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单词 Assertion
1, He was correct in his assertion that the minister had been lying.
2, The argument needs to progress beyond the simple assertion that criminals are made not born.
3, The assertion of the right to freedom is very important to all peoples.
4, How can you make such an assertion?
5, Your assertion is incontrovertibly true.
6, Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
7, Your assertion is not supported by the facts.
8, He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
9, He made an assertion that he was not responsible for it.
10, I certainly don't agree with his assertion that men are better drivers than women.
11, The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest.
12, The decision is seen as an assertion of his authority within the company.
13, These institutions have made the assertion of ethnic identity possible.
14, The Foreign Minister refuted the assertion that the developing countries are incapable of managing their industries.
15, Today, however, such an assertion is wholly untenable.
16, Lotta. Despite his assertion to the contrary.
17, So far, therefore, the fourth assertion looks remarkably strong.
18, It is impossible to prove or disprove McIntosh's assertion.
19, This justifies the assertion of the preceding paragraph.
20, Therefore we can not make the apriori assertion that private ownership and unfettered operation is always more efficient.
21, They refused to accept Morgan's assertion that the gens and group marriage were characteristic of the earlier human societies.
22, Assertion of her supremacy over the other members of the politburo was an essential step to confirming her position as heir-apparent.
23, Initially the three are to develop an Assertion Definition Language,(http:///assertion.html) which will eventually be used to generate test suites.
24, If you doubt this admittedly bold assertion, consider the impact of the company's decision to cease publishing mainframe prices.
25, Demonstration of this assertion depends on specifying the features of ante-mortem existence which are directly related to post-mortem existence. 1.
26, What he must do is to formulate an assertion which contradicts our own, and give us his instruction for testing it.
27, Perhaps the best approach to reading a proof for the first time is positively to disbelieve each assertion made.
28, I suppose that at school, where I had so little sleep, this assertion was true.
29, The objection to the claim is that it is mere assertion or, more kindly, an act of faith.
30, Characteristically, he does not cite any source for this assertion.
1, He was correct in his assertion that the minister had been lying.
2, The argument needs to progress beyond the simple assertion that criminals are made not born.
3, The assertion of the right to freedom is very important to all peoples.
4, He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
5, He made an assertion that he was not responsible for it.
6, The Foreign Minister refuted the assertion that the developing countries are incapable of managing their industries.
31, It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male, working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.
32, He asked the question sincerely, and sincerely believes his assertion that slavery was good for black folks.
33, That would be a hard assertion to make, since their own biologists have already suggested hundreds of miles.
34, Codinha said he had no evidence to dispute the Clintons' assertion that they knew nothing of the missing records' whereabouts.
35, There genuinely is a contrast between her rhetoric and assertion of personality and the reality of the decision-making process.
36, Wasteful and inefficient production Critics also challenge the assertion that the market system provides the goods most wanted by society.
37, His assertion is that our ancestors were too stupid to have created the most impressive of surviving ancient architectural and artistic works.
38, This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.
39, This is not, in its own right, a Renaissance deconstructionist assertion about the absence of a signified.
40, Even a decade ago, that would have been a contentious assertion.
41, Li's victory is seen as a significant assertion of new technology over old.
42, The only thing that is constant is the assertion of difference.
43, Establishing an ethnic identity itself facilitates the assertion of an individual identity.
44, It evidently included an assertion that the local authority had wrongly decided that he was intentionally homeless.
45, For those who see Methodism only through the solid shopkeeper image of Victorian times, this may seem a strange assertion.
46, Such a confident assertion of local feeling against nuclear power was in tune with shifts in the national political scene.
47, A bold assertion of reality indeed and very far from the idealised approach to love in adventure in another collaboration.
48, Behind the current absurdity here lies a novel assertion by House Speaker Newt Gingrich that has gone unexamined for too long.
49, But his assertion was later rebutted by Robinson and Reich, who said those markings were irrelevant.
49, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
50, Despite this assertion some economists and bankers believe exchange rates can be forecast by examination of key economic variables.
51, Alternatively the violation can be inverted; like a black comedy, or the assertion of a stark revenge or retribution.
52, They are a time of exploration, assertion, and challenge, and often of confusion, contradictions, and trauma.
