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单词 Hard time
1. She had a hard time squeezing out.
2. I really had a hard time in the second round, the man I played against was too much for me.
3. Every day I miss you. It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so. In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!
4. The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.
5. Gary freaked out and had a very hard time of it.
6. Giving you a hard time, is she?
7. Hostile critics have given Hartman a hard time.
8. You'll have a hard time proving that.
9. Vegetarians still often have a hard time of it when it comes to eating out.
10. I had a hard time getting him to pay up.
11. Switzerland's national carrier, Swissair, has been having a hard time recently.
12. Sometimes Mike has a hard time getting to sleep .
13. Now we are facing a hard time,but we'll rub through somehow.
14. Her kids always give her a hard time when she takes them shopping.
15. I know he's had a hard time lately, but he's certainly milking it for all it's worth .
16. They really gave me a hard time at the interview.
17. You poor thing , you've had a hard time of it, haven't you?
18. He's so secretive - you'll have a hard time prizing any information out of him.
19. Go easy on her-she's having a really hard time at the moment.
20. He had a hard time after the operation, but soon he was holding his own.
21. I had a hard time persuading him to accept the offer.
22. Your boy have a hard time getting it across?
23. Tom gave him a hard time.
24. We have a hard time pulling off one conference.
25. Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the icecold water you have drunk into tears.
26. do you understand the feeling of missing someone it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.
27. They reached the border where officials gave them a hard time.
28. I feel sorry for the kids, too - they've had a hard time.
29. I'm glad she's happy at last - she's had such a hard time.
30. Go easy on Peter for a while - he's having a hard time at school.
1. She had a hard time squeezing out.
2. I really had a hard time in the second round, the man I played against was too much for me.
3. The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.
4. Gary freaked out and had a very hard time of it.
31. Cynics will have a hard time taking this seriously.
32. He may have a hard time persuading lawmakers.
33. Yet Wakefield gave them a hard time throughout.
34. Even some high-tech companies had a hard time.
35. I'd like to be more forgiving. There are times when I've had a hard time forgiving people who have betrayed me. Amy Tan 
36. Sharing here goes to extremes that foreigners have a hard time comprehending.
37. They have a very hard time saying no to momentary pleasures, regardless of the risks or consequences.
38. Then agents have a hard time distinguishing illegal aliens from others, he said.
39. I have a hard time separating one statement resulting from torture from another and I can not in good conscience do so.
40. The Street Duties sergeant at the police station had given him a hard time.
41. Judges have a hard time trying to thread their way through the labyrinthine case law.
42. Frail and wheelchair-bound, Mr Packard had a hard time hearing the questions posed by reporters.
43. Each child may have a different reason or reasons for having a hard time paying attention.
44. As a baby she may have had a hard time holding her head up, for example.
45. Jody is having a hard time believing her good fortune.
46. Group Finance director Tim Allen said Amdega had a hard time in 1991, along with most firms in the consumer market.
47. Oh I guess Tuesday night was the first night I had a hard time sleeping.
48. When I first came here everyone gave me a really hard time, because I was the first woman to run a department.
49. Premature babies have a hard time even under the best of circumstances.
50. Mr Antonis is having a hard time getting his message of openness across to all the citizens of Antwerp.
51. But after getting low grades on my quizzes and papers-and a C in the class-I had a hard time.
52. She left the company because her boss was giving her a really hard time.
53. The poor old dear has been having a hard time of late.
54. Because I was older and a bit more staid I was going to have a hard time.
55. It was the larger, sweeter varieties that spread, and even they had a hard time of it.
56. Marx was so aggressive in his criticism of capitalism that we have a hard time listening to him.
57. That had been a hard time, Mrs Cruz said; there were three children and only hope to feed them on.
58. I have a hard time judging ages, but the baby looked about six months old.
59. I have a hard time eating meals when I should.
60. With this theme, I had a hard time working in math and science.
61. I tried to find the house but I had such a hard time, I decided to give up.
62. Schools around the state say they're having a hard time attracting and retaining teachers, especially in certain fields.
