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单词 Scythian
1. The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people.
2. The elaborate burial of the Scythian kings is described by Herodotus and is almost entirely confirmed by archaeology.
3. Harassed by the nomad Scythians, whom he could not catch, he narrowly escaped the fate of Cyrus.
4. The earliest surviving examples of embroidery are Scythian ( c . 5 th - 3 rd century BC ).
5. The ancient Greeks knew it as the Scythian Sea, after the tribes who held its shores at the time.
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6. These Scythian women were responsible for the name of our south American river, the amazon.
7. Soghdian Scythian merchants were in later periods to play a vital role in the development of the Silk Road.
8. Inspired by Scythian reliefs and executed in various techniques, this style highlights combats between man and animals or animals fighting other animals.
9. The Scythian Pazyryk of Altai Mountain region were another ancient culture which employed tattoos.
10. The Scythian Pazyryk of the Altai Mountain region were another ancient culture which employed tattoos.
11. Horses cantering across a valley in southern Siberia evoke the mystery of the ancient Scythian peoples who once lived here.
12. In 1948, the 2, 400 year old body of a Scythian male was discovered preserved in ice in Siberia, his limbs and torso covered in ornate tattoos of mythical animals.
13. Francfort is head of a French archaeological team in Central Asia that played an important part in excavating the Kurgans, or frozen tombs, of nomadic Scythian tribes in Siberia's Altai mountains.
14. Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.




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