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单词 Link
1, A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
2, There's a direct link between diet and heart disease.
3, The railway link would connect Felixstowe with Fishguard.
4, The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
5, Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
6, The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
7, There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
8, All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.
9, He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.
10, These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.
11, The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.
12, He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.
13, There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
14, The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.
15, They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.
16, They have planned to link up the two areas by telephone.
17, Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.
18, We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.
19, They planned to build a highway to link the two towns.
20, Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link.
21, There is no demonstrable link between the two events.
22, The information was sent via a satellite link.
23, The speech was broadcast via a satellite link.
24, Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
25, Death is the last link in the chain.
26, Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.
27, A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
28, The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.
29, They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
30, A tunnel has been bored under the channel to link England and France.
1, There's a direct link between diet and heart disease.
2, The railway link would connect Felixstowe with Fishguard.
3, The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
4, Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
5, The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.
6, The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
7, There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
8, All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.
9, He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.
10, They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
11, The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.
12, He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.
13, There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
14, They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.
15, Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.
16, We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.
17, The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.
31, That link is an established medical fact.
32, Exactly how do we link words to objects?
33, Social customs provide a vital link between generations.
34, The signals are sent by satellite link.
35, Goalkeeper Gouter proved to be the weakest link.
36, The driver has a radio link to base.
37, There is a direct link between poverty and ill-health.
38, She was my only link with the past.
39, Software is exported through a dedicated satellite link.
40, The two spacecraft will link up in orbit.
41, Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer.
42, I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.
43, The common link between the three artists is their age.
44, She was patched through to London on the satellite link.
45, He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.
46, The next stage is to link the film up with the soundtrack.
47, The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.
48, I clicked on the link to the next page of the web site.
49, Engineers can link up distant countries by radio or telephone.
49, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50, They have yet to break the link with the trade unions.
51, He says there is "not a scintilla of evidence" to link him to any controversy.
52, Hawk's visit was scheduled to link in with the meeting in Harare.
53, The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.
54, The nimbies were out in force against proposals for a high-speed rail link.
55, The sales manager is regarded as the weakest link in the chain.
56, Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open.
57, There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush.
58, We offer advice to Polish companies who want to link up with Western businesses.
59, There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete.
60, He may be able to provide us with the missing link that can help us solve the mystery.
61, Certainly, Andreessen didn't think up using hypertext to link Internet documents.
62, The auction was held in Paris with an Internet link to New York.
63, We must question the value of our link with the university.
64, She went straight for the one weak link in the chain of his argument.
65, He homed in on the one weak link in the argument.
66, The satellite provides a video link between the White House and the Kremlin.
67, New roads will link the principal cities of the area.
68, Could this be the missing link in the search for a cure for cancer?
69, Social workers provide a vital link between hospital and community.
70, Sir Richard Doll, the epidemiologist who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer in the 1960s, will this week warn that children living near electricity power lines are at an increased risk from leukaemia.
71, The extranet will link the company with its customers and suppliers.
72, The Internet allows people from all over the world to link up for chat sessions.
73, Each link that makes up a chain is equally important.
74, There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart.
75, For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.
76, The pictures are broadcast through a live satellite link with Tokyo.
77, Those documents provided the missing link, and the police were able to make an arrest soon after they discovered them.
78, A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.
79, In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed.
80, Broadly,(http:///link.html) it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.
81, There's mounting evidence of a link between obesity and some forms of cancer.
82, This research is important in that it confirms the link between aggression and alcohol.
83, Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.
84, The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.
85, The new rail link has lopped an hour off the journey.
86, Send an email to the above address to report a broken link .
87, The old market is a living link with the past, unchanged for hundreds of years.
88, The salesmen are just one link in the chain of distribution.
89, The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.
90, For elderly people, TV is a vital link with the outside world.
91, There was also a strong link between children'slow maths scores and parents' numeracy problems.
92, The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
93, The statistics show a clear link between social class and crime.
94, The lack of a rail link retarded the town's development.
95, These findings suggest that there is no direct link between unemployment and crime.
96, Try not to link your sense of self-worth to the opinions of others.
97, There is an unquestionable link between job losses and deteriorating services.
98, The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.
99, The link between her family and the King's is rather tenuous.
100, There is a direct link/connection between smoking and lung cancer.
101, The Health Ministry does not publicly acknowledge the link.
102, Talks centred on increasing bilateral trade and plans for a tunnel or bridge link between the two countries.
103, Profeto was arrested in connection only with the second killing but detectives said a link would soon be made.
104, In the months ahead that link would prove a lifeline.
105, Tony appeared to recognize a link between the two situations, which he had failed to appreciate until then.
106, The link worker can help overcome language and cultural barriers between the doctor or nurse and the patient.
107, Women have the potential to link physical and spiritual beauty.
108, These are not baby habits, but they are habits which have a link with babyhood experiences.
109, The finished book has been automatically generated and typeset directly from the database of paragraphs and link objects.
110, The close link in Britain between television series and the best-seller lists is not reflected worldwide.
111, People need to be satisfied that the environmental assessments for King's Cross and the high-speed link are accurate.
