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单词 Shale
1 We can extract oil from shale.
2 Shale underlies the coal.
3 The fossils lie embedded in a matrix of shale and sandstone.
4 The hard shale was now gone and the flat lake had become a choppy sea of sand and rock.
5 Quite simply because men must shale Parenting if women are to lead full lives.
6 Its only feature was a scattering of red shale; as a reaction I began to superimpose pictures.
7 Shale when wet is harder and more impervious to erosion than when dry.
8 Bring on those sheets of jagged shale, for at least they are firm!
9 Primarily in the Pierre Shale region of South Dakota.
10 The shale beds in between generally deform plastically.
11 The time of expulsion from this shale is uncertain.
12 It is the density data of the shale.
13 In situ deposits are dark shale with horizontal bedding.
14 Coal, iron, manganese, gypsum(), oil shale and other minerals.
15 More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale.
16 The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale, limestone and sandstone.
17 Data plotting above the standard curve were considered to represent uplifted Bunter Shale section.
18 The buried trees became coal seams and the mud and sands turned to shale and sandstone.
19 It would only have needed one postponement at the school's shale pitch to have wrecked Errol's big opportunity!
20 Like many other West Lothian settlements, the village grew around a shale oil refinery.
21 To some, the huge variety of life in the Burgess shale has been an inspiration.
22 After 2 kilometres, turn left and follow the signs to the former shale mining village of Philpstoun.
23 This is evidence of a transgression, meaning that as the Bright Angel Shale was being deposited the sea gradually moved landward.
24 It was formed by the heating and crushing of shale,[] a sedimentary rock which has hardened from mud.
25 The track ran parallel to the South Coast Expressway, through land that was flat, a wasteground of weeds and shale.
26 Several of these graptolites are preserved on the flat bedding surfaces of a black shale.
27 It was a telltale sign that water was seeping through the canyon walls, softening the mica shale and conglomerate abutment.
28 The buried forests became seams of coal and the strata of mud and sand hardened into shale and sandstone.
29 This indicates the sandstones can be over 30 m thick and are separated by well-defined shale beds.
30 Its sides were neither high nor sheer, just slopes of black shale rising no more than fifty feet.
1 We can extract oil from shale.
2 Shale underlies the coal.
31 Carbon shale distribute are continuously and thickness is fluctuate.
32 Get the mud sample under the shale - shaker.
33 The paper introduces the current status of shale oil industry point out the existing problems of shale distillation process in China.
34 The mix of dust and gas passes three pairs of cyclones for dry oil shale where dried fuel is separated and is given to screws of dry oil shale.
35 Block Wei 5 of the Jiangsu Oilfield is a marginal field with middle and low permeability and the thin multilateral sand and shale.
36 Scottish chemist and industrialist who showed that low-temperature distillation of shale could yield substantial commercial quantities of paraffin oil and solid paraffin wax.
37 And PetroChina officials are exploring new shale gas and coal-bed methane opportunities over the country.
38 Jintang mining area of oil shale lies in the central Maoming Basin which is half - graben basin.
39 Shale(mudstone) densimeter is a special instrument used to measure shale(mudstone) density during drilling in geological exploration for oil and gas.
40 Because some strata carbonaceous shale, the result of geophysical work was infected.
41 The dust caught by electric filter passes through an independent system of ash hydroremoval to pulp tank and is mixed with bulk of the shale ash leaving the operating UTT-3000 retort.
42 Exxon's shares fell in December when the firm bid $30 billion for XTO Energy, which gets its gas from "unconventional" shale beds.
43 The black graptolite shale facies indicate a deep - water, half enclosed and anoxic sedimentary environment.
44 The Upper Triassic Formation is sub-abysmal basinal facies deposit in the south and north depressions. A black shale layer developed.
45 Among them, the research of the physical chemistry characteristics of oil shale is the premise.
46 Soil of distribution is brown soil and yellow-brown soil which developed from granite, sandy shale, slate.
47 The capital markets clearly have provided a lot of capital, but these major oil companies are the right place financially for future development of these shale plays.
48 Based on the analysis of logging data, it is found that effect of porosity and shale content on acoustic velocity is heavier than that of water saturation on it.
49 A clutch of roughnecks, smudged with dirt and tattoos, are coring the earth, bringing up a little slice from the shale formation below.
