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单词 Labeled
1 The bottle was specifically labeled "poison.".
2 The bottle was labeled "Poison.".
3 He labeled the boastful man a liar.
4 She labeled the case with her name and address.
5 He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.
6 I labeled the trunk for Shanghai.
7 The doctor labeled the bottle.
8 All goods should be labeled with a price.
9 People labeled him as a liar.
10 The bottle is labeled poison.
11 On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.
12 Some tablets are labeled for their calcium content.
13 She was labeled a welfare drone.
14 Critics have labeled the new telescope a dud.
15 So, if yours is not labeled, leave it exposed.
16 The academy was labeled a stronghold of male chauvinism.
17 She was labeled mentally disturbed and put in the psychiatric ward of a small hospital without any administrative procedure.
18 This enzyme. labeled complex competes with free unlabeled drug in the serum sample for the binding sites on the antibody.
19 But each is labeled and cataloged, chipped, cut, powdered, assayed, and probed.
20 One piece of paper should be labeled baking powder and the cups marked 1 and 2.
21 The on-screen maps were clear and well labeled, and as I moved around, the maps redrew quickly.
22 Being labeled abnormal has determined how countless people feel about themselves.
23 Economists have labeled this inverse relationship the law of demand. Upon what foundation does this law rest?
24 The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.
25 Sanitized trucks and combines will sport green stickers, and any other vehicles working in contaminated fields will be labeled in red.
26 Miller refused to testify, and paid for his irreverence by being officially labeled a pinko.
27 He had taken a part-time job selling a line of cosmetics the manufacturer had labeled as all-natural products.
28 The drug in the serum sample and the enzyme. labeled drug compete for the binding sites on the antibody.
29 These euphemisms are accepted at face value-to the benefit of those labeled by them.
30 The tubes in the automatic fraction collector were meticulously labeled, with none of the usual felt-tip scribbles.
1 The bottle was specifically labeled "poison.".
2 The bottle was labeled "Poison.".
3 He labeled the boastful man a liar.
4 She labeled the case with her name and address.
5 The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.
31 What is it that seems modern about this early Shakespearean comedy, which has often been labeled misogynistic?
32 Laboratory protocol should include procedures that assure that the correct specimen is collected and that the specimen is correctly labeled.
33 The labeled antigen and the antibody are part of the reagent system.
34 He put his toys away every night in labeled boxes.
35 None of the candidates wants to be labeled as "soft" on crime.
36 The vials were found to contain 5 percent to 24 percent alcohol but were not labeled as containing alcohol.
37 Newer recessed fixtures are labeled no-clearance and can be insulated over.
38 Economists have labeled this inverse relationship the law of demand.
39 To capitalize on the cross-cultural appeal of chile peppers, the bottle is labeled in five languages.
40 Noncategory romances could also be labeled in this way, if desired.
41 Different versions of the individually labeled tests are given at different test sites.
42 She carefully labeled each jar with its contents and the date.
43 The amount of labeled thyroxine displaced can be counted in a detector and the concentration of thyroxine calculated.
44 Application With your students, read the paragraph and look at the labeled picture on the application sheet.
45 The extreme form of this view, in which there is no role for the state, is labeled anarchism.
46 The higher the level of patient thyroxine, the more labeled thyroxine is displaced from the antibody.
47 In wooden niches sat large jars of white and yellow porcelain, clearly labeled to indicate their contents.
48 Each student can be given a partially labeled copy of the picture.
49 They also could be labeled symbolically with hearts, flowers, rising steam, etc.
50 This means that physical separation of the free labeled antigen from the antibody-bound labeled antigen is not necessary for measurement.
51 If such labeling had some positive effects, it might be worth risking the negative consequences for those who are labeled abnormal.
52 And the system partition function is labeled big Q.
53 It could be labeled Brightness or Black Level.
54 The newspapers had unjustly labeled him as a coward.
55 These people are often labeled as "work-shy".
56 Are raw materials properly labeled, stored, and traceable?
57 These botanical specimens should be labeled with Latin marks.
58 Burley found labeled glucose and fructose in equimolar amounts.
59 Methods: Using digoxigenin labeled probe in situ hybridization.
60 Labeled shelf life for storage sensitive material outside warehouse.
61 The minister had masterminded a ring that smuggled caviar in cans labeled " herring " to Western Europe.
62 First of all, the button labeled "close door" actually works, and works immediately.
63 The technique of digoxigenin labeled probe in situ hybridization is a new specific method in studying the location, distribution and infection mechanisms of SV40 DNA.
