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单词 rap
释义  Related topics: Musicrap1 /ræp/ noun  1  music 音乐 [countable, uncountable] (also rap music)APM a type of popular music in which the words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a steady beat 说唱乐〔歌词按固定音乐节奏念出的流行音乐〕 a popular rap song 一首流行说唱乐歌曲2  knock 敲 [countable]HIT a series of quick sharp hits or knocks (一阵)急敲[叩] → tap She was woken by a sharp rap on the door. 她被一阵急促的敲门声惊醒。3  crime 犯罪 [countable] American English informal a statement by the police saying that someone is responsible for a serious crime 指控,罪名 SYN chargemurder/robbery etc rap The kid’s been cited twice on drunk-driving raps. 这个年轻人已经两次因醉酒驾车被传讯了。 → rap sheet4  take the rap (for something) SCCBLAMEto be blamed or punished for a mistake or crime, especially unfairly 〔尤指不公正地〕(因某事)受到责罚 Bo was left to take the rap for Victor’s murder. 维克托被杀一案最后是让波顶了罪。5. beat the rap American English informal to avoid being punished for a crime 逃避惩罚6  a rap on/over the knuckles CRITICIZE a) informal a punishment or criticism that is not very severe 不十分严厉的惩罚[批评] The New York Post received an official rap over the knuckles for the way it reported the story. 《纽约邮报》因对该事件报道方式不当而受到官方批评。 b) if someone gives a child a rap on the knuckles, they hit them on the back of their hand as a punishment 〔对儿童的〕打手背体罚7  a bum/bad rap especially American English informalUNFAIR unfair treatment or punishment 不公正的对待[惩罚] Cleveland always gets a bum rap in the press. 克利夫兰总是受到新闻界不公正的对待。Examples from the Corpusrap• A few seconds later a rap on the side caused several sinuous silhouettes to leap back into the shadows.• There was a rap at the kitchen door.• Music ranges from funk and rap to house, but is always the last word in drop-dead cool.• The Roots rocked the house, bringing its own style of rap.• We heard a sharp rap on the door.• I just tell him to shut up and give him a sharp rap across the knuckles.• At the news conference, Bennett played the radio ads along with excerpts from the rap music in question.• What you hope he will do is to remain silent and let Preval make decisions and take the rap for unpopular choices.• Along with rap artists and basketball players, these are the black men the black boys look up to.Related topics: Musicrap2 verb (rapped, rapping)  1  hit 击 [intransitive, transitive]HIT to hit or knock something quickly several times 笃笃地敲,急叩 → tap She rapped the table with her pen. 她用笔笃笃地敲桌子。rap on/at Angrily she rapped on his window. 她生气地敲他的窗户。► see thesaurus at hit2. music 音乐 [intransitive]APM to say the words of a rap song 表演说唱乐3  criticize 批评 [transitive]CRITICIZE to criticize someone angrily – used especially in news reports 严厉批评,猛烈抨击〔尤用于新闻报道〕 SYN slam a film rapped by critics for its excessive violence 一部因过分渲染暴力而受到评论家严厉抨击的电影4  say 说 (also rap out) [transitive]SHOUT to say something loudly, suddenly, and in a way that sounds angry 厉声地说 ‘Come on, ’ he rapped impatiently. “得了吧。”他不耐烦地厉声说道。5  rap somebody on/over the knuckles  (also rap somebody’s knuckles)CRITICIZE a) to punish or criticize someone for something, but not very severely 〔不十分严厉地〕惩罚[批评]某人 He had his knuckles rapped sharply for meddling in foreign policy. 他因干涉对外政策而受到严厉批评。 b) to punish a child by hitting them on the back of their hand 打手背体罚〔儿童〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrap• It raps a defector over the knuckles instantly but, after that, lets bygones be bygones.• Sammy was rapping about some guy in L.A.• Yoshinaka rapped an order at his men.• My consciousness was raised, my knuckles were rapped and I no longer write or think that way.• There was a small, delicate rapping at the door.• Nelson is being rapped for his team's loss.• He rapped gently on the wood.• L.L. Cool J raps on a new album of Disney songs.• Knuckles were rapping on the car windows, breath steaming the glass.• Creed went over and rapped on the top section, but there was no answer.• Seeing her son outside, Mrs Evans rapped on the window and called him back into the house.• The conductor rapped the music stand with his baton and the violins stopped playing.• She rapped the table with her pen and called for silence.rap on/at• Angrily she rapped on his window.• Knuckles were rapping on the car windows, breath steaming the glass.• Toward afternoon, he rapped on the dividing window and asked the chauffeur to stop.• Later that night, with Jammie and Helen behind me, I rapped on the door of Dad's room.• The rap on the door was hard and curt.• Ma Three quick raps on the kitchen door tugged her back.• Some one was out in the lobby rapping on the tin doors.• Creed went over and rapped on the top section, but there was no answer.Origin rap1 1. (1900-2000) Perhaps from repartee2. (1200-1300) Probably from the soundrap1 nounrap2 verbChinese  type words Corpus a the which in of of music popular




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