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单词 Point out
(1) We wish to point out that...
(2) Please don't take it amiss, if I point out your errors.
(3) Critics point out that poverty still exists.
(4) I beg to point out that you are wrong.
(5) We all too easily point out our mothers' failings.
(6) He was too polite to point out my mistake.
(7) I must point out that delay is unwise.
(8) She was at pains to point out that she was no newcomer to the area.
(9) She was quick to point out that it wasn't her fault.
(10) Roy was at pains to point out that English was the only exam he'd ever failed.
(11) I beg to point out that your information are out of date.
(12) Are appliances you buy safe? We point out the danger signs.
(13) I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.
(14) She is at pains to point out how much work she has done.
(15) She was quick to point out the mistakes I'd made.
(16) Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote.
(17) I must point out that further delay would be unwise.
(18) He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.
(19) I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.
(20) She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
(21) He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
(22) I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.
(23) She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.
(24) The manager hastened to point out that his products were far superior to others.
(25) You were right to point out that this is only one of the difficulties we face.
(26) The termite inspector can point out some problem areas.
(27) To point out what is meant by effective study.
(28) What the film did not point out however was - who pays for all this(Sentence dictionary), in terms of resources and human life?
(29) Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors.
(30) They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.
(1) We wish to point out that...
(2) Please don't take it amiss, if I point out your errors.
(3) I must point out that delay is unwise.
(4) Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors.
(31) Third, many will point out that justification is conspicuous in the New Testament by its absence.
(32) The Humane Slaughter Association is right to point out the arguments in favour of religious freedom.
(33) The authors point out that their study was done in a rural area and results may differ with urban clients.
(34) An initial appraisal of pollution problems should point out not only all the work required to prevent a pollution incident.
(35) Some point out that the most successful technology companies are those concentrating on one product.
(36) Officials were at pains to point out that it was focused on resolving border disputes and promoting trade.
(37) My Spanish teacher will point out errors, but we have to make the corrections ourselves.
(38) They point out that only 1 to 3 percent of the most severely limited learners are not included under this rubric.
(39) There are relatively minor differences which I shall point out where they become relevant.
(40) They will point out that they have cautioned us officially.
(41) Training To conclude this section it is necessary to point out a few things about the squad training sessions.
(42) Nor did he point out that before carrying the sugar beet, the trailer had borne a much more fruity cargo.
(43) The authors also point out that much more work needs to be done to maximise the use of educational materials.
(44) I have a duty to point out where people go wrong.
(45) Nor do they point out that the tax increase helped reduce the deficit.
(45) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(46) While acknowledging their debt to Hearsay-II, they point out a number of differences.
(47) No doubt stress and change have always characterized human society and psychiatrists point out that these two factors are closely linked.
(48) And they point out that the applications being checked are a tiny percentage of the 340,000 dealt with this year.
(49) As this text, and those related to it, point out, this rapprochement no longer holds.
(50) As they point out, child-rearing patterns may provide a better indicator of social class than the more conventional criteria.
(51) Critics, however, point out that dinosaur joint surfaces were not usually smooth and polished like those of mammals.
(52) Critics point out that there is little evidence to support Abramson's theory.
(53) Spokespeople will not confirm this, but point out that numbers do fluctuate from year to year.
(54) It takes a tragedy like the ValuJet plane crash in the Everglades to point out the error of our ways.
(55) The poor, as Catholic conservatives were later to point out, were disinherited by liberal legislation.
(56) Critics point out the nit-picking thoroughness which legal authorities in the Republic so often bring to bear on extradition requests.
(57) Parasites may point out that the filing system is antiquated, and volunteer to sort it out.
(58) Coach Killick was quick to point out that the team is playing very well.
(59) The researchers also point out that the woodpecker has a natural advantage in resisting brain damage.
(60) Advertisers also point out the hypocrisy of barring sponsored programmes when sports coverage is awash with branding.
(61) Some one might want to pull him aside and point out that the best antidote would be a 75 percent free-throw percentage.