63. People of his generation often have a hard time with computers.
64. I4e was having a hard time still and his day was a steady stream of disappointments.
65. Anyone calling the 202 area code this weekend had a hard time getting through.
66. Even the birds have a hard time of it, and you and Mr..
67. I'm still having a hard time getting the company to pay me.
68. Many people have a hard time reconciling the wedding of their dreams with realistic costs.
69. The merry old woman had a hard time not laughing as they carried her into the coach.
70. To people in those days, relief meant temporary help in a hard time, until they could do better.
71. The crew gave him a hard time, and even the cast was cautious about him.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
72. Maybe Modigliani gave them a hard time, I don't know.
73. I was having a really hard time and I went down with Isabel and my dad.
74. He had had a very hard time indeed to persuade the King, but he had spared no pains.
75. The laughter had stopped a while ago and, ever since, Lydia's imagination had been giving her a hard time.
76. Watson had been given a hard time from the Wednesday crowd before those goals but is now hoping the tide has turned.
77. Early in the 1890s, physicians in California were having a hard time reconciling their scientific knowledge about leprosy with their sinophobia.
78. Go easy on Peter - he's having a hard time at school.
79. It's not my fault, John. Don't give me a hard time.
80. Her boss, Detective Hineline, is always giving her a hard time and she never gets really mad at him.
81. I had a hard time relaxing during the West Coast shutdown.
82. The staff had a hard time assuring him that is was all make-believe.
83. Stop giving me such a hard time. I'm doing my best.
84. The economy had suffered severe depression in the eariy 1960s and was having a hard time reviving.
85. By contrast, books such as Randi's have a hard time finding enthusiastic editors.
86. A lot of people are having a hard time making ends meet.
87. My mother gave me a really hard time about Freddy. She couldn't stand him.
88. People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. Thich Nhat Hanh 
89. Extradition is a terrifying prospect for drug traffickers, who fear hard time in U.S. prisons.
90. Problems he had a hard time learning how to solve.
91. Her stepdaughter was only twelve, still a child, and a child who had had a hard time.
92. They have a hard time learning even the simplest things.
93. Many parents have an especially hard time when their children are feeling sad and disappointed.
94. As a result of this, she had a very hard time giving birth, and I was blue.
95. If you wonder why people give you a hard time, it's because you write shit like this.
96. The innovation of Private Eye ensured that deference, if not quite dead, would henceforth have a hard time.
97. By Hugh Hebert COMEDY-thrillers could have a hard time without small black books that disappear containing the clue to mysterious fortunes.
98. This matter really gave him a hard time.
99. I have a hard time with my wife.
100. We had a hard time finding a ferry boat.
101. The hard time moulded his personality.
101. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
102. The world agrochemical industry is going into hard time.
103. If you are someone that has a hard time buying condoms, an online store such as CondomMan is a great answer.
104. When I watched the vituperative Mr. Hyde, I was sure there must be a Dr. Jekyll in there somewhere, but I was having a hard time finding him.
105. People with predisposed opinions about how their website should look can often have a hard time playing the give-and-take game with their ideas.
106. Patrol have a hard time trying to find us once we land.
107. But they have a hard time equating plural marriage with those evils.
108. I'll go hunting, fishing, boozing and card-playing when I want with my old buddies and don't you give me a hard time about it.
109. My wife has a hard time knowing which ear I can hear out of.
110. I wish they will hurry up and serve us. I am having a hard time keeping the conversation go.
111. EDWINSTOWE(), England - Robin Hood might have a hard time hiding out in the Sherwood Forest of today.
112. Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems.
113. If you can butter up your boss, he won't give you a hard time.
114. Besides rich guest website, spend the network video industry that counts venture capital investment to also want again " tighten pants chatelaine " too hard time.
115. Lottery pick and well-regarded sharp-shooter Stephen Curry has had a hard time living up to his reputation thus far in the pre-season.
116. I guess I'm having a hard time thinking about checkers today.
117. I had a hard time sleeping, and spent most nights in the den in the white reclining chair in which I'd watched Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech six years earlier.
