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单词 As opposed to
1 This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.
2 200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.
3 I am here on business as opposed to a holiday.
4 Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.
5 We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.
6 I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as opposed to September.
7 200 people attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.
8 I happen to do women as opposed to men.
9 What of artistic creation as opposed to contemplation?
10 The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.
11 Functional as opposed to philosophical rationality is experienced by men and women in work, by government and through bureaucracy.
12 Addictive disease, as opposed to physiological addiction, it is not a significant potential risk for all human beings.
13 The primary focus is on the social, as opposed to the economic and technological features of competition.
14 A qualified audit report, as opposed to an unqualified report, should leave the reader in no doubt as to its meaning and implications.
15 For health - as opposed to fashion - reasons, there is a 2-stone range of ideal weight for your height.
16 Both damp and condensation were more prevalent among public, as opposed to private, houses.
17 Greenways will introduce revolutionary new traffic regulations, setting out what can be done, as opposed to what is prohibited.
18 First, we assume that visionary leadership is a dynamic, interactive phenomenon, as opposed to a unidirectional process.
19 It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent, as opposed to treat, prostate cancer.
20 It's also important to note how important the affective, as opposed to merely informational or propositional component of conversation is.
21 The approach to development is dictated by paperwork requirements as opposed to the needs and opportunities which actually exist.
22 I also put on the real Sperzel locking tuning pegs as opposed to the fake ones that Fender are making now.
23 Unitary Because all legislative power stems from Parliament, we have a unitary as opposed to a federal constitution.
24 Learning, singing, and praying are rolled up into one: catechesis, as opposed to dialogue or concerned interest for religious matters.
25 It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.
26 Analysts believe that the healthy results can be attributed to an increase in trade as opposed to interest rate fluctuations.
27 This is not cheap: housing costs eat up 44% of a typical wage-earner's income, as opposed to 14% in the 1950s.
28 So reality is portrayed as a series of crises and cliff-hanger plotlines, as opposed to the plodding process of daily life.
29 Of those surveyed, 58.6% preferred to take one or two long breaks as opposed to several short weekend breaks.
30 It shows a lack of regard for the other individual's reasoning capabilities, as opposed to their sensual qualities.
31 First, as a support for services that have a national or general significance as opposed to being of simply local concern.
32 No one doubts that they remain guesses; but what would constitute an intelligent as opposed to an unintelligent guess?
33 Of the 92 cases resolved during the year, only three had to go to informal arbitration as opposed to agreed settlement.
34 He created the classroom method of teaching, as opposed to one-on-one instruction, then founded numerous schools.
35 Jones will face a special court-martial, as opposed to a general court-martial, which is used for more serious offenses.
36 It stumbled commercially, reaching only No. 28, as opposed to the No. 2 peak of the first album.
37 The tax system favors the very rich as opposed to ordinary working people.
37 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
38 As opposed to writing: Dickens, of course, completed the last double instalment of Martin Chuzzlewit in the middle of June 1844.
39 The rowdier element worked for licensed dealers, as opposed to stockbrokers.
40 The classification exercise provides another arena for the conflicting points of view as to the relative importance of good people as opposed to good systems.
41 His address book; the clothes he'd bought with his own money as opposed to hers; his spare spectacles; his cigarettes.
42 There is the difficult issue of whether use as opposed to disclosure constitutes breach.
43 And he was right in attributing importance to ideas as opposed to the simple influence of pecuniary vested intereSt.
44 Moreover, the arable land is more suited to collective as opposed to subsistence farming.
45 Just under 30 percent of black trainees obtain work as opposed to just over 45 percent of their white counterparts.
46 The visits to the colleges provided a much wider perspective on the provision of accounting courses as opposed to the narrow single college viewpoint.
47 Peregrines were investigated less intensively than kestrels because of their known preference for birds as opposed to mammalian prey.
48 But if you own stocks, as opposed to funds, you yourself can decide when you want to incur those taxes.
49 There is an even greater need for good advice, particularly away from the headlines, in agreed as opposed to hostile transactions.