(62) But they hasten to point out that many spend them taking their charges to exotic educational destinations.
(63) Cyprio point out that water should always trickle down through foam not up, as otherwise it will float up.
(64) Critics point out the neighborhood had been living under the threat of condemnation for 10 years, while urban renewal was debated.
(65) There were also new problems within the institutions, as some commentators were quick to point out.
(66) Kureishi would be the first to point out that he got into film-making by luck rather than design.
(67) It is necessary, therefore, to point out that there does not seem to be any decisive evidence in favour of the assertion.
(68) Without impugning the motives of any believer in this, I point out that it reeks of a vile and dangerous racism.
(69) I can only point out the immoral lifestyle that accompanied his profession and the evidence of spiritual deceit.
(70) In this way, conventional practices are rationalized and so made more adaptable, as both Brumfit and Krashen point out.
(71) However, Mr Putin was also keen to point out the positive aspects of the meeting.
(72) Before all my friends rush out to buy hats, I should point out that it wasn't the Bloke speaking.
(73) They point out that in practice there is great variety in corporate activities, even within one sector.
(74) They also point out that the New Testament is full of demon possession and exorcisms.
(75) A detailed brochure with map and route descriptions point out places of interest on your way.
(76) To point out that his statistical contribution in Seattle was negatively aberrant is to state the obvious.
(77) Anthropologists point out that within the great majority of agricultural communities grandmothers and older children take care of the young.
(78) They point out that Parliament has yet to approve the changes which would allow it to go ahead.
(79) They also enable weaker members of the family to point out what is happening to them whilst it is actually happening.
(80) In practice the actions of governments have been less high-minded: a fact the opposition is always quick to point out.
(81) If we're selling it,(http:///point out.html) we'd better point out that it's a starting-point for civic virtue.
(82) It is enough to point out that they remain highly disputed topics of debate in the philosophy of science.
(83) They point out that corporate bad debts have soared as the economy has slumped.
(84) It is not necessary either to agree with these or to point out inaccuracies.
(85) Corporate strategists point out that there is no single right answer.
(86) I do not want to take sides in this matter; but I do want to point out the following consequences.
(87) It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.
(88) He rather hoped she would complain so he could point out that incontestable fact.
(89) Optimists point out that there is an abundance of good news.
(90) From a strictly medical viewpoint, I should point out that not every natural substance is harmless.
(91) I would point out that the procedure for the avoidance of industrial disputes is inappropriate in these circumstances.
(92) As they state, Piven and Cloward also point out the frequently racist aspects of states' policies toward the poor.
(93) They point out that bottom-up statistical methods are efficient from a computational point of view, but exhibit poor error correcting capabilities.
(94) Guide writers have a traditional obligation to honour the historical record, alongside their duty to point out present circumstances.
(95) We do not recommend birth control or encourage birth control in any way, except to point out its failure rate.
(96) These authors are right to point out that in cross sectional analyses it is difficult to make assumptions of causality.
(97) I point out to the hon. Member for Ogmore that the Sunday trading laws could be suspended only by primary legislation.
(98) It is easy enough to point out what is wrong with Hong Kong environmentally but far from easy to find solutions.
(99) Critics point out that a sales tax is regressive, and supporters counter by suggesting that low-income taxpayers could get rebates.
(100) He defied reporters to point out an instance of where Republican-led initiatives succeeded in rolling back environmental laws.
(101) But the companies are having to point out once again the tiny fraction of land they take up on relation to the whole.
(102) I would like to point out that I do not hunt myself so feel I have a balanced point of view.
(103) The anti-smoking lobby then switched to point out that cigarette smoking was anti-social and could harm friends and family.
(104) No need for anyone to point out the unlikelihood of such a slew of benign effects occurring the same week.
(105) They plan to point out that tanker movements to and from the terminal are carefully controlled.
(106) Tom Anderson, however, used extreme disappointment to point out our mistakes.
(107) It is an excellent book, as I took care to point out, except for my few niggles.
(108) Let the older child get as involved as possible and point out how much the new baby loves her big brother.
