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单词 Subsequent
1. Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.
2. This will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
3. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.
4. Subsequent events proved me wrong.
5. The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine.
6. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. His illness was subsequent to his wife's death.
8. These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.
9. The day subsequent to your visit he died.
10. Subsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault.
11. The first and all subsequent visits were kept secret.
12. Subsequent events proved him wrong.
13. There have been further developments subsequent to our meeting.
14. Subsequent events vindicated the policy.
15. Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions.
16. Subsequent to its success as a play, it was made into a film.
17. He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.
18. Those explosions must have been subsequent to our departure, because we didn't hear anything.
19. Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police.
20. He is starting the first school himself, but subsequent ones will be franchised to use the Fujita method.
21. Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
22. They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year.
23. Subsequent events confirmed our doubts.
24. Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting?
25. Perceptions and attitudes affect subsequent behaviour.
26. Table I summarises their subsequent clinical course.
27. The police are increasing their efforts to prevent car thefts and subsequent ram-raiding.
28. Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a subsequent report.
29. They had a hit in the 1990s, but their subsequent releases stiffed.
30. The book was banned in the US, as were two subsequent books.
1. Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.
2. This will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
3. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.
4. The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine.
5. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.
6. The police are increasing their efforts to prevent car thefts and subsequent ram-raiding.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. His illness was subsequent to his wife's death.
8. The day subsequent to your visit he died.
9. Subsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault.
10. Subsequent events vindicated the policy.
11. He is starting the first school himself, but subsequent ones will be franchised to use the Fujita method.
31. Subsequent evidence may confirm or deny that inference.
32. If the two treaties have identical parties the subsequent treaty is regarded as amending the earlier.
33. The transition in coach Gerry Murphy's side in the subsequent weeks has been quite astonishing.
34. The subsequent examination of potential releases from processes or waste disposal, together with environmental pathways is brief.
35. There is thus a 5% difference in the extent of collaboration between an author's first and subsequent publications.
36. The subsequent relapse rate after elemental diet induced remission, however, is greater than after treatment with prednisolone.
37. However, subsequent independent surveys of actual ballots indicated a dramatic shift, with Mr Fujimori nearing a first-round victory.
38. The Bridge disaster, along with the subsequent events on Moloch, had thrown Piper's carefully calculated schedules into complete disarray.
39. It should be possible on subsequent ascents to belay on Aries.
40. Yet his subsequent collapse from hero to villain has been as sudden as a Patriot missile strike.
41. The majority of the Court avoided determining whether the first treaty prohibited a limited number of States from concluding a subsequent treaty.
42. Subsequent studies have come to less clear conclusions, and a few scientists believe that the monkey results are explained by chance.
43. Although this formulation has been referred to in subsequent cases it has not been adopted as laying down an all embracing test.
44. Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
45. The distinctive nature of Ends is further reinforced by the subsequent actions of club officials and police.
46. During the subsequent centuries, those teachings would surface under a bewildering variety of names.
47. At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
48. Subsequent to this investigation we assessed 2907 urine samples from women attending the antenatal clinics in Dundee between November 1990 and September 1992.
49. Patients in whom there was a subsequent increase in disease activity were allocated to the alternative treatment group.
50. Subsequent period-doubling bifurcations appear as r is increased, resulting in increasingly complex periodic solutions.
51. The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary.
52. Subsequent studies have supported the hypothesis that population mixing can influence the incidence of childhood leukaemia.
53. The surface of the Moon is the result of accretion and of subsequent impacts and slow-acting erosional processes.
54. The controversy surrounding the film was doubtless a contributory factor to Hollywood's subsequent avoidance of the subject.
55. Subsequent modification of the individual goals necessary to bring the strategies into alignment.
56. Each sub-system of the model was given a decimal code so that an audit trail could be established for the subsequent detailed analysis.
57. Indeed, the lower the blood pressure the better, because statistically it reduces the subsequent risks of stroke and heart attacks.
58. Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting? On the contrary, it liberated us.
59. Subsequent work included canal and river navigation, land drainage, and harbour projects, as well as a brief venture into canal contracting.
60. His good fortune in surviving subsequent assassination attempts increased his belief in his divine protection.
61. Such conflicts may increase the risk of depression but be resolved by a subsequent change in employment status.
62. As a result, the Bank's view set the agenda for subsequent reforms.
63. The woman later gave birth to a healthy baby in a subsequent pregnancy.
64. Subsequent centuries brought more layers of thought and tradition to ideas about the undergraduate curriculum.
65. In certain cases, a prior mortgagee may make further advances to the mortgagor which will rank in priority to subsequent mortgages.