50 The original commentary is about typical technologies for oil shale retorting.
51 The recombination of high polymer with strong antisalt and sylvite can enhance its inhibitory action on water sensitivity of mud stone and shale.
52 Based on parallel conductance between laminated shale and dispersed shaly sand, and ABC resistivity model proposed by V. S.
53 An analytical procedure as well as the separation method of the hydrocarbon constituents in heavy distillate and residue of crude shale oil is recommended.
54 The paper introduces a kind of perforated insulation board, which is made of iron ore tailing and shale with some additives of binding agent[], flux and foamer.
55 Shale reuses a lot of the Struts codebase and claims Struts as its "parent" framework, so you need to be convinced of the value of Struts if you're going to believe in the value of Shale.
56 According to working principles of the linear shale shaker, the movement differential equations of the screen box are given.
57 It was confirmable that possibility of casing failure increases under the combined action of shale swelling and wear and tear. Also, the author gives some protective measures.
58 In the pale light of the tunnel, 30-foot fossil traces of lycopsid gleam slickly in the shale roof like alligator skins.
59 The crushed oil shale is passed by belt conveyers to raw oil shale bins arranged on the screw conveyers (flow No. 4 in the diagram).
60 Taking Yongle Oilfield as an example, this paper gives an interpretation method of effective porosity parameters suitable for shale sandstone reservoir.
61 A classification table of oil shale ash composition is given out.
62 From the air-tight chambers of the screws the raw oil shale is poured into the inner recess of the aerofountain drier (hereinafter AFD).
63 Coal and oil shale occur alternatively and cyclically in the Paleogene Huangxian faulted Basin.
64 The higher porosity and shale content, the bigger acoustic compression coefficient is.
65 As cement, authigenic mineral or vein, dawsonite is found not only in marine dolomite and oil shale, but also in terrigenous fragmentary rock and coal measures.
66 Two reverse rotation self-synchronization motors are used in Model ZS6B drilling fluid linear shale shaker as vibrator, which makes the screen box produce linear vibration.
67 In Rocky Mountain shale oil, in proven reserves, we have three times the oil of Saudi Arabia.
68 A thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps, and as a denaturant for alcohol.
69 Cnooc has also been investing in other unconventional assets, with purchases of shale oil and gas elsewhere, and is developing deepwater drilling skills to open up new exploration possibilities.
70 Today, China, Estonia and Brazil have their shale oil commercial production.
71 In the paper , study on conductance mechanism of complex shaly sand reservoirs with bothlaminated shale and dispersed shale is carried out.
72 Kerr-McGee Corp. was once the most important corporate presence in the city. But the oil company never took a plunge into shale and was acquired by Anadarko Petroleum Corp. in 2006.
73 The age equivalence of fossils found in the sandstone and the shale is thus demonstrated.
74 The method has been applied to the determination of rare and rare earth elements in standard reference shale sample (GBW 07107)and standard reference stream sediments(GBW 07305 and GBW 07310).
75 One of the main difficulties encountered in catalytic cracking of shale oil is the poisoning effect of organic nitrogen bases on silica-alumina catalysts.
76 The landslide occur in the Gao Jabian shale of Silurian Period.
77 Oil company CNOOC has also bought an exceptionally large amount of mineral rights in the state in order to extract shale oil.
78 Among those methods of ensuring the supply of liquid fuel, shale oil is a realistic energy substitute for petroleum.
79 It is found that the oil effective permeability of low middle porous sandstone is related with the porosity, water saturation and shale volume of formation.
80 Huge fields of gas shale are believed to lie under the Appalachian Mountains, Michigan and the south-central states.
81 The Saliyak melange consists of dark-gray to black muddy and silty microclastic rock with intercalation of grayish purple and grayish green calcareous and muddy shale, marl and tuff.
82 The code in the first-shale directory is your personal starter app, which you'll use to learn all about the Shale application structure.
83 Two reverse rotation self-synchronization motors are used in Model ZS6B drilling fluid linear shale shaker as the vibrator, which makes the screen box produce linear vibration.
84 The Miaohe-type biotas occur in the black shale and siliceous shale in the transitional areas from the late open platform facies to deep-water shelf-bathyal facies.
85 The Susquehanna tops out the American Rivers list this year because it's in the Marcellus Shale region[http://], which has become a target in the rush to develop natural gas reserves.
