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单词 Artificially
(1) The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.
(2) The prices of meals are often artificially inflated.
(3) This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
(4) The profit margin had been artificially inflated.
(5) The fruit is picked and artificially ripened before shipping.
(6) Food prices are being kept artificially low.
(7) These photos have been artificially aged.
(8) He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.
(9) They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company's profits.
(10) This patination is very difficult to induce artificially.
(11) I had also managed to artificially acclimatize myself.
(12) The cows are artificially inseminated .
(13) When fly fishing you use an artificially made fly.
(14) Now almost all neural networks use artificially injected noise.
(15) With grain prices kept at an artificially high price thereafter, the further impoverishment of those already poor was the inevitable result.
(16) For this reason we now sell only artificially cultivated bulbs and this is indicated on the packaging.
(17) Opponents charge that this system artificially inflates the cost of peanut products for consumers and provides a federal windfall for quota-holders.
(18) On occasion the courts have adopted artificially strict interpretations of exclusion clauses in order to deny their effect.
(19) They had done this by artificially understating the value of bonds on their books.
(20) Efforts to stain paper artificially to give an appearance of age have little hope of withstanding careful scrutiny.
(21) Water was conducted into the meadow via artificially constructed channels and elaborate sluice gates and allowed to flow across the grass.
(22) By now, an artificially cosy chat with an old school friend would have been irrelevant, even an irritant.
(23) Motivation to learn must come from the child; it cannot be artificially imposed.
(24) The President said NATO expansion will finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War.
(25) Often, the government would do better just to pay displaced workers to stay home rather than artificially keep the business afloat.
(26) The commission estimates the population on the basis of the electoral register - but is working with the artificially low 1991 registers.
(27) Some Western analysts considered that Soviet spending estimates should be doubled to take account of artificially low prices set for hardware.
(28) If the brain isn't organized in this way then this approach is artificially biased towards finding double dissociations.
(29) The absence of the bumble bee meant that pollination had to be carried out artificially, using an electronic vibrating rod.
(30) These initial reflections did not include, then, any analogy between artificially and naturally selective breeding.
(1) The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.
(2) The prices of meals are often artificially inflated.
(3) This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
(4) Motivation to learn must come from the child; it cannot be artificially imposed.
(31) Trying artificially to separate politics and management, or treat the former as an illegitimate intrusion, is naive.
(32) Cultured fungi and other microorganisms will be textured and fortified with vitamins before being artificially flavoured prior to packaging.
(33) The interior is now artificially lit and the appearance is impressive.
(34) The annual report artificially parcels up the underlying economic trends into years.
(35) The 1988 figure had been artificially inflated by a bunching of large contributions to multilateral organizations such as the World Bank.
(36) As for the guy with the artificially darkened beard, I got news for you, pal.
(37) A University of Pennsylvania study shows that more women are seeking to be artificially inseminated with sperm from men who have died.
(38) Another consequence of the artificially stimulated excess demand for food was the creation of black markets.
(39) A stuffy atmosphere, or one which is artificially heated, air-conditioned and lit, produces lethargy and depression.
(40) Later they dug ditches for drainage but did not raise the natural platforms artificially.
(41) In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
(42) Don't use the other person's name or use it artificially so that it jars.
(43) Unlike many countries that pull themselves apart, Sri Lanka was not artificially put together.
(44) The influence of rehydration rate on germination of artificially dried seed has been also verified.
(45) Many writers consider that the closure by 1981 of older large plants itself artificially improved the overall average of output per worker.
(46) By keeping prices artificially low, rent control leads both to a shortage of units and to landlords skimping on maintenance.
(47) Forest Service officials are aware that public pressure may push them to artificially restore the forest, she said.
(48) But it is also possible to split young embryos artificially, and again produce whole animals from the individual cells.
(49) He succeeded in raising ginseng artificially through unremitting efforts.
(50) Commercial flour is bleached artificially.
(51) Most books were arranged wholly artificially, often alphabetically.
(52) The artificially hardened voice rose harshly and hung there.
(53) Flowering can be artificially controlled blossom out of florescence period, which be called as flower regulation.
(54) With adjustable eccentric pressure work piece applied on this welder, welding process is artificially controlled with proper current and upset force.
