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单词 Discourse
1 Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 
2 Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
3 She embarked on a discourse about the town's origins.
4 No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude.
5 He was hoping for some lively political discourse at the meeting.
6 Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.
7 We'll discourse on the subject tonight.
8 He was able to discourse at great length on the problems of education.
9 epigrammatic discourse or expression.
10 The discourse touches many of the issues which are currently popular.
11 These are the bright spots in this 257-page discourse.
12 Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.
13 A discourse on medieval morality plays?
14 The prototype of reciprocal discourse is face-to-face conversation.
15 These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality.
16 All discourse is more or less reciprocal,[] if only because it is based upon assumptions about receivers.
17 It is likely that in normal discourse, the context of the sentences will help to resolve these potential ambiguities.
18 Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
19 In this light, a novel is not a single discourse, but a complex of many discourses.
20 Furthermore, such modes of discussion are expected to conform also to the rules of professional literacy discourse.
21 There are two points worth noting about this fragment of conversational discourse.
22 What is more depressing is the way this escape from the facts is beginning to creep into Western discourse on Kosovo.
23 At the beginning of the article he observed that there were two possible directions for discourse analysis.
24 What is more, proper names are normally introduced into discourse by means of descriptive phrases.
25 It is precisely because of them that any progress at all has been accomplished in matters of racial discourse.
26 Evidence from different nationalities and different class backgrounds suggests an overall pattern to discourse about race and prejudice.
27 Without tampering with the deviant sentence itself, we can investigate the effects of placing it in variously elaborated discourse contexts.
28 We have, then, two approaches to language: sentence linguistics and discourse analysis.
29 To what extent does this sequence correspond to a native speaker's processing of discourse?
30 This whole extravaganza is demeaning, debasing and deeply damaging to what should be serious political discourse, the protesters complain.
1 Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
2 She embarked on a discourse about the town's origins.
3 He was hoping for some lively political discourse at the meeting.
4 We'll discourse on the subject tonight.
31 He shot 3-for-9 and then resumed his ongoing discourse on the march to the playoffs.
32 The outcome of the research should be a more refined version of discourse comprehension and an evaluation of connectionist models as implementations.
33 Several sociolinguists have discussed the ethnography of cross cultural discourse conventions in the law court in the United States.
34 Subjectivity becomes contained in discourse: a solution which does not deal adequately with its complicated place in psychology and social relations.
35 Genette's largest contribution to structuralist narrative theory is his Narrative Discourse.
36 The topic framework consists of elements derivable from the physical context and from the discourse domain of any discourse fragment.
37 The degradation of public discourse, the spread of cynicism, makes our collective life less civilised.
38 In speaking thus, there is a claim to rational discourse and an implicit defence against any criticism of being irrational.
39 The process has been demystified and brought within the gambit of the familiar laboratory discourse.
40 In everyday economic discourse, nothing is more frequently taken as an index of economic growth than the volume of capital formation.
41 This is accomplished by metaphorically fitting the discourse of astrophysics on to that of psychology.
42 Many textbooks do show awareness of the need to deal with different discourse types, but few confront the issue of identification.
43 However, there are some interesting comparisons to be made between the discourse of the physical scientists and that of the physicists.
44 In trying to determine such regularities, the discourse analyst will typically adopt the traditional methodology of descriptive linguistics.
44 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
45 Some of the procedures of discourse analysis will make for a more profound examination of this process.
46 In Levin's essay, avant-garde cinema is assimilated into the wider discourse of Modernist art despite their material and institutional differences.
47 Should they, then, be branded as spurious designators and banished from rational discourse?
48 However exciting his paper, his thesis seemed in danger of crumbling if it were reworked into a conventional historical discourse.
49 There are informal ways of expressing the topic, even in conversational discourse.
50 The contradictory demands of justifying and criticizing national prejudice can be seen in the everyday discourse of racism.
51 Britain's poor economic performance has been the dominant theme of political debate and economic discourse since the 1950s.
52 So, it is a myth that conversational discourse is inevitably symmetrical.
53 We are, after all, performing a descriptive and not a prescriptive exercise when we undertake discourse analysis.
54 That was a huge overstatement, but it at least demonstrates how widespread the discourse of political radicalism had become.
55 The growing dialogue with medics heightened the moral input into medical discourse.
56 However, he does not explain just how apposition might be accommodated in a theory of discourse.
57 Our argument for the importance of considering individual speaker's topics in conversational discourse would consequently be weaker.
58 The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.
59 There is an assumption that conversational discourse is symmetrical and logical.
60 Functional courses which classify discourse by function alone often overlook this complex interaction.
61 In other words, only the paragraph structure of stretches of discourse about individual, primarily human, characters is being discussed.
62 Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
63 These terms will be used to indicate relationships between discourse participants and elements in the discourse.
64 The more recent studies of discourse analysis have captured the tones which people use to talk of others.
65 Yet this structuring of discourse along the patterns of dialogue has an effect at the most detailed, grammatical level.
