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单词 Perturbation
1. This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters.
2. But Atkins's introduction and chapters on operators, perturbation theory and group theory are enjoyable.
3. Perhaps the re-adoption of Augustus had triggered more perturbation and he feared to sleep.
4. I am also happy to say that the perturbation maneuver has been successfully completed.
5. Because of the perturbation, Mars experiences some torque.
6. Convergence rate of moments for stochastic perturbation gradient approximation.
7. Asymptotic Perturbation Theory. Higher - Order Effects.
8. The resulting formulae of the above perturbation operation are higher - order upwind and central PFV schemes.
9. The perturbation growth rate, critical wave number and critical Reynolds number are affected by thermal non - equilibrium effect .
10. In this paper, the approximate perturbation range of the state matrix of a linear time-invariant system is given, keeping the system controllability invariant.
11. The equations defining the zero - order perturbation simply govern the static solution.
12. With application of perturbation technique, a perturbation stochastic element-free Galerkin method (PSEFGM) in probabilistic structural analysis is constructed.
13. Thirdly, a dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter with rectangular-loop perturbation and stacked structure is presented.
14. With the time-dependent perturbation theory, the dynamics of a two-level system coupled to an Bose field is revisited.
15. An improved algorithm for zeroth order perturbation solution is presented.
16. In the strong field case the inter-electronic effects are treated as a perturbation.
17. Taking an external cavity laser diode(ECLD) as an example, calculations indicate that the perturbation analysis may become invalid under loss modulation.
18. The effect of rate of change for semimajor axis and inclination perturbation and drift of semimajor axis and inclination on the ground-track drift was analyzed.
19. The formula of the stationary state 1 th force perturbation energy is proved with Feynman - Hellman theorem.
20. By using the nonlinear programming theory, a optimal impulse satellite evasive trajectory planning model considering earth oblateness perturbation had been established.
21. The frequency stability, amplitude stability and harmonic content can be deduced from the second order perturbation solution of that equation.
22. To solve this problem, a new algorithm namely many-to-one matching decision algorithm based on correction of perturbation for matching measure matrix is proposed.
23. Classical and quantum oscillators of quartic anharmonicity are solved analytically up to the second power of(weak-coupling constant) by using the multiple-scale perturbation theory.
24. A class of nonlinear singularly perturbed elliptical problems with boundary perturbation are considered. The uniform valid of the constructed asymptotic expansion is proved.
25. In this paper, simple pendulum motion is studied by means of the series perturbation method.
26. The orbit variation in one day under the nonspherical perturbation is shown and the motion of the orbit...
27. The stability of a kind of missile guidance system is analyzed,(sentence dictionary) and the effect of perturbation of radome boresight error slope A on the stability is investigated.
28. In this paper, problems of bending of thin plates under the combined action of lateral loading and in-plane forces are studied by means of perturbation method.
29. At first, a necessary lemma is investigated, and thereby the absolute perturbation bounds is given.
30. The simulation results show that the simple and direct control can also reach rapid settling time without overshoot and steady-state error, and has satisfactory robust stability to model perturbation.
31. Physics Astronomy To cause perturbation, as of a celestial orbit.
32. We must seek two main approximation methods of solution, the variation method and perturbation theory.
33. Under the perturbation of source impedance and frequency of the power system, changes in fundamental current of inject into every filter of passive power device was analyzed based on numerical method.
34. This paper gives the elastic differential equation of collapse of perforated casing, and a general formula for reduction factor of elastic collapsing by perturbation method.
35. The current-phase relation of the superconductive tunnel junction can be derived from the TDGL equations with definite boundary conditions by using a perturbation treatment.
36. Its chaotic regime is obtained in this paper. We adopt small parametric perturbation control strategy to enlarge the working range of the converter. The results are satisfying.
37. In the experiments, a small-amplitude sine wave of displacement is modulated to shear loading to study the effects of shear stress perturbation on stick-slip instability.
38. This paper studys the single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder which is subjected to a vertical oscillation, employing two-time scales singular perturbation expansion.
39. The finite temperature and chemical potential axial anomalies in Euclidean space are studied within the framework of Perturbation theory.
40. The basic motion equations are simplified by perturbation method. The equations are computed by FFT numerical method with actual orography of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Rocky Mountains.
41. At last, about how to improve teaching stationary state perturbation method is briefly reviewed on base of modern teaching theory and self-study experience.
42. We have solved the solution structure of BD2 and studied its interaction with acetylated H4 tails by NMR chemical shifts perturbation experiments.