66. More frequent and more extensive damage is evident on all the subsequent categories.
67. Oil change, check and adjustment services follow every subsequent 6,000 miles, with a major service scheduled every 36,[]000 miles.
68. Strangely, nobody said anything, but the culprit has been notably absent from subsequent holidays.
69. Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion.
70. They needed no professional help with the evening's drinking but arose magically clear-headed and eagle-eyed for each subsequent day's golf.
71. For the benefit of the deaf members present the Dean's and all subsequent speeches were interpreted into sign language.
72. Past research has looked at how the age of puberty affects subsequent risk of problems and found sharp gender differences.
73. She seemed more interested in Willy's student days than his subsequent misfortunes.
74. Around here, the conventional wisdom is that the number and volume of charges are more politically important than subsequent facts.
75. This and subsequent work contributed significantly to the current understanding of hazards from chemical plants and lead to special legislation.
76. The memorandum was remitted to the officers of both bodies for detailed consideration and report at a subsequent meeting.
77. However, Mr Klevan said that subsequent DNA analysis had established that the baby was Gilfoyle's.
78. Our first and subsequent courses have been a success and are part of a long-term commitment to AIDS prevention.
79. He and subsequent champions refused to defend their titles against blacks.
80. On development, the negative and subsequent positive reveal a composite image of the dancer performing in the street.
81. In 1861-2 a constitutional crisis arose, whose outcome fundamentally affected subsequent developments.
82. A coating of butter or water soluble barrier film prevents oxidisation and makes subsequent soil removal easier.
83. If the line were deleted then subsequent roles would all adopt the wrong names.
84. He kept his diaries for a record that would be published subsequent to the meetings.
85. The purchaser should identify the need for an independent valuation as early as possible to avoid subsequent delay nearer completion.
86. Two subsequent court decisions reiterated the Court of Appeals' ruling.
87. Means and standard deviations of the variables used in the subsequent analyses are presented in Table 1.
88. The account of events leading up to her dismissal and her subsequent reinstatement is skilfully narrated.
89. Investors remained sceptical of Tory damage control and subsequent polls showing a closer race.
90. Although John cancelled his predecessors' grants, neither he nor subsequent popes abstained from issuing new dispensations to pluralists.
91. Subsequent treatment After the initial period of assessment and support it should be possible to formulate a treatment plan.
92. In subsequent years, the number of patients in the trial were too small to compare mean annual costs.
93. Subsequent writers re-orient and transform Spenser's devices to different contexts.
94. A subsequent survey was conducted in September, 1982 to assess attitudes within the medical profession itself.
95. You can do one of two things when it comes to your subsequent birthday gifts.
96. It is not yet clear whether metasomatism takes place earlier than, concurrent with or subsequent to alkaline igneous activity and melt migration.
97. Two men were arrested for the clubbing and subsequent murder of Lester Monroe.
98. As she reminisces on camera, she also recalls her early days of stardom as an actress and her subsequent career.
99. The subsequent establishment of a one-party state would have achieved the same result.
100. Subsequent investigations showed normal results on cranial computed tomography with only alcohol present in the urine drug screen.
101. Under these conditions the slight convexity caused by rejuvenation will be quickly rendered even less conspicuous by subsequent river erosion.
102. This, in turn, provides a basis for analysis of case-mix and volume and their subsequent management.
103. A statement must be obtained from the Insured to establish the facts and to avoid subsequent dispute as to the circumstances.
104. The producer's duty ends here unless there is cause to suspect a subsequent breach.
105. Edward's affair and subsequent marriage to divorced Mrs Simpson had left the family's popularity at an all-time low.
106. Named one of Parliament's deputy lieutenants in March 1642, his subsequent military record was undistinguished.
107. Barton had clinched the world title - his subsequent victory in the Billabong was almost a formality.
108. Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply... Jane Austen 
109. As set out below, more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process.
110. Subsequent research has documented that this effect occurs at the B- and T-cell levels.
111. Subsequent Analysis: The 34 test results showed several close calls by operators that were unquestionably classified by the neural net.
112. In so doing, they probably constituted the most important single cause of the subsequent civil war and revolution.
113. Molly was a believer in homeopathy and underwent her last operation and subsequent treatment in the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
114. It changed hands again several times but its subsequent history is of no consequence to this narrative.
115. The company charges $ 100 to register new domains and $ 50 a year for subsequent renewals.
116. Subsequent drug tests revealed the boys had used cocaine, police said.
117. All of which meant that Sanchez watched the subsequent drama unfold from a television monitor.
118. The doctor had suffered a temporary mental collapse and subsequent bouts of violent behaviour.
119. However, subsequent excavations at Maiden Castle, Arikamedu and Charsadda have inevitably caused many of his fundamental assumptions to be refuted.
