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单词 Enforced
1. Law can nerver be enforced unless fear supports it. 
2. He enforced his argument by adding details.
3. United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area.
4. Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
5. The rules were strictly enforced.
6. Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
7. Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws.
8. The caste system was rigidly enforced.
9. Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced .
10. The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.
11. The rules are stringently enforced.
12. The ban cannot be legally enforced.
13. Fire regulations are stringently enforced in all our factories.
14. The speed limit on motorways should be enforced.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. The landlord enforced his right to enter the property.
16. The law must be enforced without fear or favour.
17. The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.
18. Strict censorship is enforced in some countries.
19. In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.
20. He spent many years in enforced exile.
21. The ban on hunting is not strictly enforced .
22. The speed limit is strictly enforced on urban roads.
23. Whether this should be enforced by law or not is a moot point.
24. He is determined to see the Act enforced more stringently.
25. It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.
26. The political repression in this country is enforced by terror.
27. It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced.
28. They have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced.
29. David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence.
30. It was good to be home again after the enforced inactivity of the hospital bed.
1. He enforced his argument by adding details.
2. United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area.
3. Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
4. The rules were strictly enforced.
5. Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
6. It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced.
7. They have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced.
31. After a period of enforced idleness, she found a new job.
32. These measures will be enforced, if necessary, by the army.
33. If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.
34. The law must have teeth, and it must be enforced.
35. The real motive for the enforced resignations remained unclear.
36. They were peaceable, but none the less enforced clearances.
37. This enforced separation might make him feel her loss.
38. Responsibility can be enforced by strong laws.
39. Others think speed laws should be better enforced.
40. The strictest discipline would be enforced.
41. It should have enforced its post-1986 regulations more effectively.
42. Local driving regulations are strictly enforced.
43. Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law.
44. The photographs of Coranka Matic illustrate this enforced switch.
45. The suspicions were behind his enforced retirement in 1962.
46. The pair discussed the measure, which is not being enforced pending court appeals.
47. Space on the ground in the narrow paddock is limited by strictly enforced rules.
48. Involuntary unemployment and enforced leisure are Keynesian concepts which are precluded by assumption.
49. Long periods of enforced coexistence may include concessions or agreements and important, often fruitful, cultural exchange.
50. Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed.
51. For example, you may be some one who does not enjoy the enforced camaraderie of office life.
52. The law is framed widely, in the expectation that it will be enforced selectively.
53. But the agreements were not enforceable, or at any rate were not enforced.
54. Workers standing by were not always enjoying a leisure preference; they were sometimes enduring an enforced and hungry idleness.
55. In fact most of the rules we follow in our social lives are not legally enforced, but they are rules nevertheless.
56. The militants enforced the ban on cheating in school exams, and even that old tradition disappeared.
57. Trusts for performance seem also to have been enforced, at any rate where there was a public interest.
58. Prisoner after prisoner has complained about the arbitrary way in which the prison regulations are enforced.
59. And more to the point, why should they be enforced?
60. Every state has laws against the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to children, although they are rarely enforced.
61. This contradicts the spirit of the supplementary benefit regulations and suggests that the means test is being enforced with new vigour.
62. Therefore rural people have tended to have large surpluses extracted from them through low prices enforced by parastatal marketing boards.
63. A record balance of payments deficit is not the right background for enforced increases in industrial costs.
64. Apparently, he now believed that court orders could be enforced with troops, which he had denied during the Meredith incident.
65. If directives are not being enforced at a local level, the EC market will remain unfair.
66. It has has been enforced rigorously here only since April 1994.
67. The differences which remain are enforced mainly by differences in average income and in style of government.
68. A permanent state of war with the community was untenable, but the law must be enforced.
69. He says it's no use having a ban if it can't be enforced.
70. He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.
71. Basically, it consists of: Traditional caste systems in which roles are assigned at birth and enforced by social sanctions.
72. Anything to take her mind off the prospect of three weeks spent in enforced close proximity to Niall Grant.
73. Appeal dismissed with costs, not to be enforced without leave of the court. Legal aid taxation of appellant's costs.
74. A legal ban on the hunting of wildlife is not strictly enforced.
75. They waited there, in Berwick,[] in a strange state of enforced inaction and suspense.
76. Instead of automated leisure, enforced unemployment was on its way back.
77. The mood of enforced jollity is simply inappropriate for the Mahler Fifth.
78. Whipped by bad fortune, surrendering to the inexorable gravity of downward-sliding consequences, Edna enforced home order without compromise.
79. Subservience was expected from children, and sometimes the autocratic power of the father was enforced by law.
80. To Coleridge himself, however, his enforced departure from Ottery seemed like betrayal.
81. This should last until bribery scandals had been investigated and proper environmental standards enforced, they said.