43. The current study aims to investigate the prosodic domain strengthening effect in the tonal perturbation of stop consonants and the relationship between prosody and voice quality in Taiwanese.
44. The zeroth the first-and the second-order analytic solutions are obtained for fully developed flow in circular pipes with narrow annular cross section using a perturbation method.
45. The prevalent formula for nonzero perturbation matrix in the secular equation is gained by the perturbation theory in degenerate state and property of spherical harmonics function.
46. Further simplification of the control design process could be realized by dividing the rotorcraft dynamics into translational dynamics and attitude dynamics by using singular perturbation theory.
47. The temperature sensitivity of the frequency as a function of quartz crystal anisotropy is presented by the perturbation equation due to the temperature change.
48. In this paper(), Reynolds equation of fintely - wide journal bearing for Oldroydfluid is derived by perturbation methods.
49. The system with uncertainties is considered as the perturbation of the system with determined parameters, and vibration control law is designed on the basis of the deterministic system.
50. Stress intensity factors at the craek tips are computed by complex variable functions and perturbation method and formulas are given in power series forms.
51. According to the perturbation theory, a distribution law of matrix element in secular equation is discovered in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom.
52. Robust stabilization of a class of linear system with nonlinear perturbation is discussed in this paper.
53. In this paper the solution of the mean elements which is suitable for the first order perturbation theory of artificial earth satellite is discussed.
54. Would the perturbation grow and have a knock-on effect, thus affecting the rest of the brain, or immediately die out?
55. Cellular automaton (CA) method was applied to simulate dendritic growth, perturbation at the interface and the branching mechanism.
56. The definition of admissible perturbation is romained in the appendix of part 2.
57. The Contour filtering system provides a gentle perturbation of the IF filter passband.
58. The focus at that time was something called deterministic chaos, in which a small perturbation can lead to a huge change in the system - the famous "butterfly effect".
59. The effects of the sliding-frequency guiding filters on reducing soliton phase jitter were theoretically studied by perturbation theory.
60. The present paper presents an uniformly valid asymptotic expansion for a class of singular perturbation boundary value problems via the renormalization group method.
61. By considering the impact of perturbation, orbital characteristics are researched mainly from three aspects including precession of orbital plane, change of orbital inclination and rotation of apogee.
62. The new method is based on combining perturbation method of eigen-problems with rational approximation of a vector-value function .
63. A relative motion model, considering the J_2 perturbation and suitable for motion in general elliptic orbit, was used.
64. He most certainly deserves credit as a pioneer, with Le Verrier, of applying perturbation theory to planetary motion.
65. It can be found out by means of the perturbation theory that the error of effective multiplication factor coming from a large mesh spacing has a linear relationship with the square of the mesh size.
66. The results show that the perturbation pressure forces induced by buoyancy, velocity advection and dray are of the same order of magnitude as the corresponding resource terms and act against them.
67. In this article, the effects of the small magnetic field perturbation on the equilibrium of plasma are discussed (the problem of the static stability of plasma).
68. In my paper, the method is dealt with the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with several perturbation terms.
69. The perturbation was a single extra 'spike,' or nerve impulse, introduced to a single neuron in the brain of a rat.
70. According to some disadvantages in the disposal process of the perturbation method, the concepts of perturbation quantity, constant quantity and stepwise disposal have been introduced.
71. Through the comparison, we use traveling-wave method to measure dispersion and nonresonant perturbation method to measure interaction impedance.
72. The approximate solution is presented and the critical condition of is obtained the perturbation method.
73. Formerly the FEM perturbation method is to make the same small varieties of mass matrix and stiffness matrix, then calculate changes of system's eigenvalue and eigen vector.
74. Electron motion in the EECRM being analysed, the nonlinear pendulum equation of electron-wave interaction is derived and then solved by second-order perturbation.
75. The paper presents an visual modelling and batch simulation approach for dynamic parameter perturbation system.
76. Based on no-preemptive priority queuing network model and infinitesimal perturbation analysis schemes, new dynamic scheduling algorithm is presented.
77. At present, method of thermal current meter, hotbox method, infrared thermal perturbation of the external walls in China are main methods to measure the heat transfer coefficients.
78. A method for synchronization of two systems with parameters perturbation is presented, which combines the error feedback approach with the parameter adaptive control way.
79. In this paper, we present some criteria for the oscillation of a class of the second order nonlinear differential inequation with Perturbation. The results generalize the known results.
80. The asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave has been established for the impermeable wall problem under small perturbation conditions and non-isothermal conditions.