50 The rule only applies where the subsequent abuse is a positive wrongful act as opposed to an omission.
51 Total forest cover amounts to just over 64 million hectares - as opposed to the previously-quoted official figure of 75 million.
52 Their business now is to provide banking and financial services to the corporate as opposed to personal sectors.
53 More specifically, it was the daughters, as opposed to spouse carers, who were upset by the reduced social contact.
54 Only 112 county court claims were issued in the week as opposed to around 1,000 the week before, she added.
55 There are no details on the number of dependents, as opposed to claimants of housing benefit.
56 They use ink as opposed to the plastic toner used by lasers.
57 See, e-mail is a baked potato chip as opposed to a greasy, fried one.
58 Playing sport as opposed to watching professional football was identified with acceptance of school authority.
59 Moving from insects to reptiles to mammals, the importance of learned, as opposed to genetically determined, behaviour gradually increases.
60 Testers will need a direct connection to the Internet, as opposed to the dial-up connections popular with home Internet subscribers.
61 The key here is a painted surface as opposed to a wood finish, which is oh-so-passe.
62 The mindset is to go after the person complaining, as opposed to the issue.
63 Thus, it is assumed that a test of linguistic ability actually measures language as opposed to some other characteristic.
64 True to this tone, Tom's tape is scientific analysis as opposed to bedtime bogeyman stories.
65 The present government's urban policies have emphasized the role of market forces as opposed to any sort of systematic planning.
66 Individual desks are the norm, as opposed to tables, lounge chairs, or work stations.
67 Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.
68 Another useful preliminary distinction is that between external control over sentencing discretion as opposed to self-regulation practised by sentencers themselves.
69 Another point is to give the medication on a scheduled as opposed to an as-needed basis.
70 Of the ethnic minority population, 10.8 percent had been the victims of assault as opposed to 5.5 percent of whites.
71 Verbal, as opposed to written, reports give you more freedom to exploit your captive audience.
72 I had been sold an older slot A Athlon as opposed to a socket A Thunderbird.
73 A commonly cited example of defensive medicine is the rise in the number of caesarean section births, as opposed to natural births.
74 Melville uses the eyes of the whale to suggest something of the duality of nature as opposed to the Singularity of man.
75 There was a general acceptance of the need for further and continuing training with greater emphasis on efficient production as opposed to increased production.
76 Nor is the offence under section 5 expressed to be committed by the distribution of offensive matter, as opposed to its display.
77 Also, the number of professional staff as opposed to number crunchers, has increased.
78 Buchanan was everywhere in the days before the primary, as opposed to Bob Dole who pretty much stiffed the state.
79 A bait dropper, as opposed to a swimfeeder, has limitations.
80 Let the stretch the absolute from your leg as opposed to being your leg.
81 It was really liberating to finally put my destiny in the hands of millions of people, as opposed to ten people.
82 Directed by Robert Egan, the players are virtually doing solo work as opposed to creating a fluid ensemble.
83 The muscles involved in such tremors and twitches are skeletal, as opposed to cardiac or smooth muscle.
84 Samuel argued strongly and persuasively in favour of a National as opposed to a purely Conservative Government, and considerably influenced a receptive King.
85 It is important to stress that the Chewong do not conceptualise specifically male characteristics as opposed to female ones.
86 Fielding said that Lorne had even floated the idea that Gary and Doug should be brothers, as opposed to father and son.
87 It is not uncommon for a government backbencher to support his select committee as opposed to a ministerial view.
88 Improvements to rented property may raise rents to the detriment of the producers as opposed to the landowners.
89 The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.
90 This tension between change and continuity is the key to understanding the inner meaning as opposed to the outward form of working-class sport.
91 The policy of the United Kingdom is now not to confer recognition on governments as opposed to on states.
92 The Vendor should not be required to give representations, as opposed to warranties.
93 Such accounts dismiss any notion of reproduction and treat consumption as wholly, as opposed to relatively, autonomous.
94 Hence he attaches importance to spending more of the government's research cash in industry as opposed to within the government's own establishments.
95 Unlike younger age groups those over retirement age are usually actual home owners as opposed to holding a mortgage.
96 Broadly speaking, elite analysis directs the researcher's attention towards socio-political determination as opposed to economic determination.