(55) Their immune systems are artificially suppressed, to minimise the chance of rejection.
(55) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(56) We got to recognize that. They're manipulating their currency and by doing so they're holding down the price of Chinese goods and making sure their products are artificially low-priced.
(57) Closed-loop control system to adapt to changes in water, adjust online implementation, and ensure the end of pipe network constant stress, there is no artificially adjust the lag phenomenon.
(58) When scientists artificially increased calmodulin in chicken embryos, the chicks began growing extended beaks, just like a cactus driller.
(59) Overwintering anti early rearing of Latrodectus tredecimguttatus baby spiders is the key of artificially rearing the spiders.
(60) Eggs can be incubated by the female or artificially in an incubator.
(61) This scheme can be controlled artificially, reduce call time and the impropriate burden of network resource.
(62) The prevention and treatment with the extracts on colibacillosis and pullorosis artificially infected in 1-day old chickens were also investigated.
(63) Northern red oak seedlings, originated from a common seed source, were established artificially to simulate natural regeneration.
(64) The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially.
(65) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. ) , come from the North American, was domesticated artificially to be a kind of ornamental, officinal, confectionary and oil plant resources with high economic value.
(66) The method used at present is to make faults artificially or set up fixed faults by additional command in circuits.
(67) Artificially applied currents were dispensed with entirely and natural earth currents used instead there.
(68) Environmental test chamber is a kind of test device used in verifying product performances by artificially simulating one or many working environments of verified products.
(69) The organism must be found again in the artificially infected host.
(70) This kind of change usually goes on automatically, it does not need artificially changing circuit to be joined, but realizes the change of the amplifier gain through the software.
(71) Methods The experiments were carried out on 33 anaesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated rabbits. Intranuclear microinjection was adopted in this experiment.
(72) Did you know your sister's opinion about artificially prolonging life?
(73) Although people don't always think of it this way, what the Chinese government is doing here is engaging in massive capital export – artificially creating a huge deficit in China's capital account.
(74) In addition, 6 pure cultures isolated from dead fish dead infected artificially were inspected through agglutination test, special agglutinative reaction appeared also.
(75) Dictamnine was a kind of natural product with many kinds of biological activity. It can be extracted from a lot of plants, and can also be artificially synthesized to obtain.
(76) It provided basic technological guarantee for enlarging scope of biological control to feed artificially Sitotroga cerealella and enlarged the kinds of natural enemies by artificial breeding.
(77) However, there is no complete waxy mutant in hexaploid wheat under the natural condition and it need to be produced artificially.
(78) From plenty of artificially cultivated rice remains, it demonstrates that the Hemudu culture is symbolized by rice farming, which is logically based on water.
(79) The simulating equation model with several feedback loop is able to function automatically, and control artificially by person-computer conversation in IBM PC/XT computer.
(80) A radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, artificially produced in trace amounts. Its longest-lived isotope is No255 with a half-life of3 minutes. Atomic number102.
(81) Give up control, and we'll artificially evolve new worlds and undreamed-of richness. Let go, and it will blossom.
(82) On steeplechase race courses, the hedges and water jumps are artificially constructed.
(83) Ginsenoside, the main components of ginseng, is dammarane tetracyclic triterpenoids or hong resin alkyl type pentacyclic triterpene, which has not yet been synthesized artificially.
(84) Scientists believe the frozen eggs stand a good chance of a pregnancy after being artificially fertilised.
(85) Most of the time the fuel is uranium, artificially enriched so that 4 to 5 percent is the chain-reacting isotope uranium 235; virtually all the rest is uranium 238.
(86) To establish correct genealogies and purify bloodlines , researchers have to keep hens in separate cages and artificially inseminate them so they know who the real parents of the chicks are.
(87) Methods: The fluorosis animal as model was artificially made by subcutaneously injecting the fluoride to rabbits.
(88) Further, microbes have marked adaptability, and mutant species can be induced artificially.
(89) But vets have used a revolutionary technique to artificially inseminate the show dog's great-great granddaughter, Star, with his sperm.
(90) Market in which price, supply, and demand are artificially controlled. Opposite of a free and open market.