64 Now you'll only see one template labeled Display Text with the boolean data type.
65 Seeing from the current study, the imaging agents of benzothiazole derivatives labeled with 11C, 18F or 123I have excellent characteristics, and are promising for diagnosing AD in clinic.
66 Ironically, most of the boxes seem to be labeled clothes.
67 Method:They added radioactively labeled LDL to culture dishes containing a single layer of fibroblasts derived from either FH-afflicted or normal human subjects.
68 Fruit-flavored yogurts that may be labeled low-fat are often high in sugar,() because they get their sweetness from HFCS and concentrated fruit syrups.
69 They added radioactively labeled LDL to culture dishes containing a single layer of fibroblasts derived from either FH-afflicted or normal human subjects.
70 In the A.G. era, the deep archive is looking more and more like those charts used by early explorers, with whole blank regions labeled "there be dragons".
71 Firstly, with the manifold structure of text data and some labeled samples, this algorithm revised the distance matrix in LLE algorithm by using piecewise function.
72 In generative grammar, a representation in the form of a tree diagram or labeled brackets of the constituent structure of a sentence.
73 A normal curve diagram labeled with stages of the adoption process.
74 Any canned meat is OK provided it is labeled as a complete and balanced diet.
75 The training camp was run by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a group that the United Nations in 2002 labeled a terrorist organization, according to Ba .
76 One French magazine has labeled his art " erotic - mystic - animist. ".
77 Replace a showerhead with a WaterSense labeled model that uses less water and energy, but still has all the power of a water-hogging model.
78 The truncated and non-cytotoxicity ECP will be generated and labeled with radioiodine as molecular probe for translational molecular imaging in detection of allergic inflammation response.
79 The clocks were labeled U.S. West, U.S. East, G.M.T., India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia.
80 All chromosomes of the large genomes, maize and barley, were densely labeled with strongly labeled regions and weakly labeled or unlabeled regions being arranged alternatively throughout the lengths.
81 LSR and egress LER receive and transmit labeled packets, executing ILM ( incoming Label Map ) forwarder.
82 "We can't get daily necessities because the government has labeled us asliving in a contaminated area!
83 In formation, morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.
84 After injection into the rostral or caudal pole of the IPN, no labeled cells were observed in bilateral medial habenular nuclei.
85 On the foundation of studying former connecting area algorithms, the paper presents a pixel labeled algorithm based on recursive method of connecting area in binary images.
86 Rejected materials are stored isolated in separate containers, which are accordingly labeled as rejected material...
87 Supervised learning is tasked with learning a function from labeled training data in order to predict the value of any valid input.
88 Con - Aand DBA were mainly labeled in the ITC and in the chronic atrophic gastritis withmetaplasia.
89 An enumeration problem is solved for labeled consistent bipartite tournaments, and a sharp formula is obtained.
90 To construct linear combination model, a restrained optical flow algorithm is proposed to solve the difficult problem of the pixel-wise alignments among the labeled prototypic faces.
91 Isoproterenol was used to canse myocardial injury model in NOD/SCID mice. Labeled MSCs were injected into tail vein.
92 Let the centers of all the atoms in one close-packed plane be labeled A.
93 The proposed method began by choosing some instances from unlabeled dataset that are most similar to one labeled example in labeled dataset, and assigning them the corresponding ranker.
94 A child labeled with ADD has a poorly integrated proprioceptive system and this may also create visual processing disorders.
95 Spirits labeled 95 proof contain only about 47 per cent alcohol.
96 Ms. Burrell walked into the kitchen one evening to find no fewer than eight separate bottles of dishwashing liquid on the kitchen counter, all neatly lined up and labeled with their owners' names.
97 Methods: Selected 270 cases of liver tissues of hepatitis B and 10 cases of almost normal liver tissues,(http:///labeled.html) and immunohistochemical labeled them with SMA monoclone antibody.
98 Methods We used telomerase PCR-ELISA an assay in which a digoxigenin labeled telomerase repeat-specific probe is hybridized to the PCR product detecting with ELISA.
99 Therefore, the possibility to detect the thiophosphorylated and fluorophore labeled peptide during high performance liquid chromatography peptide mapping was primarily shown.