(109) And incidentally may I point out that the proper term for the external female genitalia is vulva.
(110) As a responsible Company we feel it only right to point out these possibilities, however unlikely.
(111) I pause here to point out that items such as dressings are available on prescription.
(112) Kids talk candidly and loudly about their Santa experience, and are quick to point out body odor and bad breath.
(113) The circular goes on to point out that the list is not exhaustive and suggests other courses may be appropriate.
(114) To point out the difference between their conceptions of class is, in consequence, simply to state a more fundamental problem.
(115) Yet other friends point out that Rawls comes from an old southern family and has a patrician sense of noblesse oblige.
(116) Horowitz's Barber I would like to point out a small correction for your readers.
(117) He waited for somebody to point out how horrible this was.
(118) They also point out that the excessive amounts of sugar in some brands could also be harmful to older babies' teeth.
(119) Alden and others point out that every decade has had its share of countrified rock artists.
(120) And I don't think I need point out that I am in the most awkward situation of all.
(121) Women who point out cases of harassment risk being labelled troublemakers.
(122) Feminists have always been quick to point out the double standards which operate at virtually every level of discourse.
(123) I promised to have a look at the dig and point out where the tessellated pavement should be.
(124) It is keen to point out that solid, secure savings are the best foundation for any portfolio.
(125) It is useless for me to point out that scientific curiosity by itself is as irresponsible as the curiosity of a child.
(126) But Cirrito is quick to point out that Rastafarianism is a religion, whereas reggae is a beat.
(127) I would point out how much better pensioners have done under this Government than under our predecessor in terms of pensioners' net incomes.
(128) However, you should point out to the parents any overlap between problems.
(129) You may point out our shortcoming, no matter when.
(130) Please point out my mistakes and catachresis above. Thanks.
(131) Analyzing the difference of atom hologram and optical hologram, we point out that only the laser cooling atoms can satisfy the coherent and diffract con...
(132) Point out , The DVI Specification , is destined to promote growth in the FPD industry.
(133) Researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables -- Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli -- are all good sources of the vitamin.
(134) Indeed, some point out that Britain has a long history of brusque and occasional brutish behavior.
(135) The paper introduces the current status of shale oil industry point out the existing problems of shale distillation process in China.
(136) Analyzing the difference of atom hologram and optical hologram, we point out that only the laser cooling atoms can satisfy the coherent and diffract conditions required by the hologram technology.
(137) Finally we introduce the seven vanadate system studied in this dissertation and point out the practical significance of such materials.
(138) The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items.
(139) Then, the shortages of CVR sound information decoding system based on audio - frequency techniques are point out.
(140) We have to point out that your counter - offer is obviously on the low side.
(141) Authors point out that there are three main aspects impelling foundry development to go forward.
(142) Photographs can also point out the extraordinary or magical in the seemingly irrelevant, as in Bolucevschi Vitali's prizewinning image of ants poised like dancers in stellar form.
(143) The emperor advocated the expostulation about calamities and reanimate officeholders to point out the officials faults used for reference for the frequency of natural disasters in Yuan Dynasty.
(144) Researchers point out that at best praise is a weak reinforcer .
(145) Furthermore, in the research of blind image restoration, provide the realization to the complicated EM algorithm, point out the shortcoming of this algorithm and provide the improved method.
(146) Speak the language of the virtues. Talk about patience, cooperativeness, courage, ingenuity, cheerfulness, helpfulness , kindness, etc. and point out those virtues when you see them demonstrated.
(147) Adopt VFD display make various kinds of person who point out , person who establish and status display value can clear easy to meet.
(148) Finally, point out that XML has become the de facto standard for exchanging information between computers and computer applications.
(149) The paper point out the fact that the real market is one with imperfect information, since col- lection of information will take energy, time, and money.
(150) The thesis analyses the characters of elevator traffic system firstly, further point out the identifying of traffic pattern by the statistics about the elevator traffic.
(151) Satirically , the saying used to point out that there is a tendency among us, believing that we are more fortunate to others.