120. The strictest secrecy was maintained during the subsequent discussions, for premature disclosure of what was afoot was obviously undesirable.
121. While many of the subsequent developments are to be welcomed, certain cautionary notes should be sounded.
122. Subsequent pages may have a header containing the name of the journal and the date of publication.
123. Nevertheless, the subsequent press reviews demonstrated that no Smiths backlash was in motion.
124. In other words, cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation.
125. The prevalence of active chronic gastritis and subsequent gastric atrophy increases with age.
126. They were classified as successes of treatment as subsequent radiological examination had been normal.
126. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
127. Our subsequent telephone conversation was a study in plain language, but McFarlane held his ground and made no apologies.
128. Furthermore, such migrated oil is likely to have been displaced by subsequent migrating gas.
129. New commitments from the sustainable development plan would be incorporated in the White Paper's tables for subsequent monitoring.
130. Home recordings produced physiological data from 34 of 61 patients during subsequent clinical events.
131. A reconsideration of these moves us on to a more analytical plane, and points the way forward to discussion in subsequent chapters.
132. Care on discharge A carefully planned programme of subsequent care should be arranged before a patient is discharged from psychiatric inpatient treatment.
133. After his party's heavy defeat in the subsequent general election, Ellis stayed on as chief whip.
134. However, a private practice background, either during or after articles, is no bar to subsequent progress in local government.
135. Subsequent programmes will be received only by subscribers, who will be supplied with a decoder.
136. Though his subsequent report did not directly criticize Campbell, it did attack the overall structure of the police and judiciary.
137. Real's punishment was to play subsequent matches behind closed doors.
138. However, subsequent days saw mutual accusations of firing on the border region.
139. They argue, as others have done, that screening is appropriate because bone density is related to subsequent risk of fracture.
140. Subsequent studies confirmed that a high-fibre diet increases stool bulk and shortens gut transit.
141. No doubt many middle aged and older people our area will remember the original railway before its closure and subsequent preservation.
142. A classic example of cognitive processes is that of animal memory and the demonstration of subsequent decisions based thereon.
143. Where a guardian ad litem is not appointed initially there is power to appoint at any subsequent stage in the proceedings.
144. The winning coalition of line managers would become prophetic as they were to become more dominant in subsequent meetings.
145. Confirmation of influence is provided by subsequent citation of that paper.
146. Their subsequent revival and belated acceptance into the rock fold was one of the period's more surprising reversals.
147. The prey then became the bait for a subsequent round of testing.
148. In a subsequent appeal to the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal's decision was affirmed.
149. At subsequent Forest Eyres in other counties the judges were clearly determined to raise large sums by fining the forest landowners.
150. Furthermore, many patients given streptokinase produce neutralising antibodies after the first exposure, which reduces effectiveness on subsequent use.
151. This may not seem relevant in the light of Stuart's subsequent death, but let me assure you it is.
152. They were given three large doses of vitamin A over a week, and received vitamin A in all subsequent survey rounds.
153. Detectives have spent all day questioning him about Tania Probyn's disappearance and subsequent death.
154. These concerns have not been greatly alleviated by subsequent reported cases.
155. Instead, we will examine the basic features of this philosophy and its influence upon subsequent developments in mathematics and astronomy.
156. A degree of statutory definition has been enacted in the past, without any noticeable subsequent insuperable or oppressive difficulties.
156. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
157. These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley.
158. Ethanol will interfere with subsequent manipulations of the DNA.
159. Creases may result in streaks in subsequent dyeing steps.
160. The subsequent deceleration of the machine.
161. Subsequent area enlargement may contribute to mitral incompetence.
162. It is not difficult to sketch the subsequent trajectory.
163. To her subsequent and agonising distress, Carrie was out.
164. The return value is used to initialize subtotal on each subsequent iteration.
165. Many studies atresia caused by granulosa cell apoptosis is associated with the subsequent oocyte developmental competence.
166. Overall, 22 patients ( 9.7 % ) had a subsequent stroke within 30 days of the index TIA.
167. In 1282 a popular uprising known as the Sicilian Vespers ended the subsequent French rule.
168. Other aspects of the Humphrey's Executor reasoning, however, have been roundly criticized in subsequent years.
169. Subsequent writers extended Ricardo 's analysis in a number of directions.
170. The Vedic village had certain distinct characteristics that influenced subsequent architectural production.
171. Subsequent coats: Chlorinated rubber topcoat , long term high build antifouling paint and long term antifouling paint.