53, It is necessary, therefore, to point out that there does not seem to be any decisive evidence in favour of the assertion.
54, Bored with the assertion of the central place of boredom in human affairs, he wrote.
55, The assertion that this has reached epidemic proportions can not be challenged.
56, This assertion is so obvious now that its impact at the time is almost forgotten.
57, This shows that the to infinitive necessarily implies the assertion that the pin actually dropped.
58, Yet the history of the bathhouse closures in the mid eighties casts strong doubt on this assertion.
59, The evidence supporting the assertion would presumably be the available statistical data.
60, I certainly would not agree with the assertion that everybody lies.
61, Few other authorities have supported Jennings' assertion and it has not found acceptance by most practitioners of government.
62, The inquiry says he did not raise his flag an assertion he strongly denies.
63, Such an assertion today would be greeted with incredulity and disbelief.
64, Such an assertion presupposes a well-founded theory of performance, one which was able to assign periods of time to mental processes.
65, Unlike most deconstructionist critics today, Goethe went beyond the assertion that modern science consists largely of constructed knowledge.
66, The emphatic assertion of individual control over health exerted in some of these accounts can be looked at in a wider context.
67, The employee's assertion that the invention has generated outstanding benefit has to be determined in relation to all the surrounding facts and circumstances.
68, This assertion was a crushing blow to the hopes of the Seminoles and the blacks.
69, Henry Ford's assertion that history was bunk was itself bunk: theology seemed to me a much better candidate.
70, Following Bagehot or modern functional sociology, the assertion is made that the figure of the sovereign binds together the national collective.
71, It was a little less than half enquiry, and a little more than half assertion.
72, However, the assertion that the poor examination results were largely attributable to the low expectations of the department went forward unamended.
73, Often the interaction between interest groups has consisted largely of assertion not fully supported by objective data or rational argument.
74, Unfortunately, as we have seen in Chapter 2, this assertion has not been true for more than twenty years.
75, A fifth mistaken approach is the facile assertion that opponents are being inconsistent.
76, The assertion that some particular type of conduct is morally wrong because it is may appear unsatisfactory but it is unchallengeable.
77, Some buckled beneath the assertion that Greene was the greatest anyway.
78, Paragraph 8 of the council's statement of claim makes a similar assertion in relation to the article of 24 September.
79, A second criticism is the assertion that it is impossible to develop a science of politics because of the subject matter.
80, An assertion is not defamatory simply because it is untrue - it must lower the victim in the eyes of right-thinking citizens.
81, Alternating attempts at forthright assertion of authority and tentative gestures of conciliation exacerbated the situation.
82, The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated,() specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
83, The assertion of exclusive rights will, however, be actionable in tort.
84, It does not deny the truth of the assertion that Parliament could, if it wished, confer such powers upon government.
85, There is a basic truth in his assertion, for before his time the use of marble was rare in Roman architecture.
86, It is bald assertion, based on what economists call casual empiricism.
87, All civilised states recognise this assertion of personal liberty and privacy.
88, The assertion that there was no such thing as mental illness, that it was a myth, seemed incomprehensible to her.
89, This could be done by beating down, as in the assertion of dominance over local authorities.
90, In doing so, they replace debate with assertion, and pull an essay away from patterns of reasoned argument.
91, When you make an assertion, what you are doing is telling your reader something you think is true.
92, A state of the blocks world is portrayed as an assertion, formed with predicate symbols.
93, This assertion is made in a new report by the Washington-based think tank, Resources for the Future.
94, This may mean ignoring the frequent assertion by critics that in adventure stones character must be subordinate to action.
95, This thesis subverts the commonsensible assertion related to time.
96, It'suffices to prove the second assertion.
97, It follows that your assertion is false.
98, This assertion rests on a misunderstanding.
99, This dark assertion will be illuminated later on.
100, A declarative sentence makes an assertion or a statement.
101, This article summarizes the follow - up and operation assertion and the relations of between ICD and antiarrhythmic - drugs.
102, His wife's assertion that he is innocent will ( surely ) be accepted.
103, Ask A if he can recommend a scout a potential new assertion to the backroom staff.
104, B . Assertion expression values can be any primitive type.
