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单词 Initialization
1, Writes an integer value to initialization file.
2, The decoder may also use resident default initialization tables.
3, Initialization of a short address with a long address.
4, In both languages, new is the object initialization command.
5, Initialization with an expression containing a comma operator.
6, Reads an integer value from initialization file.
7, Gets or sets the loop initialization statement.
8, Upon completion of initialization, the FPGA user access mode.
9, PST initialization failed ! no security key detected!
10, Performs arbitrary initialization before the workbench starts running.
11, The initialization phase builds the SQL for the database interactions.
12, Explicit initialization is not permitted with multiple variables declared with a single type specifier.
13, Network communicating module includes network card initialization sub-module, data sending sub-module and data receiving sub-module.
14, Creation and initialization of the "expected" output SDO so you can compare it with the actual output SDO that is returned by the map.
15, It utilizes the characteristic of sensitivity to initialization and indeterminism to contrail, so chaotic property determines the performance of chaotic sequence.
16, This error is thrown during the initialization phase of class loading.
17, No priori knowledge of the input data distribution is needed for initialization.
18, STDLLs are customized for each token type and have specific functions, such as an initialization routine, to allow the token to work with the slot manager.
19, The functions we defined are called when calculating the time data, so we also have to declare them in the initialization phase of the report (see Figure 10).
20, A member initializer that specifes an object initializer after the equals sign is an initialization of an embedded object.
21, The preferences for the DB2 pureXML Demo can be used to specify references to additional initialization files or to remove references to existing initialization files.
22, In this paper, the persistence and exponential decay characteristics of wavelet coefficient are analyzed,[http:///initialization.html] a model parameter initialization method is proposed.
23, A new tropical limited-area numerical model system developed in recent years is describe in detail, including model formulation, physical processes and data initialization.
24, In the previous example, notice that with implicitly-typed arrays, no square brackets are used on the left side of the initialization statement.
25, You should understand both the order of operations and the default initialization of an object.
26, Three required attributes for a rule are: 1) fully qualified name, 2) implementation class, and 3) initialization properties.
27, The pre-placed function may carry on the batch treating according to the initialization number of sheets.
28, The paper puts out a worthy popularized method of Parameter Initialization for neural network—vector unitization method.
29, Pre - placed function: May carry on the batch treating according to the initialization number of sheets.
30, A generic technique to avoid class-loading delays during the time-sensitive parts of your application is to preload classes during application startup or initialization.
31, onLoad — This function is where you place initialization code.
32, Splash window is often used to screen background initialization when making powerbuilder application.
33, Similarly, if an unhandled exception occurs during execution of the initialization code, the calling application is notified of a failure to load the library.
34, How to correct slow backup performance, slow virus or pre-job scans, and agent initialization problems on fragmented Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Server Hard Disk Partitions.
35, Logging is a critical function that needs to be active during the initialization phase.
36, Then, we proved that the same condition is sufficient for the robustness of the proposed learning algorithm against state disturbance, output measurement noise, and initialization error.
37, CPLD after the initialization may be independent to DSP carries on the trigger pulse signal the formation.
38, Similarly, system administrators often like to keep a step-by-step record of interactive system or server configuration and initialization.
39, Main program implements the function of the initialization IRMCK 201, interruption, every sub - module.
40, With the automatic initialization of hxclient, you are ready to use it for date, time, and number format.
41, In one embodiment, the expiration engine writes expiration information to the optical media, such as a date stamp at initialization of a recordable optical medium.
42, Optional user-supplied clock input. Synchronizes the initialization of one or more devices. This pin can be used as a user I/O pin after configuration.
43, The parameter length was not received during initialization of the extended stored procedure.
44, Initialization. A very common bug is to initialize a variable. Go through a loop, and then forget to reinitialize it when it needs to be reinitialized again.
45, It separates executions between transaction agents and deadlock detection process, using dedicated agent to handle the initialization, detection and resolve of the deadlock process.
46, Initialization of an external variable goes only with the definition.
47, The initialization step involves generating quasiparticle pairs, and the problem is knowing what species of quasiparticle has been created.
48, You can also create some helper methods to simplify the boilerplate initialization of the server object.
49, The software consists of initialization, data collection, verifying, result judging, data modify, result output and data backup module.
50, These special methods include allocation, deallocation, and initialization of objects.
51, The ?init? method provides an initialization routine for rule bean.
52, MP 3 file information on the acquisition, broadcast, the initialization processing program.
52, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53, In the field of initialization of clustering for large data set, random sampling is used as an important reduction operation.
54, The memory controller can perform the memory initialization by receiving a start address of a memory, an end address of the memory and a fill value.
55, This initial call ensures that the per-thread initialization can complete without deadlock.
56, In Listing 9, we have moved the reference to myArray.length into the initialization section of the for statement, assigning it to a variable.
57, In general, a service implementation bean will go through four phases: the instantiation phase, the initialization phase, the execution phase and the removal phase.
58, The plurality of callbacks include, but are not limited to, initialization, memory transfer, and transfer processor state callbacks.
59, The software system design based on above hardware platform, including the DSP initialization program, the interrupt request service and speech separation.
60, Moreover, the boundary initialization of population is obtained by getting all the extreme points of the bounded convex polyhedron.
61, The init-param elements provide initialization parameters to a handler during its initialization phase, more specifically, when a container calls the handler's init method.
62, The component configurator implementation was modified to implement a service context interface that was passed to services using their initialization method.
63, The initialization module is used for initializing the subscriber line interface controller.
