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单词 Brightly-coloured
1. The male of the species has more brightly-coloured feathers than the female.
2. She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall.
3. The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands.
4. In a lookout tower, nine brightly-coloured tents have been set up for intrepid campers who spent the night in the early autumn chill.
5. The blast of the brightly-coloured plastic trumpet has been likened to an elephant or a swarm of angry bees. It will provide a discordant and ever-present backdrop to events on the pitch.
6. The 6ft 6in-long brightly-coloured lizard is a fruit-eating species which was found in the forests of the heavily populated and largely "deforested" Luzon Island.
7. On the wall, beside a huge, brightly-coloured poster of Mao Zedong and other Communist leaders, an old-fashioned clock ticks away the seconds as Liu Xiao fidgets in the front room.
8. Brightly-coloured, patterned trousers sported by Norway's Olympic curling team have proved such a hit that the country's king may be tempted to zip up a pair.
9. The brightly-coloured caps prevent accidental scratches and damage to furniture - and have the added advantage of looking rather snazzy.
10. The great seas are full of merfolk, tritons and many thousands of dolphins, while the beaches are lined with soft white sand and dotted with a great many brightly-coloured shells.sentence dictionary
11. Women, some carrying crying children, form a long queue in the clinic’s brightly-coloured corridor adorned with posters of babies and cartoon characters.
12. A traditional ancient Inca ceremony was held at the site, with dancers dressed in brightly-coloured robes and musicians playing drums and panpipes.
13. The puppy, who was bought by Victoria Beckham as a Christmas present for husband David, certainly appears to be one pampered pet with her brightly-coloured pedicure.
14. The sights and smells were arresting: giant slabs of shea butter, grinning cats picking at fishmongers' leftovers, piles of brightly-coloured fabric and rows of hastily stitched football tops.
1. The male of the species has more brightly-coloured feathers than the female.




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