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单词 Traumas
1. She has closed her mind to last year's traumas.
2. She felt exhausted after the traumas of recent weeks.
3. She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage.
4. The traumas of the last week will reverberate through history.
5. Early traumas come back to haunt such cats and force them to behave in strange ways.
6. Thus the Republic emerged from its early traumas with a fragmented political culture and no national consensus.
7. She said that, contrary to popular opinion, traumas caused by such a disaster were not short-lived.
8. But that was before she'd known the traumas that lay in store for her.
9. She'd suffered enough traumas and indignities already, she thought grimly.
10. Britain - after the traumas of the 1960s - looked for a modest space policy, low profile and low risk.
11. And the reasons of those traumas would include elements of special training, corporeity of athlete, psychology of athlete, arrangement of training, etc.
12. The operation was showed as fewer traumas, less complication and rapid recuperation compared with thoracolaparotomy.
13. With major life traumas, like losing a loved one, for instance, the mind's first reaction is denial.
14. He had psychotherapy to help him deal with his childhood traumas.
15. The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas.
16. I began to wonder if my fellow-victims were having similar traumas.
17. She helps adults, including expectant parents, find ways to repair the traumas they may have suffered as children.
18. It's a work that must have seemed to sum up the traumas of the war years and their aftermath for you?
19. It means effectively that you are buying some one else's experience, and all the traumas of system development are avoided.
20. One Bostonian donated an old car, another, free psychiatric care to help with traumas of war.
21. Taking on a pooch from an animal shelter brings traumas of many kinds.
22. Aim:To study the change of serum neopterin in patients with multiple traumas and determine its relationship to the severity of trauma, infection and organ dysfunction.
23. Conclusion There are specific imaging features of traumatic lipohemarthrosis in the bone and joint traumas, which seldom appears but often suggests existence of intraarticular fractures.
24. I don't purport that the vagina is the be-all and end-all to women but it is an area where we can create life and we can experience traumas.
25. There has been no satisfactorily effective method for the clinical treatment of articular cartilage degradation and functional incapacitation due to traumas and cartilage lesions up till now.
26. Not only intense creative emotions did the wars bring Ernest Hemingway, but also extreme psychic traumas.
27. Furthermore, according to the authors, those participants who experienced multiple traumas may be more vulnerable to re-experiencing old PTSD symptoms when confronted with a new trauma.
28. Conclusion: Safety lens of spectacles can protect the occurrence of ocular traumas.
1. He had psychotherapy to help him deal with his childhood traumas.




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