100 Check the box labeled Enable SOAP attachment feature (Figure 39).
101 This is the warehouse which was later labeled as the'' dying rooms'in the television program.
102 Tickler File: A set of 43 folders, labeled 1 – 31 and January – December, used to remind us of tasks we need to do on a specific day.
103 All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies.
104 The major emerging powers, Brazil, Russia, India, and China, catchily labeled the BRICs by Goldman Sachs, are the main contenders for inclusion.
105 Output: Edges labeled as discovery and cross edges connected component.
106 The PNA molecules can routinely be labeled with biotin or various fluorophores.
107 A can of an artist's bowel movement labeled "100% Pure Artist's Shit." Anti-art is a far cry from something purely beautiful like the Sistine Chapel.
108 The primary area contains a list of labeled values that can emulate a form in read-only mode.
109 The metabolic kinetics of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and aromatic amino acids (AAA) in normal subjects and patients with severe viral hepatitis as studied with 4 stable isotope labeled tracers.
110 When an OpenAFS client is configured to do local disk caching, it conventionally stores caching-related data in a directory labeled /usr/vice/cache.
111 This method involves an application of biotin - labeled secondary antibody followed by a further treatment biotin - peroxidase complex.
112 A few weeks later the chest wound up at a CIA store-room in Washington DC labeled "ST Circus Mustang-0183".
113 It is well known that hypermetabolism and negative nitrogen balance invariably accompanies sepsis, and the process has been labeled as self-cannibalistic.
114 In 2002, President George Bush labeled North Korea part of an "axis of evil, " primarily due to its aggressive military posture but also because of its abysmal human rights record.
115 Pierre, who's working at a Dunkin' Donuts in Newburgh, was labeled a "deadbeat dad" in some news accounts but O'Connor said there was never any such allegation relating to his children with Armstrong.
116 The tableware, which insisted of a plate, a rice bowl, a drinking glass, and a spoon, was wrapped inside a plastic bag that's labeled Disinfected Tableware.
117 METHODS In situ hybridization with digoxigenin labeled oligonucleotide probes was adopted.
118 Officials are probing the circumstances surrounding the incident, but Israeli authorities quickly labeled it an act of terrorism.
119 It contained 424 pressed flower specimens that she collected, classified, and labeled using the Linnaean system.
120 Three dimensionally (3D)-ordered macroporous materials of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled BSA were prepared by means of colloidal crystal as template.
121 Testing equipment and measuring instrument is well calibrated, labeled and maintained.
122 Textile products imported in an intermediate stage may, in lieu of being labeled, be accompanied by an invoice with the required information.
123 Firstly, a small part of data was labeled from the whole dataset, and then these labeled data were used to guide the evolution process to partition unlabeled data.
124 When the digit number for the root is not 1, the humane drawing of a suffix tree includes a head node with an edge to the former root. This edge is labeled with the digits that are skipped over.
125 Compared with common amino acids , the isotope - labeled amino acids have accordant structure and analogical property.
126 Labeled motoneurons of levator veli palatini and palatopharyngeus muscle were ipsilaterally located in the rostral part of the nucleus ambiguus.
127 The labeled cells were found mainly in the dorsal column nuclei, nucleus raphe magnus, reticular nuclei,(http:///labeled.html) vestibular nuclei and nucleus of tractus solitarius.
128 Currently, all fish labeled "Atlantic salmon" come from fish farms.
129 After seven rounds of bacterium-based selection, the enrichment of each round was tested by isotope labeled ssDNA binding assay.
130 With Alexander Wiener he discovered another blood factor, labeled the Rh factor, for Rhesus monkeys, in which the factor was first discovered.
131 In the study, the characteristics and influencing factors of exogenous DNA uptake by spermatozoa were tested using digoxigenin (DIG)labeled DNA as trace.
132 The primary area contains a list of labeled fields that can emulate a form in read-write mode.
133 He adds that triskaidekaphobia, or fear of 13, appears to be fading, with floors labeled 13 in Marc properties showing occupancy rates are no lower than other floors.
134 It is a finite, labeled, directed tree in which the internal nodes are labeled by operators, and the leaf nodes represent the operands of the node operators.
135 Results Real-time X-ray signal synchronization was realized. Digital images could be edited and labeled with detection information.
136 GOTO Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program.
137 A few cell bodies and processes in the two newly found nuclei, the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus (AVM) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus (ADO), were also labeled.