105, Their "community" strictly avoids sexual relations with those that could die as a result (chickens are a no-no) and central to their literature is their assertion that they never initiate sex.
106, An assertion that pertains to a point immediately following, in the execution sequence, a specified portion of a program.
107, This code relies on the assertion statement to handle the error condition.
108, This kind of assertion seems to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
109, Characterized by an authoritative(), arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
110, Bitchiness properly nurtured turns into healthy assertion, which all people need.
111, The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the non - word boundary assertion.
112, Next, you establish a business assertion relating two businesses, A and B, whose respective businessKeys are simplified here to businessKeyA and businessKeyB instead of the typical UUID format.
113, Irish Enterprise Minister Batt O'Keeffe said a bailout has not been discussed and rejected the assertion that there is a "crisis."
114, Roon's assertion about the British plan to land in Norway is correct.
115, Lastly, in line 18 an assertion statement is issued to determine the success or failure of a test case.
116, It is thus a properly Nietzschean paradox that the greatest lose in this apparent assertion of Life against all transcendent Causes is actual life itself.
117, And from this arises unsuitability, the assertion of temperaments and desires, and so there is fear and placation.
118, An assertion statement specifies a condition that you expect to hold true at some particular point in your program.
119, That gravity and acceleration through space produce identical physical effects is the remarkable assertion of the principle of Equivalence.
120, To define the Other as the locus of the word, is to say that its nothing other than the locus where an assertion is posited as veracious.
121, The Ecosphere was a mail-order proof of a remarkable assertion: self-sustained systems want to happen.
122, The scientists who made this assertion have since retracted their claim.
123, It also followed a ruling by a United Nations organization, backing Washington's assertion that U.S. beef is safe.
124, The utterance functions of the modifiers include referent and assertion.
125, The application shall specify the name of the ship, the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens.
126, This kind of assertion seems previou assert order to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
127, When we do not identify and document key control procedures in an assertion the tests of detail can be used as substantive tests of transactions.
128, The concepts of fault debouncing and self-healing are introduced for fault assertion, and a time-based debouncing and self-healing strategy is proposed.
129, Algorithmism asserts that phenomena and process of biosis are computable, and this assertion has gone on with Reductionism.
130, Indeed, the dome was designed by its maker to be placeless, meant to be plunked down anywhere from the Arctic to the tropics as an assertion of the global industrial dominance.
131, As he summarizes, "The assertion that nuclear attacks are peculiarly effective because nuclear destruction is peculiarly horrible is unpersuasive."
132, An assertion that pertains to a point immediately preceding, in the execution sequence, a specified portion of a program.
133, For simplicity, belief in God will be identified with theism and with the assertion God exists.
134, This assertion is flawed, and as such, the competency-based approach leads managers to waste time trying to teach the unteachable.
135, Hence his famous assertion that " no one does wrong willingly ".
136, MDM Server requires that a user identity be passed within the control object either as clear text values or as a SAML assertion.
137, Moreover, his assertion that markets have become more fragile is unproven.
138, Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control, but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages.
139, The assertion and the extra logging code appear only when the DEBUG macro is set during development. These statements disappear in the final production build.
140, Little's assertion is that the implementions hold-up is the most important impediment and that the development team would be wise to put some energy into seeing it removed.
141, The last level, assertion,(http:///assertion.html) is typically implemented through Java code or through a dedicated assertion language such as Schematron.
142, There are musicologists who assert that the three great innovators in our musical history were Monteverdi, Bach, and Stravinsky, though the assertion is disputable.
143, Assuming public accountability is the function of public finance, and government accounting is the assertion, measurement and communication of the process of the discharge of public accountability.
144, The logical formulas are an ordered binary pair, the first element is an assertion and the second is a definable domain or approximations of undefinable domain corresponding to the assertion.
145, The value of the test attribute of the xs:assertion element facet is an XPath 2.0 expression or XPath 2.0 subset as defined by the XML Schema 1.1 specification that evaluates to either true or false.
146, The Security Assertion Markup Language specification (SAML) is an XML based framework that aims to solve problems associated with exchanging security information in an SOA architecture.
