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单词 Goodbye
1. She said a sentimental goodbye.
2. Goodbye Bill! See you next week.
3. Goodbye till we meet again.
4. He kissed me goodbye and got on the bus.
5. She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.
6. Say goodbye before you go.
7. One day we must say goodbye.
8. Goodbye, John[/goodbye.html], see you tomorrow.
9. He waved goodbye to his friend.
10. Sometimes goodbye is the only way.
11. If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.
12. Goodbye without reasons is the most painful one.Love without reasons is the most beautiful one.
13. Don't let me go. Don't say goodbye. Don't let this love die.
14. Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can take it, never say you don't love that person anymore when you can't let go.
15. Saying "Goodbye" and hoping you know that warm wishes are with you wherever you go!
16. Old friends goodbye stranger.
17. She said goodbye and scurried back to work.
18. They said goodbye and went their several ways.
19. They left without so much as saying goodbye.
20. I said goodbye and put down the telephone .
21. I mouthed a goodbye and hurried in behind Momma.
22. It's curious that she left without saying goodbye.
23. We stood around saying goodbye for a while.
24. They clung to each other/clung together as they said goodbye.
25. All of life is an act of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
26. I haven't save your feeling, just facing north say goodbye.
27. A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
28. I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye.
29. Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye.
30. Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.
1. She said a sentimental goodbye.
2. Goodbye Bill! See you next week.
3. He kissed me goodbye and got on the bus.
4. She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.
5. Say goodbye before you go.
6. Goodbye, John, see you tomorrow.
7. He waved goodbye to his friend.
8. A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
9. She waved goodbye very gaily.
10. We bade him farewell [ goodbye ] .
31. "Drive safely," he said and waved goodbye.
32. The nurses came out to wave Grandad goodbye.
33. She kissed her children goodbye before leaving for work.
34. She said goodbye and went her way.
35. They left in haste, without even saying goodbye.
36. Goodbye, Hanu. I wish you well.
37. I packed and said goodbye to Charlie.
38. 'So this is goodbye,' she said ruefully.
39. He said goodbye and slammed the phone down.
40. Amy lifted her arm to wave. "Goodbye," she called.
41. They said goodbye in a flood of tears.
42. He left without saying goodbye.
43. They came to the front door to wave goodbye.
44. I just have to say goodbye to Jane.
45. He called in to say goodbye.
46. The pips are going so I'd better say goodbye.
47. She waved goodbye very gaily.
48. Don't go without saying goodbye to me, will you?
49. They tossed a goodbye party for her.
50. Goodbye for now; I'll be in touch.
51. He left without so much as a goodbye.
52. I said goodbye and rushed away.
53. I said goodbye and hung up.
54. Say goodbye to Mary for me.
55. She said goodbye and tripped off along the road.
56. The boy waved goodbye to his grandmother.
57. With a heavy heart, she turned to wave goodbye.
58. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" she said quietly.
59. She said goodbye in a sickeningly sugary tone.
60. Goodbye, everybody - I'll see you next week.
61. There were tears and embraces as they said goodbye.
62. Goodbye, and all the best!
63. She hurried away without saying goodbye.
64. Goodbye I'd better be pushing along now.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. She said goodbye to all her friends and left.
66. My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye.
67. She left without saying goodbye.
68. He wanted to say goodbye to you.
69. She didn't even say goodbye to her mother.
70. As she receded he waved goodbye.
71. She ran alongside the departing train, waving goodbye.
72. We bade him farewell [ goodbye ] .
73. Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye.
74. He tore off before we said goodbye to him.
75. She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye.
76. I said goodbye and went to check in my suitcases.
77. If France lose this game, they can kiss their chances of winning the cup goodbye.
78. You can kiss your degree goodbye, if you don't work hard.
79. We waved them goodbye.
80. He left and I missed my chance to say goodbye to him.
81. I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye.
82. briefly before saying goodbye.
83. If Europe fails to agree on this, we can say goodbye to any common foreign policy.
84. She gave him a peck on the cheek and said goodbye.
85. Her parents kissed her goodbye as she set off from their home.
86. I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps.
87. Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills.
88. She popped her head through the door to say goodbye.
89. He has probably said goodbye to his last chance of Olympic gold.
90. Amid all the rush and confusion she forgot to say goodbye.
91. with all the excitement and confusion, I forgot to say goodbye to her.