97 He has to weigh up the possibility of a conviction for something, as opposed to the accused walking free.
98 But thinness, as opposed to slimness, also carries connotations of weightlessness and emptiness.
99 The squarish wings, as opposed to the swept, triangular variety, suggests A-10s or 37 fighter-trainers.
100 When filing, use a disposable emery board as opposed to a metal file.
101 Internment - as opposed to prisoners-of-war camps - has a unique sociological flavour.
102 He gave a ten-year prison sentence for this as opposed to two years for one of the rapes of women.
103 First, we will need to consider the relative merits of selling the assets of the business as opposed to the shares.
104 In the meantime task forces are trying to collect accurate data on actual hours worked as opposed to contracted hours.
105 The distinction between a racial group as opposed to a religious one is by no means clear cut.
106 As opposed to Western art, tribal art is more conceptual, much less conditioned by visual appearances.
107 The black dropout rate citywide was 50 percent, as opposed to 13 per-cent for whites.
108 We may call this a disparity of structure, as opposed to Bach's, which could be termed a referential disparity.
109 This practice was very widespread in Kursk as opposed to the Smolensk guberniia.
110 There are some potential disadvantages of using biopsy specimens as opposed to epithelial cell preparations for metabolic studies.
111 Can an ombudsman serve the public interest as opposed to the institutional interests of his paper?
112 The preference for directives as opposed to regulations for environmental matters has also been repeatedly expressed.
113 The monetary value of the lamp, as opposed to its humanitarian value, was greatly appreciated by all the major principals concerned.
114 What is so special about higher education as opposed to any other part of the educational system?
115 Much of the critical antipathy towards the Reeve derives from the ingestion of such prejudice as opposed to detached examination of it.
116 And, of course, it might signify compassion as opposed to stern authority.
117 But I take your point that in the studio you tend to play by yourself, as opposed to with four other people.
118 Shift the context and the same men become insiders as opposed to outsiders such as catholics and, presumably, even castle catholics.
119 This is known as replacement cost accounting as opposed to historic cost accounting when the original cost is retained.
120 As opposed to Ralph, who, head tilted, mouth slack, looked for all the world like some one in love.
121 This ruling mirrored the previous one but applied to occupational pension schemes as opposed to the then state retirement ages.
122 Veblen's central thesis was that emulation took the form of engaging in a conspicuous way in honorific as opposed to merely useful pursuits.
123 Over the last 20 years people have been buying as opposed to renting and once they own something they want to keep it separate.
124 The food price trend, as opposed to short-term fluctuations, over the war years was in the region of plus 65-85 percent.
125 The problem involves classical physics, as opposed to quantum physics.
126 There is no evidence that reductions in public spending, as opposed to private consumption, would lead to increases in investment.
127 Thus Innocent made four of his relatives cardinals, as opposed to Celestine's creation of only one.
128 For Athenian citizens at least, theirs was a society governed by persuasion and consensus as opposed to force and coercion.
129 The White Paper proposes closing just 12 pits, as opposed to the 31 originally scheduled, with a further six to be mothballed.
130 Civil rights, as opposed to political rights, may be as much as can be hoped for.
131 What you do have to understand is what motivates a customer to buy a small green apple as opposed to a large red one.
132 Lesbian and gay liberation is perceived as doing so, because liberation. as opposed to rights, threatens the position of the heterosexual family.
133 So, try wholemeal rather than white bread and fruit juice as opposed to squash.
134 As opposed to the hours and hours she seemed to stand outside of something deeper than mere marriage.
135 With occasional exceptions the new departmental committees have worked in a parliamentary spirit as opposed to a party spirit.
136 With regard to housing development in, as opposed to around, North Shields, the same is true with one qualification.
137 Our results demonstrate that these systems are genuinely 3-D superconductors as opposed to lower-dimensional or granular superconductors.
138 Liquid cooling efficiencies as opposed to air cooling.
139 She says she can teach people to memorize the Dvorak layout in about 20 minutes, on average, as opposed to 45 minutes for the standard.
140 It offered 24 characters all pronounceable as opposed to over 400 symbols that only a small percentage represented sounds and the rest were ideograms .