86 Its materials might come from both magmas and host rocks, indicating that it was formed when the ichor (or hydrothermal solution) replaced the Devonian siliceous shale and so on.
87 The mine produces classic power coal and rich ore combustible shale.
88 In order to meet the feed requirements for FCC, shale oil was treated by oxidation and complexation, to extrude the basic nitrogen components and to reduce the total nitrogen content of shale oil.
89 The relation of screen capacity to the frequency and amplitude of vibration plays an important role in shale shaker design.
90 High content clay mineral shale, oil shale and marlite are the main source rocks for large oil or gas fields in the world, which formed in deep water slopes between platform and open sea.
91 Oil shale was formed in semi-saline or saline water environments caused by commixture of sea water with fresh water.
92 The burnability of the cement raw meal prepared by shale or yellow-sand has been studied in this paper.
93 Thin layers of sandy shale, and carbonaceous fragments are locally present.
94 If we could extract that crude, accurately termed "shale oil" it would amount to a huge resource.
95 Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory repurposed a 1.6-kilowatt industrial laser to burn through shale, limestone, and sandstone.
96 This paper demonstrates the feasibility of producing the haydite with Zhijing shale in Guizhou Province from aspects of the mineral composition, and chemical components, etc.
97 The study begins with the compare of shale inhibition abilities between methyl glucoside(MEG) and oil-based emulsion-drilling fluid and brine waters. Then, the environmental effect of MEG is analyzed.
98 Gray-black oil shale and black charcoal shale were high quality source rocks in Jurassic system comparatively.
99 Furnaces using solid heat-carrier retorting technology have a complex structure and construction of such furnace is relatively difficult, but the utilization rate of oil shale approaches 100%.
100 The specimen was collected from the grayish-green mudstone and shale of the Upper part, the Lower Member of the Middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation (Tr2t), Tongchuan region, Shaanxi Province, China.
101 The oil shale of Wulidui Formation in the Wucheng Basin, Tongbai occurs as brown-black, thin and soft slices with an average oil yield up to 6.
102 Resinite is a rich n 1 aceral in Teriary humic coal, boghead - cannel coal and oil shale fromHuangxian Coalfield.
103 As sediments of palaeocrater-lake facies, the Xiaotian Romation consists of deep black-black-grayish boackSandstone, siltstone and shale with intercalation of marlite lens.
104 Shale discoveries have reinvigorated U.S. oil and gas production that just half a dozen years ago was widely seen as in terminal decline.
105 Yet another reason to always start your development process with the Shale starter app!
106 But shale gas is going to defang the energy diplomacy of petro-nations.
107 Economically significant deposits of trona, a major source of sodium compounds , and thick layers of oil shale were created in the arid environment.
108 Second, we should expand American oil production by tapping into the extraordinary potential of oil shale.
109 Biogas in commercial size existed in sedimentary basin which has high deposition velocity and low geothermal gradient and shale, coalbed or compacted sandstone in unconventional environments.
110 These retorts were designed for supplying the Estonian Power Station with shale oil produced from unconcentrated fine-grained (energy) oil shale.
111 Producers have boosted supplies and recoverable reserves in the United States by combining horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, to produce gas from shale formations.
112 The rocky shale soils of the beautiful Perdeberg region in Paarl is a tough place to be a grape-vine, but fortunately a bit of torment on the vine makes for flavourful grapes.
113 Concerns have been raised in many countries about the safety of fracking, a technique in which high-pressure fluids are pumped into shale to fracture the rock and force out natural gas.
114 The existing retorting technology can not exploit the oil shale properly for it can cause pollution to the environment and it is high energy-consuming.
115 This paper investigates the methods to determine the oil saturation of water flooded formation and the methods of correcting shale, salinity, cement thickness effects for C/O logs.
116 Mother rock types of provenance controlled the characteristics of chemical composition and types of ash component of oil shale.
117 The contrast table of the poorest compensated results in shale, sandstone, and dolomite was given.
118 The development and utilization of oil shale have a history of nearly 200 years. Because oil shale contains high organic contents, it usually can be used by refining shale oil.
119 This experience can be used by China to guide the development of its oil shale retorting sector in a healthy and sustainable way.
120 Iron ores in the Gushan deposit, Anhui Province, occur in a contact tone between Mesozoic gabbro diorite and its country rocks dominated by Triassic shale, siltstone and sandstone.