66 Furthermore, there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one.
67 At first then, it would seem that this ordering of information is another instance of a formal connection between sentences in discourse.
68 Two dichotomies are helpful in examining this area of discourse.
69 For discourse analysis, the most important idea to come out of the field of Artificial Intelligence is that of knowledge schemata.
70 The main purpose of Levin's article, however, is to reclaim Debord for the aesthetic discourse of avant-garde cinema.
71 We have introduced some basic components which would be required in a characterisation of the topic framework for any discourse fragment.
72 Should I launch into a discourse on why I didn't value male above female children?
73 How does the discourse analyst decide which discourse subjects to include in the presupposition pool for a particular piece of conversational discourse?
74 Client purchasers require that this be translated back into everyday discourse.
74 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
75 But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.
76 Furthermore, we should have a shared understanding of the rules of discourse about such subjects.
77 Many studies have aimed at typologies of code switching which classify switches according to their function in discourse.
78 And because the domestic style was unsuited to amplified discourse, the domestic rules of politeness also went by the board.
79 This unity enabled the Alliance to intervene into the discourse of municipal politics in a skilful and decisive manner.
80 The boundary between conversation and other discourse types is a fuzzy one, and there are many intermediate cases.
81 The discourse analyst attempts to discover regularities in his data and to describe them.
82 Academic, or theoretical, discourse is not privileged but is instead a form of accounting which uses abstraction to illuminate.
83 He provides a careful analysis of the relationship between the functional and structural characteristics of different types of discourse.
84 It is exactly this latter view of the nature of reference which the discourse analyst has to appeal to.
85 Blackwell's radical ideas point to the tentative beginnings of a discourse on active female sexuality.
86 Thus, in discourse analysis, reference is treated as an action on the part of the speaker / writer.
87 This book explains the relevant theory and related it to classroom activities designed to improve students' discourse skills.
88 Political discourse, in this view, is full of manipulation, deception, and untruths whose object is political advantage.
89 They neglect the efforts of those who have regarded scientific and religious discourse as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
90 We shall examine an extract from conversational discourse containing a longish paratone which illustrates the features just described.
91 Are theories just another kind of story, or do they constitute a radically distinct form of discourse?
92 Genette goes on to suggest that this authorizes the use of linguistic categories in the analysis of narrative discourse.
93 The remarks in this section only sketch out a province for which a proper theory of discourse deixis might provide an account.
94 Judith now entered into a desultory discourse with Deerslayer.
95 a discourse on issues of gender and sexuality.
96 Ah! You can make that lute discourse, I perceive.
97 In legal discourse causation is particularly important.
98 Ditto for your discourse on football.
99 He renewed the discourse upon young Crossing.
100 I heard the professor's discourse on English lexicography.
101 It attracts many scholars'attention that how to interpret the speech discourse from contextual perspective.
102 For the curatorial discourse of this Triennial, we propose to say "Farewell to Post-Colonialism". This represents the theoretical basis from which we hope to explore our critical vision.
103 Metaphorical expressions in songs may be divided into two types: sentential metaphor and discourse metaphor.
104 To introduce or interject ( a comment,[] for example ) during discourse or a conversation.
105 The statistic shows the occurrence of cataphora is relatively few. Thus we briefly study the formal markers in discourse.
106 The discourse studies the preparation of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for production of xylitol by fermentation.
107 Then, transitivity analysis has been applied to various types of discourse for decades.
108 This paper discourse upon pollution of resource and soil resource in opencast.
109 Discourse anaphora in most cases refers to direct anaphora only, with little reference to indirect anaphora.
110 A contemplative discourse , usually on a religious or philosophical subject.
111 Dido was charmed with his discourse and filled with admiration of his exploits.
112 Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence.
113 Based on different values and discourse characteristics, different types of library science paradigm can be distinguished.
114 There is a peculiar elitist arrogance in those who discourse on the brutalization of work simply because they cannot imagine themselves performing the job.
115 He stared at the object of discourse , as one might do at a strange repulsive animal.
116 The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics.
117 I find that civility is being driven from our political discourse.
118 This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies.
119 He was so confounded at her discourse that he could not answer a word.
120 And then to turn the discourse, she began admiring the house and the furniture.
121 The hymn was over , the prelate had began to deliver his discourse.
122 Beatrice, who liked not to be left out of any discourse, interrupted Benedick with saying.
123 In this discourse , the design and realization of some avionic video recorder is described.
124 This paper aims at exploring the cross-linguistic influence on discourse level in Chinese college students ESL writings.
125 According to MichelFoucault's theory of discourse instigation, suppression definitely goes to an instigation.
126 This paper considers a keyword of current discourse on racial integration and ethnic pluralism in its original context by investigating Israel Zangwill's play The Melting Pot (1908).
