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单词 Dull
1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 
2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 
3. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.
4. He had grown staid and dull.
5. His head hit the floor with a dull thud.
6. After a dull start, it should brighten up later.
7. She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
8. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.
9. The first half of the game was pretty dull.
10. Her eyes looked dull and sunken.
11. The work gets a bit dull at times.
12. A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.
13. I have a dull pain.
14. I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.
15. Life in a small town could be deadly dull.
16. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.
17. There's never a dull moment when John's around.
18. Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.
19. A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.
20. I abhor the dull routine of existence.
21. That was dull, wasn't it?
22. I felt she found me boring and dull.
23. The conference was deadly dull.
24. I am dull of hearing./dull.html
25. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
26. The room is dull.
27. The book was so dull that I didn't finish it.
28. My life is dull.
29. No, it was dull.
30. It is dull today.
1. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.
2. He had grown staid and dull.
3. His head hit the floor with a dull thud.
4. After a dull start, it should brighten up later.
5. She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
6. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.
7. The first half of the game was pretty dull.
8. Her eyes looked dull and sunken.
9. The work gets a bit dull at times.
10. A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.
11. I have a dull pain.
12. I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.
13. Life in a small town could be deadly dull.
14. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.
15. There's never a dull moment when John's around.
16. Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.
17. A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.
18. That was dull, wasn't it?
19. I felt she found me boring and dull.
20. I am dull of hearing.
21. The room is dull.
22. The book was so dull that I didn't finish it.
23. My life is dull.
24. No, it was dull.
25. It is dull today.
26. This type of bird is very inconspicuous because of its dull feathers.
27. Douglas has an undeserved reputation for being dull and dry.
28. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
29. His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep.
30. Hospitals always seem such impersonal places - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.
31. This type of bird is very inconspicuous because of its dull feathers.
32. Douglas has an undeserved reputation for being dull and dry.
33. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
34. His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep.
35. Hospitals always seem such impersonal places - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.
36. His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
37. There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.
38. She felt a dull ache in her right temple, heralding a migraine.
39. The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting.
40. Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
41. The knife is so dull that it will not cut.
42. There's always a dull period after the January sales.
43. Humour can help enliven a dull subject.
44. Today it will be dull and overcast.
45. It was dull and slightly drizzly as we left.
46. She brought sunshine into our dull lives.
47. She took drugs to dull the pain.
48. The job was dull and boring.
49. Bright curtains can cheer up a dull room.
50. The sky was dull, with a foreboding of rain.
51. The long lectures made the afternoon dull.
52. The gates shut with a dull thud .
53. Village life is too dull for me.
54. His job consists of dull ,[Sentencedict] repetitive work.
55. Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.
56. There's never a dull moment in this job.
57. He took drugs to dull pain.
58. Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.
59. She felt middle-aged and dull.
60. His dull speeches often underwhelm his audiences.
31. His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
32. There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.
33. She felt a dull ache in her right temple, heralding a migraine.
34. The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting.
35. The knife is so dull that it will not cut.
36. His job consists of dull , repetitive work.
37. Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation.
38. There was a dull red glow in the night sky above the steelworks.
61. My headache faded to a dull throbbing.
62. He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.
63. They often danced to relieve the dull evening.
64. Her eyes were dull with dark shadows beneath them.
65. Those books seem rather dull beside this one.
66. She gave me some medicine to dull the pain.
67. He drank some alcohol to dull the pain .
68. His letters are insufferably dull.
69. In my opinion, golf is a dull sport.
70. Homeless children sniff glue to dull their hunger pains.
71. Outside the weather was hazy and dull.
72. Let's jazz the party up,it's very dull.
73. As marriages go, it certainly wasn't dull.
74. The acting was dull and rather lifeless.
75. Don't sell into a dull market.
76. It's always dull and raining.
77. The gunfire rumbled like dull thunder.
78. The pain was dull but persistent.
79. The weekly meeting tends to be deadly dull .
80. The film was long and deadly dull.
81. I always found history as dull as ditchwater.
82. Rainey was an unimpressive, rather dull lecturer.
83. The play was dull beyond description.
84. The bird is dull brown and gray in colour.
84. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
85. The dull rumble of traffic woke her.
86. The coffin closed with a dull thud.
87. Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.
88. The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.
89. The stamp was a dull blue colour.
90. The endless rain seemed to dull all sound.
91. It was a dull, grey day.
92. It sounded pretty dull to me.
93. The party was stupefyingly dull.
94. The text was dull and formulaic.
95. It was a dull, cold February.
96. The story creaks along to a dull conclusion.
97. His parents were dull and inarticulate.
98. The gates shut behind him with a dull thud.
99. She found the work very dull.
100. She felt a dull ache at the back of her head.
101. I found the characters very two-dimensional, not to say dull.
102. He's very nice, but I find him rather dull and predictable.
103. Not being a mother, I found the chit-chat exceedingly dull.
104. The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has led to the alienation of many workers.
105. The second half of the game was dull by comparison with the first.
106. The pain, usually a dull ache,() gets worse with exercise.
107. The boy is a dolt , but we'll hammer these facts into his dull wits.
108. One sometimes feels that the label "classic" is applied to any book that is dull.
109. She was out of her element in this dull little town.
110. It is the picture itself that is the problem; so small, so dull. It's a nothing, really.
111. He answered all the lawyer's questions in a dull monotone.
112. Years of doing the same dull job can turn you into a machine.
113. His jokes provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
114. Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow.
