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单词 Justifiably
1. He was justifiably proud of his achievements.
2. The university can be justifiably proud of its record.
3. Their record on human rights has been justifiably criticized.
4. The reader may justifiably feel uneasy with all this.
5. Although justifiably most famous for the coast path there are plenty of other outdoor activities to enjoy in Pembrokeshire.
6. At least this time he could justifiably claim to be doing so in a higher cause than that of his own political survival.
7. The prevalent analyses of causation seem justifiably only to allow events and possibly agents as causes.
8. Noisy environment Quite justifiably, hospitals have been labelled as noisy environments.
9. They loved talking about themselves and were justifiably proud of their expertise.
10. Surrey ambulance staff have always been justifiably proud of their quality of delivery to the community.
11. The company and employees should be justifiably proud to demonstrate their skills and sense of purpose at any time.
12. Voice over Hay's booksellers justifiably boast that they cater for all tastes.
13. Soll is justifiably proud of its enormous sporting and leisure complex.
14. Journalists and economists justifiably bemoan the obscene compensation packages awarded to corporate officers.
15. He was justifiably proud of this splendid work which he rightly considered to be his main literary achievement.
16. The University can be justifiably proud of its achievements in this respect.
17. Is the company bribing or justifiably promoting their product?
18. The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.
19. The Japanese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.
20. White of Ticonderoga Securities could justifiably be unnerved by the example of Microsoft (MSFT) at the end of 1999 as the tech boom neared its peak.
21. The Lord's anger was justifiably stirred against Israel for their disobedience and faithlessness .
22. Given the serious clinical ramifications, most attention has been justifiably directed at determining whether antihypertensive treatments are carcinogenic.
23. But the formula which brought them together was widely, and justifiably, condemned as unwieldy and tedious.
24. It took several attempts to get it right, but in the end I felt justifiably proud of my literary effort.
25. I am about to have my first encounter with the sort of backstabbing and intrigue for which investment bankers are Justifiably renowned.
26. The Medau Society remains a caring Society and is justifiably proud of its standards.
27. George is quite realistic throughout the book and is in some cases, justifiably pessimistic.
28. Then those companies which impressed the judges will be justifiably lauded for their efforts.
29. Thus different criteria for the measurement of nation-al treatment obligations should be justifiably employed in cases of like products and directly competitive products.
30. Core Strength has become the focus of many exercise programs today, and justifiably so.
31. The Tai Long Wan coast nearby showcases a breathtaking coastal landform of volcanic rocks, and justifiably rated as No. 1 of "Top Ten Hong Kong Natural Attractions" many times.
32. Some of our neighbours quite justifiably find us overbearing, boastful and condescending towards them.
33. But justifiably so, the taxpayer gets very worried about programs that aren't targeted.
34. However, despite the disappointment, Kuyt maintains the Reds players can justifiably be proud of their efforts.
35. There General Walters would come aboard to greet me, justifiably beaming with pride at his arrangement.
36. He thought that it was something of which he could justifiably boast.
37. They suggest that the advice, justifiably or not, comes across to us as one-upmanship, or assertion of dominance, or criticism, or distrust, or failure to consider our own unique goals and priorities.
38. Beijing is justifiably confident that its purpose-built Olympics infrastructure, including a $430m stadium resembling a bird's nest of steel, will be ready in time.
39. Alec Jeffreys, the genetics professor who invented DNA fingerprinting in 1984 and went on to help police crack the Pitchfork case, is justifiably proud of his discovery.
40. Or is it a filthy indulgence, a manufactured monstrosity for which we should justifiably be taxed?
41. Representative of the image of the Oriental woman, it is justifiably recognized a flawless product.
42. He is justifiably bitter.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 8:28:02