138 Tritium labeled thymine deoxyriboside ( [ 3 H ] TdR ) uptake was measured to observe DNA synthesis.
139 The system labeled litsha21 is the current active node,[] as indicated by the addition of a resource displayed immediately below and indented (IPaddr_1).
140 Because of his materialist philosophy and his opposition to the established church, Hobbes was often labeled an atheist, though he never professed to be one.
141 The labeled ApoE - containing lipoproteins were internalized by neurons that expressed low density lipoprotein ( LDL ) receptors.
142 Each use case is represented by an oval, and labeled with a declarative statement that describes what action the use case is intended to perform.
143 Three potentials pertinent to various etching techniques are labeled in Fig. 10.
144 The other main feature on the website that impressed me was the wagon wheel-like TV programming guide. It is under the tab labeled On TV.
145 The mediodorsal nucleus and thalamic reticular nucleus were also found mildly labeled.
146 Dishes labeled deep-fried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin or in cream sauce are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats or sodium.
147 How many more times must we search the documentation for, say, an explanation of a numeric field labeled "Gronk," only to be told that it "adjusts the amount of Gronk?"
148 De Montfort was a man ahead of his time, a man with a vision that might today be labeled socialist.
149 According to our well-established Huffman coding, starting from the root node in the left subtree is marked as 0, the right is labeled 1.
150 Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled Brightness or Black Level.
151 A great number of labeled cells were found in the ipsilateral thalamic gelationosus, the anteromedial, the rhomboid, the ventrolateral and the ventromedial nucleus.
152 His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception.
153 Combining the features of good modularity in Compositional Reachability Analysis(CRA) and high efficiency in Labeled Transition System(LTS), an efficient model verification method is proposed.
154 Then using MATLAB to draw the figure of water supply networks, including the solid figure, the plane dyeing figure and labeled figure.
155 The development of research on gallium labeled cyclic polyamines polycarboxylic acids complexes as potential radiopharmaceuticals are introduced in the review.
156 Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled "Brightness" or "Black level".
157 All music must be in CD format, on ONE CD. Do not bring two CD's or more to be mixed by the DJ. Music must be in CD Audio format and in its own case, properly labeled with your name and track number.
158 The so-called "blood-fraction" laws of 1705 ruled that anyone who was at least 1/8 black — which meant one black great grandparent — could not be labeled white.
159 In rats, 20-nano-meter–diameter agglomerations of at least 100 radioactively labeled iridium particles entered the brain whether inhaled through the nose or pumped directly into the lungs.
160 The sample is next labeled with a fluorescent dye and hybridized on the microarray at 42 degrees C or about 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
161 The metabolic pathways of organic compounds have often been delineated by using a radioactively labeled substrate and following the fate of the label.
162 There was no significant difference between the results of Trypan blue staining in labeled and unlabeled cells.
163 FCL cargo must be tendered to Maersk Origins between 2 and 5 days prior to actual vessel sail which is on or prior to the master contract date field labeled "Must be on a vessel on or prior date".
164 Results BMSCs could be effectively labeled by FE. The labeled cells appeared light-yellow or deep-yellow under microscope, which was dependent on the dose of FE.
165 OBJECTIVE:To investigate the drugs that labeled with the warning remarks for pregnant and lactant women for reference of patients' rational drug use.
166 The past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists. Descriptions like " Palaeolithic Man", "Neolithic Man", etc. , neatly sum up whole periods.
167 The machine with multiple disks (labeled Piero) works as a dedicated disk array.
168 Society labeled them as orphans because they had lost parents, but they all had relatives to rely on with the exception of George Washington Carver who was adopted by an unrelated married couple.
169 Lipski says those labeled cold pressed, expeller processed, or extra virgin are the ones to look for.
170 The membrane is then exposed to a labeled DNA probe that has a complement base sequence to the sequence on the DNA of interest.
171 Objective To estimate the quality of HIV 1/2 antibody labeled ELISA Kit made in China by indirect method and dual antigen sandwich method.
172 SPECT images were made with Technetium labeled red blood cells.
173 Labeled as the "vermiform process" in this image, our now-tiny appendices may have once aided our primate ancestors with the digestion of cellulose-rich plants, according to experts.
174 Eastern Miscellany, the magazine with longest history before the liberalization of China was labeled as the "conservative" force due to this debate.
175 The microprocessor itself , labeled MPU , appears on the left of the illustration.
176 In the prison is a switch room, which contains two light switches labeled A and B, each of which can be in either the 'on' or the 'off' position.