115. Life in the country can be dull London is where all the action is.
116. For years[Sentencedict], he's plodded away at the same dull routine job.
117. The article is informative enough, but it's a bit dull - we need something to lift it.
118. He's a very worthy man, I suppose, but he's very dull.
119. A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.
120. Most gardens designed with children in mind are safe but dull.
121. The knife is dull.
122. Last week we had a hurricane. Never a dull moment running a hotel in the Caribbean .
123. A dull ache throbbed at the back of David's head.
124. Their media has earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting.
125. His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
126. She felt a dull flush of anger creeping into her face.
127. The ponderous reporting style makes the evening news dull viewing.
128. The chairman leavened the dull meeting with a few jokes.
129. Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.
130. Dancing is a dull business,I've never learned to enjoy it.
131. They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.
132. There were one or two passably funny jokes but it was mostly dull.
133. There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.
134. These houses look exactly like each other(), which makes the street look very dull.
135. The town is still trying to cast off its dull image.
136. The body's natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm.
137. He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches.
138. Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation.
139. The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull.
140. The book I've been reading is as dull as ditchwater, it has no story or any interest at all.
141. Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.
142. The party was so dull that it switched him off.
143. The table had a shiny surface, but underneath it was dull and rough.
144. There was a dull red glow in the night sky above the steelworks.
145. The silk cushions add colour to an otherwise dull room.
146. Although the subject-matter was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
147. The food was dull and uninteresting. It is more common to use a different word such as dull or boring.
148. The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.
149. The party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.
150. I heard a dull thud from the kitchen and realized she must have fainted.
151. It was rare for her to have an opportunity to discuss her dull, uneventful life.
152. The argument added a touch of drama to an otherwise dull day.
153. We could just see a dull glow given off by the fire's last embers.
154. I found it dull to split hairs over the privacy of a person who counted on one's card.
155. Never a dull moment, sitting around Fif's.
156. Dull people filled him with terror. Thomas Wolfe 
157. Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. Alfred Hitchcock 
158. It was simply a dull dot on a map.
159. No definite shape, rather dull colour.
160. These dull metals absorb the heat evenly and well.
161. There were dull thuds from the cargo hold.
162. Lisa felt a dull ache spreading up her arm.
163. I did not let the silver bowl get dull.
164. Never a dull moment in this establishment.
165. It ached an ugly, dull ache.
166. There was seldom a dull moment in our house.
167. The enamel has peeled off the taps like so much banana skin, revealing dull, patchy brass.
168. The big drawbacks are the blurred speech, tinkly background music and dull presentation.
169. Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
170. Rose was wearing a dull black cardigan over a black dress.
171. A dull grey winter Saturday morning was kept out by tall windows hung with faded velvet drapes.
172. The knife-blade was dull; it cut only because it was chipped in enough places for it to be saw-toothed(), jagged.
173. The man is dull silver like burnished dirt on the heel of a hand.
174. With or without heart trouble, Shelby wasn't a man to settle for a dull life.
175. Good plan-except the result is a pretty dull confection for anyone but ardent Depp and praline fans.
176. Using a dull knife, whisk or potato masher, cut in butter and grated rinds until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
177. As they approach London they let down through the shining white floor of cloud into a dull grey light.
178. They can perform simple administrative tasks which were previously both dull and expensive.
179. But how many dull moments may I have given my listeners?
180. Sleep away the tiredness and the dull ache inside his head, that was the thing to do.
181. Apart from a dull ache in his leg, Larsen has completely recovered from the crash.
182. Before his eyes dull muddy grass turned into soft reflective banks which caught the sun a thousand ways.
183. It was another dull day, but, suitably attired, she later went by taxi up to the house.
184. I am feeling much better, though there are many times when I feel a dull ache.
185. And, you know, there isn't one dull moment in the entire opera!
186. I have never taken the Financial Times, finding it dull, badly written and vulgarly obsessed with money.
187. In so far as she possibly can, she lets this great dull store of words speak for themselves, without addition to their number.
188. Such students may seem to lack initiative and may even be dismissed as dull.
189. The lake was below, the dull tinkle of cowbells came up to me.
190. If a painter wishes to paint a sombre portrait, he first covers the canvas entirely with a dull brown colour.
191. The weather might be dull, it might be drizzling,() but Broadstairs promenade had changed almost beyond recognition.
