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单词 big cat
释义  Related topics: Animalsldoce_024_iˌbig ˈcat noun [countable]   HBAa large animal of the cat family, such as a lion or tiger 大型猫科动物〔如狮、虎等〕 →5  See picture of jaguar 美洲豹, cheetah 猎豹, leopard 豹 ... →4  See picture of 见图 big catExamples from the Corpusbig cat• A poster for the local paper on the wall next to the newsagent claims boldly that another big cat has been seen.• As it came near he quickly lowered the camera and directed a wide-eyed stare, straight at the big cat.• So I ask him if he saw the big cat.• In fact he reminded me of a cat, a very big cat, slow and smooth and self-contained.ˌbig ˈcat nounChineseSyllable  animal Corpus large cat the a family, of




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