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单词 Colonist
1. Colonists came to America to explore a new world.
2. Colonists from Europe populated many parts of the Americas.
3. The colonists bartered calico with the Indians for furs.
4. Their land looked so unpromising that the colonists eventually gave most of it back.
5. Some of the early colonists were cruel to the native population.
6. In 1638, Swedish colonists settled in present-day Delaware.
7. He later preached good doctrine and set the colonists to building a church.
8. The majority of the colonists had only recently lost contact with their families.
9. Colonists had never seen anything before like the revivalist outbreaks that swept the country in the early eighteenth century.
10. Thus the colonists kept up a trading economy while allowing for diversity.
11. We are perfect machines built to defend colonists on frontier worlds.
12. True, the colonists made an important contribution to the places they ruled.
13. The grateful colonists used the opportunity to expropriate the cattle and other assets of the fugitives.
14. On Mars, the colonists are repeating the errors of Earth.
15. The Indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist.
16. He is the colonist , the empire builder.
17. An early settler or colonist.
18. When your Marines or your colonist allies approach the Logistics Headquarters (11), a pair of big armored Vikings suddenly drops in to defend it.
19. The protagonist of the novel is a typical colonist, who settles on the island and colonizes it.
20. Colonist stems from the need of its commerce dilate, announce here to be free port at the beginning, build stage by stage compare all ready haven city for infrastructure of a form a complete set.
21. But whatever policy carried out in Philippines the colonist result was same.
22. The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
23. As the number of blacks increased alarmingly in the colonies, some southern colonists made efforts to control the slave trade.
24. In Hawaii lepers were first sent to Molokai as colonists, not as patients.
25. And, of course, we harness the cranial material of the descendants of the colonists.
26. In he north they had merged with the Semitic colonists from Arabia to produce the civilization of Aksum.
27. It is not the indigenous people who are visited by colonists here.
28. Land was seemingly limitless in extend and, therefore, not highly priced[http://], and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder.
29. However, China's education and mediation leads the youth culture into a post - colonist situation.
30. Just a few meters ahead, you run into a colonist who warns you not to go up the road.
31. The colonist from England and France not only left some marks of domination in this North America land, but also stamped deep brands on Canadian constitution.
32. Rolfe was a colonist in Jamestown, Virginia, the first successful English settlement in the Americas.
33. The foreigner as colonist were special crowd of modern Shanghai' nonnative population, the displaced person form other regions were the most important part of modern Shanghai' nonnative population.
34. From 16 century, western colonist not only monopolized the trade, making it as the supplement for the spice trade, but also brought western cotton made in Europe.
35. However, their efforts inevitably encountered opposition from both English colonist culture and Celtic native culture.
36. Land was seemingly limitless in extent and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder.
37. If you knew what hardships and struggles lay ahead, you certainly wouldn't want to be an American colonist !
38. He is the very prototype of the empire builder[http://], the pioneer colonist .
39. He married Jane Pierce, daughter of a colonist, and continued his efforts to improve the quality and quantity of Virginia tobacco.
40. So, professor Fredric Jameson regarded the colony's independence as some kind of poisonous gift given by the colonist.
41. Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world.
42. Resembling with the Western colonist rulers, the religious dogmatists are the biggest enemy in Islam.




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