127 Martin Buber claims three ways of discourses, namely, discourse proper, technical discourse, and monologue in disguise of discourse.
128 This concept is not confined to lexicon ; it is also active on the level of discourse.
129 On the other, she is trapped within an Orientalist discourse she cannot escape.
130 In the aspect of language philosophy, image is a kind of metaphorical discourse.
131 As a critical discourse, hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm.
132 The text will mainly discourse upon the sensitivity of beauty inheres in art from the five aspects of "artistic concept", "artistic expression", "artistic situation" and "the art of poesy".
133 Discourse analysis is one of the hot issues in current linguistic research.
134 Some linguists believed that a sentence contains a point of departure and a goal of discourse.
134 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
135 Thus classes should correspond to naturally occurring sets of things in a domain of discourse, and individuals should correspond to actual entities that can be grouped into these classes.
136 The amount of doctors discourse upon pathology of infecundity of men is countless since ancient time, in which the majority is with "Kidney deficiency" and the minority is with "blood deficiency".
137 The Unharmonious Voice Hiding in the Discourse of Revolution Aon thetheand Love Fictions of Ding - ling.
138 For me, I felt at home in this sort of discourse.
139 The genealogy of space discourse is an alternative reading of the urban space.
140 The results thus demonstrate that the framework proposed applicable in the contrastive analysis of media discourse.
141 Furthermore , Woolf employed free indirect discourse to achieve subjectivity.
142 The ritual communication universe of discourse covers ritual own communication and the ritualization communication as a whole.
143 His discourse appeared during doctor was written in academe too.
144 Nixon was not about to be bested by Brezhnev in philosophical discourse, however.
145 Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.
146 By the end of Nixon's first term, rational discourse on Vietnam had all but stopped.
147 Their discourse, witty, pithy, original, had such charms for me.
148 Sartre's existentialist philosophy is the poetic theory about the significance of life and Sartre's existentialist literature is the philosophic discourse about the value of life.
149 Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
150 The discussion poisoned the public discourse that is the lifeblood of a democratic society.
151 Even if events unfold so benignly, however, Britain's discourse on the euro crisis remains alarming.
152 Old - fashioned voodoo economics - the belief in tax - cut magic - has been banished from civilized discourse.
153 By taking the issue to the courts, the NLRB hopes to remove it from the public discourse.
154 The study on discourse has a long standing, early study concentrated in the field of linguistics and communication science, and relatively few in the field of pedagogy.
155 On the other hand , as a intellectual, he uses sapiential discourse to represent highbrow character.
156 In his discourse upon the task of the translator, Benjamin interweaves a scientific view with a theological perception.
157 His constitutionally grounded discourse fell on deaf ears, according to him.
158 Two experiments are carried out to investigate the role consistent accentuation plays in spoken discourse comprehension.
159 He wrote coarsely ; his ear for dialogue, especialy for polite discourse, was poor.
160 Only once during the lengthy discourse had the detective interrupted.
161 Discourse reading has been a favored study field of psycholinguistics.
162 The third chapter studies on the aesthetical discourse theory of the dialogism aesthetics.
163 The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.
164 Three experiments were carried out to investigate the role accentuation plays in spoken discourse comprehension.
165 The shift eastwards in global economic power has become a commonplace of political discourse.
166 The organized background knowledge also leads us to predict aspects in our interpretation of discourse coherence.
167 Second, special discourse upon the first civil strife and split.
168 Xiang Mingyou suggested that discourse communication is similar to commodity exchange.
169 When even survival is questionable any discourse on human rights becomes a humorless joke.
170 Based on the example of the internet topic's text, chapter two analyses the content and form descriptively(), and discourse characteristics further.
171 Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics.
172 On the other hand, the war discourse about Malraux's own war experiences becomes the dominant discourse in his writing, thus making his writing highly unified in language and style.
173 I waived the discourse, and began to talk of my business.
174 This article discourse upon the principle and system construction of Interferometer Direction Finder.
175 Discourse analysis and ethnography of communication are two important angles of anthropological linguistics.
176 Both cohesion and thematic progression play important roles in discourse coherence.
177 The law student wrote a discourse on the relationship between crime and environment.
178 A schema is a structure in semantic memory that specifies the general arrangement of a body of information, so it helps to understand the global coherence of discourse.
179 Its unstable knowledge being drifting away or even getting lost implies a legitimate basis and the discourse right for seeking its point of return again.
180 The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation.
181 Abstract: Both cohesion and thematic progression play important roles in discourse coherence.
182 As Taiwan's case suggests,'vernacularism'is a complex politico - cultural discourse, particularly in the colonial context.
183 The use of second person in discourse is traditionally considered as direct address to the reader.
184 On narrative discourse, the existing classification dig out the profound implication imbedded in every genre.




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