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单词 Strangulation
1. He is charged with the strangulation of two students.
2. Wycliffe looked for signs of strangulation but found none.
3. A post-mortem revealed Mrs Johnstone had died from strangulation.
4. I expect strangulation is full of old-fashioned symbolism.
5. We had a mutual strangulation society.
6. He was martyred in Alexandria by means of strangulation.
7. Strangulation was all very well, but it played merry hell with the eyeballs.
8. Strangulation or will affect the machine life.
9. There is strangulation of tissue and poor blood supply.
10. Death was caused by strangulation.
11. That strangulation scene would send corseted Victorian ladies spiraling to the floor.
12. In strangulation, the ultimate evidence would be the murderer's fingerprints on the victim's neck.
13. The pre - operative diagnosis of small intestinal strangulation due to an adhesion ileus is often difficult.
14. Mr Mbeki will argue that economic strangulation would hurt the hapless Zimbabwean masses more than the pampered elite around Mr Mugabe.
15. Effects of trunk strangulation on soluble carbohydrate and endohormone contents in flush leaves and young fruits of 'Shatian' pomelo during physiological fruit drop period were studied.
16. Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen. Do not attach to crib or playpen.
17. She died of strangulation and her neck broke. Wear simple clothes next time!
18. So that my soul would choose strangulation And death rather than my bones.
19. Working around the clock, we induced strangulation in a mouse. This was accomplished by coaxing the rodent to ingest healthy portions of Gouda cheese and then making it laugh.
20. Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen .
21. The post-mortem showed that the boy had died from strangulation.
22. Dr Porter told the court that the post-mortem revealed signs of strangulation.
23. Two teachers using a system called Hwarang-do applying a combined neck strangulation and head twisting technique.
24. Unfortunately for Carter, Spackerman's evidence of an assault followed by strangulation seemed a complete contradiction of Macarthy's opinion.
25. It was the fear of death and all the ways in which it might arrive: shooting, strangulation, suffocation.
26. In her fits of lacerating sarcasm, I feel my hands twitch with the impulse toward strangulation.
27. Slice you up and cook you after you're murdered by strangulation.
28. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography for early strangulation loop in intestinal obstruction.
29. She's got bruising to the neck, which is consistent with manual strangulation.
30. The research investigated the brain biology of psychopaths with convictions that included attempted murder, manslaughter, multiple rape with strangulation and false imprisonment.




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