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单词 Disorientate
1. We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.
2. She felt shocked and totally disorientated.
3. The darkness had disorientated him.
4. I felt completely disorientated with the jet lag.
5. Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to civilian life.
6. It was a strange, discomfiting and disorientating landscape.
7. Golding's office was grey and cheerless, with the disorientating feature of being substantially higher than it was wide.
8. If a fight takes place in this room, the strains of disorientating Nipponese atonal music can be clearly heard.
9. The minister said he felt disorientated, the blinds were drawn, and he lost track of time.
10. Whilst a mirror can allow a clear view of a painted ceiling, it can none the less be disorientating and disquieting.
11. Waking with a jump, disorientated for a moment, Hilary stared in disbelief at the kitchen clock.
12. With one part of her bemused and disorientated mind she knew that she must call a halt - right now!
13. You will feel this range of powerful, primal emotions with dizzying, disorientating frequency.
14. 3D TV can disorientate the brain, causing eye strain, headaches, nausea and sickness, scientists have warned.
15. Some of them disorientate the prosperity of the object and some others are confined to the teaching aims and methods.
16. Experts have also said that 3D footage can disorientate the brain, causing eye strain and headaches.
17. Among techniques used to disorientate prisoners were "frequent flyer" programmes, whereby detainees would be moved from their cell every hour, night and day.
18. Father worked as a teacher for almost 40 years, and has been disorientated since he stopped working.
18. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
19. I can tell when he is having a hypo because he gets disorientated and confused.
20. To be raped is one thing, but to blunder around disorientated is another.
21. At the start, Lottie was confounded by the garden: Lottie did her best with the disorientated and often distressed inmates.
22. I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort.
23. I had to keep the wingtip in sight of the ground to avoid getting disorientated.
24. Every day that passed while Jean-Claude was away I became increasingly disorientated. I feared I was going mad.
25. Organisers of the annual initiative, now in its fifth year, say the bright lights disorientate the migrating birds and override their natural navigational cues.




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