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单词 First lady
1. The First Lady was also a highly educated woman.
2. The First Lady arrived a few minutes after nine.
3. Former first lady Barbara Bush officially christened the ship.
4. The First Lady had maintained an exemplary civic profile.
5. Then there is the problem of what the first lady has done or should do.
6. He also hurled other shocking words at the First Lady.
7. The President and First Lady were due back in thirty-five minutes.
8. The First Lady will make an official visit to Haiti.
9. The First Lady had an upcoming swing through four cities that required my urgent attention.
10. Not the First Lady because all she was concerned about was cutting waste and saving taxpayer money.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. I suggested that the President and the First Lady inspect the summerhouse together.
12. And so what if the first lady arranged to have the travel staffers fired?
13. That El Comandante was smitten by the First Lady was immediately apparent.
14. The first lady said teachers should be expected to undergo mid-career training and development, as lawyers and other professionals do.
15. The first lady will keep out the January chill with a matching satin cape.
16. The president and the first lady wore purple ribbons on their coat lapels.
17. He and the first lady then met privately with individual family members.
18. The exchange between the first lady and her most valuable financial backers is riveting.
19. A newly discovered memo indicates the first lady ordered the firing, although she has denied any involvement.
20. The First Lady discusses charter schools in the book, Lattimore said.
21. The President and First Lady were wearing sealskin parkas in honor of their guests.
22. Perhaps unbeknown to you, the first lady has been churning out a weekly column since July 30 of last year.
23. The First Lady has been known to stage-manage press conferences.
24. The race includes a ladies' race, the first lady taking about five minutes longer to cover the distance.
25. Clinton and the First Lady both were red-eyed when they arrived for the public ceremony.
26. So it was that her charisma and undoubted beauty helped to make her the first lady air correspondent in the world.
27. Laura Bush announced earlier this week that she would devote her time as first lady to recruiting new teachers.
28. As we worked, the phone rang without stopping: press queries about the First Lady.
29. She claims to have overheard an argument between the President and the First Lady.
30. Does it mean that Starr has decided not to seek an indictment of either President Clinton or the first lady?
31. The inaugural ball gown was an emphatic announcement that the first lady was going to play the style game her way.
32. Aides said the president and first lady met with more than 500 people at the Ramada Inn near the airport.
33. When the First Lady looked in on him and discovered he was missing, she panicked and sounded the alarm.
34. His first lady, a power behind the scenes, insisted that a White House official be fired.
35. She actually told interviewers that the first lady she admired most was Dolley Madison!
36. The president and first lady are whisked out of the room and back to White House.
37. Could she be, as some have suggested, the key to whether the president or first lady faces future indictments?
38. By contrast, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was seen favorably by 32 percent of those polled and unfavorably by 36 percent.
39. World Report discovered that the first lady owned property in Alabama where black sharecroppers were living in shacks with no plumbing.
40. Some White House officials concede the first lady has hurt the administration by efforts to avoid personal embarrassment.
41. Hillary Clinton is married to Bill Clinton; she used to be a lawyer and wields considerable influence as first lady.
42. But the route she took to Washington in many ways resembles the one traveled by first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.
43. Those broken windows were miraculously replaced in sunny May in anticipation of a visit from the first lady of the country.
44. Deaver also appeared to act as a messenger between the First lady and her husband,[http:///first lady.html] and sometimes even as a surrogate.
45. But the first lady of this portrait can also be a scold, stand-offish and sanctimonious.
46. I told him the President should take the matter up directly with the First Lady.
47. The First Lady is expected to be among the many VIPs attending tonight.
48. But this is the first time the first lady has been drawn into the controversy.
49. In many ways, the address was a homecoming for the first lady.
50. The challenges to her credibility are reaching fever pitch and are putting the first lady and her allies on the defensive.
51. The suggestions also revealed a lot about the fashion industry and its relationship with the first lady.
52. The first lady had specifically asked to speak at Glide, which is known for its social activism, church officials said.
53. The First Lady was cheerful and energetic during the press conference.
54. Both the first lady and the speaker have serious and unresolved legal and ethical problems that fuel the fury of their opponents.
55. Her appearance before the grand jury will be unprecedented for a first lady.
56. Bush and first lady Laura Bush greeted the guests.
57. No First Lady had ever before sought public office.
58. However, Hillary Clinton was never a typical first lady.
59. Prima donna first lady of the stage!
60. This was a bit exhausting for the first lady.
61. Former first lady Mrs.Laura W.Bush announced the program at Stovall Middle School of the Aldine Independent School District in Houston.
62. In a four-page afterword to the paperback edition, which comes out April 19, the former first lady lists a few possibilities.
63. The second was a plan to overhaul the unfair and hugely expensive U. S. healthcare system; this task was entrusted to Clinton's talented First Lady, Hilary Rodham Clinton (later a U.
64. The president and the first lady both enjoy being able to drive their own go-cart and feel some sense of independence.
65. While in New York, the president and first lady also attended an interfaith religious service and visited with firefighters.
66. Some assured the First Lady that they would bring their own refreshments.
67. She became the First Lady of the United States in nineteen ninety-three.
68. She recognized that American cuisine was ready to replace the European style haute cuisine that Mrs. Kennedy [First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy] had introduced to the White House in the 1960s.
69. I served a rack of lamb, curried red sweet potatoes, and braised Swiss chard when I cooked one of the most important meals of my career for the first lady of the United States.
70. In nineteen ninety, first lady Barbara Bush's Springer spaniel Millie told about her life in the White House in "Millie's Book."
71. A similar brashness defined her forays into public society as the first lady of the Kremlin.
72. As Elaine Crispen, Mrs. Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U. S. first lady " is learning to roll with the punches" .
