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单词 unbearable
释义 Word family  noun bearer adjective bearable ≠ unbearable verb bear adverb bearably ≠ unbearably  un·bear·a·ble /ʌnˈbeərəbəl $ -ˈber-/ adjective  STAND/BEARtoo unpleasant, painful, or annoying to deal with 难以忍受的;承受不住的;无法容忍的 SYN intolerable The pain was almost unbearable. 那疼痛几乎难以忍受。 He was making life unbearable for his parents. 他把父母的生活弄得不堪忍受。 —unbearably adverb an unbearably hot day 热得让人无法忍受的一天Examples from the Corpusunbearable• The smell in the streets was almost unbearable.• The stench from the latrine and people who had not bathed in a long time was unbearable.• The stench from the sink was almost unbearable.• Without him, my life would be unbearable.• At first the hot, bright light was unbearable.• But the kindergarten in Ofra had no roof, and the mud and cold that first winter were unbearable.• Cigarette smoke can smell pretty filthy, even to a smoker, while non-smokers often find it unbearable.• The strain eventually became unbearable, and Adam started seeing a psychiatrist.• Area residents had complained the feeding site was creating unbearable nuisances in their neighborhood, and the judge agreed.• Campaigners say the men were victims of the unbearable strain of conflict in appalling conditions.• Every muscle in his body was knotted with unbearable tension.un·bear·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  annoying to unpleasant, too with deal painful, or Corpus




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