(91) Prescribed fires are artificially set and controlled and are intended to fulfill forest management objectives.
(92) Is drivel how of excretive and generation? Can be you synthesized artificially?
(93) Life of human extending artificially is called stagnancy which infringes the law of the Nature.
(94) Second-ranking knot before help, insole and vamp without first wipe glue, not only save artificially, but after molding heating never degum, ensure perfect shape.
(95) Government subsides have kept the price of food artificially low.
(96) In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life.
(97) These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.
(98) Under laboratory conditions, mating tests were carried out with artificially reared moths of corn borer in various sex ratios.
(99) These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data.
(100) The effects of photoperiod and temperature on fertility of Nongken 58S and its derivedPGMSRs (subsp. japonica) were studied in artificially controlled condition.
(101) They all laughed artificially , and Carol obediently talked libraries.
(102) As a great promising mediator, parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) can not be replaced in modifying condylar development artificially.
(103) To accelerate the program's timetable,() puberty had been artificially induced.
(104) But scientists now claim they have dispelled this myth by artificially creating an out-of-body experience using computers and cameras.
(105) By buying large amounts of United States Treasury bonds (and, to a lesser extent, Japanese and European bonds), China has kept its currency artificially low.
(106) Besides illegal information and cogged website, we need not adjust search result artificially absolutely.
(107) So introducing the wild Hibiscus trionum L. to cultivate artificially is quite important to enrich the ornamental plant species of Hebei.
(108) With modern bone cement technology improvement, the application of acetabular bone cement pressurizer in cemented artificially total hip replacement will help cement permeate cancellous bone.
(109) The main reason for ticket resale was that ticket was artificially low priced.
(110) In the case where bones are missing, it is said that they can be created artificially using metals. Using the artificial bones, the Glas Ghaibhleann's skeletal frame can still be formed.
(111) Tile optimum synthesizing conditions were edtermined in this paper, The feasibility of artificially prepared mustard oil was discussed.
(112) The tested sheep was infected artificially by the Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis ticks collected from Gansu province and the changes about the symptoms, hematology and antibody were observed.
(113) Cardamine tangutorum wild vegetable planted artificially could markedly improve the biomass of degraded ecosystem, and this kind of wild vegetable is more suitable for growing in the forest.
(114) Since then, it has risen to over 100% of its GDP (which in itself is quite artificially inflated because of manipulated hedonics-adjusted inflation figures), and now stands at $13 trillion.
(115) In order to study the pathogenicity and pathology of Eimeria stiedai, 25 young rabbits were infected artificially by purified sporulated oocysts of Eimeria stiedai (E. stiedai).
(116) For artificially reclaimed area, farmland, woodland, breed aquatics pond, saltern and land for construction are included.
(117) I am the culmination of my master's plans: an artificially intelligent football.
(118) Proper infection dosage and routes were selected to make the chickens artificially infect avian colibacillosis successfully.
(119) A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.
(120) Equivalent calibrations of short horizontal hole artificially defects and big flat-bottomed hole artificially defects or calculation equivalent of big flat-bottom are adopted.
(121) Meantime, maintaining an artificially low value for the renminbi creates excess liquidity in China.
(122) But Swiss researchers found such experiences could be artificially induced by stimulating the right temporoparietal junction in the brain that plays a role in perception and awareness.
(123) Confusingly, some thought the 6.8% figure artificially low while others believed it was too high.
(124) Six rabbits of experimental group were infected artificially with the pseudorabies virus isolated from the local swine and one was injected with 0.
(125) Though bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections, a gang of scoundries rotted vulpine fame, breed a fox to be able to make the person walks up however artificially however become rich road.
(126) What if you went to a business convention and then, like an artificially stimulated prairie vole, bonded with the nearest stranger?
(127) Analyzing the course of choosing of the area and tendency at which the object stays in course of collecting data artificially and putting forward some semi-automatic collecting strategy feasibly.
(128) Also used for mechanism artificially system sand, highway, railway, water conservancy, airports, architecture, cement, refractories, metallurgy industries production quality stone.
(129) " Xiufangbai" cultivar of white cut flower of chrysanthemum was dyed artificially with 3 kinds of food color, Apple Green , Brilliant Blue and Ponceau 4R.