82. The Justice Department negotiated a settlement in 1994 of charges that Microsoft enforced anticompetitive software licensing terms computer manufacturers.
83. The looming enforced removal of Mr Ozberk, 30, has the makings of a diplomatic incident.
84. It is then enforced and upheld by the agencies of the state.
85. Whatever enforced their absence for the last couple of years, it wasn't an extensive search for a new musical direction.
86. Today, many unfortunate people have too much enforced leisure, when they would actually prefer to be occupied.
87. Moreover, this enforced withdrawal from social integration can quickly cause the kind of demoralization so often associated with old age.
88. In the enforced absence of Elvis, Chuck Berry played guitar for the new man eight Januaries ago.
89. Though uniform standards will not be enforced, the agreement calls for joint monitoring of pollution.
90. He bowled Victor Trumper, and also enforced the follow-on. 9.
91. Compliance with these rules will be enforced by the appropriate authorities in each member state.
92. Therefore, grant-aided benefits and enforced improvements have not been as readily available to rural householders.
93. Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
94. This by-law has never been repealed and it is a great pity that it is not still rigidly enforced.
95. Housing Associations are now responsible for helping fill the gap created by local government's enforced withdrawal from property development.
96. A text of Modestinus also ends abruptly with the remark that the judge will ensure that the testator's instructions are enforced.
97. Order not to be enforced without leave of High Court.
98. And these rules may, of course, be enforced by an administrative hierarchy to which the subject may appeal.
99. After safety measures were enforced at his firm he went back to work and never experienced symptoms again.
100. The time limit is enforced by a double-faced chess clock.
101. Neither Hogben nor Haldane had any objection to a biologically based eugenics programme enforced by the state in a classless society.
102. In those circumstances, equity did not permit the security to be enforced against the wife.
103. Jeff Groscost actually wanted the Legislature to determine whether a species was truly endangered before the state enforced federal protections.
104. These laws impose obligations on citizens, and obedience to these obligations is enforced by the courts.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
105. They jammed into the buggy and the intimacy was physically enforced. Between the two bundled men she could hardly move.
106. Looking back, he was philosophical about the way his enforced retirement was handled.
107. The middle-aged manager might have well-thought-out ideas about how he would spend his enforced early retirement.
108. The result is not only pain, but an enforced lay-off that can cause as much distress as the discomfort.
109. Laws had to be enforced, as mine were regularly inspected.
110. During the next 18 months the no traffic zones will be carefully monitored to establish whether they should be permanently enforced.
111. To provide advice and guidance to businesses to enable them to comply with the requirements of the legislation enforced.
112. She wouldn't waste her enforced imprisonment in Castle Perilous, she would make a start on her lines!
113. But he is not entitled to go behind the Act to show that section 18 should not be enforced.
114. He said there would be no enforced redundancies, but some vacant posts would remain unfilled.
115. The sessions last approximately three quarters of an hour, and are enforced by the Cab Office.
116. Introduction I. Enforcing Law Law may be enforced by compulsion and coercion, or by conciliation and compromise.
117. It urges the Government to ensure that proper data protection standards are enforced.
118. Membership of the club was enforced to provide funds to improve the ramp.
119. The report shows that forestry management practices are not being effectively enforced and that timber resources are being mismanaged.
120. And for the first time in the long history of those unruly events, the time limits were actually enforced.
121. Lottery sales to juveniles are illegal, but laws are often not enforced.
122. And it has always been the men who have set the boundaries and enforced them.
123. Can covenants in a head lease be enforced by, or against, a subtenant?
124. Am I naive or snobbish in thinking that better standards ought to be enforced by the employers?
125. An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally.
126. The demands of survival have enforced a form of anarchism on Anarres.
127. New Zealand legislation prohibiting nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships from its territorial waters had been first enforced in February 1985.
128. It began to lose money, and would now owe banks some £250m-300m if its contracts were enforced.
129. But what would transform it from an externally enforced to a moral obligation?
130. Most statutory rights have to be enforced within a strict time limit.
131. In the meantime it is sufficient to note that the position where the rules are barely enforced at all is far from satisfactory.
132. Only with the rise of a leisured class, supported by the enforced toil of others, was the balance upset.
133. But a return to a strictly enforced standard becomes more and more difficult as the gap between generations widens.
134. Though the laws were rarely enforced, the Cayman Islands turned away a cruise liner chartered by 1,[]000 gay men in 1999.
135. The Independent Television Commission codes are due to become legally enforced on 1 January 1993.
136. The Court of Appeal held that in these circumstances the security could not be enforced against the wife.
137. Rules requiring pilots and key personnel -- flight deck crews, for example -- to get regular sleep were enforced.
138. The reverential hush is thus not only demanded, but enforced.
139. That civil war has been the rationale for the authoritarian rule Suharto and the military have enforced over the decades.