141 A gift (as opposed to gainful employment) allows his best friend, Captain Haddock, to buy back his family's ancestral mansion.
142 In the performance puzzler, I attributed Benchmark's sane results to the fact that it measures task's steady-state execution profile, as opposed to the initial performance.
143 At around 9 pm, the captain and crew of the Liberty, who were as opposed to paying British taxes as John Hancock, imprisoned the tidewaiter on the sloop.
144 Never did I see a shred of evidence that financial profits for industry, as opposed to epidemiological and virological data, influenced WHO decisions.
145 Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies.
146 A network designed for transfering data encoded as digital signals, as opposed to a voice network, which transmits analog signals.
147 "Task and decision sessions are the focus [of the new engine], " said Mr. Tinter, as opposed to more simple navigational searches.
148 Attacks involving roadside I.E.D.s (improvised explosive) or suicide bombings are the norm as opposed to armies that once clashed directly—and not infrequently decisively—with each other.
149 This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views.
150 In this short tutorial you will be learning to use OIS's buffered input as opposed to the unbuffered input we used last tutorial.
151 You have allowed the person you’re angry at to gain control of your life because you are reacting, which is a position of weakness, as opposed to forgiving, which is a position of Christlike strength.
152 One method of inferring phylogeny is to pinpoint primitive as opposed to advanced characters.
153 Its latest energy outlook, released last month, says only that conventional oil (as opposed to hard-to-extract sources like Canada's tar sands) is "projected to reach a plateau sometime before" 2030.
154 Cook seems to have been the first to coin the term 'speciation' for the splitting of lineages or 'cladogenesis, ' as opposed to ' anagenesis ' or 'phyletic evolution' occurring within lineages.
155 Some reports noted a distinction between those accused of political, as opposed to nonpolitical, crimes and claimed that the government offered trials and lawyers only to the latter.
156 They found that 77 per cent of patients receiving doxycycline were negative for Brugia malayi after one year, as opposed to 27 per cent that had received diethylcarbamazine and albendazole.
157 Next reconnect with yourself, your at-home self as opposed to your work self.Sentence dictionary
158 "If they feel we'd be less likely to suspect a high-end ship as opposed to one of the fly-by-night cruise liners, they'd use that route," he added.
159 Proof of this can be found in the weekly television program ratings that show the lack of popularity of educational programs as opposed to the appeal of the situation comedy or inane game show.
160 Many small businesses are structured as "pass-through" entities, such as S corps and limited liability companies (as opposed to C corporations, as publicly traded firms are).
161 The academic part would have liked more precise definitions of the concepts of disavowal and vertical split, as opposed to other defense mechanisms, and references to the research literature.
162 This work explained how to develop systems in small increments, prioritized according to risk, as opposed to using the more traditional sequential, single-pass, waterfall model.
163 The most flavorsome almonds are bitter almonds (as opposed to "sweet" almonds).
164 Vertical resolution of reflection seismic record is better to horizontal resolution as opposed to other geophysical methods.
165 These types of imports, which are used as parts and not sold directly to consumers, are called "intermediate goods, " as opposed to "final goods."
166 A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film.
167 Selected by Israel from among the 6,000-odd Palestinians it holds in its jails for terrorist (as opposed to mundanely criminal) offences, they are to be freed in two months' time.
168 The source library is a file with a .tlb extension, as opposed to a .dll extension.
169 Another advantage is that it can be easier to calculate the testing effort required (as opposed to exploratory testing, which is often only bounded by available time).
170 Try to find a way to show your employer that you are a striver, as opposed to a settler.
171 There was further provision for four notices of "definite" (as opposed to "approximate") redelivery date.
172 Its components rely on interfaces and abstract classes as opposed to concrete ones, as they would in a tightly coupled system.
173 Fifty-three percent of women talk to their friends about what's stressing them out, as opposed to 29 percent of men.
174 ASEAN does, albeit ineffectually, now set some standards of behaviour for its members, as opposed to tiptoeing fastidiously away from their "internal affairs".
175 Russia said that without new forestry accounting methods it would only be able to cut overall emissions by 15%, as opposed to the 30% conditional pledge it made at Copenhagen.