(152) By analysis of the current popular method of access control, point out their deficiencies.
(153) This paper point out calculation formula and process for inference and academic precision.
(154) Point out the concern that repeats safe, primary insurance, reinsurance please?
(155) Daniel: The important thing to point out, didn't injure the cameraman!
(156) Embassy in Beijing Tuesday were eager to point out that roughly 10,000 Chinese construction workers and tradespeople were involved in the construction.
(157) According' to the context-free grammar model of GEP, the dissertation point out that Candida's GEP techniques cannot process context-free grammar with multiple none-terminals.
(158) They point out inadequacies in applying criteria developed from metallurgical practice to reinforced plastics.
(159) The third chapter, firstly I point out during the period of war, the Delphic oracle could affect the military officer's decision-making, thus could affect the course and result of the war.
(160) But it does point out that maybe we need to revisit our own definition of success.
(161) However, there were some good things to point out about their focus on early testing to explore first in my reply.
(162) This article track around discuss and construe, find out whys, point out the ways to turn away the suddenness hurt accidents and procreant the bother of economy and law.
(163) In each maturity stage, your agency's measurements should point out its strengths and weaknesses as well as gauge its improvements.
(164) In this paper, we review the machinery dynamical balancing from balancing method to optimization goal and point out the next development direction in the foundation.
(165) We point out that the effective allocation ownership of state-owned enterprise is correlative stakeholders all-parts corporate contract and the residual control and residual claim is allocated from ...
(165) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(166) The posture, that we give the dead, Point out the soul's eternal sleep.
(167) Double-dyed counterrevolutionaries are those who point out the balefulness of ultimatism.
(168) The researchers point out that the concentration of relaxin in the blood rises during the first trimester of pregnancy, when a woman's heart rate increase by about 40 per cent.
(169) What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity?
(170) Introduction on telecommunication equipment and the SCADA system. The writers point out the developing trend of pipeline telecommunication with the Northwest Oil Pipeline, China taken into account.
(171) As the authors point out, for insurers to even consider a long term policy they must have the freedom to charge premiums that reflects risk.
(172) MENTAL EFFECTS of transitive inference point out that various factors affect conclusion.
(173) And then, point out that the transfer of national key zones for development to central region is a stratagem choice when all comes to all.
(174) These objectives clearly point out the needs of adequate stock market models.
(175) For example, if your paper examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole.
(176) The killjoys who conducted this test point out that sitting through a two-hour movie isn't exactly "climbing Mt. Everest," but theaters are feeding us like we are.
(177) And it also point out that the angle of chamfer and the accuracy design of chamfer start bit are very important to the whole design.
(178) Finally, it is necessary to point out that the strategic readjustment of agricultural structure of Wushan county is a dynamic and continuously advanced procedure.
(179) They point out that drilling on federally owned lands has increased steadily during the Bush administration.
(180) Many experts point out those physical exercise contributes directly a persons physical fitness.
(181) Scientists point out that the it is very difficult for these duck-billed dinosaur fossil bones to move to more younger strata as of the fracture formation.
(182) The optimal call policy for convertible bond not only can point out the optimal occasion for firms' calling, but also is a premise to convertible bond pricing.
(183) It is important to point out that laws and trends are radically different things.
(184) I wanted to point out he was a very good speaker, and could incite a crowd.
(185) I particularly want to point out one person Staff Sergeant John [ sic ] Forbess.
(186) Captious: Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults.
(187) By exploring origin and vicissitude of bona fide possession, we point out that the system of bona fides possession only is applied to movable property at first, and then to immovable property later.
(188) Gwynn and I often point out to each other the little things that make us just oh so happy.
(189) OBJECTIVE To introduce the principle of central composite design(CCD), make an integrate explanation based on a large quantity of documents, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of the CCD.
(190) I should like to point out that our prices were calcu- lated without insurance for any special risk. So we applied for the usual W.P.A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage.
(191) Never disparage feelings your friend or relative expresses, but point out realities and offer hope.