147, To define the semantics of Communicating Sequential Processes, the notions of trace, assertion trace set, kernel of assertion trace set and process trace aet are introduced in this paper.
148, At last, this article does much work on designing and improving YHFT-DX's verification environment, and applying assertion to our verification system to improve efficient of verification.
149, This assertion, as we shall see in the next chapter, is certainly erroneous.
150, All of the information in the test assertion document is described in detail within the WS-I Analyzer Tool Functional Specification (see Resources).
151, The transfer and assertion of the current task's user security context between address spaces is among these.
152, Pan-Arabism sprouted in the Ottoman Empire ruling period. Its basic assertion is that Arabians are a national community with goal to establish a United and independent Arabian country.
153, Besides, in the position of the dynast, Cao Pi was naturally incapable of opposing the assertion of using literal works to maintain the body of teachings on social relationships.
154, Coca-Cola, which has a decentralized system, declined to comment on the deal or Nooyi's assertion. Last month, Coke CEO Muhtar Kent reiterated his commitment to its model.
155, And his assertion that whole-grain dark bread was preferable to bread made from refined white flour was later borne out by the twentieth-century discovery of vitamins.
156, They suggest that the advice, justifiably or not, comes across to us as one-upmanship, or assertion of dominance, or criticism, or distrust, or failure to consider our own unique goals and priorities.
157, The 77-year-old ceremonial but deeply revered chief of state underlined Prime Minister Naoto Kan's earlier assertion that Japan is going through its worst crisis since World War II.
158, In this final assertion of the body Milton, I think, is able to recover his theodicy, his attempt to justify the ways of God here on earth.
159, The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the word boundary assertion.
160, Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical!
161, Both are instances of demands for goods or services supplied by the efforts of others — and the raising of that desire to an assertion of rights.
162, With this assertion of her dignity she bade her parents farewell.
163, So that particular argument for extending particular function argument the assertion language or for expressing contracts in English goes away at least in the long term.
164, For example, a programmer might include the assertion that you should never reach the default condition in a switch statement.
165, British parasitologist noted for advances in tropical medicine, such as the assertion that mosquitoes transmit malaria ( 1877 ).
166, So that particular argument for extending the assertion language or for expressing contracts in English goes away at least in the long term.
167, We further deny that this absence renders the assertion of Biblical inerrancy invalid or irrelevant.
168, E _ invalidCompletionStatus : ( 30100 ) signifies that one of assertion status values passed is unrecognized.
169, He has not a vestige of evidence for this assertion.sentence dictionary
170, As is inherited from modal logic and another extension of mathematic logic, temporal logic assertion inference can solve such problems.
171, The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the word - start boundary assertion.
172, The Style of Self - cancelling Assertion: How does Heller Differ from Wilde? From Nabokov ? From Humbert?
173, But if you return to my original assertion, you will notice some more weasel words.
174, A day in a bluebell wood, for its sheer assertion of life and the persistence of a delicate thing, is worth two weeks anywhere else.
175, Even more mystifying is the assertion that Deloitte welcomes diversity of thought.
176, But Collar has also taken his sword to a rival experiment called XENON which has long challenged DAMA's assertion of having detected dark matter.
177, In JUnit, for example, the Assertion class is a concrete class with a boatload of static assert methods, which the all-too-familiar TestCase class extends.
178, This extraordinary assertion was greeted with a roar of merriment.
179, The assertion is known as the closed graph theorem for Hilbert spaces.
180, If you assume that an argument is not NULL, for example, use an assertion statement to check for that assumption.
181, As with complex type definition, the assertions are an ordered sequence of xs:assertion elements specified as facets in the simple type definition.
182, By now, ABV(Assertion based verification) is the most popular technique in simulation for its strong ability in protocol verification.
183, The character which when preceded by an escape character represents an end of buffer assertion.
184, So in all of the plaintiffs' claims here rest on an assertion of de jure sovereignty.
185, Chapter XI Procedures for Publicizing Notice for Assertion of Maritime Liens.
186, Italian Renaissance artists tried to ignore winter.In fact, when Bruegel dwelt on snow, ice and heavy clothes, it was an act of rebellion and an assertion of north European identity.
187, But Graham described as unpersuasive the president's continuing assertion that the U.




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