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单词 Conspicuously
1) Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
2) Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
3) Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.
4) Johnston's name was conspicuously absent from the list.
5) Tom was conspicuously lacking in enthusiasm for the idea.
6) She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue.
7) The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.
8) Members of the Catholic church were conspicuously absent.
9) But past controversies were conspicuously absent this weekend.
10) Until now the international community has been conspicuously silent.
11) Morality and accountability are conspicuously absent.
12) Young women of conspicuously marriageable age never sat there.
13) Yet one grouping was conspicuously absent from these campaigns.
14) But it is conspicuously absent so far.
15) Other collections have been more conspicuously tendentious than this.
16) The Treasury, however, conspicuously failed to bring a bottle to this party.
17) The process of reproduction is still conspicuously missing from most discussions of economic affairs, as the following passage typifies.
18) It is dangerous to be too conspicuously successful, or to step out of line.
19) Dave Libbey, another top-flight ref, has been conspicuously absent since his return from an early season injury.
20) Red-heads dive constantly like grebes, but have conspicuously whiter cheeks, and are also much whiter than other small diving ducks.
21) Fiver and Pipkin, limping behind the others, and conspicuously under-sized and tired, were being attacked by the crow.
22) Although the Mandate was created by agreement, treaty arguments are conspicuously absent from the Court's reasoning in these two cases.
23) What should we do when confronted with claims which are conspicuously at odds with the general run of experience?
24) When she is ready to be mounted by the male she conspicuously moves her tail over to one side.
25) Major award schools, on the other hand, started from a conspicuously lower threshold of library provision and use.
26) Stories of substance, new and old alike,[http:///conspicuously.html] are often conspicuously absent.
27) That is why I began with the hill towns: for they wear so much, so conspicuously, on their face.
28) Feminist arguments in favour of day nurseries were also conspicuously absent.
29) Floating forms are very varied in shape; under optimal conditions a conspicuously grassy green globular form develops.
30) This is a very peculiar but decorative plant which in submersed form differs conspicuously from the other members of the family.
1) Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
2) Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
31) For women this is good news, because they are conspicuously absent from the Official Future.
32) Rison was conspicuously absent from much of the Jaguars' game plan.
33) They soon spread to a variety of habitats, but in the Palaeozoic they were conspicuously abundant in relatively shallow environments.
34) And, once again, the big names have been conspicuously absent from the upper half of the performance table.
35) On the complex differences of social class, gender and ethnicity, Ramp ton was conspicuously silent.
36) The Democrats have fallen into Republican snares, most conspicuously with the strange case of Rep.
37) Each we loved in conspicuously different ways, but as sure as we knew them we did love them.
38) Not to mention the fact that he has been conspicuously faithless to me.
39) Intelligence did not figure. largely in anything he did and was often conspicuously absent.
40) Conspicuously absent was Mr Ruslan Khasbulatov, the abrasive and ambitious Speaker, whose manoeuvring led to the latest crisis.
41) But conspicuously missing from their agenda was campaign finance reform.
42) The charm - that demon glitter of narrowed eyes which had given the lie to all previous insults - was conspicuously absent.
43) Sovereign - wealth funds, meanwhile, have been conspicuously absent.
44) The red flag rose conspicuously over the beautiful city.
45) France remained a conspicuously uneasy country.
46) The usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent.
47) Display the process documents conspicuously at each location where they are used.
48) The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc.
49) Hazard zones should be conspicuously cordoned off with surveyors tape or Fire Line tape.
50) The ads he is financing this weekend refer pointedly to the Council, reminding voters of a "slush fund scandal" involving fake community organizations, but conspicuously ignore the mayor.
51) You should be conspicuously notified of the functions of all the applications in a bundle.
52) One element conspicuously missing from the set of Boolean operations is that of Exclusive-OR.
53) By sharp but conspicuously made a series of important issues.
54) Hanging conspicuously to the gas jet by a string was a folded paper. John seized it.
55) These adjectives refer to what is conspicuously bad or offensive.
56) After a nap at noon ,[] I found it lying there conspicuously -- slanted and almost motionless.
57) Ovary: ovules numerous, on 3 parietal placentas; style simple, geniculate at base, conspicuously clavate, with an anterior opening stigmatic cavity.
58) Thus mountains are large isolated land masses that project conspicuously above their surroundings.
59) Some for example, have conspicuously failed to cover more than a part of the relevant facts.
60) Imaging findings include an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, most conspicuously seen on sagittal T1 or T2 weighted images.
61) The rich had not become so conspicuously rich as to drown all moderate incomes in obscurity.
62) Leaves densely hirsute especially on veins of abaxial surface. Flowers opposite. Corolla tube conspicuously puberulent annulate inside.
63) They travel between trees in a conspicuously uppy-downy switchback flight.
64) A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.
65) As the train continues westward, the mountain shows up conspicuously on the right.
66) The theory of elastic stability is conspicuously absent from many books on the theory of elasticity.
67) As foreign minister, he proposed an arc of freedom and prosperity that conspicuously excluded China.
68) Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A. patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes.
69) Conclusion Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field conspicuously restrained the growth status of tumor cells, and some tumor cells could be induced to apoptosis by EMF.
70) For my return, I sported an elastic bandage wrapped conspicuously around my calf.
71) I like to be well - dressed, but not too conspicuously.
72) Britain continues to follow US policy in this and other areas where American policies have most conspicuously failed.
73) Reacting to America's shellshocked consumers, other countries have stimulated their economies, most conspicuously China.




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