more respect than book worms (do).
143. To investigate the use of composting worms to reduce organic wastes and the use of worm-worked waste as a soil conditioner ?
144. Prof Priede said: "These worms are members of a little-known group of animals close to the missing link in evolution between backboned and invertebrate animals.
145. Early birds may get the best worms—or at least the best garage sale deals—but they also tire out more quickly than night owls do.
146. On the aquaticLodge against cloudy sky. invertebrate search we captured such diverse creatures as crayfish, dragonfly nymphs, planarian worms, and snail eggs.
147. When the gene was disabled in tiny nematode worms, their nerve cells literally broke.
148. For some people the abortion issue always can of worms.
149. The researchers said the worms spend part of their life cycle in such fish as Pacific salmon and striped bass and pacific rockfish or snapper.
150. "Stalker" deploys a slinky melody that worms its way between rimshots and muted horns, to an eerily spooky effect.
151. Joe can't sIt'still for a minute - he is a can of worms.
152. The worm gears and the worms are installed in the worm gear case body through the bearing, the sleeve, the hand wheel and other parts to form the worm gear case assembly.
153. Here are microfilaria. These tiny worms circulate in the bloodstream. There are several species with slightly different clinical characteristics, but they are spread by mosquitos.
154. But missing among the sea urchin genes are some genes found in flies and worms.
155. These excreted infections fall into four main groups: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worms ( helminths ).
156. Any of various small, slender marine worms of the phylum Chaetognatha having a narrow, almost transparent body and sickle-shaped bristles on each side of the mouth.
157. Since worms eat bacteria that feed on decaying plants and carcasses, she figured they should be able to detect and home in on the aromas of putrefaction.
158. Side by side they lie in the dust, and worms cover them both.
159. Using the method of mechanism innovation, this paper presents a type of worms - planetary gear drives mechanism.
160. Sparrows were scratching about in the damp soil for worms.
161. Mopped and mowed at, as their train worms through a tunnel.
162. Two years later, vaccinated cattle in their natural environment had far fewer parasitic worms than unvaccinated cattle./Worms.html
163. Schistosomiasis, caused by worms of the genus Schistosoma, affects up to 200 million people in Africa, Asia and South America, according to the WHO.
164. We are all worms, but I do believe I'm a glowworm?
165. Life at the ground level is not just a random mix of species, not an interspersion of fungi, bacteria, worms, ants, and all the rest.
166. Undercooked pork may contain living " bladder worms " of the pig tapeworm.
167. 1521 – Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, opens the Diet of Worms.
168. It felt like "a wet, jellylike bag of hyperactive worms".
169. After removing the worms with forceps under topical anesthesia, the symptoms later improved.
170. Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis.
171. Complementation of male worms is essential for the maturation of adult worms in Schistosoma japonicum.
172. The result of experiments shows that our adaptive worm detection algorithm can effectively detect the spread of network worms, and has a low false alarm rate and omission rate.
173. Soon, animals that need to attach themselves to a hard surface, like this 11)tunicate and these 12)featherduster worms, make the wreck their home.
174. Any of a genus (Simulium) of black flies, several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis.
175. birds looking for worms.
176. The worms were chubby and firm, with the springiness of clementine segments.
177. An eelpout fish swims near tube worms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean.
178. On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch with worms.
179. Conclusion Unknown causes of edema of lower trunk may be an early sign of elephantiasis . Early to middle stage of elephantiasis may be cured after a long-term treatment to remove the worms.
180. When I finished with the wax worms, she said, "The next species we're going to deal with is Tenebrio molitor, which is a beetle.
181. This is a ball of Ascaris lumbricoides worms removed from the colon of an adult.
182. The vents support populations of bacteria, giant worms, clams, shrimp and other creatures in the inky darkness, often several kilo-metres below the surface.
183. The automatic capture of the internet worm is a pre-step to analyze, restrain and resist the worms.
184. Tom can't sIt'still for a minute - he is a can of worms.
185. Let's not get into the city's politics - that's a different can of worms.
186. Adult worms also become more active between 90 - 100 % RH Keeping the culture moist also prevents cannibalism.
187. Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.
188. Digestive disturbances are common in infections with all the stomach worms.
189. The honeypot host under distributed honeynet performed high inveiglement to worms and possesses "come in easily, out strictly" data control policy, this influenced worm propagation and control.
190. Bt is used as a pesticide to fight cotton boll worms, corn borers and other pests.
191. Solitary in nature, the trunkfish blows water out of its mouth to expose prey such as mollusks, crustaceans, worms, and sponges.
192. Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U. S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.
193. If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.
194. Sometimes "larger" animals, such as tadpoles or worms, wind up half in and half out of the trap, gruesomely losing part of their body to the plant's hunger.
195. Since then, other studies have found that when treated with worms, people with inflammatory bowel disease can improve and diabetic patients may return to normal blood-glucose levels.
196. To observe the ultrastructures of adult worms and eggs of Armillifer agkistrodontis by scanning and transmission electron microscope.http:///Worms.html
197. Toxocara worms can be diagnosed using a blood test, but need specialist investigation and treatment.
198. They shall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth: they shall be afraid of the LORD our God, and shall fear because of thee.
199. What is more, there is nothing intrinsically immunologically invisible about the molecules that make up the worms.
200. AIM: To compare the immune protective effects of the mice immunized by antigens derived from adult worms and muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis.
201. At these nadirs, chemosynthesis—the thermal and chemical energy given off by deep-sea vents—gives life to creatures like the eelpout fish and tube worms pictured here.
202. In male worms, only aldolase , mannose 6 phosphate isomerase and glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase were slightly inhibited.




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