121 Conventional oil shale mining method has higher coat because of restricting by a good many factors.
122 The sandstone and shale units are of the same age.
123 A metamorphic rock intermediate between shale and slate , that does not possess true slaty cleavage.
124 Based on the results of dispersion experiments on cores of sand and shale, the paper analyzed the variability of acoustic dispersion for dry and water-saturated cores.
125 We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.
126 Shale gas, according to the committee, accounts for two-thirds of America's technically recoverable reserves, enough to supply the country for 90 years.
127 The thermal dissociation of the potassium shale - potash system has been experimentally investigated.
128 There are also unconventional oil resources now being brought to the market, including shale oil from tar sands.
129 This article envisions the trends in the development of oil shale retorting technologies and concludes that Estonia′s experience and practice can be used for reference for China.
130 Besides, Estonia, China, German, and Israel have the oil shale combustion equipment for producing power.
131 It is used for low compressive strength and exceeding soft formation of high drillability, such as, shale, clay, sandstone, soft limestone, halite,() gypsum etc.
132 The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft.
133 The heat contained in stack gas exceeds that required for drying raw oil shale.
134 Therefore, osmotic phenomenon exists in the system of shale and water based fluid, but shale is a non-perfect semipermeable membrane.
135 To meet the need of big screening area of shale shaker, a kind of trimotor ellipse vibrating shale shaker based on synthesizing of linear and circular motion is presented.
136 The Eagle Ford shale is seen as an especially attractive prospect as it is believed to be rich in natural gas liquids and condensates, which command higher prices than regular natural gas.
137 The sediments are mudstone , shale, carbonaceous mudstone and marl of deep and semi - deep lake facies.
138 Then effective methods of enhancing seepage of oil shale are discussed in different depth.
139 Shale gas is also likely to divert investment in Britain from pricier but carbon-free nuclear and renewable-energy sources.
140 The key parameters of the oil shale resource appraisement consist of ore-bed recoverable thickness(H), orebody effective area(S), orebody weight(D) and orebody resource types, etc.
141 The geochemical characteristics of dark gray mudstone and shale in evaporite layers record the sedimentary environment of salt lake.
142 Two-step approximate formula of seismic velocity in sand and shale formation is given on the basis of core analysis. logging data interpretation and wave velocity mechanism analysis.
143 Now, Ridley is feeling optimistic about a gas that is produced from shale and is widely used in the US but not elsewhere.
144 Gold mineralization of the zone is confined only to the Cambrian carbonaceous shale overlain by siliceous rocks,[] and apparently controlled by a premineral tough shear zone.
145 In this paper, the industrial testing results of proportioning and sintering cement clinker with argillaceous shale instead of clay.
146 Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers.
147 More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling shale oil.
148 The shale oil from oil shale by the retorting technology is an ideal substitute for nature oil.
149 And China, which also has lots of unexploited shale gas, has few scruples about burning cheap coal.
150 Aiming at using actuality for oil shale of small size in china, Making use of equipment of Pyrolysis that developed by ourselves distilled shale oil from oil shale of small size in lab.
151 Deep lake oil shale in the lower part of Member 3 of Shahejie Formation is the most important high quality source rock in Dongying Sag.
152 According to oil shale resources situation in our country, more study should be given in the in situ thermal processing technique than retorting processing technique.
153 Gas oil fraction of shale oil is unstable. To address this problem, the authors of the article propose a new solvent extraction-alkali washing refining process.
154 There is a great deal of oil shale, belonging to coal series Kaolin, in a coal mine.
155 The country also abounds in petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, phosphorus and sulphur.
156 The reserves of oil shale in the world was up to 475 billion ton when converted into shale oil and 5.4 times equivalent to the natural oil which proven to be recoverable reserves.
156 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
157 Burgess Shale type preservation involves non mineralized tissues preserved as organic are replicated by hydrous aluminosilicates.
158 Bao ancient group plans for a major deep-sea - a half deep in the ash, black ash-like TLC tuffaceous siltstone, shale tuffaceous, with gray green, with thin gray-tuff interbedded uneven.
159 Pgrolysis mechanism of small - size oil shale was described and its technological flowsheet was introduced.
160 The central shale diapir zone is distributed with numerous diapir-anticlines and nose structures which are adjacent to hydrocarbon sources , being most prospective.




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