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单词 Infinitely
1 He argued that all matter was infinitely divisible.
2 This school is infinitely better than the last one I went to.
3 I am infinitely grateful that you are in my small life.Happiest of Birthdays from your dear friend.
4 We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.
5 He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.
6 It is infinitely easier to drive a car than to repair it.
7 These systems are infinitely variable.
8 The particles in an atom are infinitely small.
9 These opportunities seemed infinitely seductive.
10 Human beings are infinitely adaptable.
11 A centimeter can be infinitely divided into smaller units.
12 You are infinitely precious to me.
13 The universe is infinitely large.
14 Your English is infinitely better than my German.
15 We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.
16 Being on your own is infinitely preferable to being in an unhappy relationship.
17 He finds country life infinitely preferable to living in the city.
18 Travel is infinitely more comfortable now than it used to be.
19 There is an infinitely bright future ahead of you young people.
20 I find politics infinitely depressing: none of the parties appeal to me.
21 Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.
22 His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.
23 Yet my fate could have been infinitely worse.
24 Roman's slow smile was infinitely sardonic.
25 Any thought of danger seemed infinitely remote.
26 An infinitely interest-elastic supply of money. 5.
27 This was an infinitely old notion(), going back to the early Bronze Age.
28 I didn't like having my teeth drilled but extractions were infinitely worse.
29 In warm weather, clothes made of natural fabrics are infinitely preferable .
30 As a result, many were lulled into thinking that the world can accommodate an infinitely growing population.
1 He argued that all matter was infinitely divisible.
2 This school is infinitely better than the last one I went to.
3 We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.
4 He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.
5 It is infinitely easier to drive a car than to repair it.
6 These opportunities seemed infinitely seductive.
7 The universe is infinitely large.
8 Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.
31 The designs are unique, individual, can be infinitely varied each time.
32 In that infinitely remote time primitive man could Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea.
33 Robert Dexter obviously expected that shocked reaction because his voice sounded infinitely soothing, even formal.
34 In the circumstances the latter was unlikely: he had not done so in May on an infinitely more difficult decision.
35 It's been described as the biggest child movement operation since the evacuees in 1939, but infinitely happier.
36 As exorcisms go, it was infinitely preferable to hurling verbal stakes at a callow Cambridge offspinner.
37 This model of the canopy consists of a number of infinitely extended horizontal canopy layers.
38 It tasted infinitely better than anything she had ever made for herself.
39 But it is infinitely worse if you are so divided that it is apparent you can not take any action at all.
40 The warmth and gentleness coaxed her surrender, subduing her inner turmoil and replacing it with something that was infinitely more disturbing.
41 As a class, professional golfers are swell well-scrubbed chaps and chaplets, infinitely preferable to professional wrestlers or professional loan sharks.
42 Human cultures can change rapidly because cultural innovation is infinitely faster than biological evolution.
43 The conditions under which this manifestation is excited are infinitely varied, according to the nature of particular bodies.
44 Otis, who bore lifelong grudges over provocations infinitely smaller than this, was realistic enough to know when he was had.
45 The description, which I had read in a recent newspaper account, had struck me as infinitely ironic and strange.
46 The oral media have accustomed people to continual and infinitely practicable mutability.
47 Daniele Audetto was out of the same mould as Luca, but his job was now infinitely more delicate and difficult.
48 Combinations are infinitely variable and the ultimate choice of elements will be determined by the requirements of a particular application.
49 He was a completely changed and infinitely more relaxed man, patient and courteous and easy.
50 The number of varieties that are potentially available can be infinitely large.
51 It is infinitely more difficult to make an accurate assessment of the immediate past and of the present.
52 Even the most tenuous thread of story is infinitely better than none at all.
53 Several other infinitely more damaging conversations involving him have been taped over the past few weeks.
54 The rivers are infinitely renewable, at least until the reservoirs silt up or the climate changes.
55 This method is infinitely more economical of tubes than the classical method and seems to produce effective remedies.
56 It is infinitely more subtle-an examination of frailties rather than a polemic.
57 When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you. Zig Ziglar 
58 A pilgrimage to Jerusalem would have seemed infinitely remote to most adventurous folk in the early Middle Ages.
59 Valerie Wright is talented in every department and therefore infinitely better than Neuwirth, but Pope would have been that much better.
60 The merest action I managed to take seemed infinitely long in completing.
61 There are certainly infinitely many different infinite sets, so I is itself infinite.
62 Their gravitational attraction would thus curve up the universe to infinitely small size.
63 Our new office building is infinitely better than the old one.
64 In retrospect(), dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.
65 The critical composition at which phase separation is first detected is then and which indicates that at infinitely large chain length.