177 In addition to being labeled as having ADD, these children with proprioceptive difficulties often get labeled as having visual processing and visual memory types of learning disabilities.
178 In the accessory olivary nuclei labeled terminal branches were more numerous in lumbar injection cases.
179 They extracted genetic material from the tumors as well as normal tissue, labeled the molecules with a fluorescent dye, and passed them over the so-called Lymphochips.
180 Methods: Retinoid imaging agents are synthesized and labeled with near-infrared dye for in vitro cell binding studies on human osteosarcoma cell lines.
181 Chickens may be labeled free-range even ifthey've never been outside or seen a speck of daylight in their entire lives.
182 All fall arrest equipment shall be labeled with capacity rating information.
183 On one valve especially they all concentrate: the valve labeled "central bank rediscount rate, " which we have already seen in action.
184 Microelement zinc content in the traditional Tibetan medicine labeled "Zuo Zhi Da Xie", was measured by dithizone spectrophotometric method with the samples dissolved in aqua regia.
185 Insulin was labeled with horseradish peroxidase by sodium periodate oxidation method.
186 An Army unit in Honduras once labeled an operation in Honduras "Blazing Trails," which in Spanish can translate to "Shining Path," the name of Peruvian terrorist group.
187 An MHC class I tetramer was composed of 4 MHC class I complexes and a fluorescently labeled streptavidin molecule.
188 The central curve, labeled binding,(Sentence dictionary) depicts the occupation of receptor by increasing concentrations of drug.
189 Sam*, an associate who had been labeled an underperformer, was assigned to work on the project.
190 In the genmodel editor, right click on the top node labeled "Mysql" and generate the Model Code (see Figure 9), the Edit Code (see Figure 10), and finally the Topology Edit Code (see Figure 11).
191 This paper presents a method for evaluating the relative quantity of estrogenreceptors in different types of breast cancer cells labeled by fluoresceinated estrone.
192 One ext3 partition labeled Angstrom that takes up the rest of the card's capacity.
193 Therefore, many problems in the anorectal area are labeled as hemorrhoids (), " Dr. "
194 After the p-boxes are filled, labeled, and scanned, a robot stores them in the facility until they are needed to put together a full LEGO set.
195 These short clips looked really well-done, and were labeled as 'sample muvees' so as not to be confused with my content.
196 Generac inspected your muffler samples and the inspection report and the labeled drawing are attached here.
197 The invention discloses a brucella melitensis immune labeled recombinant strain and the application thereof in the preparation of vaccine.
198 Neatniks will tell you that order is the way of the world -- everything has a place and every place should be labeled.
199 A toal of 44 isolates from the patients was detected and typed by using HSV type-specific DNA probes labeled with Digoxigenin and 32P, respectively.
200 The unimplemented feature object (labeled "Sorry") displays in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, in order to maximize use of the canvas real estate.
201 These must, without fail, be labeled as photo illustrations in the photo credit.
202 CFS cargo must be tendered to Maersk Origins between 8 and 14 days prior to actual vessel sail which is on or prior to the Master Contract date field labeled "Must be on a vessel on or prior date".
203 You labeled the idea and determined whether it would be sellable, or good, or bad, or worth the time, and the unseen cords you were pulling slipped through your grasp.
204 The segmentation problem is the maximizing a posteriori estimation of the set of object area result from the watershed labeled.
205 Few grams of the active ingredients labeled with the batch number, manufacture name, shelf life and purity with a certificate of analysis of the active ingredient.
206 Double labeled neurons were also observed in the raphe nucleus, the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus, and the vestibular nucleus.
207 NGA was labeled directly with Na 99 mTcO 4. The radiochemical purity of 99 mTc - NGA was over 90 %.
208 In the laboratory, this is labeled confirmation bias; observed in the real world, it's known as pigheadedness.
209 Here's the answer to the question: kill %1 kills your background job labeled 1.
210 Through studying and classifying labeled and unlabeled data, this paper proposed a modified differential evolution algorithm for semi-supervised fuzzy clustering.
211 Provides labeled faces to indicate current view angle relative to the model world.
212 The NT-LI terminals also had obvious interactions with the HRP retrograde labeled preganglionic neurons in the dorsal vagal nucleus.
213 But democracy activists have to be careful not to be labeled "pro-American, " because that would destroy their credibility.




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