64, This method is called during workbench initialization prior to any windows being opened.
65, Portlets should do this lookup during their initialization phase and keep a reference to the cache instance as an instance variable of the portlet.
66, Initialized which include:adjusted stack pointer, the need to use the internal data memory of the initialization, set up the boot NC power output voltage and CPU interruption of the set.
67, While the subprogram include initialization subprogram and function subprogram, which is the basic of software system.
68, A system task that handles system initialization, allocation of time-shared regions, swapping, and general control of the time-sharing operation.
69, Of a magnetic disc system, with sectors established by information recorded during disc initialization.
70, Slackware Linux uses the BSD-style file layout for its system initialization files. These files are organized and easy to edit.
71, Has contained the gobang procedure checkerboard initialization, the game rule, the victory and defeat judgment method.
72, As part of plug-in initialization, db2auth.c creates a bi-directional named pipe.
73, The firmware of repeater is designed in modular design method. The key technology of CAN module initialization and dual FIFO transforming are discussed in detail.
74, Subsequent allocations of the memory need not perform the initialization because it's already in the desired state from the previous deallocation and call to the deconstructor.
75, Libraries must be threadsafe (re-entrant) and C-linkage must be used (at least for the initialization functions).
76, Once initialization is complete, this client can be used to submit and start jobs (startJob method), get the status of the running job (getStatus method) and other operations.
77, A third is to trim the collection to size after the initialization phase is complete.
78, Also it is good to do variable initialization at the time of declaration itself.
79, When you're done with a condition variable, you can release any resources allocated during initialization with a call to pthread_cond_destroy().
80, In the GMM, 32 mixed orthogonal Gaussian density functions have been used to realize the system objective and the LBG algorithm is used in the initialization process.
81, Because this is the study on the mobile in out-of-service in the idle mode, there are the detailed introductions about the operation process of initialization mode and idle mode.
82, A memory controller and methods for performing memory block initialization and copy functions with reduced bus traffic are disclosed.
83, The answer is that the design surface ends up being the first component because you create this control, as a Form[/initialization.html], during the main window initialization routine (see Figure 13 ).
84, Initialization vectors and other security state information is often contained in the security mechanism itself.
85, The software is programmed in assembly language, including initialization, key-press and interrupt program such as corresponding subprogram, external and serials.
86, After initialization, the system ran into the background program which includes keyboard, display module, SCI module, and fault processing module.
87, A structure variable implicitly includes an initialization of the elements using the structure's parameter less constructor.
88, After the initialization files are copied, you need to restart the client for all settings to load properly.
89, The software is composed of main program and SVPWM interruption subroutine. The former realizes DSP initialization, parameter setting etc.
90, An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.
91, The author figured out economic limit initialization production for new well varying in depth to be used to decrease low performance well and investment.
92, Next, the kernel will start the system initialization process init which will become process number one.
93, Causes its realization to cost as well as the initialization and the simulation automobile starts, stops, function and so on suspension, and dynamic scanning demonstration fare number.
94, This refactoring of the class also improves the code so that we have separated the initialization code from the object construction code.
95, Data source initialization error: the rowset object could not be advised.
96, Use a minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm for the initialization. This is the default.
97, A dynamic link library ( DLL ) initialization routine failed.
98, The software of system can divide into: initialization module, circulative display module, interrupting module, LED driver module, read clock and write clock module, keyboard and display module.
99, When generating an internal ROM in an Altera FPGA, the memory contents can be specified in a Memory Initialization File (. mif).
100, RTagentd: fatal system initialization error: [] server: bind error (10048), Invalid argument (shown in Figure 26).
101, For example, the layout phase is an important part of Flex component's life cycle, but there are other important phases, too, including the initialization phase and creation phases.
102, Implicitly typed arrays, a form of array creation and initialization that infers the element type of the array from an array initializer.
103, CAN communications program mainly includes three modules: initialization module, sending data module and receiving data module.
104, Calculation in advance introduced in initialization phase reduces the calculation cost of terminal in the process of execution, and satisfies real time request of wireless group communication.
105, For most intelligent valve positioner, the initialization process is basically very simple.
106, The RPG file open can occur implicitly during the RPG initialization phase or explicitly via the RPG OPEN operation and the use of the USROPN keyword on the file definition.
107, Data source initialization error: the row position object could not be advised.
108, Understand and grasp the object as a class to another class as data members, using initialization table call the constructor method, constructor execution order.
109, Finally, this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform, including the DSP initialization program, the interrupt request service and speech coding.
110, The software includes initialization module, parameter setting module, data collection module, data display module and data processing module.
111, All of the system initialization files are stored in the /etc/rc.d directory.
112, I then extract the initialization vector (IV) into a byte array, block encrypt the clear data[ ], and prefix the IV bytes to the encrypted data bytes.
113, As noted above, device and driver initialization can be a significant contributor as well.
114, In a UNIX environment, the initialization file is typically named .emacs, and located (by default) in your home directory.
115, You can optionally override this method in the derived class to provide a custom initialization routine.
116, This transition must have an associated operation known as the initialization operation, as Figure 10 shows.
117, Upstream bandwidth allocation and ranging are not required in the initialization of one way CM so the implement is simple.
118, The initialization and operation process and the resource searching, trust querying and updating algorithm are also thoroughly described in the model.
119, The first block contains the event handler to initialize the application (onload) and the initialization of the database, as shown in Listing 3.
120, Note that you use your previously initialized variables along with a fourth parameter that indicates the GFP mask for memory initialization.




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