(192) Locals point out several villas in the city's leafy colonial cantonment that are occupied by mysterious Chinese businessmen.
(193) I simply want to point out enough about the problem to help you see why I don't think free will is a slam-dunk for the soul.
(194) Moreover, she will point out current defects and inadequateness of criminal legislation of commercial bribery as far as crime institution, crime subjects, objects of criminal behavior are concerned.
(195) As always,(http:///point out.html) we need to point out that this is beta software and you might still find some bugs in it.
(196) Politics and sex is an old story, and as Mr. Fiedler and others point out, it simply reinforces the lessons of the aphrodisiac of power taught in Shakespeare.
(197) It is point out that baking in the reducing atmosphere or protecting atmosphere can be protected from the oxide.
(198) It point out that the main reason resulted in the problem on key project inspectorate is the key projects Inspection management system inadequacy.
(199) At last, this paper point out the limitation in Ellul's dialectics as well as its root.
(200) Herein , we point out that electronic evidence has dependency, high - tech, multiplicity , separability, concealment and frangibility.
(201) The last part is peroration which point out that SAMS has great prospects and Chinese enterprises ought to develop this kind of way as soon as possible in order to meet the challenges of entering WTO.
(202) Then from users' welfare, marginal outage cost (MOC) is discussed in energy cost and point out the model of priority pricing depended on the theory of marginal pricing.
(203) Don't take it amiss if I point out your errors.
(204) I'll point out these connections at various points, these connections to Heraclitus at various points as we go.
(205) It also lets them disguise their ownership through anonymous "bearer shares" (Panamanians point out that several states in America did so too until quite recently).
(206) Furthermore, as Gervaise was quick to point out, Mr Scully was not a detective.
(207) Live Zhou Shaoming of fountainhead control idle fund, Wang Jian, Wang Haibo is in " economy studies " 1998 the 2nd period write civil point out: Now...
(208) Results point out that under the atmospheric condition, localized corrosion of Au and Ni plated lead is caused by galvanic couple and possesses the characteristics of occluded hole.
(209) The authors point out that often a layperson can tell by examining a transcript whether the person behind it is a man or a woman.
(210) The important role of rosin, oil of turpentine, tannin, activated carbon of forest chemical industry in national economy are point out.
(211) Point out the security requirement of CAD systems and problems must be solved.
(212) One is, from the inner mechanism, to point out its irrationality.
(213) Keane was Liverpool's best player against PSV Eind hoven in the Champions League on Tuesday night and afterwards was at pains to point out that leaving is the furthest thing from his thoughts.
(214) The parameters of the code set are investigated, and their limitations are point out.
(215) It also analyses the inscape of salary policy and situation of Y, and point out the major defect and corrective method.
(216) Based on former researchers' efforts on ABC, in this paper we point out the advantages of ABC by comparing ABC with traditional cost accounting.
(217) In the seventh paragraph, the author point out the deficiency and faultiness of this paper.
(218) Point out the range of carbon content of low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel and high-carbon steel. Give some examples for their applications.
(219) The authors point out that the primary characteristics of coming generation LRF's are eye safety, higher efficiency and beam quality, newer laser materials, function modularization.
(220) In this thesis, discuss the safety and fairness in concurrent system, and point out its importance when multithreading accessing the critical resources.
(221) And point out the beams whose expression is the zeroth order Bessel function is not nondiffraction beams, but it is a kind of special Fresnel diffraction beams or interference.
(222) The passage also point out the realizing of Fundamental cycle matrix may be solved by Fundamental cut-set matrix realizing.
(223) According to the specific policy of Anhui province, the defect of this algorithm was point out.
(224) We point out its standing in the development of the theory of decimal fraction, and analyse its influence in a systematic way.
(225) It point out the narrow habitat birds (the hydrocole avifauna(/point out.html), the nemoral avifauna and the hilly avifauna) that they are main ecological type birds affecting the structural characters.
(226) In other words, as journalists often like to point out, online feuds lead to vigilantism, and missteps on Chinese soil can draw the wrath of Chinese hackers.