73. Both of them chose off-the-shoulder dresses but Eva wowed guests in an orange silk gown, wearing diamond earrings, and the First Lady wore a blue chiffon, with a silver waistband.
74. The New York senator and former first lady said the Federal Housing Administration should stand ready to buy, restructure and resell failed mortgages to strengthen the ailing economy.
75. Amelia Earhart had become the first lady of the air.
76. " Downey said three phrases came to mind when he thought of John: "genius, life saver, the other first lady.
77. The first lady impressed me by her voice, look(), and air.
78. Letitia Baldrige, who served as Social Secretary for first lady Jackie Kennedy, has been attending inaugural balls since the 1940s.
79. A: But do you think beauty alone can make a First Lady?
80. President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, George Maxwell Richards and the first lady Dr. Jean Ramjohn Richards on their trip to Shanghai to visit the World Expo.
81. Last Friday, the first lady of Japan and South Korea developed a "Kraut Diplomatism", when the head of this two countries exchange their opinions on improving the bilateral relationship.
82. In Hampton, Virginia, First Lady Michelle Obama joined her husband in speaking to armed service members.
83. By Western standards, all that might seem minimal activity for a First Lady.
84. The President and First Lady also reported donating $245,075 – or about 14.2% of their adjusted gross income – to 36 different charities.
85. What do you think of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton?
86. Mrs Obama did not campaign as a traditional first lady, staring at her husband with dewy-eyed admiration and limiting her comments to bland pleasantries.
87. Michelle played it old school on The Daily Show in October, wearing her version of a classic first lady staple; the two-piece suit with a double strand of pearls.
88. Mr. Hu was greeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy as he arrived at Orly airport Thursday with a red-carpet welcome and full military honors.
89. A consummate schmoozer, he could easily embrace traditional First Lady tasks such as visiting with the spouses of world leaders who come to meet with Hillary.
90. Several photos of French First Lady Carla Bruni posing in lace underwear were recently unearthed from an old mail order catalogue.
91. First Lady Michelle Obama curtsies with Lynne Silosky, a niece of posthumous Medal of Honor awardee, Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller.
92. The presidency is difficult enough to run at the best of times, without installing a former first lady and an ex-president in the vice-president's residence.
93. Betty Ford, first lady, did some last-minute checking of White House mementoes on Jan. 19, 1977, the eve of Jimmy Carter's inauguration and her departure with President Gerald R. Ford.
94. Galliano has made dresses for Princess Diana and France's first lady, Carla Bruni.
95. BY ANY measure Michelle Obama is a remarkable first lady.
96. And she is the first first lady who is the direct descendant of slaves.
97. The role of the first lady, the U.S. president's spouse, has evolved from fashion trendsetter and hostess of White House dinners to a more substantive position.
98. I have written at least two abjectly bootlicking columns about First Lady Laura Bush, and I am willing to cram in a few more before next January.
99. My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, she has a similar story.
100. Kennedy and his Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson sit on either side of First Lady Jackie Kennedy.
101. The first lady has started a vegetable garden at the White House.
102. Rosario Murillo, the first lady and communications minister, has helped transmit this enthusiasm to the 70% of the population that is under 30.
103. He and the First Lady filed their income tax return jointly and reported an adjusted gross income of $1, 728, 096.
104. The First Lady happened to be hurrying in and saw this display of tender affection.
105. The Duke of Edinburgh also clearly enjoyed Miss Bruni's company, while even Gordon Brown discarded his otherwise Cromwellian temperament to welcome the French first lady with much accord.
106. Then the athletic commander-in-chief challenged First Lady Michelle Obama to a game of tennis and hit the links at an island golf club with partners including UBS chief executive officer Robert Wolf.
107. Comerford's new duties will include designing and executing state dinners, social events, holiday functions, receptions and official luncheons jointly with the first lady and assistant chefs.
108. First lady Laura Bush walked outside to receive the Fraser Fir that was pulled up the driveway to the North Portico by two horses, including one that didn't seem happy in his work.
109. Michier, the American first lady, invited a group of students to take part in the teach-in for children healths.
110. The president and first lady donated adjusted gross income - - to 37 different charities.
111. The former First Lady was taken there a couple of days ago with a slight fever.
112. To the notes of the Marseillaise, Pope Benedict was welcomed at Orly airport in Paris by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and First Lady Carla Bruni.
113. In addition to her duties as first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a monthly magazine column and a daily newspaper column, lectured, hosted a weekly radio show, and authored several books.
114. First Lady Nancy Reagan with First Dog Rex, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, on the South Lawn of the White House, 1986.
115. First Lady Michelle Obama, along with Surgeon General Regina Benjamin and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, unveiled the new icon to help communicate healthy eating guidelines.
116. First Lady Michelle Obama curtsies with Lynne Silosky, a niece of posthumous Medal of Honor awardee, Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, October 6, 2010.
117. Examples: 1. ( One snippet from a recent" intimate portrait" of the first lady: Mr Bush likes to spend his evenings doing jigsaw puzzles, one of which shows the face of his Scotch terrier, Barney.
118. He said First lady Laura Bush will visit Minneapolis on Friday.
119. In 1993 , former first lady Pat Nixon died in Park Ridge , New Jersey, at age 81.
120. President Asif Ali Zardari and his son Bilawal Bhutto carry the coffin of former first lady Begum Nusrat Bhutto during a funeral ceremony in Naudero, Larkana. PHOTO: AFP.
121. Ella Fitzgerald will always be remembered as "The First Lady of Song.
122. First Lady Michelle Obama has wowed fashion writers with her casual style, use of color and her penchant for the sleeveless dress at the G20 summit in the British capital this week.




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