81. In some problems in quantum transition(), time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude.
82. The analytical expressions for the dynamic stresses and perturbation of magnetic field vector are obtained by means of a finite integral transform and Laplace transform.
83. It is pointed out that the wave function of system can be exactly solved if the perturbation only depends on the time, and the exact expression of transition probability amplitude can be obtained.
84. In this paper, the parabolic equation with boundary perturbation is considered. Using discussion of the solvability, the perturbed solution of original problem is obtained.
85. As the effect of external perturbation of SWCNT rope, a pseudogap of about 0.1 eV at the Fermi level appears, and it makes a deep valley in the transmission probability curve.
86. The orbit variation in one day under the nonspherical perturbation is shown and the motion of the orbit plane is computed.
87. Investigates a class of strongly nonlinear oscillators in electrical engineering by using the perturbation incremental method.
88. In chapter 5, simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation genetic algorithm is used to solve the continuous program model.
89. The eigenfunction and eigenvalue of the equation are solved by the non-degenerate perturbation theory, as well as dispersion relations for the spin wave.
90. The system is composed of a knowledge-based switch control, a self-optimizing control based on the perturbation signal and the least square recurrence method.
91. In some problems in quantum transition, time - dependent perturbation theory gives the approximation of transition probability amplitude.
92. A perturbation theory model was set up for calculating vapor liquid equilibrium ( VLE ).
93. Comparisons between the interval analysis and the probability perturbation finite element method are made with respect to the mathematical proof and numerical examples, and the advant.
94. The properties of surface excitons of a polar crystal in a magnetic field are discussed by using a perturbation method.
95. The effective permittivity for biphase organic solution at microwave frequency has been obtained by the perturbation method.
96. Based preemptive priority queuing network model and infinitesimal perturbation analysis schemes , new scheduling algorithm is presented.
97. This paper focuses on the perturbation which takes the sine form. The effect of amplitude, frequency, wave number, and initial phase difference on the propagation of optical soliton is investigated.
98. A chaotic image encryption method based on control word is designed to improve the chaotic perturbation model and solve the finite precision problem in chaotic encryption.
99. Under action of uniformly distributed load or uniformly distributed moment along edge, results are compared with that obtained by perturbation method, and it shows that the method used in...
100. So various methods are proposed by scholars to solve these problems, such as pulse spectrum method, the best perturbation method, Monte Carlo method, optimized and regularization method.
101. Meanwhile, in order to reduce the times of simulation run the perturbation analysis techniques are introduced in the algorithm.
102. With the thought of "perturbation", this paper analyes the solution of Laplace equation for poles having irregular boundary.
103. To James, steady attention was thus the default condition of a mature mind, an ordinary state undone only by perturbation.
104. On this basis, the normalized iterative method for inverse calculation of permeability coefficient is established by using approximation function and perturbation method for operator identification.
105. By means of the perturbation theory, the periodic solution and the relation between excitation and response of the system under the action of harmonic excitation are obtained.
106. By the aid of the phase shift-frequency characteristic, the conformal transformation and the perturbation theory, a new kind of compact, broadband waveguide phase shifter is developed.
107. Taking the earth rotation and oblateness into consideration, the orbit perturbation, attitude errors and its stability effects on SAR Doppler parameters are analyzed.
108. However, there are still many methods canit: Perturbation method , Test particle method, Nonequilibrium method, Normal mode analysis.
109. Firstly, a perturbation and spaced eigenvalue problems of vibrating string is presented.
110. Robust stabilization of a class of linear system nonlinear perturbation is discussed in this paper.
111. The numerical application is performed for robust static divergence and aeroelastic deformation of a large aspect-ratio wing with perturbation on the elastic modulus of its fore-beam.
112. A feed-forward back propagating neural network is trained to achieve and maintain control of the unstable periodic orbits embedded in a chaotic attractor on the inputs of parameter perturbation model.
113. The single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder subjected to a vertical oscillation was studied by employing two-time-scale perturbation expansions.
114. Time - dependent Perturbation Theory. Transition probability. Adiabatic theorem revisited. Sinusoidal perturbations.
115. If mass or stiffness perturbation is considered to be a harmonic excitation, one has obtained a forced vibration equation to the original structure.
116. Under second-order perturbation approximation, the nonlinear effect of Lamb wave propagation may be treated as a second-order perturbation of linear response of Lamb wave propagation.
117. Simple form unretarted orbit of space vehicles under the first order perturbation of the oblateness of the earth is obtained in this paper.
118. The physical mechanism of this conclusion is explained by the force which driving perturbation development and the equivalent mass driven by perturbation.