176 As a merchant bank, we cater solely for corporate customers as opposed to private clients.
177 Also, when re-arming despite an increase in payload, the Vindicator reloads its 3 bombs in 3 seconds as opposed to its 2 bombs in 4 seconds.
178 The Chinese move to suspend southbound passenger and cargo traffic on the Mekong from Yunnan Province is mainly a political symbol, as opposed to an economic sanction.
179 Net revenue / Gross Revenue would be in the 15% range, as opposed to the 30-40% range that is currently enjoyed by the market.
180 As opposed to constructive possession. When the owner of a property occupies the property on a day-to-day basis.
181 An account is used to require a margin deposit from investors who are involved in short selling, as opposed to buying on margin.
182 This is called full duplex operation, as opposed to half duplex for traditional CSMA/CD operation.
183 There is still debate about the surgical treatment of myelopathy anteriorly as opposed to posteriorly.
184 With the revival of cities, the merchant class formed their own values as opposed to those of the then society.
185 They are the basis of unconditional prophecies, as opposed to conditional scientific predictions.
186 All are inoffensive as opposed to products of methane, carbon dioxide formed under strictly anaerobic conditions.
187 MSD Buff is now lasting 5 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds. MSD now affects Evocation.
187 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188 An estimated 90 percent to 95 percent of the new cases are type 2 diabetes as opposed to type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes.
189 Only 15 percent of the MDMA-treated subjects continued to experience PTSD afterward, as opposed to 85 percent of the subjects who received psychotherapy with a placebo.
190 None of the buprenorphine patients were deemed to have "failed" their treatment, as opposed to about 31 percent of those not getting the medication.
191 As opposed to Andrew Bynum, Derek Fisher, Lamar Odom and Luke Walton?
192 The report quotes embryologist Professor Henry Leese, suggesting that little is known about the development of the human embryo in a living organism as opposed to a test tube.
193 To start with, Buss has to handle it as opposed to letting it handle him.
194 Meeting the vaccine needs of all countries in a preservative-free single-dose format, as opposed to multi-dose presentations, would require a significant increase in manufacturers' filling capacity.
195 "Blackwash" (as opposed to "whitewash") is to uncover or bring out in the light.
196 One of the attractions of masters programmes, as opposed to the MBA, is their comparative cheapness.
197 Generally, intellectual property is intangibles created by intellectual effort as opposed to physical effort.
198 Voice radio, as opposed to wireless telegraphy, was first successfully tried in 1906, but the first broadcasting stations were opened in 1920, after the war.
199 A third rationale is that rulemaking characteristically turns on " legislative facts " as opposed to " adjudicative facts. ".
200 You are more sure of your sexual needs in this age group and thus more likely to insist on passion play as opposed to a mere making out session.
201 The technique outlined below involves parallel cameras (as opposed to toe-in) and as such creates optimal stereo pairs without vertical parallax.
202 An amplifying type ( or analog ) device, as opposed to digital device.
203 The insurance company calculated the median value for a woman's contribution to the home is closer to $34,000, as opposed to just over $19,000 for a man.
204 This means that everyone will be in contact with a device that radiates life-enhancing energy as opposed to your present devices which harm your life force.
205 How does a poem change when you read it out loud as opposed to it being on the page?
206 He is a much better fast break guard as opposed to court offense type of guard.
207 Flat-bed scanner A scanner with a flat platen, where the original can be placed flat, rather like a photocopier, as opposed to one with a scanning drum.
208 The Chinese insist that sport must not be tarnished by politics (as opposed to commercial advertising).
209 After comparing theories in respect of safety standards, the author analyzes the related rights as opposed to the undertaking of safe port.
210 Constitutionally liberal states (as opposed to totalitarian ones) separate legislative (law-making), executive (law-upholding) and judicial (law-interpreting) functions.
211 Especially, as opposed to the traditional automata, the limiting behavior of the proposed algorithm possesses both absorbing barriers and ergodicity.
212 The collection is based on Slim-fit forms, with pagoda shoulders, trendsetting braids, and with shorter garments as opposed to new morning coats and tail coats.