140. Domestic customers are now protected by a price formula, and high standards of service are enforced by the independent regulators.
141. Compliance with the Building Regulations is enforced by means of site inspections during the progress of the work.
142. At the beginning of the war, patrol and legislative enactments were rigidly enforced.
143. These would be established by managers and engineers and monitored and enforced by inspectors.
144. The horses that got away during his enforced absence continue to rankle.
145. Trading standards warn that the law will be vigorously enforced to keep illegal and obscene material out of circulation.
146. These are non-statutory rules made by the Inland Revenue stipulating when full tax liability will not be enforced.
147. Certain norms are formalized by translation into laws which are enforced by official sanctions.
148. The image presented was of potentially active individuals bereft both of health and satisfaction through enforced retirement from economic activity.
149. Criminal syndicalist laws were enforced and resulted in the jailing of political activists.
150. The 1974 Act is enforced by the Health and Safety Inspectorate, who have various powers, prohibition notices, etc.
151. Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour, criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized.
152. A nightly news programme, involving late inclusions and enforced changes in running order, is bound to be frenetic.
153. For new applicants, different councils' rules and regulations on allocations may be more or less strictly enforced by local officials.
154. But after 18 months of enforced dormancy, both have been given new life and relevance.
155. Ought this to be enforced in different circumstances against John's innocent son and heir?
156. Charles is unlikely to have suffered much in physical or intellectual terms from his enforced brief stay.
157. Now that the war is almost over, Moscow's information embargo is less strictly enforced.
158. Situations of enforced anonymity; being compelled to wear uniforms, clothes chosen by others that offend your aesthetic sense.
159. A new way of consumption was enforced but it tended to sacrifice social economy so as to maintain artificial standards of living.
160. Conservative Members say that they do not wish to pursue people or insist that their will should be enforced.
161. He hoped he would be able to reap the benefit of this enforced rest later, and see his drawings more freshly.
162. Can an expert's decision be enforced under s26 as an arbitration award?
163. The enforced lie-in was welcome; we caught the tide and enjoyed a short, rough crossing to Taransay.
164. In territory subjugated by the Union Army, slavery was protected and enforced,[] just as it had been before the war.
165. Classical criminology did not assume that existing legal definitions of crime and the way they are enforced necessarily constitute this objective category.
166. The growth of constitutionalism raised the problem of how the limitations imposed on the state were to be enforced.
167. Its decisions are enforced by police and by trading standards officers, and heavy fines are imposed for non-compliance with its directives.
168. The new provisions for smoke detectors will be enforced by each local authority, as part of its existing Building Control function.
169. But the report fails to live up to expectations in looking at how new legislation will be enforced.
170. But churches had been burnt, priests killed, and proud Saxons had ritually washed off their enforced baptism.
171. To compel a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense without placing it in the context of compulsory schooling enforced legally.
172. The women approached the union again, while I was there, to get a local agreement about hours of work enforced.
173. This spelled the end of the Brezhnev doctrine, under which Soviet military power enforced the loyalty of its peripheral satellite states.
174. The external loan repayments relate to the cash flows out of the authority enforced by maturity dates earlier than 60 years.
175. Payment could be enforced only by the courts, and would achieve little when poor husbands could not afford to pay.
176. The teacher enforced the principle by examples.
177. a period of enforced absence.
178. This reform must be enforced.
179. The measures are being enforced by Interior Ministry troops.
180. Both abstinence and sterilization can be enforced or voluntary.
181. They enforced payment by threats of legal action.
182. The above regulations are to be enforced immediately.
183. When using manual peer recovery, this access is enforced by the operator who only triggers peer recovery processing for servers that are unavailable.
184. Objective:To explore more precise, simply method of positioning pricking with little complication enforced by Analog machine.
185. Some polices can be enforced through configuration parameters (see the side-bar entitled "When to use rules versus configuration parameters" for details).
186. It's a piece of water-based folklore to rival St Swithin's 40-day hypothesis, but when a hosepipe ban is enforced it usually starts raining.
187. So much enforced reasoning had hold on Wilson's rage, he was calmer.
188. We have worked closely with the Deaf community first, on passage of ADA, and most recently, to ensure that the Act is enforced.
189. Through contextual information, problem resolution is streamlined, and standards and policies can be enforced.
190. The robber enforced obedience to their demand by threat of violence.
191. Meanwhile German EPP MEP Albert Dess said prison sentences should be enforced, and not just crimes.
192. In the world, some big enterprises are all developing Supply chain logistics and have succeeded to a certainty, their competition power is greatly enforced.
193. Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong.
194. Nationalist leader Ronald Ngala told the conference that "the best form of safeguard for all races in Kenya was a Bill of Rights enforced by an independent judiciary."
195. " de-escalation prevention and control strategy" was enforced for all the patients in RICU.