66 That is bad enough of course, but infinitely better than two Mobs scrapping.
67 I always took the view that the programme was infinitely more important than any one person taking part in it.
68 But any investigation into his biography seems infinitely more satisfying by reason of his virtue, his courage and his devotion to duty.
69 The clog on the market in equities must be infinitely greater.
70 But I fear there is still a problem. Real substances are not infinitely hard and rigid.
71 However, for Aquarians born in 1934, 1946, 1957 and 1969, the picture is infinitely more positive.
72 Not surprisingly, the financial position of fringe bodies is almost infinitely varied.
73 We realize that the spiritual life matters infinitely more than all the material possessions or human status we once may have enjoyed.
74 Humanity is, of course, morally free to make and remake itself infinitely, but we do not do so.
75 The refusal to see it, to be touched by it, which was so infinitely better than either sympathy or enthusiasm.
76 He looked cool and infinitely experienced, listening apparently with grave attention to the herald's formal announcement.
77 However, infinitely more entertaining is a gentle stroking on the inside of the upper thigh.
78 Then he swabbed the body down with a sticky powder, which removed a dozen infinitely small particles stuck to the skin.
79 The concern was obvious, for airing the movie there presumably would make it infinitely harder to impanel an impartial jury.
80 All these shapes posses a hierarchical structure extending to infinitely small scales.
81 It was fantastic and, I must confess, infinitely preferable to staying on my feet for two hours.
82 The spaceship would be torn apart by infinitely strong forces.
83 A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy song cooked up as a commercial gimmick.
84 Ordinary prudence would have reminded him that it was dangerous to side against Apollo with Pan, infinitely the less powerful.
85 Another slow bowler, though one with infinitely more experience, is Worcestershire's Richard Illingworth.
86 Even in this case we can consider the translation to be a special case of rotation about a centre infinitely far away.
87 The program contains 100 colour palettes, each containing eight shades, or colour tones, all of which are infinitely adjustable.
88 Individual constellations of these requirements are infinitely varied, of course.
89 The Cambridge professor's brain dances around such sub-atomic particles as leptons and anti-quarks and the possibility of infinitely curved space-time.
90 His material is leather, and his specialty is fitting a saddle to the infinitely varied human pelvis.
91 It is about something infinitely subtle: moral and social development.
92 However good they might be as students, their families feel that marriage is infinitely preferable to a college career.
93 Throughout its range of 2 octaves it is capable of infinitely varied coloration and texture, from silky velvet to deliberate ugliness.
94 Julia took two deep breaths, felt infinitely worse and tapped on the mahogany panel of the door.
95 They feel nurture is of infinitely greater importance than nature.
96 Sanity insists that certain things do matter infinitely more than others.
97 The parquet floor is infinitely preferable to carpets.
98 Triangularly distributed load on an infinitely long strip-area.
99 A snail moves infinitely slowly.
100 Whether material is infinitely dividable?
101 Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.
102 Adenauer's spirit is abroad once more as Germany, united now and infinitely more self-assured, prepares for a national poll in September with a startling lack of audacity.
103 Japanese JTEKT faces the automatic transmission system of the car and case of infinitely variable speeds , rolled out axis of macrobian life planet to use needle bearing.
104 This method simulates the boundary in half-space into a large crack containing in an infinitely great elastic medium, by which the surface crack in arbitrary shape can be well-treated.
105 The infinitely small " dx " and " dy " were sometimes described as vanishing or incipient quantities.
106 The laser cutting will be affected infinitely not only in quality but also in efficiency if there are some rust, paint or other else feculence.
107 Or, if a matrix is not invertible, then you have infinitely many solutions.
108 This is a much stronger condition than real differentiability and implies that the function is infinitely often differentiable and can be described by its Taylor series.
109 Born into a wealthy family in 1928, he studied to be a doctor, but chose instead the infinitely more rackety and less respectable life of a manga cartoonist.
110 Orthographic projection often seems a bit odd at first, because objects stay the same size independent of their distance: It is like viewing the scene from an infinitely distant point.
111 Napoleon iii was an echo of the mighty emperor but an infinitely better man.
112 CDP systems may be block-, file- or application-based and can provide fine granularities of restorable objects to infinitely variable recovery points.
113 The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.
114 There is an infinitely bright future . ahead of us.
115 The welding speed and the silk filling speed can be adjusted infinitely by the direct-current dynamo.
116 Academic linguists of the era, Noam Chomsky chief among them, also viewed a language as a lexicon and a grammar, able to generate infinitely many different sentences out of a finite set of rules.
117 Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
118 In this paper, the fundamental problem for an infinitely long elastic strip with arbitrary cracks is studied with the method of complex variables and the theory of integral equations.