(227) Votes poured in, with people from around the globe eager to point out how overweight, unladylike, and generally foul British women are.
(228) At the same time my point out that the writer is in essence a elegiac poet.
(229) "Street names are often a clue to what went on in an area in the past. We point out nooks and crannies, the little details you can only see by walking, " she said.
(230) Point out, press dweller group and geographical area. Distributinging miserably is disequilibrium.
(231) They point out , however, that strengthening the quadriceps could prevent further damage.
(232) This paper makes a special effort to discuss definitions, property and rank. By the end, this author point out that the transformation relations is the same as simple graph between the in...
(233) This article tries to analyze the multicultural panorama provided by this novel, and to point Out Gish Jen's opinions and criticisms toward American culture as reflected in this fiction.
(234) Since my own background is from fandom, I'll try to point out the things fans would find unusual, remarkable, or just plain cool.
(235) Finally this paper point out application of relative entropy coefficient in pattern recognition.
(236) As to the Galileo affair, it is quite enough to point out the fact that the condemnation of the heliocentric theory was the work of a fallible tribunal.
(237) That tensions exist in the home life, however, the humorist loves to point out.
(238) The volleyball player's diagnoses were more straightforward, though I will point out that thyroid testing and biopsies are generally done as an outpatient and don't require admission to the hospital.
(239) Give enough time to find out the rules in listening test . Then point out the keylistening.
(240) At last, I point out that the so-called revolution against generative grammar claimed by cognitive grammar from its very beginning is just like a dream.
(241) At last, epilog point out real life meaning and negative-said influence.
(242) Some people point out that long hours in daycare may mean weaker emotional bonds with mothers.
(243) By studying, the theory relate to the credit operation, we point out it in nature is form of credit and it can saving transaction cost to both side.
(244) As opponents of this plan point out, we've already seen this movie: A similar tax holiday was offered in 2004, with a similar sales pitch.
(245) Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly a person's physical fitness "
(246) Point out, this all body comes true to ask in the economic job 1998.
(247) In the upshot, to point out the vital function of developing and saving water resources in building the society of water saving.
(248) In the end, it summarizes the impact, and point out its role inthe success of Germany Protestant Reformation.
(249) On the basis of content analyze, it point out the significance and contribution of commercial womenfolk website.
(250) The researchers also point out a flaw in the nuclear energy argument.
(251) Hendrix doesn't propose a specific number, but he does point out that three, 40, 000-ton light carriers could be had for the price of one supercarrier.
(252) We should not take the point out of the picture when are discussing this question.
(253) But less impressive were its net and operating losses, which narrowed just 7-8 percent from a year earlier, even as the company was quick to point out it generated a gross profit for the quarter.
(254) TCP transmission experimental results also point out that the extra round trip time caused by OBS layer has great influence on the available TCP bandwidth.
(255) These experiments and measure results point out the way to design multielement rectenna array.
(256) Point out the IT that reveals on afore - mentioned trade exhibition not common land is extensive.
(257) We point out the difficulty in solving the problem and the necessity of a new kind of higher-order gravitational theory.
(258) In agreement with Swart are officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,() who point out that helmets are considered an effective way to help prevent head injuries from bicycle mishaps.
(259) In German Ideology, Marx and Engels point out that occasionality unveils the passivism of subject.
(260) All of this said, I think Ben does a service to point out that raising a lot of cash and making a large investment in the business is a big positive.
(261) Mr Werning and his co-author, Emmanuel Farhi (a young Harvard macroeconomist), point out that the biggest roll of the dice in life is the family you are born into.
(262) Secondly analyses the economic principle of urban road traffic congestion toll, point out urban road traffic congestion toll is necessary and feasible sometimes.
(263) Perhaps eager to make clear that A.D.H.D. is far more than a metaphor for the distractions of modern life, scientists love to point out examples that date to well before the term was invented.
(264) Environmentalists point out that conventional national accounting doesn't allow for the heavy costs of economic progress, in terms of pollution, depletion of natural resources and so on.