196. No deviation from these terms and conditions shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the Party against whom it is ought to be enforced.
197. Gothel knows the secret that many American parents act out but are slow to acknowledge: that confining their teens in enforced preadolescence helps them feel younger too.
198. Therefore,[http:///enforced.html] the sensitivity of power flow of vulnerable cutset branch with respect to generator or load power can reflect the effectiveness of the sites where the emergency controls are enforced.
199. The PLA has enforced new military training regulations and strength - ened regularized training.
200. Despite Russia's attempts to silence its critics and hide abuses, Milashina remains outspoken, publishing accounts of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, and torture.
201. Miscegenation, he says, is "essentially unnatural and destructive", and mixed-race children "are the most tragic victims of enforced multi-racism".
202. Quality Assurance Manager insures that the quality records maintenance procedure is enforced.
203. To guard against this hazard, officials enforced elaborate fire precautions.
204. Today, 99 % of copyright and trademark counterfeiting cases are enforced administratively, rather than criminally.
205. However, this lending would have to be enforced by government diktat because the self-interest of the banks would lead them to focus on preserving and rebuilding their own equity.
206. Moreover, health and fire codes are frequently enforced by criminal processes.
207. If laws are not enforced, crimes are committed with impunity.
208. The API portal allows for defining different developer packages (bronze, silver and gold) and supports API invocation Rate Limiting rules which are enforced by the gateway.
209. The reason for the difference is that Western markets rely on contracts being enforced by courts and on investors, suppliers and customers all acting on the basis of audited accounts.
210. These laws have been strictly enforced for the past decades.
211. Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
212. But long - term contracts can be symbiotic for producers and clients if properly enforced.
213. The government appeared to criminalize rape, but no information was available on details of the law and how effectively the law was enforced.
214. By use of concepts of pointer and derived type in FORTRAN90, a linked list which carried out a dynamic memory allocation for global stiffness matrix and enforced its flexibility is made.
215. China imposes no such burden on legislators; officials are subject only to patchily and secretively enforced requirements to report their incomes.
216. Enforced strictly by the clergy, John Frederick in 1561 deprived ministers the right to uphold it , vesting that power in the consistory at Weimar.
217. There are many problems of violation ofconstitutionof relocating urban housing, which are enforced by government department.
218. Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all.
219. This separation of processing tasks is enforced at the hardware level.
220. It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer.
221. Through this approach end - to end delay with small jitter and correct packet ordering can be enforced.
222. The security maintenance of the campus network should also be enforced.
223. Keller recently became a free agent after his contract with new club Genoa was annulled due to the club's enforced relegation to Serie C1.
224. Those investments often have been in countries where individual property rights are still being refined or land laws aren't evenly enforced. As a result, friction over land usage is rising.
225. States Parties undertake to include the offence of enforced disappearance as an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty subsequently to be concluded between them.
226. The index key size limit also applies to those constraints that are enforced through indexes.
227. Few opponents of regulation doubt the appropriateness of such judicially enforced rules as the implied warranty of fitness and safety that accompanies the sale of products.
228. Article 77 This Act shall be enforced from the date of promulgation.
229. "Customs laws" shall mean all statutory and regulatory provisions enforced or administered by the Customs administrations of the Parties concerning the importation, exportation, or transit of goods.
230. The Cryobiology Laboratory is opening again after the government enforced closure.
231. All patients were enforced recumbency and treated with large amount of fluid.
232. It also provides a method to define a set of hard and soft disk block and file allocation limits and the grace periods before the soft limit becomes enforced as the hard limit.
233. The requirement is enforced by the Office of Management and Budget.
234. The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
235. Anshan Iron and Steel Association is based on purchasing a long contract terms enforced.
236. The lenity policy to the criminal shall obey the existing legal spirits and be enforced according to the criminal laws.
237. The prohibition against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced.
238. With the development of social economy, the relevance between the quoted company and the regional economy will be enforced greatly.
239. He asserted the supremacy of the Holy Writ over church dogma, attacked the worship of images, relics, and saints, and denounced the sacramental view of the Eucharist and enforced celibacy as well.
240. If the trust property is enforced against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustor, trustee or beneficiary has the right to make an objection to the people's court.
241. This property should be used only for optimization, because security guarantees made for transparent code cannot be enforced if the code is unverifiable.
242. The law, however, was enforced in a mean and partisan spirit against the Jeffersonian Republicans.
243. Flag-waving, tyre-burning groups enforced the shutting of shops and held up cyclists; other traffic dared not venture out.
244. They enforced complete sharing and if you belonged to a kibbutz you were completely stuck with the common consumption.
245. The new Law on Corporate Income Tax will be comprehensively enforced.
246. Using the LSA can be advantageous on systems where strict password policies are enforced, since the LSA is not associated with a password.




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