192. The study - by media consultants Billets - said the worst hit are ads between soccer, dull sitcoms and documentaries.
193. The brilliant colours make even the glossiest illustration seem dull by comparison.
194. The media are dull beyond belief because of the heavy censorship.
195. Her own visit to the cinema with an inarticulate young man from the West of Ireland seemed very dull by comparison.
196. The dull lights behind the large windows provide no comfort.
197. This season's TV shows are all pretty dull and derivative.
198. It is the sort of dull nitty-gritty subject believed to be vital for the survival of any self-respecting congressman.
199. It wasn't really very bad but it was a dull ache that made her realise she would never get to sleep.
200. But the stores group, Kingfisher shone out like a beacon in the dull market.
201. And their dull appearance is often accompanied by teaching methods that consist mostly of scribbling graphs on a blackboard.
202. The direct downward view is dull unless it contains another subject at an interim level, such as a kite.
203. The pain in her lower back subsided leaving a dull ache.
204. Jack Kemp would have to recommend that tax brackets be compressed to as low as 10 percent to dull their allure.
204. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
205. Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream Mother-Goose-world, Alice-in-Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life? Sylvia Plath 
206. Think penitent ... and in less capable hands, downright dull.
207. Two dull cracks resounded as bullets bored through the ceiling.
208. Even the most interesting of jobs will have its fair share of dull moments, for there is drudgery in every job.
209. The dull light cast thick shadows in the small room where her brother-in-law had worked.
210. For wholefood enthusiasts, I would recommend buckwheat pasta rather than wholemeal, which I think is rather dull in flavour and texture.
211. After all, the only thing more boring than being dull is being dull and right.
212. For example, the days of dull, impenetrable forms that seemed designed to obscure rather than to convey information are passing.
213. It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Mark Twain 
214. His existence had been particularly dull, holding down brief part-time work selling clothes in Manchester's underground fashion world.
215. Regrettably, neither these nor any other conflicts emerge with any conviction from 7:84's dull and disappointing production.
216. They felt nothing but a dull ache in their backs.
217. Don't live a dull boring life. Spice it up. You don't have too much of it left. RVM 
218. I could see the Emporium, the two churches, the dull gold dome of the courthouse.
219. I had the feeling I was disappointing him, and it filled me with a dull continuous inner chest pain.
220. It looks like a two-minute painting: four dull green brushstrokes run close to the painting's edge, reiterating the rectangle.
221. Reports are commonly prosaic, dull, pompous and patronising and written with selfish disregard for the reader.
222. She watched the bright spark of the spear approaching, and felt nothing but a dull kind of relief.
223. It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad 
224. She lay, apathetic, dull as the lustreless droop of her hair on the pillows.
225. Too many evergreens can look boring, so plant just a few choice ones to add colour to dull areas.
226. If you want a beastly dull wedding party, don't bring Lulu.
227. Her long blonde hair, freshly washed, seemed to glow in the dull light from the chandeliers.
228. Men do not escape from life because life is dull, but life escapes from men because men are little. Thomas Wolfe 
229. Business is deplorably dull.
230. Your face will be more likely to have a dull complexion, with podgy, sagging cheeks and double chin.
231. He's a deadly dull little man as far as I can see.
232. He did not find her amusing, and she found him quite disastrously dull.
233. He watched Richard in the mirror, newly combed hair oddly neat against unshaven chin and eyes dull with tiredness.
234. Polly described herself as a feminist, a socialist and an anarchist,[http:///dull.html] which of course made her an extremely dull conversationalist.
235. Except for the burial at sea of a woman travelling to meet her husband, it was a dull voyage.
236. Suppose, for example, you regularly attend a weekly meeting which tends to be deadly dull.
237. There was certainly never a dull moment in our section of the Waafery.
238. It has been substantially altered in later periods and has a largely classical, dull exterior.
239. It seemed that here, there was never any spring, only wind and rain and the dull ache of loss.
240. The rising sun slowly turns the drab greys and dull browns of the mountains to patches of pale gold and dusty pinks.
241. In full kit with helmets a dull grey, they stamped on three abreast.
242. The dull Mr Breitschwerdt disappeared into early retirement and Mr Reuter took his place.
243. There was George - dull, dreary George - sprawled full-length on the settee, his nose deep in a book as usual.
244. If your body skin looks dull, removing dead skin with an abrasive glove can make a big difference./dull.html
245. It starts as a dull ache that gradually evolves into a severe throbbing pain, centering in the frontal and temporal regions.
246. More significant, she used ten words where two would do, creating dull, unwieldy documents.
247. It was a dull, empty ache which never really went away.
248. Her voice was shaky, her eyes had become round and dull with astonishment.
249. We drive through mountains and then out along a dull coast road.
250. Following this they release blood into their eyes which turns them a dull red colour.




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