(265) Research the characteristic of hydraulic disadjust, and point out hydraulic equilibrium scheme.
(266) But to point out that the true inventor of paddle wheel is also the Chinese people, than Fulton as early as 1,000 years.
(267) We point out the consistency in gauge theory of gravitation.
(268) We analyze a simple group key management scheme, point out a security flaw of the scheme and give some improvements.
(269) Authors point out the deficiency of the DBMS and the model, and then present the data partition technology. The data partition technology can provide a data level access control.
(270) Look at the half point of the menu, cheese pizza, roast potatoes, black truffle goose liver steak, also point out with Baileys liqueur, a cup of 30 yuan.
(271) Therefore we point out a new method of testing fragile material's strength of extension. That is to say we can measure the disk's strength of extension by pressing in its diametric.
(272) Tally up working experience, and point out some familiar problems in air conditioning design. Analysis to each problem, and put forward a related suggestion.
(273) People in cleantech circles often point out that the electric utilities spend a smaller portion of revenue on research and development than pet-food companies do.
(274) Synopsize : Introduce the market situation and development trend of the health foods , and point out status and development direction of functional food and healthy food in the food filed .
(275) We explore the clustering characteristics on xanthous face, and point out that HSV color model can be well used to express the clustering characteristics of xanthous faces.
(276) It introduces the mould structure and working principle of the injection mould with inside pattern drawing from three directions for core. Point out the design gists of the mould.
(277) In this paper, we discuss the relation between matched filter and wavelet transform(WT), and point out that wavelet transform is just the matched filter with changeable detection template.
(278) A scientific definition should point out its nature and reflect its epochal characteristics.
(279) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS results point out that the Mg-Li alloy performed better electrochemistry properties than pure Mg after lithiation.
(280) The article mainly reviews application of galenical deodorizer in animal production, and point out the prospect of application in animal science.
(281) But Dr Steven Le Comber, an evolutionary biologist at Queen Mary college, University of London, is at pains to point out scientists don't always make bad movie-going partners.
(282) This text mainly analyse the of victim of false pretenses though positive and passivism two respect and point out the important meaning of preventing of victim of false pretenses.
(283) Remember to use the knowledge gained from reading the guest to point out features that might provide a benefit; instead allure and entice them with visually and emotionally descriptive language.
(284) And I must again point out that I am an enthusiast rather than an expert!
(285) This paper reviews the historical method of risk measure, point out their limitation, supply a way to recompose it and a new index of risk measure—synthesis risk deviation.
(286) They point out that the WMAP data clearly show that there are far more hot and cold spots at smaller angular scales, and that it is therefore wrong to assume that the microwave sky is isotropic.
(287) Old-time Reaganites point out that the issue of Reagan's age evaporated when he chose a safe pair of hands in the form of George Bush senior as his running mate.
(288) Chapter one, through to the language source of the modernity concept and the combing of semanteme, point out that the modernity is the contradictory mixture.
(289) Then, we point out the partition of central and local finance. In the first place, we look back the historical evolution of the partition of centra!
(290) Then we introduce the text prosodic level marking in detail, analyze the prosodic level structure of sentences, point out the pause principle in sentences and the description of lexical word.
(291) In this paper, we discuss Galois' mathematics education views and the reason that the views were produced, and point out the action that the views are used for reference.
(292) Author point out that good full procedural management for material purchase of construction enterprises is essential assurance for enterprise development.
(293) Some analysts point out that every company can only acquire 30 million USD if the 50 companies equally share the subvention of the federal government.
(294) Experimental results point out that the said copolymer electret film is a polar material, i. e. there exist both oriented dipoles and deposited space charges in the film after charging.
(294) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(295) After analysis of condition of experiments, we point out in this paper that only negative group-velocity dispersion can be obtained by using prism pair or sequence in a mode-locked laser resonator.
(296) Author point out emphatically: onus of proof is a legal liability of litigant, not other organization.
(297) With several major search engines we point out how to improve in the aspects of multilingual processing, specialization and efficiency.




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