92. He lively hopped the train and said goodbye to me.
93. The applicant was so choked with excitement at the acceptance notification that he could hardly bring out a goodbye.
94. You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year we've no money!
94. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
95. We shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him.
96. What really hurts is that he never even said goodbye.
97. They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station.
98. Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion.
99. The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.
100. I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold.
101. Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye.
102. When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye.
103. My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her.
104. We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve.
105. If you're not careful, you can wave goodbye to any pay rise this year.
106. After this letter from the bank, we can kiss goodbye to our holiday in Australia.
107. After dinner they just upped and left/went without saying goodbye.
108. She was so annoyed she wouldn't even wave us goodbye/wave goodbye to us.
109. It was with a heavy heart that Kate said goodbye.
110. Give Grandpa a wave goodbye, Alice, you won't see him till next week.
111. He popped his head round the door to say goodbye.
112. I felt excitement and sadness in equal degree as I waved goodbye to my colleagues.
113. I'd like to say goodbye to Paul who leaves us for pastures new.
114. I made a lightning tour of the office to say goodbye.
115. She knew if she concentrated on her marriage she could kiss her career goodbye.
116. She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye.
117. Well, if you've argued with senior management you can wave goodbye to any chances of promotion!
118. She drove off without saying goodbye.
119. It was difficult to say goodbye, but I took some consolation from the fact that I would see her again at the end of the year.
120. People laughing, people crying, some boarding vessels, others disembarking, and others waving goodbye to their loved ones.
121. Having worked on providing everything the dying person needs, the next step is to prepare to say goodbye.
122. President Ronald Reagan says goodbye to the astronauts during services to honor the crew.
123. It is in the best interests of the family to have a body to embrace and say goodbye to.
124. Say goodbye by joining in an optional evening's excursion and enjoying traditional folk dancing and singing.
124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
125. He came to his front door to say goodbye, which he did with a handshake and a slight bow.
126. Babushka said she would do this and, waving goodbye to the kings, started to clean her cabin.
127. To the small child standing on the dockside waving goodbye it was a minor bereavement every time.
128. And I'd gladly wave goodbye to the odd beagle if it would help cure cancer.
129. He nodded a goodbye, forced a smile, then eased himself into his car and slammed the door.
130. Tell him I said goodbye and wish him all the best.
131. So, it could be goodbye to body odour - but only in the right room.
132. Taking her pocketbook from the closet, she said goodbye to Benjy and told him she was going downtown.
133. I had said goodbye to him for the last time; he was dying of cancer.
134. William is with Rosie by the door-just about to say goodbye.
135. She had whispered her own last goodbye at a Liverpool dockyard gate(), though she had not known it.
136. Recently my father-in-law died, and I was anxious for our children to go and see him and say goodbye.
137. All the dairy people watched them leave, and Clare kissed the dairymaids goodbye.
138. It’s hard to say goodbye to the place you’ve lived. It can be as hard as saying goodbye to a person. Jonathan Safran Foer 
139. Alcock and Brown climbed into the cockpit, waved goodbye, to everyone and the Vimy set off.
140. A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it. Helen Rowland 
141. Her black hair was blowing in the breeze as she waved goodbye to me.
142. Standing on the battlements waving the galley goodbye, Elizabeth looked down - down the wall, and then down again.
143. Tall guy, dark hair, hanging over your window like he hated saying goodbye.
144. On March 28, 1980, all the workers died a sudden, violent death, no time to say goodbye.
145. The whistle would blow and Aunt Dorothy would wave goodbye.
146. This was fun; with any luck she could say goodbye to facials, mud-packs and manicures.
147. Kathryn Sims Goodbye carbon tet From 1997 chemistry laboratories will not be quite the same.
148. They fixed a date for the weekend and he kissed her goodbye.
149. So the city attorney wants him to say goodbye to the animals that have become his extended family?
150. Hush now. One day at the bus-stop, as she alighted, she just waved goodbye to me.
151. Uh , oh, I can kiss my boob tube goodbye.
152. This year, we say goodbye together to the mosaic age of homosexuality.
153. He was laid to rest yesterday without a final goodbye from his estranged son.
154. She said goodbye to Hilda with a convincing show of affection.




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