213 Due to the application of statistical techniques-by-one, as opposed to the old dragon and tiger Kanpan accuracy greatly enhanced.
214 Mr Obama has promised a Rooseveltian strategy to rebuild America's infrastructure, but he is careful to talk about active as opposed to big government.
215 HOT TYPE : Foundry type and linecaster slugs as opposed to cold type.
216 A fresh orange , please, ie real orange juice as opposed to orangeade or orange squash.
217 Furthermore, as opposed to its corresponding normal counterpart, the sentence with the locative subject receives an additional valency element,(http:///as opposed to.html) which in turn makes the monovalent verb bivalent.
218 These measures indicate clinically defined testosterone deficiency, referred to as hypogonadism, as opposed to a tailing off in levels of the hormone as a result of ageing.
219 Simulation results show that the spectrum sensing performance under AWGN channels is improved and the communication traffic is also reduced as opposed to the conventional method.
220 A further premium is also paid for the highest-quality air-dried staves (as opposed to kiln-dried) and expert cooperage.
221 Automatic information retrieval system, automatic as opposed to manual and information as opposed to data or fact.
222 Atom also accepts more state-of-the-art (and standardized) date formatting, relying on Request for Comments (RFC) 3339 as opposed to RSS's RFC 822.
223 An account requiring a margin deposit from investors who are involved in short selling, as opposed to buying on margin.
224 Independent refiners, as opposed to integrated companies that also produce crude oil, are particularly vulnerable given that they have no upstream operations to provide feedstock.
225 Narrow-angle cameras, as opposed to wide-angle cameras, are equipped to photograph specific details in an area of interest.
226 And it's especially ugly if you want to use member functions as the event handlers, as opposed to static extern functions.
227 Is the receipt of currency, as opposed to checks and drafts, insignificant?
228 Abnormal enhancement is not seen in PMD as opposed to some demyelinating disorders such as adrenal leukodystrophy in which enhancement is seen at the periphery of the active demyelination.
229 The principal focus of the program should be on the control of hazards and the reduction of risks, as opposed to merely satisfying regulations.
230 As opposed to the uncorrupted purism of my grandmother, Mama's language was the loosest popular slang.
231 A quantitative value representing the subjective rating or opinion of users reacting to seeing or using a system, as opposed to performance measures like task completion time or number of errors.
232 But her father, who is quite as opposed to such flummery as I, says that can be cured.
233 It is described here as an achene because it is indehiscent, as opposed to a typical, dehiscent follicle.
234 It deploys and manipulates those gross constituent units of thought in the ways that we saw, but notice what Levi-Strauss is saying in that essay as opposed to the passage Derrida has just quoted.
235 This heating is extremely efficient and can convert about 50% of the mass energy of an object into radiation, as opposed to nuclear fusion which can only convert a few percent of the mass to energy.
236 He said the leading cause of bird deaths over all, as opposed to the catbird fledglings in the study, remained collisions with buildings, windows and towers, followed by predators.
237 The interface of choice is the C run time routines, as opposed to WIN32 APIs, and routines conforming to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) threads for simplicity and clarity.
238 The novel is meant to emphasize the need for cooperative, as opposed to individualistic, solutions to social problems brought about by the mechanization of agriculture and the Dust Bowl drought.
239 This technology of web services offers the industry the promise of selling software based on a fee-for-usage model as opposed to the typical shrink-wrapped approach.
240 The term flatfile refers to any file stored on a file system, as opposed to a more complex set of files, such as those in a structured database.
241 In Korea people eat short-grained rice, as opposed to the long-grained Indian rice.
242 Magistrate who is not usually a qualified lawyer ( as opposed to a stipendiary magistrate ).
243 This is the first time anyone in the world has made pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells (as opposed to germline cells such as sperm and eggs) from an ungulate (an animal that has hooves).
244 You might as well emerge at some future point as the owner of income-generating systems as opposed to a lifelong wage slave.
245 Thus, inactivation of NF2, often combined with the presence of macro-mutation on 22q, is likely not as important for the development of the meningothelial subtype, as opposed to the fibroblastic form.




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