118. In those years he had a very hard time making a living for his family.
119. Dairy farmer Alain Duchemain told French TV his cows are having a hard time finding enough grass for grazing.
120. Many system engineers have a hard time understanding their own workload or job behavior.
121. If kids have a hard time keeping up academically, they may need to drop an activity.
122. My English is far from prefect. I have a hard time with pronunciation.
123. Don't give me a hard time, boys. I'm trying to study.
124. "They say World Market, but it seemed like almost everything in there is from China, " she says. "They need to change the name to Cost Plus Chinese Market. You'd have a hard time shopping there.
125. "Personally, I suspect that a whole pack of full-grown T. rex would have a very hard time finding enough to eat," Longrich said.
126. Then I went to college, and my sorority sisters gave me a hard time about my scraggly nubs when it was time for rush.
127. On the other hand, if I wore the hair shirt too much, I would have a hard time convincing voters to give me another chance to serve.
128. If you're having a hard time vomiting, stick your index finger down your throat, which will trigger a puking episode.
129. Even the most starry-eyed techno-enthusiasts have a hard time imagining, say, a Boeing 787 built by 'mass collaboration.
130. He had a hard time to hold on to himself.
131. A high inflation rate imported hard time for the consumer.
132. Instead, the researchers said that both heavy Internet use, and nonuse,(/hard time.html) could serve as signals that a teenager was having a hard time.
133. For Mr. Gilb, a writer who has a hard time moving on to the next sentence if the previous one is not perfect, the stroke also threw his literary future into question.
134. In a quite hard time, we maintained very healthy financial standing.
135. That, and I have a hard time throwing away items that are still usable.
136. We had a hard time scraping up enough money for me to get down here.
137. In this specific case, without a fork, the Android project would have had a hard time achieving its goals (with regard to power management and more) in a commercially useful time.
138. He's screwing, not real steady... He's having a hard time maintaining serious air speed.
139. If you find yourself in a situation where plans are fluid and you're having a hard time keeping focused, try the following techniques.
140. Men have had a hard time for the last fifteen years. The women'smovement knocked the stuffing out of them.
141. Mr. Firestone, a 28-year-old software engineer, said he could try to get financing for a start-up from venture capital firms now, "but I feel like I'd be having a hard time. Here you get to learn."
142. If you're having a hard time imagining what an education in entrepreneurship should include, allow me to prime the pump with some lessons I've learned along the way.
143. Power strategies have a hard time buying high rune cost heroes and constructs, so there's only a fairly narrow band of costs that appeal to them.
144. Poor Jimmie is having a hard time peddling his bonds.
145. I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open just listening to it. It's like a special music.
146. Downing hopes the Boro faithful wouldn't give him a hard time if he does eventually return in opposition colours.
147. Do stepparents usually have a hard time winning the confidence of their stepchildren?
148. Researchers have long suspected that type 2 diabetes and depression were a two-way street, but had a hard time nailing it down.
149. Consumers had a hard time gaining confidence in the new ownership even after the Chinese acquirer decided to keep most of IBM’s original sales and technical supports teams.
150. The body has a hard time eliminating the bacteria completely, and natural immunity after a bout with the microbes lasts only about six months.
151. Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever changing, says David F. Dinges, chief of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine.
152. He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platform.
153. This is my hardest lesson, actually –as a college instructor, I meet so many new people every semester, and I have such a hard time keeping them all straight in my head.
153. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
154. Most of us will a hard time thinking of what gift to give on special events.
155. But a number of Presbyterian Church pastors are now supporting Ah-Bian. In terms of either religious doctrine or social justice, they are going to have a hard time justifying their conduct.
156. People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather.
157. Small wonder that it has had a hard time coping, particularly in such technophile cities as New York and San Francisco.
158. You can hardly imagine what a hard time your mother had when she was a child.
159. I think the crown princess had an unimaginably hard time due to the strong pressure, which is incomparable to us.
160. Condom told French radio there are few new orders for planes this year because airlines are having a hard time borrowing money from banks to finance new airplane purchases.
161. I know you're having hard time and I'm here to take care of you.
162. At the same time, we see an endless number of reports about what a hard time college grads are having finding a job.




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