119 The method simulates the crack hiding in infinitely large elastic media as dislocation loop in continuous distribution.
120 The spirit of Fifa and soccer expend infinitely on a small ball.
121 AC frequency converter is used ofr changing the regulating wheel speed infinitely.
122 Objective: To investigate the nursing measures how to make antemortem patients pass away with calm, peace, dignity infinitely and relievedly .
123 Bytecodes describe calculations using a theoretically infinitely large operand stack.
123 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
124 Asymptote, which is infinitely close to but not an intersection of the line.
125 It's easy to procrastinate when the deadline seems infinitely far away.
126 Either debugging own radar, EW and ELINT system or discovering and identifying radar signal, RTSA can both provide infinitely high efficient performance.
127 By means of the variational approach, in a condition weaker than(AR) the existence of infinitely many solutions of fourth-order elliptic equation is discussed.
128 The gentleman was infinitely resourceful and had close contacts in the army and in political circles.
129 Yet, great as is the victory over conservatism which is represented in the accomplishment of man suffrage, infinitely greater will be the attainment of woman suffrage.
130 The machine , drawing power from the human body an endlessly multiplying, infinitely renewable energy source.
131 The common gear tooth profile curve launches after neighborhood higher order step taylor's series, can discover the tooth face meshing point neighborhood gap is 2 step infinitely greats.
132 The approximate solution of infinitely long plane strip is obtained by the method of energy.
133 It is widely believed that time, space, and other physical properties are NOT infinitely subdivisible.
134 Unfortunately, these parcels are defined by 2D coordinates, so it's really a column that extends infinitely.
135 Fourth(), this error makes it looping infinitely between the second and third line.
136 It gives the impression that you are more nonchalant about beach style and is infinitely chicer.
137 There are infinitely many real numbers between any two distinct real numbers.
138 The gas molecules are infinitely far apart from one another.
139 We show that these Solutions are infinitely differentiable, and provide an uniform bound and an iterative formula for the solutions in this region as well.
140 The night was very large , and very strange, stretching its hoary distances infinitely.
141 Infinitely adjustable crosshead — The crosshead is vertically adjustable with infinite resolution.
142 Yet, at the same time we cannot add infinitely to the national debt without facing the consequences in global credit marks or on our future capacity to borrow.
143 His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable.
144 Using importation system of infinitely variable speed , can adjust productional speed.
145 By means of fluid model and linear field theory, the dispersion equation of the electromagnetic wave propagation along a cylindrical waveguide filled with an infinitely thin annular plasma.
146 The first dream is an infinitely vast grassland, cattle and sheep flocks, goshawk circling overhead, shepherd girl humming the old songs do not.
147 The integers divide the number line into infinitely many half - open intervals.
148 She was a wonderful white snow - flower, which he had desired infinitely.
149 In this paper we study the linear semi-infinite programming with finitely many variables and infinitely many constraints over a compact metric space. An interior path-following approach is proposed.
150 It was proved that in infinitely differentiable function class non-hydrostatic perfect elastic equations set is stable.
151 Infinitely many convex functions with quality factors better than that of the convex function in entropy were discovered.
152 To study special Markov processes with infinitely divisible limit distributions, the characteristic function was used.
153 The wall has an infinitely large mass, but the momentum of this tennis ball 2mv has changed by an amount 2 mv.
153 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
154 In this paper, we extend the theorem on generalized quasi- analyticity of the infinitely differentiable functions in the closed angular domain to the functions of several complex variables.
155 The first is just way out of the realm of answerability , as there are too many aspects to possibly go into, and each of those components can be infinitely complex.
156 One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder.
157 Sabina vulgaris community extended its shrub range by infinitely clonal growth of the stolon and moved other areas by the spread of seeds.
158 We share it with you now so you, too, will learn about American Sign Language, and be excited by the infinitely challenging and creative possibilities that engage us when we use any language at all.
159 Zooming in further would reveal even more jaggedness, and on and on, infinitely.
160 When man in his littleness and God in His glory meet, we all understand that what God says has infinitely more worth than what man says.
161 It provides perfect strangers with a ready-made and infinitely adaptable topic of conversation.
162 Mao Zedong carried on and developed the principle that substances are infinitely dividable, which is a part of dialectical materialism.
163 A cost effective alternative requiring less expensive fabrication, infinitely mouldable polyurethane is also suited to applications requiring non-sparking and non-conductive material.
164 More than this, the sneaker is also a versatile canvas for creative and infinitely unique customisations.
165 The Mandelbrot set is infinitely deep and complex at all scales, but a float or a double can go only so deep before losing the ability to distinguish adjacent points.
166 The infinitely long linear pad bearing lubrication problem is solved theoretically.




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