112, The whole approach is flexible and has a great strength in the direct link to the highest administrative body.
113, Some courts have however looked to the causal link between the existence of a hearing and the final outcome.
114, The polytechnic has employed research student Jo Denn to see whether a link can be established between childhood asthma and atmospheric pollution.
115, When the link between average earnings and the pension ended, so too did their hopes of a reasonable standard of living.
116, He maintains that there is a link between characteristics such as extroversion and criminal behaviour.
117, Is it possible to link the injections he gave to his victims with those administered to his mother to ease her pain?
118, Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.
119, We want a link between belief and truth to prevent this happening, and a causal link looks promising.
120, We had discovered the missing link in the corn bread saga.
121, The Link group acts as a forum for the major environmental issues and agrees strategies to combat existing problems.
122, By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer.
123, He would join in battle or in love so closely with a human that a link was established that worked both ways.
124, Not all studies support a direct link between fat malabsorption and faecal bile acid losses.
125, I was a very small link in an immensely long chain.
126, On this plan, the missing link with Ingleborough Cave, since found, is indicated by a broken line.
127, These backbone access providers link users and ecommerce application providers.
128, S.-supported facilities carry traffic other than that dedicated to the particular application that justified the link.
129, Furthermore, one of his main attributes is the capacity to link to other gangs and their leaders.
130, Yet a link was sometimes provided by music, where the cathedral organist was involved with diocesan music festivals and other events.
131, The representation must allow us to compute a link between descriptions of acoustic input and stored descriptions.
132, Roberts goes on to link educational achievement with the level of economic development of the region of out-migration.
133, This link also influences accounting for capital expenditure that is financed other than by borrowing.
134, The signals are then fed via the cable link to the person's home.
135, In addressing his case, Simpson says Fuhrman is a critical link to the misery that has befallen him.
136, Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
137, How clear is the link between performance results and the capabilities the organization must become very good at?
138, Their current project aims to link the earthly with the heavenly.
139, If this causal link is not present the application will fail.
140, Day care should be viewed as only part of a strategy and should link in with other locally based resources.
141, The answer must be that it could not since the fact of adopting depreciation accounting severs the link with finance.
142, Each link object specifies some source node, link type, target node, pointers to paragraphs, and perhaps other attributes.
143, The allusion to clouds is anything but fortuitous, emphasizing as it does the link between the sound of drums and thunder.
144, If the link is being removed, the user will no longer have automatic access to your modules.
145, General exploration provides the background that enables us to link up otherwise unrelated items.
146, Concern about the link between power lines and cancer first arose in 1979.
147, The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres.
148, There is definitely a link between domestic violence and child abuse.
149, About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
150, Mr Greenwood, who was the main architect of the currency link, thinks the present rate is about right.
151, Rally organizers with colored arm-bands link hands, forming a human chain at the crosswalks.
152, Inmos says the T9000 is easily scalable with no interface or buffer logic required to link multiple devices.
153, Dale received all the attention and accolades, and Link settled for a few extra bucks on his royalty checks.
154, Kabbah's close link with them predictably alienated the army, driving it into an even closer alliance with the rebels.
155, Full reports and details of the Award ceremonies will follow in future editions of Link.
156, But that he would deliberately attempt to break that link was something that he would never admit, even to himself.
157, There could be a causal link between demanding social justice and realism as a method, but it is not shown.
158, He had spotted another lay-by, beyond Jena, just before the link road to the autobahn back to the border.
159, The special link allows Jane access to all of Frank's modules, but not viceversa.
160, The members ordinarily share some link like working for the same employer or belonging to the same church.
161, A central part of our view of individual agents is our conviction that there is an explanatory link between belief and action.
162, The day care centre can often be the link to other agencies when special needs are identified.
163, The big problem is to link up the route from the north.
164, In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
165, A radio link kept them in touch with the police emergency centre and the Superintendent in charge of the security arrangements.
166, Where there is a co-ordination problem the issuing of an authoritative directive can supply the missing link in the argument.
167, The very presence of the media also tends to alter the relationships between the political and social institutions which they link up.
168, I suppose the link between chapter and parish is really administratively through the archdeacon.
169, Summary Objective: Strengthens the hospital infection control and the link management, improve doctors and nurses quality.
170, Mary Mary had a golden chain link spelled my Jesus'name.
171, Introduces the protocol of data link based on HDLC and the realization by using VB language. The protocol is used to realize the credible communication between singlechip and PC.
172, It's not clear whether this alleged link between the relative returns on Baccarat versus bank deposits is based on hard evidence, or just the reporter's imagination.
172, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
173, Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar.
174, Their featured resource is to link to the websites of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys to help you find a patent agent and a trademark attorney.
175, For each button, you can specify the type of button (link or pushbutton) and the actual caption to use.
176, After polymer flooding and polymer cross link micro gel flooding, the residual oil mainly distributes in middle and low permeable reservoirs. This is the potential area of EOR.
177, include swivel . rotary hose, elevator link, hydraulic tong , air spiders , lelly bushivg , rotarytable and substructure ( with ramp and oadder ) etc.




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