119. Experimental results show the watermark is invisible and robust to common image processing operations such as JPEG compression, cropping, resizing,() median value filtering and noise perturbation.
120. The research contents of frame theory mainly include: frame characters, dual frame characters, perturbation of frames, etc.
121. This paper deals with the existence of two positive solutions for critical elliptic equations with a changed sign perturbation and with an auxiliary condition.
122. The results show that the system has an unstable region when perturbation varies linearly, and the system only takes on single periodic oscillation state in the region.
123. Our results indicate that the axial component of wavevector of perturbation can lead to a new instability.
124. The results show Firstly, Randomly perturbation on the position and diameter of air holes are introduced respectively in the photonic crystal slab.
125. In this paper, the method, which is called Computer Aided Perturbation (CAP), is used for the optimization design of the multi-stage microwave amplifier circuits.
126. The hail fall of the hail cloud which domain of the initial potential temperature perturbation is located in lee slope is 6 times as large as in windward slope.
127. The parameters of tripler under amplitude modulation and phase perturbation have been optimized.
128. In this paper, the problem of obtaining the acoustic velocity of a small coaxial cylinder in a resonance cylindrical cavity is discussed on the basis of the perturbation theory.
129. In the propagation state, using perturbation theory and low-order mode approximation, characteristic equations for propagation constants are prcsented.
130. In this paper, we discuss two problems for the matrix computation. The first is matrix perturbation analysis, and the second is matrix iterative analysis.
131. The theoretical prediction about non - lepton decay of B - meson is facing challenges. Because there is not tiny perturbation in the course of decay.
132. The correction of the solid tide perturbation to the coordinate of the phase center of GPS receiver has been present.
133. Finally, in Chapter 5, the mechanics of sandpile avalanche has been studied using a horizontal vibration as an outside perturbation.
134. A perturbation test method of rectangular cavity is discussed for determination of complex permittivity of dielectric materials at microwave frequencies.
135. This paper presents an iterative method for separating singular perturbation control systems.
136. The orbit variation in one day under the nonspherical perturbation is shown and the motion of the orbit plane is co...
137. Moreover, its coverage performance is also evaluated under some factors, such as the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), orbital perturbation, space transmission loss and eclipse.
138. To study the stability of the equilibrium configuration, we superpose the equilibrium configuration with a small perturbation and calculate the natural frequencies of the deformed elastica .
139. Lastly, the new relative perturbation bounds for special matrix and diagonalizable matrix are obtained.
140. The theoretical prediction about non - lepton decay of b-meson is facing challenges. Because there is not tiny perturbation in the course of decay.
141. Methods The maximum principle, monotone method, bifurcation theory, the perturbation theorem for linear operators and the stability theorem for bifurcation solutions were used.
142. In this paper, We study the perturbation problem of eigenvalue of a simple graph G to adding and deleting an edge.
143. Considering ultrasonic wave as perturbation, a coupled-wave equation group of fiber acoustooptic interaction is deduced. This equation group includes equations of forward wave and backward wave.
144. In the end, we prove the validity of the singular perturbation expansions and get some useful deductions about the existence of the classical solution to the flood wave equations.
145. In the end, we derive a perturbation bound which does not depend on the perturbation solution for the unique solution.
146. I tackle the perturbation problem of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation because of its importance.
147. The symmetric perturbation is of real mode and the antisymmetric is of complex mode.
148. By applying the geometric singular perturbation theory,(http:///perturbation.html) it is proved that steady traveling wave fronts is maintained when the delay is sufficiently small for a type of convolution kernel.
149. J 2 perturbation makes the relative orbit drift in the in track direction , nutation or procession.
150. A brief review by the progress of advanced statistical mechanics, integral equation and perturbation theory for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions in recent years is presented.
151. Thus, the perturbation model is updated in a batch-wise manner. After completion of each batch, a batch-wise perturbation model is identified linearized around the control trajectory for that batch.
152. Next, formal approximations of initial value problem was constructed by perturbation method and the asymptotic validity of the formal approximation is got.
153. Perturbation of the spatiotemporal dynamics of centrosome splitting can lead to genomic instability during cell division.
154. The perturbation of the aromatic system increases with decreasing ionic potential of the metals.
155. A precision analytical equation to relative motion of formation flying satellites for J 2 perturbation is presented.
156. This essay, Starting from the Calculation of the atomic magnetic moment, approaches the quantum theory of Paramagaetism and diamagnetism by applying quantum mechanics perturbation theory.




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