172. The dream was shattered after Versailles and the subsequent treaty fight.
173. Kindergartens KGs include kindergarten - cum - child - care centres subsequent to harmonization of pre - primary services as of 1 September 2005.
174. That original study helped popularize such group therapy, but subsequent research produced mixed results.
175. Holding in the lower pearlite range accelerates subsequent transformation to bainite.
176. The defatted wheat germ protein ( DWGP ) was prepared by alkaline extraction and subsequent isoelectric precipitation.
177. After liberalization and the economy's subsequent bull run, India has grown as a knowledge economy.
178. We are all slaves of our pasts that shackle our memories and prescribe our subsequent actions.
179. Subsequent to the pre - washing zone, impregnation of the fabric with scouring and bleaching chemicals takes place.
180. Subsequent to DPG - BII and PPSG serum gastrin, which increased after HSV, decreased.
181. Subsequent stops in Argentina, Tanzania and Oman were trouble - free.
182. The docket items related to that public meeting and the subsequent comments are listed below.
183. Injury was also a factor in Lendl's fall and subsequent rise.
184. Demotion often results in employee dissatisfaction, poor subsequent performance, and eventually, turnover.
185. Distillation Vaporization of a liquid and subsequent condensation of the gas Back to liquid form.
186. Preious pregnancy termination increased the risk of subsequent miscarriage by 60 percent.
186. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
187. Oligodendrocyte damage and subsequent axonal demyelination is a hallmark of this disease.
188. This refers to a public offering subsequent to an initial public offering.
189. Subsequent to Lisa's birth, Eunice Nashman confided to Andrew, " Your wife is a remarkable woman. ".
190. He gained kudos for his stand against the brutality with which a subsequent mutiny was quelled.
191. To bet ( an original wager and its winnings ) on a subsequent event.
192. Antibodies allow the subsequent reduction or elimination of other agents to minimize overall immunosuppression.
193. Distillation Vaporization of a liquid and subsequent condensation of the resultant gas Back to liquid form.
194. Subsequent drilling, which resulted in the discovery of oil, supported the telluric - current picture.
195. Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated stenosis of the ureter.
196. Both of these two pivotal concepts, however,[] have been refined by subsequent case law developments.
197. Subsequent studies suggested a right pulmonary artery tumor with suspicious tumor emboli.
198. Financial crises normally originate in the accumulation of bubbles and their subsequent bursts.
199. Reflections from the ground and subsequent refractions by the ozonosphere, cause the usual repeat focus pattern.
200. Subsequent examination showed the cause was infestation with Thelazia species.
201. A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback.
202. In the subsequent overthrow of the Assyrian empire, the Babylonians saw another example of divine vengeance.
203. Established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations.
204. Undaunted, on a subsequent trip I asked her to make it again.
205. However, stent migration was noted and possibly due to tumor shrinkage and subsequent luminal enlargement.
206. Where the holder is an endorser, he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties.
207. Subsequent imaging with MR revealed extension of the infarct into the left posterior cerebral artery territory.
208. There is a psychological definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter.
209. Subsequent political fallout prompted the resignation of KMT Secretary - General Wu Poh - hsiung .
210. The product may form the feedstock to a subsequent refining process.
211. Lung abscess, empyema and subsequent bronchiectasis are relatively common complications.
212. She underwent surgical intervention and a subsequent short period of hormonal therapy.
213. The FYM applied to maize showed distinct residual effect on the yield of subsequent groundnut.
214. A will is revoked by the subsequent marriage of the testator.
215. Early exploratory laparotomy and subsequent treatment are the keys to prevent recurrence and decrease the mortality.
216. Viruses exist only because of the short - sightedness of subsequent developers who completely ignored the security problems.
217. Subsequent sections cover the clinical applications of PET in pediatrics.
218. The carbon dioxide can later be released, by heating the solution, for subsequent liquefaction and storage.
219. This copper oxide layer may retard the subsequent formation of a dense and protective alumina layer.
220. Subsequent sections of the chapter explain this more deferential component of the reviewing court's job.
221. We may be forced to admit that they transcend, in relative importance, all the subsequent works.
222. Like the protesters of subsequent generations, they laid themselves open to the charge of snobbery.
223. The soids would clog sewers, cause interference in subsequent treatment processes.
224. Many of London's finest buildings date from the subsequent period of rebuilding.
225. Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid.
226. The acceptor for honour is liable to the holder and to all parties bill subsequent accepted.
227. The first and each subsequent Bezier spline requires only three points.
228. Subsequent research further supported the connection between diet and cardiovascular disease.




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