(130) A surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father's semen and carries the fetus to term.
(131) In being of testing methods, accurately noting exiguity changes of permeability is very hard, and exists errors are difficult to avoid in artificially noting.
(132) DNA from fecal and blood samples contaminated artificially at different concentration of L. monocytogenes were extracted and tested by real-time PCR.
(133) "If domoic acid is produced by artificially stimulated ocean iron-fertilization blooms, it is likely produced during natural ones as well," Climos said in a statement March 15.
(134) A tortoise which is losing weight to the extent that it is approaching the danger line should be taken out of hibernation and artificially sustained for the remainder of the winter.
(135) If the bill becomes law, the United States could impose retaliatory tariffs on any country that deliberately keeps the value of its currency artificially low.
(136) Results The gloverin cDNA sequence designed artificially was expressed in COS 7 cells.
(137) I have never understood why anyone would want to swap a delicious pat of butter churned from milk for a manufactured hotchpotch of oils, artificially hardened to create margarine.
(138) At the moment, Beijing has yet to resolve two intractable problems: persistent inflation and artificially high property prices.
(139) Clockwork Orange. Anthony Burgess. When ultraviolent Alex gets caught, he undergoes treatment to have his antisocial urges artificially controlled.
(140) For the first time, he realized that she had thin lips and plumped them out artificially.
(141) He said, look, he said, this doesn't put a barrier between sperm and egg. All it does is artificially create a safe period.
(142) Methods: The experiments were carried out on the 35 rabbits that were anaesthetized, and artificially ventilated.
(143) fat young men in T-shirts sculpted to their rounded bellies, their stocky bottoms and thighs artificially enlarged by the empty, flapping pockets that covered their knee-length shorts.
(144) Solving large, medium and small businesses artificially shortages, production efficiency, low labor and material consumptions cost increase, management and so on many substantive issues.
(145) Objective The intention of test is to compare the effect of detecting trichinellosis with rapid detection strip, ELISA, general microscope and artificially pepsin.
(145) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(146) Pegged as it was to the appreciating US dollar, the value of the escudo was kept artificially high, leading to a flood of cheap imports.
(147) The unique factors of case-based systems (CBS) make verification and validation of CBS different from other types of artificially intelligent systems.
(148) Bernanke's decision to keep interest rates artificially low has resulted in the most divided Federal Open Market Committee in years.
(149) But winter is furniture sale is off-season, right now of annatto furniture hot, also very it's hard to say carries artificially the element of city.
(150) And the alexipharmic function of dishwasher is excel washs rinse artificially more.
(151) Artificially excavating holed pouring pile has widely been used in engineering.
(152) You have to be artificially relaxed before we can go to bed?
(153) The pollen viability of Iphigenia indica, which was grown in artificially cultivated conditions under different medium components, was determined by means of in vitro pollen germination method.
(154) A strain of wild Inonotus obliquus JS-1 was artificially cultivated on compound substrates whose main component is cottonseed hull or saw dust from wide-leaf trees.
(155) Current, breed technology of form a complete set of loach to still be not perfected artificially.
(156) The invention discloses a kind of method to produce vitellus using the technology of cooling and drying in vacuum and its products. The steps of the method are: 1. Separate vitellus artificially; 2.
(157) It's probably because of a truth that no one likes to talk about: Germans have benefitted greatly from the euro -- it's given them an artificially weak currency.
(158) This paper introduces the successful application of the ribbed and artificially digged_belled pile and its economic benefits.
(159) The utility model belongs to an eagle seat and an eagle aerie that are artificially arranged.
(160) It also includes the results from several studies on artificially roughened pipelines.
(161) The traditional way of catching image is to input CT film to computer by scanner(http://), which brings us noises artificially and worsens the image effect.
(162) News legwork is the principal means for getting news material. It shouldn't be artificially ceased when legwork objects take the pose of noncooperation .
(163) To this, the explanation of concerned staff of farming letter agency is: They are having imitate practice, these smother are to put tear bomb on be caused by artificially.
(164) The young Severino would watch with fascination while his uncle, a veterinarian, would artificially inseminate cows on surrounding farms.




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