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单词 unbecoming
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashionun·be·com·ing /ˌʌnbɪˈkʌmɪŋ◂/ adjective old-fashioned  1. DCUGLYclothes that are unbecoming make you look unattractive 〔衣服〕不相配的;不合身的;难看的 SYN unflattering2  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSWRONG/UNSUITABLEbehaviour that is unbecoming is shocking or unsuitable 〔行为〕不合适的,不得体的unbecoming to conduct unbecoming to a teacher 有失教师身份的行为Examples from the Corpusunbecoming• In the course of time, the club engaged in unbecoming activities which have angered the community.• As it was, her flamboyance struck people as unbecoming and her apparent phlegm as not very lovable.• It is unbecoming to go on hating an enemy like this once a conflict is over.conduct unbecoming• Snyder was charged with conduct unbecoming an officer.un·be·com·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  unbecoming look that Corpus make clothes are you




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